
I go to sleep !

 Babaji: Go

Eben Pagan, and Commander-in-Chef

You are saying the ETR Craig Ballantyne that stuffs right?

With Masterson.

I actually don't know anything about that degree of them.

Eben I know he is around. They?

The later part of the Optimistic-out-put groups, I think its Eben told them he had May 2021, whatever he creates a story with Lalla to tell me Jay, Abraham.

I told them in that 3 days something about Babaji and Me.

Someone Foul ! 

Facebook Write-up

What was it, Commander-in-Chef?
Eben Pagan....me talking niches?
oh ....that?
no...there is no such things called Music, Commander-in-Chef.
Do you even know that words what is 3 letters combines?
You just say Commander.
When you groups large enough enough enough huge groups of the mliitary experty, to almost....very Top, you say that 3 letters words.
Not really saying a niche, you getting 5...that is very important already.
There is no such things Music, Commander-in-Chef

No, when I write that up? No, not about Bible. I cannot read Bible. I told SMCH warning, but that was it. I finish the title of those saying, i forget about it the Bible.
What was I doing?
Anyway, it must be one of those days, I have mood to create the websites, so I just finding something that no one ever thinks what that is.
We were not on Eben.
We were not on Niches.
Right now, if I am telling you a story about Eben, they...his other friends...their profession are marketing solicitation.
Military within they can just train someone to look like Eben Pagan, doing their own run of operation speech on stage to looks like another Earth Prince for Sailor Moon.
But this morning, when I tell you about the niches....I am trying to tell you, when you define that Marketing department "on-line", you need to specify what you do to tell Eben Pagan, or ETR Craig Ballantyne, because they narrow down very very specifically, a lot of public are drowsy minded...they cannot organize their monthly pay bills...so if you just random your niches, like no brainer, you are one of those common people, doing procrastination....
oh ~~~ now I am reading...that is SiteSell!!!
Prince Harry.
Right....it was Sitesell. 
oh no, most Commanders....
Why even goes far to "Commander-in-Chef"
They manner themselves to go greet England Queen Majestry....yeah, those things they do.
They talk like you can hear them to discipline a groups of people, or leading people, its a basic things, you saying they are commander. Mesmorizing personality, to get things done, or get rid of people...those stuffs.
Shameless things they do in front of the groups of new freshman?
Orientation few days, I disappear....
I am busy.....
I take ADD to Taipei subway station Y Area, to investigate that entire map location, they have a label...Reonance Tool....that is Music intended....
no, no military
No, not Eben yet.
I was talking to Eben yet? I don't remember.
Eben was not anywhere, you want to say Craig again? Why don't you just tell Eben, to forward all this to Masterson, and you go there sitting in front of him Masterson, what I anna says, all this, Eben was doing what behind?
I don't really know Eben that time.
I am flooding that Y area of shopping mall, the entire floor ground...to be flood things out.....That is my real jobs to do
Not singing....what....
or hostile to military scientists...the 5 Star Hotel Grand carpets paper review committee, I go there with bags products to show off, saying I am the flower vase on the wall. I don't really catch up their Nature Magazine or the scientific works.
My works are more outside, investigating, all these structure, and I will tell them. I took everyone whom goes with it. That including ADD.
💖💝💞 Right, everything you never think you would ever do..... 💖💝💞
oh, there were so many things they put it on the wall, including Eben his groups of those......舞台少女
So I go right there, sit there, be psycho.
Sing a song.
The structure didn't fall off....They across, are selling those roaches smell things....dry....cotton ball?
You have other better ways doing this? No one cares anyway....
Of course, there are other things I do, before me and Eben get together...if I knew he get near, I probably won't do all those stuffs....
There is COVID 19 and there is Little kid little monk death wish

So COVID 19, I tell them, we switch things....7 airplane on their embassy...I am the commander? You know I seize that power 8 years ago....i never stop doing these saying things. So I have no more money.
Its very expensive, per country 7 military airplane or....those military jet? yeah....on landing their own embassy....how great could that every be like 5 Lake Region with F for Bio chem 403 professor?
Its a F all the way to UT.
Queeney Highway....
One of those things, only commanders do....

Its so ....expensive...I didn't check the price before I verbalize out. But Simon annual salary on one show was about 35 millions, so 2 years one airplane ....I make too much money, I think.
So I just tell them to deducted it out anyway.
So I have no more money....
You know, one pilot, doing one airplane...dropping, or sliding in the building....to look great behind, or front, or partial...One pilot....7 times landing, that is not a lot, you know? For real !!! Everyone knows that.
But it costs too much!

There is a lot of things, I teach those little kid little monks.....In Chinese, so gradually, that is when they know they have so many father?
Whatever they decide later, Eben would be the one.....that is how that evolving....those kid they are so small, the more photo the merry they become....
💖💝💞 You were saying the commander-in-chef, on Eben Pagan, or on ETR, Craig Ballantyne?
Eben they....suppose to be like their Orientation table guests speakers.
They still do those guest speakers. But I am sure they just find someone similar to Eben, there is only one Eben. 💖💝💞
One ETR, one Masterson ....you imagine they pay more?
Does military commander pay more than the football coaches?
 💖💝💞 If you could stop dreaming, to actually get your life together.....that is probably most normal human does, the most normal things. I say MASTERSON!!!!!
 I normally shouldn't imply you ....
  Masterson he teaches copy writing?

