
I am tired, I gonna to go sleep. Can you work out these several cases, as if scenario. None of them have the head to hear me, there are bigger groups of you all exist.

 So can you figure it out?

I need to go to sleep and deal this Zawanna?

Babaji: Go

Under the planning, what do you have?

 You gonna memorize all these faces on the screen? That is 2 death in one movie. Do you know what that implicate just by looking at it. No?  There are 6 of them, and 2 out? What does that mean? 

On the legal system today, if you see someone murder 1 person, that you will get jailed, and go on trial. And if you kill two people, you will for sure, never coming out of it. 

Do you know what happened? They all gonna say, they didn't kill anyone. Do you find out why, there are 2 deaths? 

Okay, we all know that is not what it happend. They are over on my facebook, wound this woe that....no one helping me. There is one middle of TN there, with two on the side, One Tamang and One Dean.

That two guys, are near my guys. How come they are doing this like that?

Okay, think like this....if it really happened, its horrific !!!

Its truly horrific !!!!!! One Tamang one Dean, and Wing does that?

What? That is one entire building blow up, and in the end left someone to die in the horrific condition, just drop that person there. 

No, you are dealing with ET, they knows something they leave like that. This is Judgement Day, they leave everything in the front. In the future, this will be seen as is, you know that? 

Tamang I know he is from Montana.

Dean is just going south, he likes the warmer place from Buffalo.

How does Wing end it up in the middle of that State, in TN, by himself as an Asian?

     He left Chemistry 105 to get ahead.

     He just marching in in the TN

If ET gonna says something at the court, you all prepare this movie everything as seen as is? 

No complication?

No....we were talking about the Y2K system from year 2000 remember? We are adding the account in, by the lotto message, because the Lotto can be traced from the 90s, The end of 90s. So we added more information on the account with Keanu and Simon. We know all these faces, someone like me talking on the Internet, I exist !!!! 

If people don't coming out to show up on the movies, or somewhere with a photo, they will not be considered they are showing up, remember, I say all that?

So in the century to come, no one will remember Tamang or Dean or Wing.

They will all watching the movie as is and say...that is horrific Wing did that. That is 2 death or 3.

If Wing does this kind of murder, Dr. T, Dean, and Tamang, they are someone near me, very near me.

How can Wing does that?

No, you need to sort this out. That is 2 or 3 deaths. There is no such thing, someone murder 2 or 3 people and get away.

Do you think Karen is that 400 millions debtor?


That is exactly! 

Just now, everyone talking about none sense. 

You ask me yes.

You ask me Wing just go straight cut into the TN, to the white race, from an Asian boy?

Yes !

That is a direct cut with Ola !

Indian Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism 印度佛教或是中國佛教 ( Come here for a second, 來一下 )

 Hi ~ do I know there is an Indian Buddhism, are you still existing, not just Indian Hinduism I think its on the table? 


If this ET things turns out to be religious, I regent is Buddhism, I know there is a name on the 3 Esteen, but I regent technically represent is Sariputra Top, that is Buddhism.

如果這些 ET 最後走宗教路線 ~我其實是攝政佛教,我知道花千骨有三尊但事我基本上,是舍利弗之上,那個佛教~叫做印度佛教對吧 !

Do you realize ET might be religous?

你們有沒有覺得 ET 可能宗教化?

How do you look in the recent years now? Old, dead, ready to die? I become the One?

你們現在這幾年長的什麼樣子? 老了、死了、準備死了,所以我變成 The One?

 Technically you don't watch the movie? There is a religious riot, in Contact Movie 1997, that one ship got exploded. Do you know what "Contact" means?

 基本上你們不能看電影? 知道有一個宗教化的急進份子,是 1997 Contact 電影,有一個 base 被炸掉了! 你們知不知道什麼是 " Contact" 這個字的定義? 

 Do you ever think of the Honorable Superior's name?

你們有沒有想過我尊上的名字 ?

Are you going to prepare yourself in days, in months, in years in America?


Do you watch Sailor Moon, I said I said I said what is the Greek Mythology, the Age of Gold, Silver, Brozone ....?

