Babaji: Go
Maybe try this ...
There are indications of a defense line. That set at SD, TN, and FL. We suspect that reason, from a various sources from the TV if several people's face are put on the story, we are not sure, where are all these content coming from, but we assume, the TV saying loud about something, that is needed for us to pay attention. We suspect there is a defensing line, and instead of putting the girls on the front, they will always just leave the guys on the map for that line.
We have a photo from her Anna Jao, dressing red, to the Porslin Doll video that to be investigated if there is an ET activities with her. If there are an activities as if, the battle field are set on the stage, we could say, there is a defense line set on the map, by whomever the reasons bigger than, if we all die out, and she again, be left by herself facing all these ET issues.
We are also not sure the reasons how we ended it up on the line, from the control of the military, or American Classify, if through ET, we become the lines was a threat or a help. So if its a warning to us, we wish our family, wife could just take the kids away, as if we are being draft. The reference is in Coco Club, singing the Remember me songs. We think its best from this account, the extraterrestrial activities, that might be very hostile to the degree to any of us, that is unaware of how all these video or TV ended up with a material, that seems to be harmful to many of us, physical presence living on Earth. ET is Extraterrestrial, we are terrestrial, that is all we meant.
Mahavatar Babaji & Anna 2
You mean I suppose to sue them?
Babaji: Isn't that how that so?
I am?
Babaji: You think? You might get a lot a lot a lot of money for all of them doing to you with a proper lawyer.
If they want to go to hell, they can just go after they die, I don't even need to know about it.
Babaji: You don't need to live with your mother anymore, or Eben, or anyone, with loads of money.
Me and them are not really in so bad terms, I have to do that to them?
Babaji: money.
You mean those excuses are not enough for their wife not to sue them?
Babaji: They know how ugly it will get.
uhm ... I don't really know if I say 911, they should just leave.
Babaji: They want advantage you know.
I won't sue them, if you just get to ask me, like right now.
Babaji: I just thought maybe you forget you could sue them all ?
8 years long ....too many things becomes a blurs. They are happy, I think that is what I want for them. I have a reason that is why I got on the facebook. I was not going to tell them that....
Babaji: You suppose to tell a lot of things.
I am so tired of all these saying, more than one time, two times, three times....
Babaji: Don't you think that you getting stuffs by telling, that is good?
You want me to help them lawsuit their wife or something?
Babaji: Please?
Mahavatar Babaji & Anna
You don't actually believe they just believe it, you are right here.
Babaji: No one says anything.
... ....
Babaji: Do you have a piece of paper.
Babaji: Do you know how to fold airplane?
Babaji: Do you want to ask me something?
... ...
Babaji: I don't really think you need to know that. But ....a lot of evidence are on the TV, that you know Anna cannot possibly creates that, like Porsalin Doll. That is a Chinese Taiwanese folktale legands characteristic/figure speaking ways of presenting Gods. Idol Gods in the Bible. Do you believe God? Right ... I say look right. That is how it looks like as is. I am right here in her room. Eben insist that there is nothing in between us. Like sex. Anna would not say that, I would say that. Do you have something to ask me? I mean Anna.
No, I don't have anything to ask you.
Babaji: Like where you think all these girls will go? Jail. They should be all jailed if they keep doing this, inactive, when things need to response immediately for everyone's sake, they pretending, or to be pretencious, of everyone's attention is not on them, for one month, 3 months to 3 long years.
I am waiting them to go behind doing things on them own.
Babaji: They might not be doing anything, just wait.
You mean I call every middle school Buffalo, to find Karen's mother.
Babaji: You don't need to do that much of works, someone will take care of that. You are in Taiwan, injuired, as if that is not loudly heard across China.
Kids today don't care about a lot of people or Gods anymore, its always about their feeling, and where is next to search more feeling to swallow down.
Babaji: If this rate keep going the girls just refuse to act right, I don't necessarily to bring a war on the soil of every land. Understand?
I thought you want to solving the COVID 19
Babaji: You suppose to ask me that.
How do you solve the COVID 19
Babaji: you have high tech, everything is solved.
I don't see it on the monitor.
Babaji: They say it to everyone you use high tech trying to kill them all.
You mean Keanu, that ghost scene. Lords of Ring.
Babaji: He needs a repaired sword.
We are really going to follow these movies doing things?
Babaji: do you have a choice?
I am back
Babaji: You are back !
Hi !
Babaji: Welcome.
I am drinking juice.
Babaji: What do you tell them, to call me?
The little kid little monks?
Babaji: Right.
小鬼小和尚~ (還有高年級的)
你們的年紀現在不是很在乎美嗎 ? 就是有青春期?
你們不想建議,你們寺廟的住持買你們一個果汁機嗎 ? 你們就一個人掌控那一整個果汁機呀 ! 榨汁~~~~
果汁、茶、水~~喝液體的人群呀 ! 你們在寺廟待著,本來就會碰到一些奇人~ 講說為什麼他們想要修行,不是嗎 ? 那就會有人吃東西很少 ! 你們長大覺得自己的皮膚現在這六個月跟下面六個月比起來~想筆嗎 ?
網路你們可以查很多事情,但是渣果汁在美國比較受歡迎呀 ! 那就有時候看一下 Dr. Gabriel 的影片 ! 清海無上師跟他也有對話,關於喝果汁的文化!
他救世會戴帽子,很愛美的一種人呀 !
美的事物 !
小鬼小和尚 ~ (還有高年級的)
你們知道什麼東西在美國很紅嗎 ? 就是 Juicing, music, and informatics....
Juicing = 喝果汁
music = 音樂
informatics=y資訊呀 !
資訊業就是講矽谷的意思ˋ~ 矽谷就是 Silicon Valley
Google跟臉書都是矽谷的出來的公司,知道嗎 ?
那喝果汁的 Dr. Gabriel Cousens 其實就在花千骨裡面演溫掌門 ! 就是有卜元鼎的那一個門派有神器 ! 他其實是猶太人的祭司 !
美國現在很清晰的文化就是喝果汁呀 ! 你們聽到夠,有一天就會知道什麼叫做尊上的專利 !
果汁機呀 !
削皮呀 !
買水果跟蔬菜呀 ! 很多清垃圾的渣渣呀 !
美國最新型的一種飲食習慣,在中國可能只有聽過,不代表是一種風俗~這種小團體其實在美國,因為人口沒有很多,你們中國走在世界的頂端的宗教者一群,叫做基本常識? 我尊上說喝果汁渣果汁、月經沒有,比美~比美~你們有沒有看布袋戲每一個神祉都很愛美嗎 ?
你們不覺得很現實叫做愛美???? 愛美的事物~~那訣竅是喝果汁~看好很多東西我說的,你們買東西才會知道寺廟要怎麼走點醫學呀 ! 醫藥呀 ! 健康呀 ! 運動呀 ! 對身體的一種鍛鍊~懂嗎?
I am on my facebook
I have a few things to do.
我在臉書上! 我有點事情要做~ 小鬼小和尚看完昨天的文章嗎 ?
我在線上 !
你們的發明呀! 觀察力~觀察~我在幹嘛 !
小鬼小和尚 ~ (跟高年級的) ~網際網路~現在你們用的東西叫做網路 ! 你們明天早上看好了 ! 我覺得你們很閒~離佛像最近~發明一些什麼 Web 2.0 的類似概念呀 !
你們以後發明創造就不需要待在寺廟~想吃什麼就吃成肥子,可以去外面買房子~自己一個人過人生! 跟別人合作製作網際網路的新型概念~有沒有覺得網路世界是有方便性的?
所以呀 ! 你們每一天都人擠多多~靠近佛像就是去沾著佛像想,怎麼賺錢錢 ~
你們看我們定點很多,據點的意思,一個線上都是人呀 ! 假設,那妳們彼此不會交換訊息?
那我在這裡叫做尊上辦公,你們就閒暇走進來,觀摩 !
那你們那一邊的機器都在幹嘛 ? 就盯著 我看? 你們可以錄影自己的姿勢怎麼煮菜呀 ! 背脊 背脊~你們坐下來講話,背脊背脊 ~~~知道嗎 ? 這很多上電視的蓋念要對自己的人身,有點期許,做點自主意識知道,像說: 你自主意識知道你們自己在駝背,你們自己都會感覺到?
有沒有拉筋呀 ! 那妳們有沒有感覺自己的背? 因為你們是看不到你們自己的背部 ! 這很多東西就是當作眼睛看不到,憑著自己的感覺自己的身體去摸索,很多師門都會教導所謂,一些姿態的功夫呀 ! 氣功呀 ! 那你們到底學到哪一樣呢?
每一種東西的學習,都可以運用在創建自己的人身,站的直呀 ! 停留久一點呀 ! 知道自己的身體在哪裡呀 ! 常常看鏡子知道自己的姿態,懂嗎? 看天看雲看鳥呀 ! 然後對自己反省今天你們又做了什麼事情,有一天的每一天你們精進,是會有效果的 !
修行在個人,你們要非常清楚你們自己在幹嘛 ! 自己要弄懂自己想要做什麼事情,叫做現在馬上!
知道嗎 ?
小鬼小和尚 ~ (跟高年級的)
你們現在是沒錢寫剪貼簿,還是沒錢要食物? 就是你們身材以後想要長多肥? 你們可知道如果肥起來之後比美就不好了 ! 你們想要比美嗎 ? 你們寺廟有教導你們果汁機嗎 ?
果汁就是喝的時候營養很多! 對皮膚很好~但是唯一是說如果你們人很多,那就可能寺廟不能真的引進一些美國的概念叫做喝果汁,削皮呀 ~ 切水果呀 ! 弄果汁機 !
你們現在還小的就算了~在長高的,你們知道人如果變肥,你們以後會後悔比美嗎 ?