 Do you ever been to any seminar ground?
Church Sunday Stage to wear formal cloth to sing, on that microphone?
You have a priest, but there is a singer, next by.
That priest he is the main role on that stage?
Simon in the video on Youtube telling you, its the most difficult things its to get your stuffs put right in front of him.
He says that.

There was nothing about Eben Pagan....Russian....俄羅斯人 ....

Begins that Russian scientists are presumption about their timezone moving towards this side of "us" lines.

Between that Japan, Korean, Taiwan, we are the coastline of that China.

So Russian is right above China, if you looking at the Map.

There were time, we were just only does things behind, and apparently all the Russian those scientists are mix with the military, so they just move it the timezone, to where we are here. Their Capital is at Moscow. Scientific assumption, we have nothing to do with their captial.

So one of those things when people started getting annoyed.....me getting annoyed, with their Scientifist Russia Military...why they even move here this timezone anyway?

Its you should just die, with the music, I make you pay at it.

That time, American Medical Board called in, becasue I was does this Apple behind, their phsyiology textbook, technically, its just follow their introduction textbook, chapter 1 started ....you have only one body, okay? Inside out, outside in, you eat food down GI Track, its has to come out....you eat food, so your vitality of the body, become the full function to that energy, you breath, you live, you use your brain to think, how those wired are process pain from head to Toe. This is so stupid...how many times we go over this, "we have only one body". Its the exactly the same things we talk about over and over and over...I say the detinition words of the medical textbook, so you don't sue me, stupidity of the concept, called air. You just need to open that entire textbook, from page 1 to page end, to assiliate the entire concept, to the end of those vocabulary words, to say "definition' . Correct, you cannot find the answer within the textbook, but I already said, those are just definition on the back of your textbook, you cannot find the answer in your ten textbook line up, that is entirely your problems. I say definition only, no concepts related, called Conceptural....

One of those stupidiest things that make me do behind in 2017 ...So

Russian scientist/military, they were looking at this Sailor Moon. We are all knowing what is SMCH, and the map, no one needs to build on anyone's new vocabulary, so every time I talking to the military, they are much smooth.

What you called the  Mushroom professor, that is ...an institution on the map, called City of Hope, But the true scientists are being hired behind in the military, they suppose to already knowing every line of that SMCH, no matter what, with Great Master Sawan Sigh hard case or soft case textbook.....

So When I speak behind in the military only, situation with Apple, we will come to a time....Its American vs that Russian, we are at "a line"

If you just look at the map.

How that line is invisible? 

Taiwan, and Russian? (China)

Everyone are just squeeze over on this side of world....


Comets - 1908

Technically, that explostion things are happening in the middle of that Russian land, not the switch timezone land. Its in the middle of it. They have also a mushroom crisis, which I told them 靈芝 story, .....

Anyway....these Russian i already mention too many times, people just hear me this line, to them China Russian line, we line up to be hostile to each other. I sing a song, you should all just die.

So things that are mine?

And yes, things that are mine!!!!!

Flower Thousand Bone

When we finish all the stuffs behind with Apple 2017, the 2018 are just wall vase cover stories, I make it up for that SMCH to listen up, you need to change your every mistakes. 

Climate Change, and that UN....they say they are God. Its from NASA !!! One of those again....garbage why they say they are God. My name is not Old? Book formating...


Bob Dean dead....

So everyone doesn't have anymore this scientific stuffs going on.

We do slow motion, because there are kids invovled.

One of those, no more military talk, i become useless dummy talk. Doing math, ice skating, roll blader....one of those talent shows again...nothing but a face vase on the wall.

Because there are kids, I want them to go out, and doing this jump, leap, bounce...one of those days, were Eben's conference meeting at night. I remember, I come back at 10 oclock...I took a shower, to get ready on this timezone, wherever he was....

So Because Eben are in the TV formats of some stories....I try to included him in several stuffs, I told everyone about what he is. But not the digital era talks.

I say, you all go to Eben Pagan, to introducing yourself, the kids.

They cannot open their mouth to talk, so I tell Eben, to be nice to them.

Then 2021 - Flood, SMCH

There are several Party involved.

Trump kids'

Obama kids

Taiwan line up YouTuber, including Adam & Hailey.

One day, that CIA blocks all of us monitor the full morning. I went to find out....so there is a credit card. 

I actually will tell you I don't know what is CIA means. I think that is the parenting company from Snowden. They are spy, or they investigating spy, like Meeting the Parents, or Keanu, the Earth Stand Still....

CIA shows up, was becasue I put the keyword in the blog post, that is..shit...they really didn't know? Meaning they are inline. Inline, meaning inside the map of that nation land.

We are pixie training at the border, so the internal structure was all blocked?

I thought, that is no good, CIA shows up, they really didn't know? That is very bad, what Pixie did. The patrol from all the borders. We cannot enter any border, that means. Because internal structure of every them, do not get the call. That is what I thought....but anyway, they show up. 

So I did the few things for them....I think they are just like Snowden looking? Meaning articulate what you are saying, and do the copy paste image, IT keyword searching behind, to be organization looking personnel? Are they even military counts? ... oh ~~whatever, maybe they just mean, trying to be charming, and acquire all the information. CIA is central intelligent....something....