你們有沒有看美少女戰士我講希臘的神話關於有一種希臘的故事,講世界 金、銀 ...那個??

Don't you think me and Eben looks a bit like that, do you do the comparison to fine details? and? I am in a hurry, right now...

所以你們有沒有覺得我跟埃本長的有點像,如果你們做比較沒有到仔細的點? 然後呢? 我現在有點需要動作化,叫做現在馬上 ...

I never gonna thought we will really arrive to this point ...

我從來沒有想過我現在會在這種情況之上 ...

Do you ever try to locate the other 4 people?


Just in case?


Do you want to practice your mind, the body, the speech, like how to open your mouth and talk like you have IQ?


Can you actually 精進 everyday?

你們可不可以每一天精進 ?

I mean your eloquent?

我說你們應對的口才 ?

ET lies all the way...

ET 撒謊撒的滿天家的 ...

Do you ever think I was shameless enough, to say I regent the Buddhism, ever since you met me, know me, see me on the phote?


Do you ever think of the other 4 religions, right now, we are running 3 years since 2018 on Flower Thousand Bones officially?

你們有沒有覺得其他四個宗教,現在馬上,我們已經跑了三年這個花千骨自從 2018 公證的跑花千骨?

Meaning, do you know its 3 years?


Meaming, there is only one Buddhism?

意思就是現在只有佛教嗎 ?

Do you have a ocmpassionate heart, telling you to go and help to find the rest of the 4?


You know one more month, it will be 4 full years. That is very bad hearing, from 3 to 4 years, i am on this Internet Public space typing. When you finding out the 4, they need to immediately taken over the microphone on the Internet, you think its possible?

你們知道在一個月就四年了 ! 四個整年 !這是一個非常糟糕的講法從三變成四年,我在網路上公眾平台打了四年的的東西! 如果你們找到其他四個人,他們需要馬上開始把麥克風拿起來網路 ! 你們覺得有可能嗎 ?

Do you hear me saying anything about the Digital Era?




講中文的你們 ~你們準備去美國是因為我的關係對吧 ? 不是因為 ET 之前? 我們在講投資者嗎 ? ~ 就是你們跟著佛教去美國,那可是我現在有很頭痛的事情,講所謂一個眼睛、ET 還有所謂的影子

 你們知道我給妳們看的這幾天的所有東西? 叫做 Thumbnail? 三天了 

之前 我們有講雜誌你們記得嗎 ? 好幾年了 ! 

看 !

這是幾年前的事情,我剛剛講給小鬼小和尚聽一點東西~但是我需要你們把那個英文,翻譯成中文,就是講 ET在那邊胡說八道一天到晚 ! 你們要知道怎麼應對的情況,你們剛剛有看嗎 ?

真的是喔 ! 

這你們看得哪一個電影叫做直接描述? 當然是沒有呀 !

ET 之所以是高智商,而且自稱為神扺,就是他們講話就是那個樣子,你們有沒有仔細再聽的意思!

ET 在講歷史是說你們真的相信,他們是以前就活到現在的意思? 他們有軍事、強大軍力的意思! 

ET 如果再講金子~你們就是要知道他們是有投資呀 ! 有金錢概念 ! 

ET 如果講他們發音你們聽不懂,我就說,你是說現在我聽不懂你們的意思嗎 ?


懂嗎 ?

就是有對應 !

不是每種東西都是他們說的~ 他們全部都是一直在胡說八道 ! 但是他們再陳述一個情況,看你們看不看的透 呀 ! 

很多東西不是真的~就說不是真的 !要仔細知道他們在講什麼 ! 

你們有在演練嗎 ? 這幾天他們說 "計畫"

你們有在計畫怎麼面對 ET 沒? 影子? 司法程序? 還有食物? 我是沒有聽說他們特別吃什麼 ... ...

Hi ! Do you want to find out these transformation groups, whom ET are talking about? Their Facebook important?

I am sure you are all investigating at it....And lead?

There are so many of these transformation.

I need you to get used to ET telling lies all the time ...

 If you look at all the movies and TV, you know they are not like that.