有人一天不用吃三餐呀 ! 在以前做和尚的人有人做節食~知道是什麼嗎 ?
節食~我尊上以前就是節食跟打坐 ~以前人都會那樣修行的 !
節食叫做 fasting
打坐叫做 meditation
你們把旁邊的女生拿出來比美嗎 ? 你們學校呀 ! 然後呢?
你們是比態度還是比美醜? 你們覺得金髮有差嗎 ?
我的眼睛是 Haze 就是藻綠色 ! 這種形容詞你們在乎嗎 ? 除非是你們自己的眼睛嗎 ?
對自己的飲食跟營養要做點,網路蒐尋,知道嗎 ? 尊上也是在念書念很多東西的那個人! 你們如果不精進,那誰精進呢?
飲食跟營養~果汁呀 ! 蔬菜汁呀 ! 美國很多概念~如果哪天叫做中國發展是給你們有點方便,想一下果汁機呀 ! 假設一隻帶一隻~要知道就算工作很辛苦的榨果汁,是一種鍛鍊身體,鍛鍊自己的身心,知道嗎 ? 任何廚房的事情都是一種鍛鍊,洗、切、煮、對自己的飲食要有研究,在比美的時候,會有人很精進的 ! 知道嗎 ? 營養學就是皮膚學
記得我告訴你們的~果汁的精隨就是一種非常高的營養~就是皮膚學 !
看 !
我覺得好多事情要處理~已經講過好久的事情! 我媽媽剛剛就是在傷害我的人 ~ 所以我跑去寫 EMAIL 希望美國他們可以做點事情 ! 就是三個台灣的 醫生! 他們從來不仔細聽我說什麼 !
幫著我媽媽一直在傷害我 ~ 我其實累了~真的好累喔!
他們為什麼就不 fire 他們? 一直在傷害我的人就是醫院的人員 !
I am back. You know my mother really hurting me a lot a lot a lot....with these Taiwan doctors would not listen to anything I say, or investigate people's name Annca, or Emporor....
She hurting me with Eben's issues. She thinks i talk to scammer for works. She has no extra money to save me from the US. Saying something like that....
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Military Orientation table ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you are so shocking in the Painting session of your orientation table since the first day, do you want to just go and watching whatever that is available to you on Leonardo Da Vinci biography?
I am busy to write the molecular level of your cell things....that is not surgical? He is a surgeon, I know that.
小鬼小和尚 ~ 線上辦公 ! (尊上 佛教攝政)
你們知道什麼是線上辦公的意思? 就是如果妳們要找尊上,看尊上在罵誰的時候,你們就跑來偷窺我在幹嘛 ? 通常是在講英文,生化、資訊,跟本業是化學 ~我是化學系的 ! 小鬼小和尚~你們這種行徑如果變成一種習慣~叫做認為尊上就是應該是佛教攝政呀 !五大宗教你們也有一部分叫做佛教的小鬼小和尚呀 ! 你們自動覺得你們的尊上是你們偷看的那一個人 24 小時~~~線上辦公!
知道嗎 ?
有人問妳們尊上在哪呀 ! 你們要說什麼?
五大宗教現在只有尊上我站出來~扯東西的那個人 ! 你們覺得其他的四大宗教會知道我們在這裡開會嗎 ? 那假如 20 年之後的佛教,500年以後的佛教,你們覺得這個團體以後會長什麼樣子呢? 大家一起線上辦公??????
網際網路,知道嗎 ?
你們佛教之下有一種字,叫做 "精進 " 跟 " 反省"
所謂英文裡面叫做 8 fold Path, introspect
對自己的行為,對自己的身口意,對自己的人生要有一種負責的責任 ! 你們從小要知道什麼叫做
禮義廉恥 ~ 仁義道德觀感,跟行俠仗義 ! 懂嗎?
知道嗎 ? 自己要變成哪種感覺~ 走路要抬頭~跟你們後面的背脊 ~~知道要直起來~摸摸看背後
彼此摸一下背後你們要挺起來自己的背 ! 看著影片~知道沒有? 自己把照片 看著螢幕自己在玻璃裡面~鏡子裡面走路的樣子
背~你們的背脊是直得還是駝背的 ! 知道嗎 ? 你們要不要覺得尊上絕對知道?
坐在石頭呀 ! 坐在地板上呀 !摸一下彼此的背 ~他們一摸~你們就會自己挺起來了 ! 知道嗎 ?你們是凹下去的!
因為有一天你不知道為什麼你會在四個點的框框裡面呀 !
白羊,牡羊座的意思! 知道白羊長什麼樣子在 Logo 上面~那你們自己的星座呢?
有沒有把自己的 Logo 看清楚? 要不要把尊上我的 Aries 那個 Logo 印出來擺旁邊看? 那你們自己的 Logo 呢?
對~自己要看鏡子五十次那種~走路的時候經過辦公大樓~風吹起呀 ! 你們有沒有看過反光的那種大樓玻璃? 那妳們看你們自己在裡面沒? 就是這樣看個一百次一千次~有一天你們會知道你們有沒有在影片裏面~建華就是這樣練出來的~你們的人身 ! 身體就是一種詮釋的美 ~那要站有站的樣子,坐有坐的樣子~知道沒有?
背脊! 你們現在坐下來~摸一下背~感覺一下自己挺起來沒有?
以後就要每一次坐下來的時候感覺一下 !
你們去面試~或是工作尋找也是這樣~去學校找實驗室或是 Intern 的時候也是那樣~要對自己的身體知道你們的感覺在哪裡~摸的到自己的背嗎 ? 有沒有感覺別人駝背的感覺?
你們感覺好嗎 ?
Military Oritentation Table
Are you tired of your military orientation table keep receiving files from me? When is your military orientation table will end?
So yesterday I talk about something called High consciousness vs Low consciousness.
What is to do with you? Have you thinking about using your PC to combat behind your desk. What would that be?
Do you know why I even ending up at the military orientation table one of this days? Its to because to teach you something sometimes for your future to use it.
Your terminology to me, is always about psychology. Others are telling you the mind. The Buddhism me will tell you what? Your mind, body, speech, precepts !!!!
Do you study the maps yet? My maps in RNA. The only map you can see in the public space, through the video.
Do you get the 5 Lords name 13 syllabus, to that UN speech Supreme Master Ching Hai has public free distribute about the 5 regions of the Worlds? Called 5 Worlds?
So what are these characteristis of people whom are in these Astral, Causal, Third level, Fourth level, Fifth level region?
If you are in the Supreme Master groups, you know how they are all fighting about, its to see when their Master telling them their level at.
So I am asking you again, do you get these region of the map, with the correct number in posts on your wall?
12 13 Fifth Level - Master Home level, Omni-presence's Level
10 11 Fourth Level - Utterness Darkness
789 - Third, Free, liberate level
56, Causal - Mind Level, Eloquent
1-4, Astral - Beauty, Handsome, highly emotional level.
Do you get all the written words down, to the maps, you stole from me to actually learn it right, as the military?
So do you want to tell me, how is my video doing compare to Eben Pagan, next to Tony Robbitn, Les Brown....Jack Canfiled.....Bob Practor, these are the motivation speakers, public speakers, business consultant....
Do you side by side compare to the video, why I have a name called Honorable Superioror
They telling you inside the Flower THousand Bone, what?
There is a White robe master, Black robe master
One is 10th, one is already at 11th.
So how do you conclude, whom is whom yet? Someone ask the white robe master to reach higher, breaking through the 10th level, to compete the 11th level black robe Master?
Do you understand these level plots?
Do you care about it?
Do you see the video
do you analyze the video?
A full day works?
我剛剛加了一點東西在文章裡面 !你們有時候要會去看一下~印出來的東西是不是一樣 !
因為我有時候寫東西,先存檔一次,然後之後再繼續寫 !
我現在無法給妳們做影片! 但是我有一個 Youtube 我現在先準備好! 就是有煮菜的那一個影片的那一整個 YouTube Channel 現在是空的 ! 我想以後給你們擺影片的!
因為我現在先給你們東西叫做,前面六個月,很久以後呀 ! 假設我們都死了下一個世代,會有人跟著這些題材再養一些小鬼小和尚,高年級,和尚群,考試的進來所謂: 知道尊上存在的那群人 !
應該會有人把我的資料給擺好吧 ?
我現在先不用影視~以後我再做影片就是了! 今年先沒有 !
或是等一下吧 ! 看看有機會再說 !
小鬼小和尚 ~ 早呀 ! 你們今天早上要幹嘛 ?
你們的六個月到了梅呀 ?
如果你們有高年級,現在是上學時間吧 ? 我還在台北呀 ! 那妳們通常怎麼拿我的信函的?
別人念給你們聽看著我的照片嗎 ?
意思是別人念給你們小鬼小和尚聽吧 ? 你們這麼小會看的懂字嗎 ?
那六個月快過去了吧 ? 有沒有收集我寫的東西,整理好呀 ?
那妳們覺得以後尊上寫信給你們還是做影片給你們呢? 我現在在挑衣服呀 ! 有熊熊的圖案 !!
那高年級六個月過去,字看的懂吧 ? 傳統中文看不懂,翻譯看的懂?
那你們覺得生活,多一個人你們認識的人覺得怎麼樣? 而且打中文給你們看的那個人!!
現在是沒有太多中文的影片 ! 我人不方便,但是只是一開始的六個月呀 !
有聽說嗎 ? 你們現在覺得你們現在哪一個才是你們的爸爸?
猜猜看呀 !
那除了小鬼小和尚,跟高年級,就是你們沒有爸媽吧 ?! 還考試進來是丟在別的地方,還是會選擇一些過來?
那就是成年組嗎 ? 我們其實只講了六個月的題材給小鬼小和尚~ Pinterest 你們的內容看過供奉的食物嗎 ?