I know what is intelligent, data collection, I thought Iseral, were next by Syria, that is NSA used to wiki?

Whatever that is....its the data collections. They didn't tell me what, but I did what for them, women period, or just one of those medical board, occasionaly on tests?  Did we start it that time?

Occasionally I drop notes on the Medical Board, their tests.

Medical Board Buzz playing

There are two part of the Medical Board Buzz.

First period of time - you got it wrong, they buzz you.

Second period of time - Parents play buzz.

The way the Blogger design, they have a title.

This article title is : "There was nothing about Eben Pagan... Russian "

So below this title entry, those are the main content articles.

For the Medical Board, when I tests them, they meant, the words definitions to be right.

But later I found out there is a branch of others....MD, they have a name, its to synchronize with my mind, to see what I Anna will ever say, below that posts....

Anyway, in between one of those....

If I enter Blog Post, and finish the answer. They put on the students monitor, and the moment the post shows, the parents buzz.

You will fail no matter what. That is the buzz games.

At least that is what I heard, I told them.

At those time, American Founding Father is not Medical Board.

So I stand on the left side holding down tilted weight scale, liberty, they are on the right....I say zero forever....they meant, there is no way, to say, just zero, they do education.

I say, "oh yeah" !

Well, the medical board does not exist....

That happened for sometimes....just the regular things every day happened, they guessing my mind, after i have no more things to say, I tell SMCH, to finish her homework where she started her websites stuffs, go to Eben, to learn stuffs, 

That is when I get to Eben.

So does that mean Eben Pagan, knows what happened whom involved with those Party?

Yeah, I think he is present. He is not in the situation we were on, because...the medical board....do you know what is the medical board? There is nothing to do with that Eben Pagan.

Its definition on words, only tests to the basic words, you can never sue nobody, just to tell me, you cannot find the concepts of those exact saying in the back of your index words pages.

How stupid could that ever be ....



Beauty Pageant

This...is behind anything we could ever talk....

We were on 1908 Math, so I run to this Taiwan so many times Karaoke, they Russian or all the UN, they come to this Taipei Station where the Central City, next to the Police First Branch station.

I sit there to hold microphone to do this over and over and over and over again Climate Change, Britney video, and sing a song....

With math calculation methods gazillions times. 


    Roller Blader, Ice Skating comic book

    Talking on Flower Thousand bone

    Treasure hunt outside

    Music, to my heart and mind, you all should just be dead, songs?

No one ever does anything about this Beauty Pageant, til the day, I had enough ...Now this is the 5th time we are talking about? How about, you tell me what exactly you say Miss University those face vase wall on play boy house to hold up high tall glasses? Those kinds?

If ADD can run a hospital one of those days, to say...why the movie is on Tesla and Ant man women, to say Steve "Jobs"....its already stream on Demand on Itune?

They take it down?

Anyway..if you label clearly to tell me what is the 5 mins you need the flower vases on the wall? Dressing like the national moscow for basketball game, or you mean Victoria Secrets? They are model agency, right? So just line up a story?With ribbon in front? long hair?

To smile, and shake hands, like Ice Skating Asian 90s, she becomes the UN embassador. That is what the Miss Universe Bibo does? Wave, and smile?

What do they function you need to after the show? They getting a prize and a crown?

Like a contract?

You label clearly what you are saying this Miss Universe, whatever from all over the States.You mean fitness guru trainers teaching them posture? Model Agency? So Craig is the fitness guru, one of those senior home physical therapy, those guys tall trainer?

Nothing without the brain to say, faces.

When you finish define what jobs, are those miss....Missy what girls bimbo faces you want to engineer, you tell me details, what you need after that TV shows ?

Technically, we save the Earth with 10 days Heaven Days, on comets...those math meant more important at the brain?

Your things are in a hurry, to say no brainer needed....

Explain to me what you require to be engineered, and we talked about? This is so stupid to the degree I cannot breath right, we are on beauty pageant, the world collaps....Why don't you say Simon cannot stop fallen....singing, art, vase decorating cake, to say, high heel, smile on twicking eyes to say Crown on top, your hands cannot hold it tight?

Its the posture and camera angle to say light on the face to see "smile" to make once of a lifetime, you go kneel and flat ADD, that is just 5 mins walking....



I go out !

 Babaji: Go

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️





Adam & Hailey (Telling your school )


Hi Adam, now I want you to do a few things from me.
Stop listening to any friends on my facebook or those MD. I didn't come back to this UB, so they attack you, Adam with Hailey this time. okay?
I just happen to be here, to sort something called the movie Tiny 4.0. And there were problems.
I need you to do things in steps. When you are running a YouTuber Channel, and with your kinds of school pulling, register bills, money paying, phone wiring, content writing, and all those things getting your attention too overload.....you encounter a lot of things not right.
You want to make money, Adam. Everyone does that.
Don't do those things. Step down.