Its a kind of lie, but they are telling you a story, only in their head, they understand the wise aspect of "seeing through the thick veil."

That is a bunch of garbage saying things in a different way.

You cannot go back in time to find out the history the true or not, and do you check how old that Reptilian ET is? Is that their birthday that day, they do on purpose, do you ever ask ET, is today your birthday, every single one of them every single day????

Yeah, why don't you do just all that?

And when they say mammal?

Can you guys get some military over here?

Whom are you given whom's right to go to that room, seeing ET again?

What is a mamo?


I know what is mammal.

I say "Memo"! 

Human is a mammal, right?

They are saying they are bilateral species, that is a symmetry DNA map, you all kinda think they look like lizard....they drink their mother's milk? Why don't you say, if they have sex, to say, drinking the mother's milk?

One of those topics, only exist in the human language underground?

Its every single lie, of every single sentences, they are so clever manipulate of every Truth of scenes, that is to tell a different story. They need to deliver you a story.

There is a loooooong time ago Earth History. They are ET

ET can be in the military battle

ET are Gods to human

ET knows what is Gold

ET knows what is a mammal, biology aspect of everything. They might even seed on Earth?

So if you just break down that video, in details, of the segament, don't don't don't don't care about what the exactly lies they are saying about.

Can you just do an analysis report, on breaking down the important points, what they are capable to do, instead of saying, they will make a history, rather than, they were the history, before?

We are the history, right now? 

They will make a history, rather than, they were the history, before? 

We are the history, right now?

And when they say, if how many races again? They cannot pronounce their race name, because your ear drum might be shattered...

Do you want to formula your answer?

Are you trying to be funny? Or you are trying to say, there is something you are not sure my ear hearing it right, like right now?

Why don't you write it down, every correspond, that ET saying it in Chinese translation, or if you can find the Internet version, they say, they forwards those letters everywhere. I never receive that. Its in English?

The ET on purpose saying 5000 years ago, the China history is only known as 4000 years ago...You want to hand them one thousand bill, and say, tell me how you shrink that history to 4000 years on the textbook???

I think I am bar down from this ET court room with you all ....

The kids video was saying long long long time ago, Reptilian and Greys have a huge military battles, that destroyed the Dianosour Era.

 And something something happened, later on.

They vanish.

I said to the little monk, and little kid, go back and listen to them again.

They just say whatever....they both races are on Earth.

If they were saying the true, right now, they will be killing each other already.

Go back and listen to them again. 

The ET is just full of lies, they telling you that in America, can you listen to that yourself? They are known as the Negative ET. 

Do you guys listen to the kid's video on the history about Reptilian and Greys stuffs? 你們小鬼小和尚跟其他的過來一下~昨天我給你們哪個影片講外星人說歷史,你們看了沒有?


他們再說他們自己是 Reptilian 

或是 Greys



他們現在這兩族的 ET 就是已經在地球上面存在了~ 現在 !!!

叫做現在~如果歷史是真的,他們現在就把他們彼此給殺了 ! 他們再胡說八道的意思 ! 

要不要會去再去聽一次 ?

ET Photo (Grey) , Ola

 You look at the Thumbnail File name. They are in sequence, in case the website here they always turn upside down, sometimes.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Do you know Ola hurts a lot on people with this? This is horrible, they behind doing this stuffs. no communication, ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 They just don't listen ! How can people be that stupid ?

I go shower and nap.

 Babaji: Go

I am watching the movie: 17 again.

 That is Zawanna story with me? The High School Musical 3?

oh dear, my facebook.

I need to work on this facebook.

You all just work on your ET stuffs? They need step by step. I am so tired of it.

I go to eat.

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❄❄❄ I am up, on the facebook ❄❄❄⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Where is ET court room? America Court? Like you decide it would be Supreme Court to welcome ET or they belongs to the local court?

 So if the ET doesn't want to talk about anything classified, but the TV, i have...all of my friends face on it.

Do you want to read anything I have so far on the facebook.

Knowing the money, the digits, the free falls?

called Victoria Secret, Fall off Boy?

If I tell you the facts in my life, near my environment this building I look at it every single day, and people take it as if I am threatening them....