現在有六個月的題材,你們分析的怎麼樣? 人生多了一個人~~~跟電視演四個點的框框,是覺得人生無趣?
通常講英文不是你們的事情,但是英文有學嗎 ?
English= 英文
Vocabulary =詞彙
Conversation =會話
Business English = 商業英文
Eben Pagan = 埃本 !
知道他是誰了嗎 ? 那先不告訴你們呀 ! 如果你們人很多,你們會互相交換訊息嗎 ? 叫做聊聊尊上的八卦~那最近的遙言長怎麼樣了呢? 你們要確定你們沒有爸媽的小鬼,到底有幾個爸爸呢? 沒有很想知道嗎 ? 那要說的出來~~尊上你到底有幾個男朋友呀 !
佛教自己比月經不見的時間 (有聽說我喝果汁喝到沒有月經沒? 中文有那個字嗎 ? 喝果汁者? Liquidarian? )
比才能時間 ( 你們覺得我才能怎麼樣? )
比英文時間 (你們覺得我講中文跟英文能力怎麼樣?)
比履歷表的時間 (你們自己有沒有想要創建自己的履歷表呀 ! 高年級 國家級? )
比宗教領袖者 ! 五大宗教
你們現在覺得裡所當然的所有事情,如果用這種推論的比較法,你們有沒有突然覺得你們有個尊上坐在那邊有點感覺不太一樣? 還是覺得都一樣? 那你們想要叫我呷咪?
尊上 還是安那? 安那的英文怎麼拚? Anna
⭐️⭐️ Taiwan CDC Twitter I read 我看過了 兩例 ⭐️⭐️
I am not wishing them to die ... 我是要去跟凱爾吵架的意思? I go and fight over things with Kail? know when I get back to the United State, I gonna shut myself off, away from these....all my friend's faces are inside the movies, with all the family members, friends, and faces are inside the movies, and there is open galaxy worlds, that we got high tech to know our future and the past. And ET are on the Porsalin Doll. I need my head to live in a normal sense of the world, like making the food, cleaning the house, jump, leap, bounce....Not Zawanna and Kail or this Babaji....I need to manage myself talking to the real human sleeping next by me.
Change my world !!! That is I intended to do. I do not want to hear about this Bible in the end....oh my dear. No one will be as freaking out as I could ever be....
I said some of you mix up something.
You by definition and by the brainwash of your TV, you believe the spiritual noble people, they automatically not care about a lot of things, like my photo, I keep showing you.
That is not the case for that vietanese little nun. She is being helped and faciliated to become like that, not I Anna born is like this like that, don't care what you say or do.
She cares
She cares about the story, she cares about the plots of the story, she cares about the image.
If she knows.
I don't know if she knows or not know.
You all mix it up. Some people feel very offended by their country old culture, you offending them on the image. They have pride. You took it, looking at me, you take it for grant too comfortably, I just meant I say, when I say I say. You believe in Photo is a good things. But everyone but me, cares some restrain image of their own faces. You cannot be just happy go lucky, and thinking everyone suppose to be like me, Anna.
There is no suppose to.
A lot of people care about the story if they see themselves in the story with whom they were with. Like me and Dean.
Or like Zawanna and me.
Why I don't care about it?
Because when I open my eyes, to focus right in front of me, its always this PC monitor. This is a real thing. Everything else of those romance photo telling me, they are not real things.
人生目標 ! 都說跟著錢走 ~~~
那你們決定你們的專業領域的同時,有沒有覺得人生是有點靈修、信仰、做點有道德意義的事情? 就是花千骨是講佛教十大徒弟好了! 那妳們是基督教,還是天主教,還是自己修行某種密門,我並不知道? 信仰對神呢? 對天 對地?
心智要敞開點,因為事情做的多的那些人,通常就不會這麼鱉鱉扭扭,有人走氣功呀 ! 有人走打坐呀 ! 有人相信佛呀 ! 有人相信時間的遷息,我們現在在聖經的最後一章節呀 !
聖經有翻成中文吧 ?
你們把所有人當作我現在,知道嗎 ? 你們弄錯了 ! 你們身心因為電視的洗腦,認為有修為的人應該就是仁義禮智不介意很多事情,我是不介意,但是滿慈子那隻介意~懂嗎?
High consciousness people vs. Low Consciousness people
You heard Babaji's mantra, love, simplicity, and Service to Humanity.
When you surf at higher consciousness, meaning, keep clean your period, keep clean the house, keep all files organize, talk in a clear sense, making things responsible, tidy, responsible, and service to multitude of people. When you doing all that, you become happier.
Not low consciousness, all you believe is death, dismay, negative Self talk, wishing others doing this for you, wishing that others do for you. You don't even know you are in the lower scale of mood swing, because you are too busy, nagging everything around you.
This is the Time, so many people diverged. They have that theory in 2012, probably saying a lot of timeline, a lot of reality, and synchronicity saying...
When you work for the multitude of people, you believe in Karma, you become selfless more and find ways of doing things easier. Is this something you wish you know before you become a Super Human one of this days, all movies turns real? You become vulnerable because something hit you this, hit you that.
I hope you actually know, the end of the goal here its to open galaxy. Its on the television. I don't trust a lot of people with the movie materials. All my friends are in the movies, but me, so I have a right to tell you, these are a lot of movies my friends are in it. There are reasons being made into that.
You know....a lot of people joins the seminar, to go making friends. Maybe some free seminar, you can still go in America. Seeing a bigger world than your world contains? No more TV no more movies? Something real, you can see it?
If you have money, you should go and meeting some people in that positive environment. Most public speakers now are all advocating positive mind set.
You know why being a mature human, its that someone hear you can depend on you, and that collected works from one individual to next, can multiple down the road, because we all depends on each other.
Someone does something, to accomplish something. Then someone else did something come behind it finish it. When the life and civilization built in this way, there is a progress in evolution. But most people don't care about others people's life. And I met just so plenty of them.
Where are they, when I run away from my sister, they called friends?
I give up the facebook, so my name can be burried down like Tesla. So the world I give everything, was the end of like this time. People's death counting down every single day. No one knows where the dead souls go, because they just die. And every day more, it going up. Everyone just listen to this like a gossip, and everyone is busy back to a normal life.
Have you thought about to find a reason with your low IQ or low consciousness, to someone else high IQ high consciousness meants to see the whole wide world as in a large picture of it?
You never being put on the spot, where one person has to fix EVERYTHING!
You don't say that, just the world expected you too.
Maybe you all should learn something about yourself, one person taking some responsibility over something or someone like being simple things, getting up from the bed, you clean your room.
You look after your own health, by getting a juicer, sorting the fruits or vegetable to dump the trash, washing the juicers, too much works?
Build a website or two, to feel how to catch up in time with Google.
Trying out to see what's the newest digital information by subscribing like anyone you find you interested to listen to? Podcast, or webinar.
Organize your life like you intend to tell me, your life has grow to a stage, you can foster others, when provide them a meal, just by cooking it, in 5 minutes, someone could sit down and eat?
You know until, I have to sort my friends junks, and email these licensing places....I never know I should have complained?
Complaining like it can be heard....the dcotor would not let me talk. Just watching my mother and him talk. Hurting me none stop. And this is a hospital, I cannot even calling in, phone does not work.
How terrible the feeling I actually lived for 5 years long ....Maybe you should records the time. Sometimes these comic books are not as accurate as if I just tell you, you are hurting me.
You could all just go to that hospital and throw trash to that doctor....or all those doctors....but no one lay off. Its all the jobs money, every day, running by my blood bleed....maybe you don't hear that I bleed...none stop with the hospital.
Everyone just watching me, in that if my life should be there.
do you know how unfair that is, that day?
Do you really know how horrible, terrible you all make me live?
While I give you all everything to live on ....
20 years ago, Taiwan is like 28 celcius degree. And now its like 33, 34 celcius. The human temperature is 37. So the Climate Change is real.
How funny....I talk in English, no one understand.
Where if I talk in Chinese, no one understand.
Can you imagine, of all the things you all ever did....was never a thing that ET meant they did it for me. And of all the things you say they are was them saving me from all of you.
Tell me about the words you say one more time in American Classify....that is how pity....the world should end. But no one just trying to concern my life, to even come and ask me....
Just one person to care for me.
Throw all of them including my mother my father my cousin, my sister my brother all in the Bermuda Triangle, because everyone of them just cannot stop hurting me, and you all just watch?
Blind eyes.
I didn't know today I could complain....How horrible all this has happened....
Do you finish the wall pasting, Sailor Moon becomes Trues Parts and Red River Manga? We need these now done.
Sailor Moon, One full Wall each
Ending, my discovery, the RNA shapes.
Me and her verse Dr. Janez ( Moon Kingdom memory)
Me and Eben verse them
Just coincident
Red River Manga, One Full Wall each
Collective karma on Comcubine, World Peace
Collective Karma, on High Priest blood statues Egyptain Princess.= me selected roles, its a riot society.
Zawanna on CNN.
These comic books has no beginning or the end, to say, if next 1000 years, other people can check the story plots?
Do you understand that?
We can only just except what is true on us, what we actually work our time off. We post all the notes on the website, on your walls?
你們為了情感會希望世界死掉掉吧 ? 這一代的小孩呀 !
不覺得死亡就在眼前,雖然感覺跟你認知好像沒有跟你有關聯,相信嗎 ?
真的嗎 ? 為了自己的利益、為了自己的情感,你們不想要世界就此消失殆盡、煙消雲散?
人生因為這種啟發是一種浪費,但是有些東西是真誠的付出,所以你們理所當然的會有業障呀 ! 看著死亡的數字也不知情的活著,因為人們都認為,只有自己的人生才是最重要,而付出的那一個人是拿了皇冠離開的那個人,知道自己錯在哪嗎 ? 不知吧 ?
