
Military Oritentation Table

 Are you tired of your military orientation table keep receiving files from me? When is your military orientation table will end?

So yesterday I talk about something called High consciousness vs Low consciousness.


What is to do with you? Have you thinking about using your PC to combat behind your desk. What would that be?

Do you know why I even ending up at the military orientation table one of this days? Its to because to teach you something sometimes for your future to use it.

Your terminology to me, is always about psychology. Others are telling you the mind. The Buddhism me will tell you what? Your mind, body, speech, precepts !!!!

Do you study the maps yet? My maps in RNA. The only map you can see in the public space, through the video.

Do you get the 5 Lords name 13 syllabus, to that UN speech Supreme Master Ching Hai has public free distribute about the 5 regions of the Worlds? Called 5 Worlds?

So what are these characteristis of people whom are in these Astral, Causal, Third level, Fourth level, Fifth level region?

If you are in the Supreme Master groups, you know how they are all fighting about, its to see when their Master telling them their level at.

So I am asking you again, do you get these region of the map, with the correct number in posts on your wall?


12 13 Fifth Level - Master Home level, Omni-presence's Level

10 11 Fourth Level - Utterness Darkness

789 - Third, Free, liberate level

56, Causal - Mind Level, Eloquent

1-4, Astral - Beauty, Handsome, highly emotional level.

Do you get all the written words down, to the maps, you stole from me to actually learn it right, as the military?

So do you want to tell me, how is my video doing compare to Eben Pagan, next to Tony Robbitn, Les Brown....Jack Canfiled.....Bob Practor, these are the motivation speakers, public speakers, business consultant....

Do you side by side compare to the video, why I have a name called Honorable Superioror

They telling you inside the Flower THousand Bone, what?

There is a White robe master, Black robe master

One is 10th, one is already at 11th.

So how do you conclude, whom is whom yet? Someone ask the white robe master to reach higher, breaking through the 10th level, to compete the 11th level black robe Master?

Do you understand these level plots?

Do you care about it?

Do you see the video

do you analyze the video?

A full day works?




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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....