You deserve to go to hell with it? 

Mongolian got cut in half....Ola does not know whom the hell that Nominji is?

From the Sea, that 98 degree, Wedding song?

That is 98, degree?

They don't use celcius?


Can you tell me if you jail them all?

I heard nothing back ...

I just added one more last post. 小鬼小和尚~會不會用 Excel 你只需要拉下來~用小老鼠拉那個右手邊




然侯你整行拉下來 ~用 Excel 


你們用等號 ~~

等號等於那一行除69 或是 70 然侯,隔壁一行你說等號=你點那個答案的那一格 " *64 "

I Ching 只有 64  Hexagram



最後一行叫做五進下一個數字? 你們用右手鍵

像我的那一整行叫做 "F"

你們把整個F按起來右手鍵叫做 "儲存格格式"

去 "數值"

然後小數位數 "0"

就 setting 好全部格式了 ! 


So long, we didn't do the lottory, anyone remember the Lottery? ( Military Orientation Table )





This is not clear, You have to download the image and read it yourself.


The Web links I use: 


Tamang wife



我去休息~ I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

小鬼小和尚~(還有高年級的) 我對你們沒有什麼期望呀 ! 就是我覺得你們去發明一點東西~我們現在在做 Web 2.0



你們離佛像最近 ?

就是你們觀察你們自己的小孩活動~你們有跟別的寺廟一起做 Web 2.0 講我給你們寫信的事情嗎 ?


你們等年紀大一點再說好了~ 找高年級的好了 ! 

你們知道什麼是網際網路?所以你們聽說了 Web 2.0 很久了~ 電影叫做 Tiny 4.0 只需要管那個名字標籤的意思 ... 你們不想做點發明家做的事情? 

就是以後可以賺錢現在也可以呀 ! 如果你們做的好賺到很多錢~那是你們的錢錢呀 ! 

有沒有想要溝通其他寺廟的小鬼小和尚 ? 人生有點社交會比較好,以後一起活動才會認識彼此,知道我尊上在哪呀 ! 尊上最近在發明什麼呀 ! 

你們不覺得尊上一直在做很多樂透呀 ~ 數學呀 ~數字呀 ! 算東西呀 ! 做圖片檔呀 ! 

很多種你們看得玲郎滿目? 所以講發明發現,你們不覺得人生要做點科學家發現東西嗎 ? 

那有點那種精神 ... 做人做事~自己以後獨立 ! 創建自己的世界,知道嗎 ?

小鬼小和尚~(還有高年級的) ~嗨! 你們其實看得懂中文的話,你們會去看建華侍衛長的東西嗎 ? 就是你們到處亂按? 是嗎 ?

 你覺得他是一個什麼樣的人 ? 做你們這麼久的侍衛長? 他跟趙又廷 ~ 我的臉書在當機中 ! 

最近你們可能多學一點東西,因為時間有點趕 ... 我其實也不知道為什麼這麼趕,你們有沒有覺得時間過得很快 ?

那我問你們~六個月過去了~ 你們覺得我尊上怎麼樣的一個人 ?


對~我現在只能寫信~我以後做影片呀 ! 

我情況的關係 ... ... 那妳們把其他的影片都看過去沒 ?

我以前問過你們一件事情 ...就是你們如果是孤兒~那妳們外面考試進去的和尚群還是,尼姑他們,是跟你們分開的? 

你們有分開嗎 ?

講 Programs?


因為台灣那時候給尼姑五百塊一個月,所以她寄宿在別人下面,他們聽說過的名字都死光了 ! 

你們知道這一件事情嗎 ? 講八卦你們最喜歡了 ... ...那我問妳們,你們是同一種和尚尼姑小孩鑑別的嗎 ? 

那妳們長大以後是去宣教的? 需要去宣教嗎 ? 講述傳遞佛教的意思? 

那生活費是說你們有施主給你們的意思? 未來? 

關於錢的問題呀 ! 我並不知道你們是哪種處境的 ! 

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go

建華~我擺了一些影片給小鬼小和尚跟高年級看 ...有些東西就當作看過去就可以了~他們有時候就隨便胡說八道 ...