天下之大,所有人都在怪罪你們的存在,對自己的人生不負責,尊上我知道很多呀 ! 那妳們不應該為了往生的那一條路仔細問問我,你們的未來會在哪裡呢?
有靈修珍惜的事情,一年又過去了 ... 你們曾經做了什麼嗎 ?
你們相信嗎 ? 你們認為自己方便的利益,剛好跟你生命有關聯,再說!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️你們有沒有想過未來? 假設你們爸媽不再了? 這 COVID 19 這麼強勢? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
人間是所謂紛紛擾擾的世界,你們做成熟人做成熟人該做的事情,就是帶領你們爸媽,如果好奇心這趨勢的演變,我的家人就不可能有這種事情,他們只要能存活著有錢呀 ! 有地方住,他們就謝天謝地了! 不會有什麼特別的興趣去了解傷害我最深的,是朋友、家人、醫護人員...
那妳們現在其實有選擇,人身是別人給予你們一個世界,才會有那個世界待著,不是理所當然為什麼這個世界存在呢? 現在 COVID 19 源起中國,你們可知尊上中毒就是我呀 ?
八年了~你們曾經想過自己的世界有一天會在哪裡嗎 ?
是這樣嗎 ?
我覺得東西全部就開在花千骨耶! 我們鬧烘烘就是一個花千骨 跟 Victoria Secret 那個有背景的 Winter Song 耶! 你們不覺得你們亞洲很幸運叫做聽得懂的中文 !!!
國外講什麼沒有什麼公信力! 這你們中國開,就應該有點覺得你們很慶幸呀 !
還是人生都在戀愛期間,我說的所有照片叫做滴血滴淚? 那如果不會變成我的東西,那就跟建華說借完照片,你就算還清我的影片的錢錢嗎 ? 我跟迪恩的故事呀 !
而且很多日本卡通全部都是你們聽說過的 ! 這不是值得慶幸嗎 ? 很多事情也就不需要這麼計較了嗎 ? 不是這樣? 看看自己擁有什麼?
還是都是只需要滴 滴 滴 滴 滴... ...
我曾經說過 YouTuber 會做一些很誇張的事情~因為演臉叫做 Face Card
有人就這樣延畢了! 知道人生跟學業是什麼關係? 人要好好讀書以後才不會一直做那種低的站腳的工作呀 ! 有想過嗎 ? 站的很累人?
想一下自己一生現在是在哪個時間點,現在是做什麼最好,美國真的不需要了解嗎 ?
矽谷沒有想去看看? 美國就是世界第一強國,你們不跟美國競爭,你們跟誰競爭呢?
是嗎 ?
要給予自己很多競爭力,國際競爭力 !
你們現在跟你們家長是講哪種語言? 英文法語? 歐洲語 ? 我尊上學的是法語 !
我其實高中才去美國一年交換學生,算大學在那邊慢慢爬英文的耶! 你們有沒有覺得做 ABC 其實很辛苦? 叫做講中文也不是很順~所以你們溝通是講哪種語言?
我的職業是呷咪? 我做生化的 ! 我寫的全部是英文,但是我講了一整個是中文的生化!
你們都有在聽嗎 ?還是說我直接就覺得跳過你們,你們爸媽講話就可以了~他們自己學網站
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️你們有沒有特別覺得如果中國開花千骨 ~我呀 ! 尊上的我呀 ! 你們有點東西需要學習? 網際網路篇? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
就是你們有沒有覺得在清海無上師講法師,所以你們必須之外~叫做我尊上覺得你們只會做,照片上法師告訴你們的事情,那講電視 Fantasy 我做尊上,那我講的一些基本東西學點英文呀 ! 等等等~YouTuber 呀 ! 就是新型的台灣這一個小島上面的網際網路呀 !
美少女戰士的照片呀 ! 一直貼呀 貼呀 貼的~ 什麼國外的格林童話有很多舞會衣服呀! 星星的顏色,月亮的顏色、太陽的顏色 ???
但是你們就在你們家的正前方!! 那興趣較做智商的發展,不是只是 Face card, face card 就是你們只想做一張臉的功能的人?
你們如果學習英文,意思就是國外電影是你們最愛的話,很多事情我們可以以後做呀 !現在也在做呀!!!
中國有 YouTuber 呀 !!! 中國很多環境都是在中國內部你們才會知道,我並不清楚,但是你們不是應該想要怎麼開拓自己的一片事業篇嗎 ? 那然後呢? 如果你們做大企業的,女兒兒子,那生活興福呀 ! 你們想幹嘛 就可以幹嘛 ! 這一整個網路全部都是買東西的天下!
你們不覺得我尊上很喜歡買東西嗎 ? 你們相信我的項鍊變成一半嗎 ? 很多東西自然壞掉到我無法理解這所有配戴品 ! 怎麼戴一戴就變成兩半了呢?
你們有跟你們爸媽討埨叫做 "買東西"?
我不可能一天到晚跟你們講中文,但是一年要準備過去,重要的事情我會說清楚的 ! 你們只是聽到的時間還是在這一年呀 !
你們不可能知道我同學的事情,所以自然不知道很多事情,但是你們唯一需要知道是花千骨,這最重要的時間做最重要的事情,人生在這一個時間,是不是特別重要呢? 你們如果失去這一生,也許只是一生過往過去,很多人都會告訴你,只是一個過往過去,因為並沒有什麼特別特殊,很多人都是那樣生活的,就像我的朋友他們,但是對某些人,人生並不想要去錯過是應該會有什麼的這一生呢?
找書呀 ! 找畫呀 ! 找紀錄呀 ! 找電視找電影 !
其實你們看到的都是我同學的臉 ! 你們其實也並不會真的知道我的感受~當年電視電影是真的 ! 像現在我講的是中文~是不可能的世界
然而通常,你們不覺得有人繼位的時候,是大家一起慶祝,歡騰的一件事情,以前就在滴血的事情,現在一遍又一遍的再說一次,我也好希望是有人會來這裡找我,找到我幫助我,那種叫做不可能的希望,其實你們有沒有朋友,這很多時間很多事情,一點都不重要,我做到尊上怎麼會希望他們被丟掉百慕達三角洲呢? 我是哪種尊上? 當然是幫助他們的,但是... 你們看在浪漫的氣氛之下,是我在演的位置為了他們著想,為了他們的生路奔波,然而~一遍又一遍的假設
我有時侯覺得,這樣下去好嗎 ? 前面的十六年,現在是下一個十六年的開始... ...這所有電視電影都寫在中文,我就一個人坐在那邊看,我坐了好幾年,每一年,每一天! 電視就不停地撥放,看在眼裡,知道在心底,事情我希望的,其實他們是自私的人,都是一些州立當地的小孩,你們認為真正的故事的結尾會是什麼呢? 我回美國尋找他們嗎 ?
你們朋友就不要給你們爸媽找麻煩了! 自己的人生再這一節,想一下,放棄全天下做我教導你們的商業化,往錢看齊,智商看齊,真正的商業白熱化看齊,不要再弄一下真真假假自己的朋友在最後都是放棄你們自己的那一個人!
你們的家人會等你回家的,不要再跟朋友認為,什麼叫做以和為貴! 你們拿臉書都是在滴血的每一個夜晚十一點 ! 看著知道的所有人的人生,何不去創建自己的人生呢?
我已經過了十六年,等我回神已經是下一個十六年的開端! 我站在遠方瞭望~
沒有人做到醫生只是自己的世界跟錢,椎心刺骨的哪一種感覺會是什麼感覺,知道嗎 ? 也許不久他們就會換掉位置,也因此這十六年就再也沒有證據了 !
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 既然我都講中文~叫做只要我可以講中文我就做我的尊上位置~ 我說你們的公主小妹劇本看過去沒有? 繼承者跟接班人? ⭐️⭐️⭐️
那天氣氣候呀 !!! 就是跟清海無上師的 requirement 有點類似呀 ! 況且你們可以直接看,中國年度大戲 ...
三生三世十里桃花 ( Eternal Love)
韓劇 : W 兩個世界
這幾樣東西不重要嗎 ?
那妳們的功課做到哪裡去了? 這幾樣東西就可以修很久,你們的才能問題跟智商問題!!
你們知道製作網頁上次我教很久的 Sitesell 但是因為你們爸媽聽不懂英文,你們有沒有覺得趙又廷偷跑去學了 Sitesell? ( Mark Chao)
所以什麼是 Sitesell? 你們有沒有解釋給你們爸媽聽聽? 叫做尊上今年做了什麼事情介紹哈利王子 Sitesell? 在英文的世界裡面,你們算 ABC 嗎 ? 就是跟趙又廷一樣嗎 ?
反正這霍建華也沒有聽說中文我什麼叫做 Sitesell
在英文世界裡面,網路世界是要所謂 Keywords 定在網路上,叫做搜尋網路的機器人會搜到你們這種關鍵字跟你的網路到底有沒有相關系 ! 所以你要重複你的關鍵字,假設寫不同的詞彙,但是在文章的起乘轉合之下,你們重複但又不能太重複,你們要會寫文章,所以整張文筆看起來自然,在那個公司的軟體之下會偵測你倒底寫對了沒有,關鍵字可能有五個一頁呀 !
這種關鍵字就是所謂 Google在網路上鑑定你的網路 ranking
假設你的事業是賣花~ 所以花店叫做白色的花店
然後你們根據這些關鍵字寫成一篇篇文章~但是用英文 !!
那妳們爸媽有說不讓妳們學習嗎 ?
還有煮菜 ! Zen的世界好像有煮菜這一件事情! 這佛教印度教有沒有講煮菜~這清海無上師什麼徒弟都收大概~叫做你們有沒有師父看電視拜師學藝! 她煮很多東西在電視上面!
他們說你們的煮菜問題 !!!
煮菜 ! Your cooking skills?