楊冪 Tiny 4.0
Adam, I think you learn your Chinese very very good in a very very short time.
I want you to finish your schooling, and get yourself life back up, you understand?
If this week, too in a hurry tomorrow your content already finished writing, you do it next week....You are running a pressure, you must sustain that clicks to earn your weekly ads. I know that.
You need to stay away from your family, there are things whatever there, the house is selling.
You are in between this church things you are helping, you can see things around, but Adam, not in this methods doing things, okay?
We do step by step.
Now Adam, you just bought the house, the only places to stay.
You and Hailey will agree or disagreeing things with everything around you.
I need you to walk out that situation. She insists doing her way, you just don't get involved in that. That is her Channel, you support in that causes.
Not that methods, I say that again. Adam. Not that methods.
You go to your school, BYU, that is the most immediate things to them.
You say, you encounter some problems in life. Anna wants me to come here to tell you a few things. She says you Adam want to finish this school, that for now, that is the most important things in life to get it right. Not these video and the past methods if others found out to be illegal. You Adam are not 100% sure why that is illegal but "I need time" to sort that with people around me, near me. I had a lot of things that settle in, just with the new houses, and trying to get by content input, that is a constantly lacking ideas situation, so I didn't know anything aynmore at this moment, I wish you could give me one or two weeks, so I can make sure my life is settle that I will continue to get this right.
You Adam say, "I don't know about Hailey, but Anna told me, to go and finish school. If Hailey wants to go back to Taiwan with her family on that video, get out. FInish the school, don't delay anymore, its not worth it. Your Chinese are speaking very good, Anna says, that's good enough for now. Doing the right things, its to go back to your school, and learn things right, to social networks in this world until you graduate. You will continue to watching the Asian statues, because you are always interests in it, but you found out maybe this time, things gone a littel out of the hands. I am not actually sure things. I need to step away, and finishing school are always my parents want, and what I really need to want, Anna says."
 You adam says, "I need to get this whole things right, again, if that including to lose all those hard works, and not going to jail, I will do all that, not to go to jail. But I need help. I willing to do my best, to tell Hailey, or to talk to anyone that willing to talk to me, from both family or church, that, we will get things right this time. My judgement was on.....different things. I know what I read, and I make that decision for a while. I don't want to do that anymore. Can you help me?"
You Adam says, "If I need to move out, because they insist to keep that channel, I will tell you, I will be broke, and homeless at this time, with no one really there supporting me, for what I claim right now. I don't really want to be living cold at right now, here here. But I will tell you, that is what I had thought about it...one of the exit, if things got really worse, and I do that...what will happen. I did thought about all that. "
 You Adam says, "There is someone talking to me, I think she contacts the school, she want me to come back the school, to tell you, you Adam personally want to graduate with a paper in the future, to say, you have a future. You could see things with excitement, but you don't have a right direction to turn right now. "
 You Adam say, "I am talking to Hailey too. But Anna says, if that situation persists, that you Adam encouter situation you cannot get out, you need to lose everything, not to go to jail, no matter what. Anna says, going to jail on your life records, its no matter what, no good. You want out. Right now. She Hailey might think it is not like that, but I don't want to gamble that. If there is an exit, I take it, and I want to finish the school. Try again life. No jail records, I don't want that."
 You Adam says, "I am a little bit everywhere.... right now. Its true. I am not feeling all that well, right now. Anna says, just do one things at a time, even if I just keep sending the message and you are not talking to me, I hope you will listen. I need to get through this. Not jail records. "
You Adam says, "I went to make some money online in Taiwan. There are something happened, we use a server that is not Taiwan base. Its from India. For the cyber worlds, you Adam didn't think that is exactly wrong with it, since everyone are using it. Anna says, that newspaper does not look like saying that. You Adam says, you didn't read that. You are scared of that already for next year tax seasons. You do feel the scared. That is the first things.
Second things, my life are not just YouTuber Channerl bound, you know that, but I put the school last. I am sorry. I need to get back here, and find that major, and finish all the works.
The Third things are this why I put stuffs on the video ....of course, its to make money. I Adam thought about a plan. That plan, Anna says, you are not thinking straight. I did 3 video this far, within 3 weeks including my family probably let me, and we bought the house, and move in Utrah, to this all new things here. WE are in the US, not in Taiwan, right now.
The Forth things, When CNN or everything around me start to go buzz on me, my heads started to get fuzzy....what?
That is literally Anna says "What?"
Fifth things, No, I am not stupid. But ...there is a "What?"
Do you have a professional people....I want to ask you something about this "What?" I don't want to talk to the Church, I need someone that will not make it anymore worse, and I go to jail, or all of us going to jail.
Anna says, just copy and paste telling you all that, next whole week, that will start a conversation at least you know, you are working on your pace to get things right....
 Start saying all that, Adam.
I go to sleep.



 I saw I saw I saw

Prince Harry, Prince William facebook, Middleton video 

Keanu fan facebook cannot stop beeping !! 🔔🔔

England House

What do you eat? English muffin + mash potato, gravy ?

When I go to Obama saying NSYNC money music to my ears, I was being polite, I thought at least I go to tell Pompey.

But soon after that, I was teach little kid little Chinese monk in Chinese about the book I used to read on 埃及艷后l Congress was in chaos since that beauty pageant they finding their targets. But technically speaking Pompey is not Congress. They are Lobbists groups and interests groups around, you talking about congressman. Not Pompey.


Social Media 

APO are Alpha Phi Omega, it’s Greek letter words, we do community service. They are a little bit different from CAC. If you got punished, you go to CAC. 