 還有~建華你是演員就是,在邊緣地帶,他們真正在做官也不會管你在幹嘛  ...

 在做官群體裏面有很多人要做很多政策的事情,不會是你知道的情況,又有時候是外國 lobbist 又有時候是賄絡...你們中國內政就是亂七八糟,演員就是沒有什麼性質的意思....

有時候聽聽八卦就跟趙又廷滾回來的意思! 如果真的出了什麼嚴重的事情,你來找我~我會去找習近平的 ...我現在不認識他,我以後再認識他就可以了,現在因為 ET 的事情,很多事情你看看就過去,還有你的哪個主人的問題,你想過沒有? 

我沒有時間管你們的事情~這佛教攝政是不是誰的東西! 通常如果佛不在就是舍利弗的意思?

但是喔 ....唉 ~~~ 你見過我弟弟沒有?就是一個垃圾... 不可能把事情給處理了 ! 

你有事情還是真的來找我就好了 ... 不要管到時候誰是誰的東西 ! 如果 ET 堅持,我會出面把舍利弗的事情處理了,但是,最好是沒有那種事情,你聽過我講了什麼,大概知道一下所有人的位置 ...

滿慈子是宗教人士,他們的團體就是跟慈濟是差不多的,不要隨邊亂開口我跟ET的事情 ...

ET 就是基因高手叫做控制基因學的那一個 ...尤其是 Greys

這很多東西很複雜的 ! 有時候太嚴肅有時候他們在開玩笑,

但是很多人大概 ... 太嚴肅了! 該說的不該說,不該說的也會繼續說的 ! 

對... 很多東西是開玩笑,但是是有下場的 ... 最好還是嚴肅一點! 仔細聽 ET 在幹嘛 比較重要,其他東西叫做如果你大腦智商叫做演化,自然知道他們在說什麼呀 ! 

I have no ideas what they are doing. I am on the Facebook,


You know I put everything on Facebook these people at….

 Not on iPhone or ipad, I can find.

珍藏 I have that working out.





i go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

ET 九輪異譜


你們有沒有去找印度? 我做尊上的時候? 現在是不是應該找一下他們? 尊上我沒有真的見過 ET還是 Zawanna 還是 凱爾還是 鬼~~我其實什麼都沒有真的見過 ! 我知道存在! 知道


腦袋 IQ 在哪裡? 

我講的一些事情~他們是~還是我做尊上去做對吧 ?

那順便告訴他們~ 我在處理我眼前的事情叫做 ET

他們有沒有覺得 ... 他們的時間有點趕?

你們有真的感覺是有 ET 的?

 你真的相信這種事情 ? 我其實沒有真的覺得去想吧 ... 太誇張了吧 ! 你們覺得是 ET出現在我家面前,做車子去法院? 你們相信世界上有這種事情? 還有所謂 ghost or Phamton 那是像鬼呀 ! 煙團魂魄 ~~ 是說阿修羅嗎 ? 

對~我每一個夜晚 ...我覺得很煩的事情~但是那是我的事情!假設出現~我只是想要叫他們不要再做那種事情了 ~ 

但是所謂出現在 CNN 上面跟你們的漫畫~然後今天是那個特斯拉的主人~他拿了一些現金 ! 

你們有看新聞嗎 ? 

你們覺得我的 Thumbnail 像真的嗎 ?

我自己的覺得不可思議~那如果講時間天呀 ! 月呀 ~年呀 ! 你們會相信嗎 ? 

我每一天渾渾噩噩的 ! 我從來沒有覺得我的日子會改變呀 ! 就是簡單過日子~ ET 見面會?


我跟 Zawanna 或是凱爾? 我是去跟埃本作家人的 ! 我當然會跟埃本講這些事情呀 ! 等我們見面吧 ! 

Zawanna 跟凱爾~我是不是腦袋壞掉了 !!! 

還有尼歐 ~ 那是 2014 年的事情了 ~ 我覺得我昏昏的~我就不能想事情了 ! 

Simon, Kreanu, Howard.

 You actually believe that ET is at the door? 