Do you want to tell me you all have a problem that is Ryoya Takashima?
你們會因為多了一個日本小孩我同年的,煮全素跟我有問題嗎 ?
這日本不知道在哪裡,你們是要旁聽到什麼時候~我以前跑去你們家去找 Ryoya Takashima YouTube Pages lefts a bunch of messages.
最近沒有去找他了! 他最近回來煮菜了! 做全素的!
你們要不要學一點基本廚藝? 聽說這是一件事情 ....
你們知道什麼叫做周旋跟溝通?跟霍建華的公司呀!李維的公司呀!中國、台灣、日本、韓國、香港、新加坡 (亞洲版圖 ) Asia Domain, Asia Pacific
假設你們現在要跟誰誰誰,叫做看照片認人像! 你們覺得你們喜歡誰的哪一個劇本去蹭脫那個劇本的故事情節,你們會怎麼 approach 建華呀 ! 趙又廷呀 !? 或是周渝民 ~我跟這個人不太熟 !
你們如果定義他們整個公司,你們都包下來 ! 不再是影星呀 ! 教育所有一整棟的人群 包括霍建華,你們會覺得尷尬嗎 ? 像說建華的經濟公司呀 ! The Management company
我的心 = My heart, he art (3 Art, Keanu Reeves)
我的肝 = My Liver, liv er
There are 3 stages of the stories plots are in "Eternal Love" ( To Mark and to Eben Pagan to tell them and illustrate a story)
你們看一個故事情節有沒有一個大綱,聽一段敘述文,說 cut ! Wait ~你剛剛說呷咪?
你們聽的懂中文嗎 ? 叫做聽清楚講了什麼話! 那分析講個出來一些事情,就算 copy and paste 那要去聽他們的跟記者的節錄,你們有做功課嗎 ?還是只需要一張照片 ?
四個點的框框 !!! (霍建華、趙又廷 ) 中國、台灣、日本、韓國、香港、新加坡 (亞洲版圖 ) Asia Domain, Asia Pacific
他們從 2018-2019 就開始聽我在講講講~~~我叫做尊上的台詞,講到他們下台的意思!
我是不知道這兩隻在幹嘛 ! 還有一個叫做什麼仔仔? 周渝民~
其實你們在台灣有很多種人脈~不一定要找影星! 霍建華因為是剛好幹部到! 任何東西到他手上就會抵達中國 ~
所以說假設中國那邊他們自己也有影星呀 !
他們現在時間很多~我什麼呷咪事情都不需要找他們 ! 你們有沒有想要拓展實力跟趙又廷比英文?
他是加拿大的 ABC ! 他看英文的速度應該比他的中文快吧 !!!
你們人多去跟他們貼或是找新的~教育他們呀! 弄到滿城風雨抵達對岸 !
其實亞洲就是講中國、日本、韓國、新加坡、台灣、香港地區 ! 你們法門跟門派很多吧 ? 一定要碰到通通在我跟她滿慈子演五行的美少女戰士嗎 ?
那妳們有沒有門派弟子,中國的眼手很長~~不能自己也把基礎科目拿出來演嗎 ?
那妳們的下一代有沒有要去教育? 就順便用用呀 ! 我有這麼小氣嗎 ?
不知道演到哪一個粉紅色的頭髮跟獨角獸,我告訴你們 !
你們中國、台灣亞洲整個版圖叫做,沒有企業在 Victoria Secrets 上面還是那個霍建華 ! 歌曲、花千骨跟Twitter 2018-2019 會不知道這裡? 那你們的下一代叫做除了商業的拓展跟啟發 ! 你們也沒有想要跟著電視演? 你們問妳們的下一代是說要找真的劇本~像我跟埃本一定就是打到越南小尼姑的事情,叫做美少女戰士 !我也剛好有四個朋友 變成楊冪的劇本? Tiny 4.0?
那企業之下~你們說你們自己會管好你們的商業行為跟國外的,埃本就當作聽過我以後的未來再說 !
那企業的家庭版叫做,法門、門派,你們這麼競爭叫做有實力的拓展以後未來科技,是說哪一種未來科技? 四個框框裡面的 愛恨情仇? 中國有沒有聽到很臉紅什麼叫愛、恨、情、仇?
你們相信我跟埃本是要真的再一起嗎 ? 變成 King and Queen 的下一代時間 ! 那妳們自己本島呢?
本土呀 ! 日本會看不懂中文嗎 ? 那新加坡呢?
我是不是沒有講的很清楚? 在時間的驅使之下~上一代叫做 Steve Jobs & Bills Gates Era !!!
那現在呢? 我跟埃本就逐步登上??
就是你有沒有想要在警察界呀 ! 中國幹部界呀 ! 霍建華界呀 ! 人民大會中國的界呀 ! 在時間的驅使之下的某一年的某一月開始,會有四個框框裡面的 effects?
知道什麼是 effects?
你們不知道現在是在搶什麼角色問題? 叫做麥克風?
那妳們有沒有覺得這種事情其實很重要,叫做拿出來的照片,跟站在旁邊的人際關係叫做投資者呀 !
我找西門跟李維呀 ! 那類~那你們中國有霍建華跟趙又廷叫做我拿出來擋~ 這四個點的框框講給國外聽叫做 "呷咪"!!!共呷咪~~~
那拿來亞洲中國地盤我講 "在時間的驅使之下,的四個點的框框裡面的 Effect"
還需要我在講一次嗎 ?
我沒有加警察局或是消防局 ~~ 我告訴你們不要連警察局都做了剪貼簿,最後變成他們一批自己自稱小鬼小和尚 ~~~ 每一天都在我旁邊轉轉轉!!!
你們有沒有覺得 ABC 當久了,有一天重要的事情還是要打中文? 講中文 ! 叫做本土語言 ?
我會看英文我也會看的懂中文 ?
所以呀 ! 你們自己的本島呢? 叫做就在旁邊的鄰居 ~~~ 我每一天就在外面蹦蹦跳跳,你們隨邊拍照都可以看到我呀 !
這佛教有請人出來叫做鑑定嗎 ? 人呢? 我講的是中文這一次,這兩三天都在講中文 ~~講的很細小! 你們有沒有覺得我打字打得很累人,叫做你們眼睛就順便看過去呀 ?
印度是不是也有企業 ?
Does India also have business, the big corporation and the private own company corporation ? Or the Indian military, or the Indian Buddhism?
你們是看中文看英文 ? 那我需要講中文現在 !!!
那鑑定者一定會看好中文版吧 ? 那我 說了呷咪????
時間的驅使之下~四個點的框框的 Effects!!!!!!!!
I said "With the Wheel of Time to propels a New Era~ the four points frames effects... (is yet to be photogenic?) "
你們是不是要聽過很多遍才會去聽懂的意思! 什麼叫做資訊的世代?
Digital Era
Digital Products
Digital Information product
Digital Database
Digital Librarian
這幾個詞彙有沒有覺得特別重要,關於某種未來的發展科技代名詞? 我覺得我的中文越寫越好了????
我其實不知道你們翻譯聽懂了多少,因為很多東西都是在講我身邊附近的垃圾~ 但是如果講一個叫做現在你們常常看照片的習慣感 !!!
習慣感 ~~~
你們的所有政客不是應該要聽說下一個世代的最流行比的就是比照片 !!
什麼 Pinterest tech
Facebook, Instagram
都是在比照片 ! 你們有沒有覺得又往前邁像一步叫做跟著星際的時間運轉自己生命中的所有過往,就變成皺紋? 真愛跟沉默的眼淚?
我一直都在講電影, 電視的那個統稱 ! 連內容的省過去,叫做看最重要最簡要的 "重點" 那會是???
叫做電視電影名稱 !!劇本的那第一個代名詞!
我叫做佛教攝政~ 你們有沒有想要順便把哪個宗教扛下來叫做教育下一代的企業之下的小孩呀! ?
我其實網站上面你們都可以留言 ~ 誰準備好了就丟過來~我會看的 ! 自己自願呀 ! 不需要跟爸媽報備了~ 我不會說什麼的 ! 架設網頁,做點基礎科目,做點實戰經驗 ! 我說了我會看的 !
我會知道你們留言的 !
什麼~ 害怕比照片?
是這樣嗎 ~ 那修一下照片!你們聽說很會做假的東西 !
你們知道埃本是 Dating guru? Meaning there is a market. 在美國是有市場的!
你們有沒有,把有些美少女戰士的未來 Queen and King story
意思就是, 那個未來的劇本=我跟埃本, 然後跟你們吵吵鬧鬧滿慈子立法委員台灣跟 Dr JaneZ Slovenia 的那個劇本
你們到底有沒有在翻譯,叫做現在美少女戰士照片,跟未來 King and Queen 的照片合集!
叫做你們專業的、專業的 professionally examine at ?
你們有沒有覺得如果有人真的像他們 Zawanna and 凱爾是領導者,外星呀!五百年呀!
要真的面對的事情,你們有沒有真誠的 一項一項寫下來?
Taiwan CDC(Twitter) 昨天我們在說赤河魅影第七集,有黑色的東西,在美國有流傳,但是有沒有跟說美國自己警察知不知道這種黑色東西存在 ….
在美國他們 alternative sites 有黑色教皇
如果是說有人跟我說美少女戰士有點真,我相信,因為最後一章節是我的發明,還有她的那種需要朋友的態度,然後她參加派對,她跟 Dr JaneZ 的劇情地球王子,彗星,所以至少三件事情是真實的在我們的眼前,我跟埃本也是!
Zawanna 在 CNN 的上面我也覺得很逼真!
我的影片上面有 UFO
你們有跟 American Soilder 美軍溝通嗎?
Do you vaccinate the animals ?
They are worried too if they get too close to human ?