They are in national chapters ideas, but technically any fraternity or sorority all have every chapters going on. We don’t drink in the groups stuffs, I asked 3 times to Mike or Tom before I go in. The girl and that guy start doing funny things on sex stuffs, I left. Heather? TV on sex in the offices. Keegan’s movie with her, that girl. Deep throat.


NSC has more guys in UB, New York edge there has more guys populated than UK, that ratio was girl 6:4. I like UB better. I just feel more homey.

There are friends sometimes their parents show up near them, some parents I met them. I don’t really know them. Not even saying a talk. Just barely we meet the eyes, they know that’s Anna. 


You are saying me and Ryoya Takashima or your efforts to make Middleton cook by decree?

The news?

So you glad telling her to cook, next by your palace professional chef ? How did they ever get along on food? I heard their Prince William and Prince Harry since young they walk into that kitchen ….like…you know, the story he says.

That’s not what you say?

That’s what I reply ?

Some kids in Buffalo, their family are not exactly poor condition. But their attitude is they are spoiled because of that…

Lonely soul on the planet …you mean from the guys saying that or the Queen saying that ? There is a differences.

There is a difference if they own a facebook, and that ring belt Class guys saying that. You would imagine everyone all has a facebook, except me !!

Whenever you start, it’s when I finished ? I am sure there is no reason why we talk about it, I am very super busy. I deal that movies later like I told you. This is not the best time for that, not really. 

As for Ryoya Takashima, he is Japan their stuffs. Never met, never cared, whatever …



Shut up !!

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat ! CNN here I come !

 Babaji: Go

Simon ! hi ~ I need to tackle some of this UB pass life, before. I know ...my focus suppose to be you, and NSYNC current in Hollywood.

 Just give me another few months. 

I don't wish them bad. But I remember what I tell you, NSYNC, or Eben.


I just need some times finish those.

講能力 ~那十個徒弟有很多這種,感覺這個感覺那個 ...

 Talking about the religion Top.

That 10 people all have this, feeling this feeling that, they are this, they are that....
They all have that.
When I grow up?
I have dreams. But not ability. No.
I live in solitude inside and outside.
And when that times comes, I can becomes strong on those, the induicing power comes in. Not before.
Most of you, are lonely in the real life, outside world, but you go inside to find true happiness. not too lonely.
我的意思是說長大的時候~裡面沒有,只有夢境! 一點點! 
當你裡面孤獨跟外面孤獨很久之後 ...有一天我有一種 inducing power 進來
這大概是我可以形容給你們聽的 !
好像是花千骨講的對吧 ? 我忘了~我以前跟你們已經說過了,過程
我不太喜歡去講國外那種比外在,懂嗎 ?
眼睛嗎 ?
但是我學校有朋友呀 ! 你們很多藉口說自己很孤獨,我告訴妳們 .... 
你們的心神破碎才你們的神色裡面 ...我常常講過這種東西 ... 我常常講

當你們把自己的日子搞得很複雜,你們心神破碎 ...你們其實從來沒有放掉你們小學、中學的往事,這種東西 ... 我已經說了,過去的東西,死了!
不要再去做那種沒有意義的事情,叫做你們曾經有過去 ...

Good morning !

 Mahavatar Babaji: Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Anna.

Hi ! 

Mahavatar Babaji: Doubts to marry to Eben?

Yeah !

 Mahavatar Babaji: What did I say?

Marry him.

 Mahavatar Babaji: No he won't do that to you.

I handle my things first...so the future that Craig case, its equal only one formula with millions cases. They have money, they can wait !

 Mahavatar Babaji: What do you gonna do?

Anan is a disciple, what can I do? I will find out he meant meditation was a fake!

 Mahavatar Babaji: yeah ...

You want me to ask you?

Mahavatar Babaji: Yeah~~~?

Do you think nick, he does on purpose.

Mahavatar Babaji: A lot of people will tell you he does on purpose.


Mahavatar Babaji: You cannot change that, they live like that, among girls. the poor boys mentality.


Mahavatar Babaji: Ask me.

Does nick do on purpose, because when we first met, he knows I have an invention?

Mahavatar Babaji: No, he didn't do on purpose. He is just like that. He like the money value, correct. There is a lot of correct part on that. Its true.


Mahavatar Babaji: You know him better.

Thinking in the head is one thing, really doing it, that is another thing. If he lacks of money, he just needs to tell me !! Not stealing it !!!

Mahavatar Babaji: Correct. Did he steal any other time?


Mahavatar Babaji: So when don't you wait to ask him in person at the court room?

I don't even think we get that far...

Mahavatar Babaji: You don't think you go to court for that?

You mean if I sue him? How can I sue him? He took the money and not responding...

Mahavatar Babaji: Well, others will ask him where that money goes, he will response to them.










I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

UB, I say to you...your parents.