One eye, shadow government, ghost, phamton?

I am looking Harry Potter. 

I don't really know what to tell you. I try to get back my life ever since 2014, have you told you that... ... but it last 8 years long. 

Nothing is really what I expected.

Its like another job has to go and handle it. If you ask me, I don't feel so real. How can ET just tell me Anna, we go to the Court, they come and pick me up in the car? 

So on the monitor means, we have days, months, years? Do you read the news on Elon Musk he went to get some cash .... I watch that news today. 

I am getting these thumbnails???? Written in Chinese. I know what it says. 

Hey Simon, do you remember Henry's crime from Keanu Reeves, saying there is a vault? You have a Harry Potter vault? 


I have no ideas when these Family tear apart, comes together at what time ...I been to downtown Buffalo. I used to work there. They have bank, and court room. I got my citizenship there. They are not safe neighborhood, but in the morning its okay. Its black area at night. 

I have seen Henry's crime.

But the guy in the Traveler wife, that is also name Henry. 


Maybe I just thinking too much ...they are coincidental. I tell you I don't actually believe it, I cannot see the steps getting this open dialogue, but I am preparing for the kids, to learn more about ET. You only see the human your entire time. You are not going to really looking at a ET walking on the street?

ET continue (Moon)


小鬼小和尚 ~ (還有高年級的) 還沒完~我做了一個 Playlist, 你們可能會搞錯名字

 第九行星以前叫做冥王星 ! 

但是現在有人把冥王星給降級了 ! 所以他們定義有一顆第九行星

但是有人把 X 擺進去 ! 

在 2012 年的時候其實很多世界末日的講法~叫做 Nibiru 尼比魯

但是尼比魯才叫做 Planet X不是 X 而已! 是整個名字叫做 Planet X 

知道嗎 ?

你們有沒有把達文西的筆記變成一種 Database?

查關鍵字的 ? 3500年 ! 

現在這些影片講尼比魯的是講 3600年 ! 在達文西筆記裡面有一個 3500年的事情或是數字好了! 

可以去查嗎 ? 怎麼少了一百年? 

天文就是講天體的一些宇宙學! 你們以後上課會學怎麼看天空~你們地理學地質學好像 ...也沒有太多興趣,叫做尋找恐龍的年代看化石~~~你們知道什麼是化石嗎 ?

地球上的石頭有很多種 ! 石頭對石頭有一種硬度! 這些硬度如果拿去互相刮釋,比較硬的就不會有痕跡~像鑽石! 知道如果尋寶是要知道什麼是鑽石? 知道嗎 ?

在學校上課要專心 ! 以後你們才會知道碰到什麼東西~不是在地上隨便撿石頭 ! 


金剛? 就是一種鑽石~所以在國外金剛經就叫做 Diamond Sutra

這基本字總可以看得懂吧 ? 學一下!因為要看電影 !

我在 Playlist 裡面擺了一個像誰的誰~去摸什麼寶箱子~這個箱子很多什麼? 看的出來是摸什麼?

在地球上有某種特殊東西也許就是金剛經呀 ! 叫做 Diamond Sutra 懂嗎? 那你們自己佛教的東西要不要自己非常清楚,不要到時候被摸走的東西就是你們家的東西 ! 

所謂鑽石、寶石,有紅寶石有藍寶石 ! 對這些東西叫做你們看過沒有?

柯南最近有的電影就是在台北車站的照片~你們記得我照給你們看? 有一顆很巨大的透明寶石!


那如果是在中國就自己看照片 ! 

所謂鑽石跟寶石~寶石有講詛咒的 ! 詛咒就是又是另外一種書本講天下奇異的事情的那種科學書!你們自己去找書吧 !

我以前看過~我也不知道去哪裡幫你們找故事書! 天下有很多奇異的事情,你們本來是應該多學一點~跟老和尚呀 !

講易經馬王堆挖墳墓的 ~聽說有一種很薄很薄的衣賞 ~對這種事情你們應該多了解呀 !

假設是天衣怎麼辦 ? 知道我在講什麼 ? 