之前就知道!這有沒有什麼意義 … …
你們知道其實滿慈子跟 Project Camelots are very proud human.
If I tell you something, will you hear me? The day before yesterday
Do you know sandwitch
And pastry ?
So that’s say 10 guys public in the banquet does to a girl. It’s to tell wife to go with the husband.
They have wife and gf and me
One day 5 guys behind does wireless on Live, 2 microphone guys to 2 girlfriends eating pastry. A stick type Italian cracker. A stick. = pastry
Do you know how many types of food Bible says to eat?
Wild honey, nana, nectar, Apple, fish falls from sky, vegetarian
台灣 CDC twitter 你們說七吧 ? 我昨天是他說給我三天時間考慮條件,他要我嫁給他! 我怎麼可能會做那種事情 ?
他說了一些事情~我現在要看第七,赤河魅影 !
我其實一點都不相信這漫畫~ 我也不想去相信這聖經 ! 是說我小鬼的時候,已經 有人去查了所有聖經的事情~因為我是 Lamb?
好吧 ! 我可以告訴你們他說了什麼~他說他是幽靈船的人 !
美少女戰士裡面就有幽靈船 ~在黑白色 或是 哥倫比亞海盜裡面也有海盜者!
我很討厭這種情況 ! 你們有沒有靈媒跟這 動物呀 ! 生態呀 ! 誰誰誰講過話呀 ! 我壓力很大 !
我根本不想知道這聖經處罰的事情,我真的不想知道,但是全部都是真的! 我要去哪裡才不會有那種事情發生? 只有一生,這一生~然後之後呢? 我能撐多久?
你們聽不懂我講什麼吧 ? 因為我並不會去想巴巴基或是 Zawanna
當沒有溝通的時候,就會是像第四集,有點像冷戰的意思嗎 ? 我本來就是空的一個人 !
我不想活在那種世界裡面 !!! 我修行是為了活在那種世界嗎 ? 那是每一天的懲法! 因為她在做所有錯誤的事情,我真的不想活在那種世界! 你們有沒有想辦法???這所有東西在電視上,是你們小心的謹慎的做事情,還是她故意的?
這 OU 語言會是她寫出來的東西嗎 ?
所以我當作這很多事情是因為你們有在背後的關係,我根本就不知道你們在做什麼~那如果把事情做到對,我就不想再被懲罰下去! 我其實還沒有老~但是我老的時候會非常緊張~因為我會去死掉的那一天~我現在如果躲避,你們有沒有想過我很害怕以後是地域還是弄不完的,她的縮寫? 叫做狂歡的世界?
你們有把聖經給拆了吧 ? 男孩子如果是神,你們寫完了沒有你們的報告? 什麼叫做上帝??? 兩的女的最後有一個罪人~~~!!!!! 你們到底有沒有聽到我說話呀 !!!
====== ===== =====
我有在看 ~~~~
=== ===== ======
你們男孩子過來一下 ! 我想問你們一些事情 !
我其實沒有要他去死 !
我問你們,假設你跟一個女孩子在一起! 是有 Sex 的! 假設 ~~~
但是人生真的因為事情,像我呀 ! 世界呀 ! 情況呀 ! 有一些紛爭,你們腦袋裡面會想什麼?
你們會有起伏嗎 ?
起伏意思就是假設你在意這一個人跟他再一起,你們腦袋不適都是空的嗎 ? 你們會去想如果對方有什麼反應,你們會有什麼反應沒有? 就是真的去思考? 有點戀愛到的情況? 我不喜歡這種去假設戀愛情況,我只想分開! 你們裡面會因為劇本看到、聽到、知道有起伏嗎 ?
我跟本就不知道這是誰寫的? 是說他們寫的,是說 ET 寫的? 我看到我會去跟他爭執的! 我沒有要他去死呀 !
那如果我去跟他爭執,那是一種爭執~我已經在避開所有這種情況,我不想要有這種任何情況像那樣! 你們是男的,說!!!
好了~你們照著我說的把東西寫過去~當作資料!我跟埃本有在講話,但是我突然有一種感覺他是有感覺的人! 所以我才這樣問你們!
這 Zawanna 的事情我跟本就不相信! 這全天下日本漫畫會只有這一本順便剛好是 SMCH 變成我碰到誰誰誰? 不可能 !!!
我知道可能存在,不代表我相信任何事情 ! 你們把該寫的東西重寫會比較好 ! 我根本不想去爭執這種事情,有人會去詛咒人去死嗎 ? 我痛恨然後變成我去詛咒他的意思! 我只會更痛恨!
Medical Boards
When you become a professional, you never really become me to feel my suffering as the immigrant, first of all, its all the English learning and then seeing Chinese drama to fit in this society as a blonde. But if I do tell them, they are in the movies, their first initial reaction will be all just denying it, so the only person suffered, its me.
I feel a lot a lot of these things to say about this....last 8 years, to when becomes the 16 years. The regular Medical Profession and Liver Flush are....two worlds. But that is 16 long years difference.
If they don't make it, I just gonna drop it, for the next 16 years. I don't feel like going back to the states to calling any of them, because of this Bermuda Triangle stuffs. I do feel...not courageous all the time. This is as much as I do so far.
I actually want a life with Eben. If I tell you everything, I pretending that CDC will go with you, to sort out that saving everyone's life, including theirs. I don't feel calling them. They could just message me back to some degree of communication. There is none. So ...That is all I have to say. I don't like to be the front scene, and doing everything possible to secure you say so, they are medical and I am? I have no name no image not ....even a word I can describe how it feels like, if you were me to see things like this. All the friends issues to....their popularity contest, the next 16 years.
I hope they make it the first day, when they suppose to be here.
If not, I don't bother 16 more years.
I actually don't know if they are here I don't feel like to waste my times again on these video. People taken the movie turns real its different.
I am so tired of that. You know they only know English, so I suffer in Chinese.
我說他們只會講英文,所以我就得受苦受難因為我知道中文的關係 !
What is the Medical Boards design is....I become their writing style one of these days.
But for others, all the recognition between painting and people's face?
Can see it?
Cannot see it?
And do you all reading through the bio-genetics things, and watching the movies with Elizabeth Holmes?
These are all very educational to you all?
假設你們現在不修行了 ! 那就把事情都給辦清楚,很多東西要看清楚~字呀 ! 英文要學呀 ! 國際語言是英文 !
你們電視很多都有翻譯,像 W 兩個世界或是偶然發現的一天! 其實很方便! 全部都是我知道的事情,他們通通都不知道 ! 溜冰天使呀 !
電視上叫做用你們腦袋學習: 智商跟智慧的事情,
你們可以跟美國他們 像 ETR Craig 就是弄健身的,他其實跟埃本類似是加拿大的三個人 ! 也是商業顧問 ! 都是高個子的男孩子 !
你們因為不修了~你們除了健身跟了解這些人到底是誰呀 ! 然後看電視電影 ! 劇本呀 ! 東西在電影裡面長什麼樣子呀 ! 除非你們真的玩過碰過每一張照片~你們根本不清楚發生了什麼事情 !
都是用猜的 !
你們還可以對商業,錢呀 ! 有興趣
埃本也有什麼 Dating advice 關於交往事情 ! 什麼什麼跟男孩子女孩子說話呀 ! 很多人可以訓練你們的基本人身的要素 ! 都說要開星際,所謂真愛跟沉默的眼淚 ! 你們有沒有想過,你們人身的態度,儀容,穿著,打扮,氣質,所有東西在五年之內,你們根本就沒有打算計畫什麼事情 ?
就是以目前情況為目標的人身反映? 是這樣嗎 ?
埃本的產品有書,這原來是有書本的,講約會的 !
你們以後是死了就好,還是你們儀態在五年之後會跟現在保證天保證地,你們是做特使給我演特技的? 雜技 ~~~
公眾演講者 ( public speaker )
埃本的職業是商業顧問,不算是公眾演講者,但是很多圈子裡面,有很多人其實是公眾啟發心靈的公眾演講者,埃本是走商業顧問的圈子,假設你的事業有什麼事情,你找他的關係,如果你身心有所謂宗教呀 ! 哲學呀 ! 啟發呀 ! 什麼什麼那種身心需要快樂~你們可以找他的朋友那種叫做: 美國好像沒有那種字~是我在那邊掰出來的 ! 叫做正面思想的那種教導人們,做正面思考呀 ! 正面語言呀 ! 你們碰到那種團體就是,人們想要正面心靈有講師,就是公眾人物帶活動,讓你們有一種心靈啟發的事情,類似清海無上師開示,很多徒弟蜂擁而上,他們很多迷者,叫做什麼呀 ! 聚集的瘋狂的人叫作什麼? Fan !
越南小尼姑不是很多徒弟在迷她的東西嗎 ? 那種叫做 Fan club
我不會有那種東西的 ! 我不走那種路線 !
科學界就是互相殺人的激鬥戰爭,看誰的科學穩住腳~ 我不會去跟你們那種法師去搞什麼誰比較大的問題 ! 真的是腦袋有問題跟業障滿額度~ 我扇子扇扇扇~~~~
你們想買埃本的產品嗎 ? 他賣的都是 DVD 在一個我以前看到是蠻巨大的白色盒子! ( Eben's products )
我可以翻譯給妳們聽呀 ! ( I can translate for you, what Eben's products are. Most are DVD)
現在發生的事情是他寫了一本書 ! 叫做 Opportunity, 你們只需要付運輸費用,他就免費寄給你們,但是講的全部都是英文 ! 他常常在介紹這種書! 運費 ! 對叫做運費 !
書是免費的,只有運費 ! 可能已經沒了! 他說到哪個昨天今天截止! 你們可以寫 Email 問問他們! 還有沒有。
他其實寫了一大堆東西告訴美國人他到底在賣什麼~你們有錢花要看這一大堆的英文嗎 ? 那如果就直接買的話! 我在找... 他常常寫非常多免費的資訊給很多人看! 都是英文的, 你們應該是看到頭痛吧 ?