💞💝💖🥪🌭 Your Medical Board, Law Firm, UB Top, or Educational Department, cares about this China Drama, called Flower Thousand Bone, 花千骨, Very very big things happened in that side of the world.
You hear nothing much Anna says, correct.
Most of you, only need to live this one life, how long this got? another 50 years?
My life is target to eternal life, not 50 years life.
Eben and ETR Craig Ballantyne, they help a lot a lot a lot a lot of people to think positively, to help them discipline, they do a lot of that works, to know, why Life must to go up, and they are gearing that faith in them, that is the only way to live that life, its to Make it in life.
No, you don't have those things, I left my facebook, remember?
I come here only to leave some door opens, because you are not exactly bad people in this society, why you don't just get yourself a better chance with your family, your sibling, your friends, your new worlds, you getting anything if you can make it yourself.
That is to self discipline yourself.
You and me, don't have a chance. You should know that.
Eben and ETR Craig Ballantyne, I state it again, they help that business to grow in 15-20 years, they teach, they lecture, they hard working very very diligently wishing them well, faciliating any programs, or efforts for common public people to get up their life, to do better. They are not just talking, they are doing that behind.
I like that...
And I see something on the TV.
I want that to happen to this side of American world.
So I agree to Eben or that Mushroom professor this City of Hope, or Roswell Park Project, I go on to put it up together.
I see a lot of things, okay?
A lot a lot a lot of things.
When both Eben or ETR Craig Ballantyne +2 guys and all their company, wants to give a humanity any smaller groups of people to start to "get up on time", "disicpline your thought"
That is all greater works I wish they continue to make that right in everyone's life.
Eben is the one saying things to me.
No, I didn't go to him, so I would be with him. I hear what he said, we have agree or disagree earlier this year.
Later I agree.
I am still agreeing to that. I want something to happen, and I see that in them. I may not know that from the beginning to say anything, but later I put things together....I want the humanity to get up and fold their bed, and get exercise, eat healthier, and go to get a mentor or a coach, to that Digital Era, that both these very young guys, like Craig and Eben, or Mat, they were?
They were very young....
Those times....
They were not like any of you, to start step by step, helping smaller groups of people.
At this time, if I have access of a large audience, I want that to build that on Top of that. Because I like that.
Do you understand?
Does your parents understand?
We are over, that facebook long time ago...
That is a no.

You UB care about how many people followed them. I only care they started a small groups, they are not telling me what's behind.
20 groups of them are enough, to say small.
A real person does a real thing, knows...things started with 20 groups of people.
I like their presentation, I like the groups of people they put together to work for them. I see their efforts, including those people they hire, they don't drag people down, they actively want to live a better life. They are all normal person people to people person.
I see what I like, I don't have to say a lot of things.
I want things to take off on certain parts of worlds, that from the small.
Correct, you think they are smaller than Trump.
Probably. He has a daughter, not really the son.
You should look at what I like.....not what you imagine you think you like....with your parents to decide for my life.
When I say, that is me and Eben things, that is me and Eben things.
If we work it out or not, I still help them, those groups doing things, no matter what.
I am not like any of you, whatever this is....
Dr. Bing Shen, he was a far uncle of mine. I think he got fired, like all of you, behind me UB MD. He cannot handle anything personally to help anyone. American standard, that is the world in City of Hope that doesn't want people like that....
So they replace him.
He can still use his brain works that accumulate his experience in China, wherever he lands himself at, back in China. He only knows what to do with what he does best...that is China will keep him there, well.
I don't care how he turns out, to have a life in China, as long as he is safe there with his family. I don't like I cannot rely on him, but I understand with his ability, like many of you, he only went to school, not battle field. He only knows how to do that lab works.
I did not say jail him.
You all kids attitude, was your parents if they don't help you, or your uncle put you in stress situation, they cannot just go back to their country, and drop you one person here in America.
I say it again, I did not wish him good or bad. Just live the life you know how to life, somewhere else, not in America.
You wish your parents to hear what I said?
or you want me to repeated it again?

Let me try it again...
When Anna me the invention comes, like you see in my album, I went to get Dr. T to ask him something, I cannot figure it out. So he sent me to another white professor, looks like that NASA commercial guy in SMTV. A little bit chuby.
We talked, he let me go home.
They both be told, and so I think that both professors go to tell UB, Anna is up to something....AT least they records that.
My uncle, his attitude was, that thing is not from his lab, he doesn't want to hear about it.
That is the competition field, so the City of Hope that time, they lose me.
That is why he got fired.
You want to get Dr. T and another professor to get fired?

Do you hear anything when I tell Jonathon's Father MD in Roswell, about this Mushroom Professor in City of Hope?
We have a photo here and there on the TV?
Do you ever ask me, what I think of that person, and the reality of the comic books format telling you a very simple Conan Detective movie story with "a frame"?
We photo together?
I told everyone to go and tell him, he lost his memory, and forgotton of that one photo memory story, to applying City Of Hope?
Do you remember that?
His name is Ancient Chasez position? On that comic book 花冠安琪兒
Do you remember I say all that?
You can try to pass him, surpass him, or you surpass me?
To whomever trying that City of Hope things with Roswell Jonathon father MD got told, a simple story in Conan Detective?
Because its very true !
Do you want to find out how true that means true???

