
High consciousness people vs. Low Consciousness people

 You heard Babaji's mantra, love, simplicity, and Service to Humanity.

When you surf at higher consciousness, meaning, keep clean your period, keep clean the house, keep all files organize, talk in a clear sense, making things responsible, tidy, responsible, and service to multitude of people. When you doing all that, you become happier.

Not low consciousness, all you believe is death, dismay, negative Self talk, wishing others doing this for you, wishing that others do for you. You don't even know you are in the lower scale of mood swing, because you are too busy, nagging everything around you. 

This is the Time, so many people diverged. They have that theory in 2012, probably saying a lot of timeline, a lot of reality, and synchronicity saying... 

When you work for the multitude of people, you believe in Karma, you become selfless more and find ways of doing things easier. Is this something you wish you know before you become a Super Human one of this days, all movies turns real? You become vulnerable because something hit you this, hit you that.

I hope you actually know, the end of the goal here its to open galaxy. Its on the television. I don't trust a lot of people with the movie materials. All my friends are in the movies, but me, so I have a right to tell you, these are a lot of movies my friends are in it. There are reasons being made into that. 

You know....a lot of people joins the seminar, to go making friends. Maybe some free seminar, you can still go in America. Seeing a bigger world than your world contains? No more TV no more movies? Something real, you can see it? 

If you have money, you should go and meeting some people in that positive environment. Most public speakers now are all advocating positive mind set.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....