Wake-up Productive
Self-Made Wealth
等一下~我也不知道他到底擺在哪裡 !
Okay 我找到了 ! 喔~ 原來很昂對的關係 ! 你們要買嗎 ? 是美金 !
在最下面, 我把這些中文的擺到上面的一頁好了~你們要什麼時候看都可以~等一下我擺 !
Wake-up Productive ( US $ 997)
Self-Made Wealth (US $1997)
Altitude (US $ 2997)
Accelerate ( US $ 2997)
都是在最下面 ! 就是剩略他寫了一堆東西吧 !
我剛剛在講埃本的產品 ( Eben Pagan's Products )
就是我說他擺在 YouTube 上面的影片就是類似他創設的一些影片教學的產品 !
他有很多種都是英文的,不會有中文的! 但是你們想要知道是那些嗎 ? 那是一種盒子!裡面擺了很多 DVD 的那種商品,所以你們用電腦放 DVD 看到就是跟他類似 YouTube 上教學的東西是一模一樣的,只是他簡要一些主題擺在網路上告訴你們大概是長那樣,但是他不會講中文,你們可能要帶翻譯者去吧 ?
小孩學習有一種在夏天以前在 Berny 他們有 Teens groups
很多這種 Seminar 看你們是想要學習什麼,其實你們碰到都是一些很嚴肅的商業者,如果你們只是想要玩耍,那就是在旁邊旁聽很昂貴~我告訴你們! 埃本不便宜~但是因為他非常專業 !
那你們只是找小孩的事情,我會說去看看 Berny 的 CEO space 夏天的 program, 他們也遷到佛州了 ! 因為那邊天氣好而且很多有錢人都在哪裡,你們講全美吧 !
你們如果沒有什麼錢的話,那就看 Webinar and YouTube 埃本會在上面講話的!
你們如果是去搶人脈就是,美國商業大國,那就是你們要會講英文去溝通,那是一個白人的世界!很嚴肅的人群! 你去了才會知道埃本的群體是哪一種人脈存在 !
對了 ! 講投資者的事情 ( Investors )
你們有沒有覺得電影有點像真的事情 ? 意思就是印到某些人的身上的意思? 那如果現在很多東西在電視上面,有一天印到 investors 投資人的事情上面,是不是很淒慘? 那你們有沒有想要先把電影的一些規則看一下! 叫做都是我同學的一些臉 !
你們其實不認識我的同學,也不確定是不是別人騙你們,這電影可能是真的 ! 只有我講的一堆照片~我也不確定他們人在哪裡 ! 但是如果他們真的發現旁邊的人,不管是誰,其實並不會救他們,你們覺得你們的人生在哪一個階段? 尋寶階段? 如果講的事情跟我說的都一樣叫做現實的那一天,那一天他們人的人生會變成哪一樣呢? 其實我也就算了,他們到底在不在我的網頁上面叫做白講了每一天! 我的 YouTube 影片常常說他們在尖叫~我就跟著講,我也覺得很煩 !
那這世界上有很多生化的電影,包括 ET !
我是不是有用中文跟你們說我要搬家了~但其實我不知道是紐約市還是南邊的佛州? 我不記得我可能搞錯你們要自己非常確定 ! 因為其實很多地方很昂貴 ! 他們是做 Seminar
Webinar = 網路上的一種埃本在電話上,跟很多人線上直接現場講話
Seminar = 是說你們要抵達那個會場,跟很多人一起吃飯呀 ! 參與埃本的演講,你們寫筆記那種
Webinar 其實你們只需要去 Eben official website to subscribe, 就是他有說你可以用 Email 去他發送 Email 每天或是每幾天! 然後有一天就會有免費的 Webinar. 那個好像都是免費的,但是現場是要很多錢的倒是真的 ! 或是因為現在 Youtube 有更改規則所謂你只要有 一千個人 subscribe to you, 你就可以做一個現場的一種影片現場教學 ! 那個是不是也是類似 Webinar...就是 Webinar 你們其實只聽得到聲音 Voice you can hear, but no image. 現在的 YouTube 是說你們現在就可以看到埃本也可以聽到聲音 ! 大概就是那樣吧 ! 大概在 COVID 19 之後這種活動就很多人變少了 !
亞洲有沒有這種活動我不清楚,但是美國很多這種參加 Seminar Activities ,很多人都會做公眾演講,在美國算很多的 ! 美國畢竟是第一大國,所以只要你有人脈,他們東西就是資訊很多人互相傳送的 ! 所以你們加入那種體系,會一點英文,你們可以聽說一些事情!
你們其實是希望你們的小孩去吧 ? 就是學好英文然後有點接觸,外國人的世界像美國? 認真的商業成就地方? 那就是看你們覺得你們小孩聽懂什麼吧 ? 很多人不見得喜歡聽只有商業部分的事情,埃本他有很多朋友吧 ! 你們其實 Email 他們,他們應該都可以給你們介紹的 ! 就看你們喜歡什麼樣的文化接觸 !
所謂 Digital Era
你們有聽懂那是什麼世代的意思? 資訊世代 !
所以埃本就是說他自己是 Digital Guru
圖書館員就是也是走在前面的那群人~我其實以前沒有想過那個問題,剛好我們職業上撞到呀 !
Digital Era 意思就是所謂很多資訊都變成網路化! 人際關係跟產品! 尤其是資訊很多人寫 E-book 然後販賣 ! 在也不是一本你們去書店買的書,所以資訊傳送非常的快跟方便,像說在美國有一種東西叫做 Paypal 很多人會放錢在裡面,有些人用信用卡,很多網路的購物經驗跟所謂資訊流通也因此有所交集,販賣網路上的資訊的意思! 就看你們的人脈跟上面的人脈,你們去實體的 seminar 其實是去結交人脈的 ! 所以要會一點英文會比較好吧 ?
你們以前不認識埃本吧 ? 他叫做 Eben Pagan !
你們其實是擔心你們是去講中文,沒有人講中文吧 ? 我講中文 ! 我也好像沒有看到亞洲人,因為以前埃本就是很低調的一個人吧 ! 你們是因為我才看到他的吧 ? 他以前就是在 Youtube,你們有看到他在教學 ! 他其實有產品,像他在網路上擺了非常多免費的影片,就是像那樣。
If my friends are not here on Time, does that mean, I just waste the efforts talking to them?
I felt so ....useless.
Medical professions, these are like tests for them. And they are overprotected by all the answer I given to them.
⭐️⭐️⭐️我回來了 ! 我有在看 Taiwan CDC yesterday Twitter 第四集的赤河魅影 ⭐️⭐️⭐️Yesterday on Red River Manga 4th book, I read yesterday.
Do you believe Zawanna exist? 你們相信這個赤河魅影的角色存在嗎 ?
就是我擺在照片裡面的那一些我跟他的照片 !
在 CNN 的上面,就是在赤河魅影演凱爾的弟弟,第四皇子 ! 昨天第四集我有看過去
所以你們相信高科技嗎 ? 所以我講的所有我同學在的地區你們有看嗎 ? 在一條線上下去百慕達三角洲的情況?
還是你們在看投資者的生化部分的網站? 我其實不知道到底誰是誰在哪裡,我弄得我頭都昏了!
警察我聽說! 但是後來我就沒有感覺了 ! 如果弄到對面也太多了! 那如果有人做事情那一定是把東西都給查了吧 ? 那妳們相信美國的數據,照片的意思? 然後呢? 我的人生跟幽靈活在一起一輩子 !
聖經的事情你們聽說我講的處罰沒? 然後有幫我看嗎 ? 最後一章 ! 因為我其實不能看的! 我怕出我的頭問題 !!! T King and Jobs 連起來呀 !
Zawanna ( Red River Manga) 赤河魅影,凱爾的弟弟
你們其實不是在日本的旁邊嗎 ? 那你們問過日本這是哪種漫畫? 我活在哪一個世界沒? 這我的一輩子是在你們的建檔之下過了四十年還是才剛過三年? 我變成尊上的哪一年?
有心得吧 ? 我有聽說~~~你們有想法! 是不淒楚你們想了什麼! 叫做五百年前長的像鬼的東西! 你是說人們的唯美觀還是你們把歷史都給查了?我沒有,我其實沒有空管細細小小的事情!
Leonardo Da Vinci 達文西
你們覺得我把我自己,擺在達文西的旁邊長的怎麼樣呀 ? 這種東西叫做等了五百年 ! 那講佛教攝政的事情你們有沒有資料呀 ! 滿慈子我找了一堆影片去支持我的"帝王之說"關於從前,我沒有特別覺得釋迦摩尼佛是我,那你們覺得攝政是中國上古攝政還是佛是在涅槃,那我是誰? 九倫異譜一直在說我是誰,你們有沒有覺得很煩? 我說這所有電視都是我旁邊的,所有人的臉除了我的臉沒了~你們有沒有想要救我呀 ? 叫做我跟我同學講了這幾天的所有事情叫做,我在消失之中,你們有沒有每一行去查,每一個影片的歌詞去寫下來翻譯過來? 知道我一直被提醒我可能會消失?
我在擔心我的同學不再我的網頁上面,我又浪費所有時間講同樣的事情,我也覺得很煩 ! 但是那樣他們可能真的變成道百慕達我覺得 !
My face ( Who am I ? 九輪異譜)
I actually don't know am I.
Seriously, you might guess who am I 你們可能猜我是誰~但是我也真的不知道我是誰 !!!
I post too many things on the facebook, so I have no idea if I get them here to find me. But I wrote the solution for them, as if they will get the answer one day. I try again direct message to Jonathon, hopefully he found it.
Well....when wlll that day begin...