That person from City of Hope, I called him the Mushroom Professor, he is a type of guy, very brutal on the scientific inventions stuffs. Not just his characters are like that....you don't pass anything, if you don't arrive that degree, if he is still in City of Hope, i don't even know. My uncle was there for 20 years almost now.
That guy is a white guy. He delivers presentation fine guy.
Dr. T is a mild guy.
That mushroom Professor is not a mild person, no matter how you look at it.
Do you even ask me, how does that professor Mushroom ended up on that stage in front of me, that time? Like, "Hi~ Anna, how does that to work in a place like City of Hope, is that Intern you say? What are they anyway?"
Do you ever occurring to you, what is City of Hope?
What is the Intern, my uncle gives me a chance in my life, he has a chance in his life no matter where he goes? That no matter what, he flew in UK, to talk to me, once?
Long time ago, Adam and I was in UK those time, I left him to go to UB transfer students. I never told anyone what I do. I just did it.
That time I get the paper submit, and ready to go. From UK to UB.
My uncle shows up to see me in the school at UK, I never had a family there, so he comes, that summer, I worked in the City of Hope.
After that summer, I arrived to UB, to go to APO, CAC or Honor Class, in JC Always.
In that video, I deliver a white JC dresses twice frames,
One at City of Hope
One is at Buffalo Diagnostic lab.
I didn't tell my uncle I goes there. That is a chromosome lab.
I am not even sure if my uncle got fired....I just said he might, because of that W TWo worlds.

That Summer, I met a lot of students from the entire 50 states. They tell you, 1/3 of students, they go by connection to end up in City of Hope.
So as we have that intern ready for that 50 states students, I think roughly like 200 -300 students, they are Duke, Standford.....I cut my hair hair...very short, like nobody just showing up there.....I hate this Adam things emotional romance stuffs....I want to a new life, I will cut my hair like that.
So that is not a summer to say romance, I work there.
They occasionally deliver something to gather the students all in.
All the students coming in to some of the stuffs they put, at the beginning of that intern.
And that mushroom professor is one of them.
That is how it happened.
We have 8 weeks or 10 weeks....to later, they call you to see, if you do a poster on the walls, or you do a oral reports.
I was that lucky, I do an oral report that time, on the stage.
My uncle was there. I was very young that time.
That is how it happened, everyone left there for 20 years now. What we all become, like Simon Cowell Farewell American Idol, you should look at it. 
Commercial 華爾街金錢萬萬歲!!廣告
The mushroom Professor like Simon or Howard, you go there start crying or he stills makes you cry at the end, whatever you planning to do.
You wish he is blank, not learning anything about the movies.
I highly doubt it.
If he goes evaluate himself “on himself” with the photo …to the degree why Anna just meant you should all die, and she really just go and ensure the worlds collaps and you just need to die …he will probably remember what he made of?
You know, the strength to which you cry, I kill?
That makes up his new future, he cries with you, or he just meant that’s a job he does?
Your jobs as a girl, or a blonde hair guy, it’s to make it with that City of Hope Mushroom Professor or Howard Stern.
To mock up that photo image, I say, Ancient Chasez, Siddarthra position.
You just go and do it !!
It’s probably easier you get through ETR Craig Ballantyne but Masterson is on top of them 3, as long as he exists, you surely don’t make it anywhere…
But with that Mushroom Professor, his 20 years ago, he was already like that …you are saying 20 years I didn’t know what he had becomes ?
That’s a science field.
Not self-improvement you deliver a draft speech only …you present yourself right, Masterson likes you, you done. It’s like a modeling business.
Science, they use IQ brain.
You have a IQ brain?
You make him to become your stuffs and you open door to every year City of Hope 300 students per intern, per years from 50 states?
City of Hope will not let him just go dying by himself with that one photo !!
They find out things as the professional networks, my uncle is a spy, asking my mother what a pain in the ass I ever be….?
Because one photo tells 1000 words !!
You tell that mushroom Professor “ be yours”?
Heart …aches….”be mine” is so hard to say those words out …what’s so awful to say those words? You borrow him for 5 mins and return him to his family wife kids?
You wish him well, you wish him fine.
Starting that?
Or you have any invention on hands like me and Lee?
He wants to know I done the scientific basic curriculum works with CADS labs?
Me sailor Neptune, another story you go to Lee or you go to Mushroom Professor?
Be an organic chemistry tutor in a funded university, are you sure it’s easy you just by listening, you think organic chemistry is a subject you tutor if you don’t make it General Chemistry to say a few chapters words opening that textbook?
Starts with Dr T?
He is 25 years on one subject General Chemistry, and you could get that wrong with Dr T?
You want to start something small? Step by step?
You go to Dr T, Lee Solomon, or Mushroom Professor to replace me?
Yeah, try that!!
I am online talking 8 years, I don’t have a textbook since when …
The brain like yours needs to read every year, you wonder if I lost my wits in music….
How I just need a textbook to read that book again ?
It’s something I already learn, let me reminded you all that.
I already leant it before ….

💞💝💖🥪🌭 Do you talk to your parents, about your progress?
Like telling me, right now these are COVID 19 times? You might just die on it? That kind of talk?
You have some body works to build?
Some presentation skills your parents think these are a good ideas?
To shape up your life, to be more mature, and responsible upbeat people?
Sit home, be sad? That life has no activities, besides drunk on weekend, and waste on Holiday?
No, your degree of learning, its started use your mouth to talk right.
I think that is the only step right now. Dr. T is more than enough....
Lee is like your classmate, he is from UP. That is a very well achieved school.
I don't have school after UB.
UB is the only school I ever get !
You are not orientated yourself very well on this ....whatever this is, for you to look at it.
You want to be the guys that people can rely on?
Why don't I just be the guy, pretending all these photo are mine, and starting saying I am the guys, shut up, and give me the blank paper, I start writing one to one millions?
Follow exactly these instruction and do step 1 to step 1000?
Anyone asking you, Anna gives anymore instruction, to copy and paste?

