
You know why being a mature human, its that someone hear you can depend on you, and that collected works from one individual to next, can multiple down the road, because we all depends on each other.

 Someone does something, to accomplish something. Then someone else did something come behind it finish it. When the life and civilization built in this way, there is a progress in evolution. But most people don't care about others people's life. And I met just so plenty of them.

Where are they, when I run away from my sister, they called friends?

I give up the facebook, so my name can be burried down like Tesla. So the world I give everything, was the end of like this time. People's death counting down every single day. No one knows where the dead souls go, because they just die. And every day more, it going up. Everyone just listen to this like a gossip, and everyone is busy back to a normal life. 

Have you thought about to find a reason with your low IQ or low consciousness, to someone else high IQ high consciousness meants to see the whole wide world as in a large picture of it?  

You never being put on the spot, where one person has to fix EVERYTHING! 

You don't say that, just the world expected you too. 

Maybe you all should learn something about yourself, one person taking some responsibility over something or someone like being responsible....like simple things, getting up from the bed, you clean your room.

You look after your own health, by getting a juicer, sorting the fruits or vegetable to dump the trash, washing the juicers, too much works?

Build a website or two, to feel how to catch up in time with Google.

Trying out to see what's the newest digital information by subscribing like anyone you find you interested to listen to? Podcast, or webinar.

Organize your life like you intend to tell me, your life has grow to a stage, you can foster others, when provide them a meal, just by cooking it, in 5 minutes, someone could sit down and eat?

You know until, I have to sort my friends junks, and email these licensing places....I never know I should have complained?

Complaining like it can be heard....the dcotor would not let me talk. Just watching my mother and him talk. Hurting me none stop. And this is a hospital, I cannot even calling in, phone does not work.

How terrible the feeling I actually lived for 5 years long ....Maybe you should records the time. Sometimes these comic books are not as accurate as if I just tell you, you are hurting me.

You could all just go to that hospital and throw trash to that doctor....or all those doctors....but no one lay off. Its all the jobs money, every day, running by my blood bleed....maybe you don't hear that clearly....how I bleed...none stop with the hospital. 

Everyone just watching me, in that hospital......as if my life should be there. 

do you know how unfair that is, that day?

Do you really know how horrible, terrible you all make me live?

While I give you all everything to live on ....

20 years ago, Taiwan is like 28 celcius degree. And now its like 33, 34 celcius. The human temperature is 37. So the Climate Change is real.

How funny....I talk in English, no one understand.

Where if I talk in Chinese, no one understand.

Can you imagine, of all the things you all ever did....was never a thing that ET meant they did it for me. And of all the things you say they are negative...it was them saving me from all of you.

Tell me about the words you say one more time in American Classify....that is how pity....the world should end. But no one just trying to concern my life, to even come and ask me....

Just one person to care for me.

Throw all of them including my mother my father my cousin, my sister my brother all in the Bermuda Triangle, because everyone of them just cannot stop hurting me, and you all just watch?

Blind eyes.

I didn't know today I could complain....How horrible all this has happened....

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....