現代的衣服店都是在中國製作的,所謂很薄的材質是有的 ! 

你們要用手摸~~你們對東西是想學不學的吧 ? 衣服就是每一件摸你才會知道什麼是

Cotton 叫做模花 用看的 ! 上面都有寫 

Polyester 合成的 ~ 

你們如果能都學起來~不是很好嗎 ? 毛衣你們知道是什麼 ! 很多東西都是 polyester 包括你們的包包呀 ! 應該是 ~我沒有特別看 !

這種東西要多學一點 !  看完書本就去學摸東西 ! 以後才會知道怎麼摸到寶呀 ! 不是都是我尊上出去做事情~你們學呷咪?

小鬼小和尚 ~ (還有高年級) 來一下 ~ 你們之前跟我在弄這六個月的時間~ 到了沒? 現在已經 十一月了? 所以說~你們知道我做尊上之前在幹嘛 ?

 你們對 ET的好奇心是什麼? 是這樣講嗎?

就是你們知不知道我做尊上之前的時間在幹嘛 ? 你們有看過我的履歷表給你們做表率嗎 ? 高年級的? 那你們對這個時間的敏感度是? 反應熱烈? 有點好奇? 想知道未來在哪的方向? 那你們想多念一點書把 Web 2.0 的科技弄到對嗎 ? 

ET 是講高科技~你們有聽說過嗎 ? 那你們曾經聽說過 ET什麼事情? 你們知道尊上我在做尊上之前~跟 ET 發生什麼事情嗎 ? 

那你們有看好紀錄片? 看的懂嗎 ? 有沒有調查什麼是 ET? 

你們會不會 Google?

那如果你們打 Keyword 就是關鍵字的時候~你們會不會按上面的 "圖片"?


 知道圖書館員就是專門教你們這種事情的人?? 知道嗎 ?

那個按下去 ... ...

那你們有沒有覺得楊冪講 Tiny 4.0 很諷刺?

這兩個英文字你們會搞混嗎 ? Web 2.0 跟 Tiny 4.0?

知道是什麼嗎 ? 講科技的 !

我現在就是在 Google Blogger, 你們找我的網頁是不是比老和尚快呀 !? 那我的 YouTube Channel 呢? 那我的 Pinterest 的連結? 或是 Flickr 或是 Facebook?

你們會找圖片呀 ? 像尋找這一張紅色的圖像?


有做筆記嗎 ? 有沒有很興奮? 那妳們彼此有沒有做討論 ? 什麼是 UFO 什麼是 ET?

什麼是佛? 什麼是尊上? 

你們家的佛像還在嗎 ? 有沒有不見? 要不要有時候看一下 ???

尊上我跟 ET有很多事情要辦 ... 假設以後未來呀 ! 你們會不會自己看書 ?

神話書? 封神榜? 希臘神話? 基督教的最後一章?

你們現在到底有沒有在認真看書? 我問你們的時候你們會知道我在講的什麼嗎? 

寺廟可以看書吧 ? 教育的書本? 圖像書? 

那你們看完書本之後,會上網查嗎 ? 那埃及豔后這一件事情你們查了沒有 ? 在華盛頓的人?尊上我沒有查~~沒有時間查!對你們來說看英文很難吧?就是找人名


你們有沒有學習一點英文? 我剛剛在幹嘛 ? 拆解電影名稱~關於 ET Greys 的!

拆字知道是什麼嗎 ? 一個字母一個字母的拆開 ! 

有時侯要兩個字母疊再一起! 在講基督教的最敏感的字眼就是講時間






其實 BC 就是 BCE

但是人們有時候看到會跟世紀搞混像我呀 ! 我有時候不知道是差前面一百年後是後面一百年~你們有算過時間嗎 ?

聖經的第一章節跟最後一章的章節,你們要搞懂比較好 ! 知道沒?

有些敘述文 ! 

如果你們對這種事情好奇,那中文英文都要好好學,以後長大就可以做很多事情,聽音聽的懂知道嗎 ? 

ET Again

 Can you download the file names, and sort with the file names, I screenshot it.

They are in order supposed to, but it becomes like this.....

I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....