 One day, your life will be hit by the crisis....you figure it out, that is the life suppose to be? To live one full life?

Did I ever care, what you all did behind me, when I just lay out instruction, do that?
Prince William, cares what his classmates all do behind him, in his class.....if he gives the instruction.
You mess up, I go back to the States, and someone telling me everything, I fix everything right there, myself !
Technically Medical Boards don't expect a weak feeble human like me, could do anything in life .....
To say, I am not even nervous, you will screw it up the first day.
Prince William will yet at you all, starting on the first day.
His temper is not that great. Not really....he is a little bit spoil, things suppose to get smooth, he believes in that.
Very bad temper person.
 People screw up things, you don't blame them. You just go and do it yourself ... I just didn't acquire that piece of MD paper myself, to say, these are domestic things, you are trying to be functional.
Is anything not what you like to hear what I say so far, on those schedules?
So, just keep file-ing these files.
I trust that Jonathon will tell you all..if he didn't, you tell me later.
I tell you a story....when I was in high school, we have these 3000 girls that enter that school, by scores. The grades.
One grade determine your life worth, that kinds.
So when you enter those very top school, you will start meeting certain types of students.
These students, in your America, they normally don't go to state school. They are multi- space oriented.
Meaning they do a lot of things starting young, in different directions, so when the life crisis hits them, they can multi-functional to tackle different direction of matters.
You are feeling being rip apart from few things in your life, you cannot oriented your space in life. You feel pain, you feel suffering, you feel uncertain.
Your parents are just right there with you.
When those professional school, like pre-med, pre-pharmacy, pre-dental started that prerequisite courses, these Top end school, also in each school, has requirement, what you ought to take in class before I apply to that Pharmacy school.
I apply to UB, and one more school, I think it is in Dr. T's his school states.
The pharmacy school.
I don't really know what to do with those application, because every school requires all different stuffs. Too many stuffs.
So I pick and choose, and just randomly to apply that school.
I think it is in North Carolina.
Its a pharmacy school.
These things happened too long ago, I already forgotten.
Right now i remembering now, because I start to remember my PCAT scores, maybe I look at the wrong side of my grade paper, that time.
I growing up, to go to several difference places....I will tell you, there are a particular kind of students, they can do multi-talents space projects. They are being selected too. I know they exists. Not feeling all the spaces being rip apart from all the direction coming in, which really....I am = Seth, that is not a thing you do in life, really.

💞💝💖🥪🌭 Those students, family are different, talents are different, their attitude are different.... when I used to be in my high school, they go to cram school.
My family has no money, I didn't go to cram school.
Its a norm here, those Asian kids family, go to so many subjects matter to those cram school, outside the regular high school curriculum.
I went to join the volleyball team.
In these Top girls school, there are different things you can do in that school, to social, to play, to join different norms stuffs, to make friends. You just making friends.
Its similar like UB.

The earlier you train yourself, step by step, some people learn it once, next time, you just do exactly the same things, and get done with it. To move on their lifes.
This one time.
Its not a big deal what you do it right or wrong. I don't yell at people. I am used to, to do everything myself.
You, however, one day, you gonna tell everyone else, you think they all did the wrong for you. That is the thing.
I hope you don't do that. You will hurt a lot of people, because those things are someone patiently teaching you to do, and you are just trying to do it right for others in the future.

You have a group now, you should cultivate them with your new friends. I don't have new friends, you are all the same looking guys I used to know. You help each other to grow, no matter what, in life, sometimes you don't have a job in MD, you might end up in paper works jobs. Some guys does construction labor jobs.
You humbly to quests those work forces, no matter what, you find an exit to live on yourself and provide others.
That's called humility.
You want me to say that again to your parents?
No matter which life direction it turns, you find a way out.
To nurture, and to nourish life. Whatever that life means to you or not means to you.
Sometimes people won't go to your way, so you let go.
If they find they want to come for help, you help them, no matter what. Everyone mentality and life experience is different, you are being helpful, because God gives you talents to be a little bit better, to breath somehow, you get things done exactly like this is the last breath on Earth.
You never have to be forced in that situation ....at least you try to be responsible for your parents.
I used to do some works before I come back to UB.

Military, yeah....I just randomly gives them a name.
I sometimes tell them, re-write !

You have confident to do that?


Normal client, are not your UB classmate, to tell you step 1 to step 1000.
They envy you, and they make sure you get lay off, or telling your parents, you are a dummy.
That is what the real world people outside does all that.
You have no pressure, to deliver it or not. I am seriously meant it.
I don't inside outside give you pressure.
That day, when that day comes, to your real world, if you still get that paper going, MD. You will know what is the real mentality, people blames things, all in that fashion, you are just not capable, and hating your jobs as a MD.
Following a simple instruction and no one blaming on you, you are taking it a way too simple breeze to live life....really.

I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....