Babaji: Go
Eben Pagan, and Commander-in-Chef
You are saying the ETR Craig Ballantyne that stuffs right?
With Masterson.
I actually don't know anything about that degree of them.
Eben I know he is around. They?
The later part of the Optimistic-out-put groups, I think its Eben told them he had May 2021, whatever he creates a story with Lalla to tell me Jay, Abraham.
I told them in that 3 days something about Babaji and Me.
Someone Foul !
Facebook Write-up

There was nothing about Eben Pagan....Russian....俄羅斯人 ....
Begins that Russian scientists are presumption about their timezone moving towards this side of "us" lines.
Between that Japan, Korean, Taiwan, we are the coastline of that China.
So Russian is right above China, if you looking at the Map.
There were time, we were just only does things behind, and apparently all the Russian those scientists are mix with the military, so they just move it the timezone, to where we are here. Their Capital is at Moscow. Scientific assumption, we have nothing to do with their captial.
So one of those things when people started getting getting annoyed, with their Scientifist Russia Military...why they even move here this timezone anyway?
Its you should just die, with the music, I make you pay at it.
That time, American Medical Board called in, becasue I was does this Apple behind, their phsyiology textbook, technically, its just follow their introduction textbook, chapter 1 started have only one body, okay? Inside out, outside in, you eat food down GI Track, its has to come eat food, so your vitality of the body, become the full function to that energy, you breath, you live, you use your brain to think, how those wired are process pain from head to Toe. This is so many times we go over this, "we have only one body". Its the exactly the same things we talk about over and over and over...I say the detinition words of the medical textbook, so you don't sue me, stupidity of the concept, called air. You just need to open that entire textbook, from page 1 to page end, to assiliate the entire concept, to the end of those vocabulary words, to say "definition' . Correct, you cannot find the answer within the textbook, but I already said, those are just definition on the back of your textbook, you cannot find the answer in your ten textbook line up, that is entirely your problems. I say definition only, no concepts related, called Conceptural....
One of those stupidiest things that make me do behind in 2017 ...So
Russian scientist/military, they were looking at this Sailor Moon. We are all knowing what is SMCH, and the map, no one needs to build on anyone's new vocabulary, so every time I talking to the military, they are much smooth.
What you called the Mushroom professor, that is institution on the map, called City of Hope, But the true scientists are being hired behind in the military, they suppose to already knowing every line of that SMCH, no matter what, with Great Master Sawan Sigh hard case or soft case textbook.....
So When I speak behind in the military only, situation with Apple, we will come to a time....Its American vs that Russian, we are at "a line"
If you just look at the map.
How that line is invisible?
Taiwan, and Russian? (China)
Everyone are just squeeze over on this side of world....
Comets - 1908
Technically, that explostion things are happening in the middle of that Russian land, not the switch timezone land. Its in the middle of it. They have also a mushroom crisis, which I told them 靈芝 story, .....
Anyway....these Russian i already mention too many times, people just hear me this line, to them China Russian line, we line up to be hostile to each other. I sing a song, you should all just die.
So things that are mine?
And yes, things that are mine!!!!!
Flower Thousand Bone
When we finish all the stuffs behind with Apple 2017, the 2018 are just wall vase cover stories, I make it up for that SMCH to listen up, you need to change your every mistakes.
Climate Change, and that UN....they say they are God. Its from NASA !!! One of those again....garbage why they say they are God. My name is not Old? Book formating...
Bob Dean dead....
So everyone doesn't have anymore this scientific stuffs going on.
We do slow motion, because there are kids invovled.
One of those, no more military talk, i become useless dummy talk. Doing math, ice skating, roll of those talent shows again...nothing but a face vase on the wall.
Because there are kids, I want them to go out, and doing this jump, leap, of those days, were Eben's conference meeting at night. I remember, I come back at 10 oclock...I took a shower, to get ready on this timezone, wherever he was....
So Because Eben are in the TV formats of some stories....I try to included him in several stuffs, I told everyone about what he is. But not the digital era talks.
I say, you all go to Eben Pagan, to introducing yourself, the kids.
They cannot open their mouth to talk, so I tell Eben, to be nice to them.
Then 2021 - Flood, SMCH
There are several Party involved.
Trump kids'
Obama kids
Taiwan line up YouTuber, including Adam & Hailey.
One day, that CIA blocks all of us monitor the full morning. I went to find there is a credit card.
I actually will tell you I don't know what is CIA means. I think that is the parenting company from Snowden. They are spy, or they investigating spy, like Meeting the Parents, or Keanu, the Earth Stand Still....
CIA shows up, was becasue I put the keyword in the blog post, that is..shit...they really didn't know? Meaning they are inline. Inline, meaning inside the map of that nation land.
We are pixie training at the border, so the internal structure was all blocked?
I thought, that is no good, CIA shows up, they really didn't know? That is very bad, what Pixie did. The patrol from all the borders. We cannot enter any border, that means. Because internal structure of every them, do not get the call. That is what I thought....but anyway, they show up.