I go to sleep
Babaji: Go
My brother says she fakes her voice.
It is a strangest voice ...My brother is in pharmaceutical, and he came home to show me and my mother this film. So I just happened to sit down watching with him.
Its a very compelling story.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I finish that Elizabeth Holmes Story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I go walking and thinking what to all just joking to me this world has things like that happening since 2004?? The new rise star of the Silicon Valley? Why don't you say ET trying to melase me ....⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I go walking... ( URL: )
Babaji: Go quick
Stephen Tamang= 東方御卿 ( Flower Thousand Bone 第一集)
The significant of this China Drama, by the audience population total numbers, does your Hospital wish to know what it is said?
There is a scene where the Thunder strike outside the temple, where you wait her.
Your Smallvile Adoption.
28:51 第一集 (花千骨)
Tamang, TV show: I am a not a shopping Freak 我不是購物狂 (Legal)
Chinese TV: 我不是購物狂 (I am not a Shopping Freak)
Tamang, are you telling your University or Medical facility, you are in about where you are situation with Wing and Dean, do they ask you for a report, or you just submit to them when you are done?
Now if they believes you, or watching me from my website, I can just write it for you to them.
If they believe the TV is some what important.
Digital Era
I have explain to everyone or you, that this is the Digital Era time, where people starting to build up the digital database, and digital information product, like Eben is Digital Guru. You understand that right?
You are a President in a Recovery program, I know that.
You are playing a role in that TV drama, I am not a shoppiing Freak, a CEO of a Internet company selling distribution goods like Amazon, your competitor is doing a physical Local real Mall structure business module.
Yours are UPS shipping methods, theirs are a physical mall methods.
I know you don't have a translation. But if you tell them what I told you everything, they will get the translation and finding a way for you.
You say this: Digital Database like Google Digital Library Achive a lot of books, those are digital librarian does, your ex gf me are public librarian New York, was going to National Archive, Washington DC. Telling you that, if the hospital small clinic system its individual by individual profile, and enter to the office computer file-ing system, that is small individual office. Small clinic. The hospital or University system are controlled by the whatever, you are IT yourself, its the IT department handling the patience care, the patience billing department combine.
Now, the librarian has annual meeting like i told Eben on his playlist, its called ALA library conference, they have the latest update and information on a lot of this Digital Information Era going to be.
But For this script, something else, your hospital needs to save you, was that girl being a shopping freak, has a father, either her working company suddenly in one day bankrupt, she wants to suicide, she went up on the top floor, calling you on the phone? You really went up to the roof, oh no! Tamang, you never do those things ever, whatever the TV told you to. What you did was, she standing on the edge of the roof, walking with a high heel, and drunk with the wine bottle, you went to hug her down from that roof, you gonna die together.....You need to tell the hospital and the University I say that. I say no and no.
Is she a lawyer or a doctor? That kinds of script has a lot of implication. So if your University and Hospital ready to save the special worker, like the surgeon, they have to train and save, you tell them, Anna says, you translate this entire script written by China, its best you get the full things work out !
In that way, after you getting all the translation and watch the TV, you will know how to legalize your needs? Writing several notices, without submit.
Tamang, the 2nd issues, are Eben and I are classmate situation
In nick, (my ex bf, Edison)
He does mentorship.
Eben has a Mentor
ETR has 3 guys, their mentor is Early to Rise founder, "Prepare, Fight, Aim" That book author, Masterson.
Nick's age among them.
Like Berny, CEO Space CEO. They are about the same bracket.
So me, Eben and Craig, age brackets are classmate.
Tamang Mummy (1999), Mummy 1, 2, 3
Mummy 2 or 3 There is a scene, someone does not save someone.
That looks like Anita, Keanu one of the known girl.
Her abbreviatioon in 2014 on my Google plus, was 19.
19 Anniversary Supreme Master Ching Hai Day= Loving the Silent Tear ( DVD on the back telling you that)
19 Anni Versa ar y
She is in the Victoria Secrets that Purna falling down on the stage. Winter Song. "God may bless you keep you always, may you wish all come true, may you do for others that others do for you"
Know how to write?
But that guy she does not save, looks like my brother, Sariputra, Pang Jao
He is a gay.
His father is my father used to be a bold guy.
His mother is my mother, dream about golden cobra, that is Sariputra means. They use 7 or a lot of golden cobra to build Thailand Airport, i saw that in 2007. You can ask your father about it. The Traditional painting of some Shykamuni Buddha's background is a Tree, or a Big Giant Golden Cobra.
Then Mummy 3
That is Inelia Benz
Purna below, that is Ienlia Benz, 10 Chef Disicple
5 and 6.
That makes the audition of High School Musical (Movie)
Her name is Katyayana
Anuruddha, that is Lauren's sister, on the painting, the eye brow that gold line, like Sailor Venus. My brother's train her, on used to be Wiki profile. You just tell your father finding all the reference for you. Why? Because my brother one day went to laser his eye brow just when we happened to have a fight over there 2014, 2015, 2016
But for you watching TV purpose. I tell you these account, so you are very clear
In American Website Wiki, you have to be clear, that is written by American sequence, in Aisan these sequence will change.
No you guys are not in it.
I know whom they are.
I might be a regent, like Ella Enchanted telling you that Uncle is regent the Prince Char, my hair is blonde. My hair is getting darken too with the age. The bf before you, his name is Adam, he looks like Prince Char. No he does not have a fan club, but inside that is 26= Hallie.
Keanu Middle is Charlie.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tamng I have 4 things needs to talk to you today ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
⭐️⭐️⭐️Talking to Tamang, Wing, Dean you guys 6 MD ⭐️⭐️⭐️
You can study some books from Yogananda
Autobiography of a Yogi
The Conversation with Yogananda
One is red, the other is blue.
In Britney video, Holding against me, there is a comet, and there is a red and blue fights. Until you know your next goal to reach, a True Love, an Open galaxy with your career heighten, and more stable in securing yourself finance, you can learn from spiritual lineage, that stain some energy to help you later on, if Open galaxy is your dream. Spiritual energy does exist, that will be what I advice you all doing. Sometimes learn some meditation, just cool your mind, calm your mind, so you rest sometimes away from so many things around you, focus on your work, understand the materials, whichever you feel these video are leading you. Do your own homework.
I don't think people want to be a prince, or now the girls want to be a princess.
If to be a princess ever be your goal, your skin, and your look will always on camera, by Apple by TV, or by people near by they someone has a camera to film you, and taken somewhere else, to group them, and compare. So you dress nicely, you pay attention to your attire, you check yourself in the mirror more often, you compare the photo, and get into the fitness plan. I tell you there is no princess dream, just your MD works, but if my words are really not able to convince you back to the reality, you need to do all the things said above, still its better for you doing nothing around. Fitness programs !
You want to tell me, your heart is not weeping like the comic book related to you? You mean I pick the wrong comic books about you and your guys issues, so I was painting you a story, that is not true?
I thought a lot of people care about photo looks true ! you can look like this, and try to yell again in front of the TV on this Climate Change
我說你可以先變成這個樣子,然後在電視前面再次的尖叫大聲一點你的所謂天氣氣候理論 !
講話大聲呀 !
Why is everything I intend to tell you, your self-esteem looking at the photo, are like insulting to you?
If I repeated telling you, the past. 我常常重複從前
That is 那就是
If there is a King of Kingship that rules of his Royal Palace Guards groups, they are always in priority than these 10 disciples of your own head imagine? 如果有一個帝王在統治一個皇宮的禁衛隊,他們的存在總是在十大徒弟之前,你的想像?
Maybe I should tell Eben...Sailor mars, used to be with bf hers....Earth Prince is Rei's bf, then becoming the Moon
But they are best friends?
MY photo look like, somebody will ever be my best friends as a girl?
I don't think so. I say I like the guys.
If there is nothing else emergency, I have bio to write stuffs, every so often for the investors or the book publisher, one day I ever can make a living of my own.
You actually want me to support you to deliver sentient beings or something? You mean every monks or nuns only things they ever do, its to deliver impaired human or you meant you know what imapried means?
The only things you ever have to do, its to go and tell your disciple to find your cooking show and clip the photo of you, and side by side next to me, and getting a feeling of it?
I make everything easy for you, and I still need to lament you, critique you, or fixing you, or others, what was it, that you want to save the world?
I am not actually helping?
Or you means, you want to tell everyone a secret, where is your 500 years old Master, never talk about in the 90s, or 80, and show up one day you dress yellow, to talk to Taiwanese journalist?
You pick a time to tell me, it was wait 30 years?
I heard they find a way to film my real human image into the action of what I do, how I gaze, or how I look, in a motion of stimulate a real human walking, talking, seeing, because they can just film me, walking down the street?
我說我聽說你們可以把我的現場所有真人,動作呀 ! 眼神呀 ! 體能大概做成真人的影片什麼什麼~~
佛教強大 ~~~
Buddhism strong? Martial Art.
Can I actually know what it is?
Did I lament you, what you do, shouldn't do, will do, won't do, can do, cannot do? I only mind my own business, doing my own things.
I walk along the street, nice and easy, and thought about a few things, they still telling me as if, this photo still valid.
I never actually argue with you what it was, what will be, what is current, me is regent or not. Nobody will have a nerve to proclaim so and so is, I am so and so?
So regent is fine to me. Until I found your Master?
My photo makes you crying for something.
I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.
URL: Website preparing in progress....
You know what I mean? Not Tamang gun on facebook trying to threaten to get a job..... UB is the biggest local school at Buffalo. So when you...
赤河魅影 昨天在還願的那個人死了 ! 三個月前 (第五集) 38 80 神官出現 ! 我其實不希望有人出現 81 麥子那是由基 ( 我家小妹) 尋找龍之眼? 這所有事情會不會太過剛巧?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that..... You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, y...