So I did the few things for them....I think they are just like Snowden looking? Meaning articulate what you are saying, and do the copy paste image, IT keyword searching behind, to be organization looking personnel? Are they even military counts? ... oh ~~whatever, maybe they just mean, trying to be charming, and acquire all the information. CIA is central intelligent....something....
I know what is intelligent, data collection, I thought Iseral, were next by Syria, that is NSA used to wiki?
Whatever that is....its the data collections. They didn't tell me what, but I did what for them, women period, or just one of those medical board, occasionaly on tests? Did we start it that time?
Occasionally I drop notes on the Medical Board, their tests.
Medical Board Buzz playing
There are two part of the Medical Board Buzz.
First period of time - you got it wrong, they buzz you.
Second period of time - Parents play buzz.
The way the Blogger design, they have a title.
This article title is : "There was nothing about Eben Pagan... Russian "
So below this title entry, those are the main content articles.
For the Medical Board, when I tests them, they meant, the words definitions to be right.
But later I found out there is a branch of others....MD, they have a name, its to synchronize with my mind, to see what I Anna will ever say, below that posts....
Anyway, in between one of those....
If I enter Blog Post, and finish the answer. They put on the students monitor, and the moment the post shows, the parents buzz.
You will fail no matter what. That is the buzz games.
At least that is what I heard, I told them.
At those time, American Founding Father is not Medical Board.
So I stand on the left side holding down tilted weight scale, liberty, they are on the right....I say zero forever....they meant, there is no way, to say, just zero, they do education.
I say, "oh yeah" !
Well, the medical board does not exist....
That happened for sometimes....just the regular things every day happened, they guessing my mind, after i have no more things to say, I tell SMCH, to finish her homework where she started her websites stuffs, go to Eben, to learn stuffs,
That is when I get to Eben.
So does that mean Eben Pagan, knows what happened whom involved with those Party?
Yeah, I think he is present. He is not in the situation we were on, because...the medical you know what is the medical board? There is nothing to do with that Eben Pagan.
Its definition on words, only tests to the basic words, you can never sue nobody, just to tell me, you cannot find the concepts of those exact saying in the back of your index words pages.
How stupid could that ever be ....
Beauty Pageant behind anything we could ever talk....
We were on 1908 Math, so I run to this Taiwan so many times Karaoke, they Russian or all the UN, they come to this Taipei Station where the Central City, next to the Police First Branch station.
I sit there to hold microphone to do this over and over and over and over again Climate Change, Britney video, and sing a song....
With math calculation methods gazillions times.
Roller Blader, Ice Skating comic book
Talking on Flower Thousand bone
Treasure hunt outside
Music, to my heart and mind, you all should just be dead, songs?
No one ever does anything about this Beauty Pageant, til the day, I had enough ...Now this is the 5th time we are talking about? How about, you tell me what exactly you say Miss University those face vase wall on play boy house to hold up high tall glasses? Those kinds?
If ADD can run a hospital one of those days, to say...why the movie is on Tesla and Ant man women, to say Steve "Jobs"....its already stream on Demand on Itune?
They take it down?
Anyway..if you label clearly to tell me what is the 5 mins you need the flower vases on the wall? Dressing like the national moscow for basketball game, or you mean Victoria Secrets? They are model agency, right? So just line up a story?With ribbon in front? long hair?
To smile, and shake hands, like Ice Skating Asian 90s, she becomes the UN embassador. That is what the Miss Universe Bibo does? Wave, and smile?
What do they function you need to after the show? They getting a prize and a crown?
Like a contract?
You label clearly what you are saying this Miss Universe, whatever from all over the States.You mean fitness guru trainers teaching them posture? Model Agency? So Craig is the fitness guru, one of those senior home physical therapy, those guys tall trainer?
Nothing without the brain to say, faces.
When you finish define what jobs, are those miss....Missy what girls bimbo faces you want to engineer, you tell me details, what you need after that TV shows ?
Technically, we save the Earth with 10 days Heaven Days, on comets...those math meant more important at the brain?
Your things are in a hurry, to say no brainer needed....
Explain to me what you require to be engineered, and we talked about? This is so stupid to the degree I cannot breath right, we are on beauty pageant, the world collaps....Why don't you say Simon cannot stop fallen....singing, art, vase decorating cake, to say, high heel, smile on twicking eyes to say Crown on top, your hands cannot hold it tight?
Its the posture and camera angle to say light on the face to see "smile" to make once of a lifetime, you go kneel and flat ADD, that is just 5 mins walking....
⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Adam & Hailey (Telling your school )

I go to sleep.
I saw I saw I saw
Prince Harry, Prince William facebook, Middleton video
Keanu fan facebook cannot stop beeping !! 🔔🔔
England House
What do you eat? English muffin + mash potato, gravy ?
When I go to Obama saying NSYNC money music to my ears, I was being polite, I thought at least I go to tell Pompey.
But soon after that, I was teach little kid little Chinese monk in Chinese about the book I used to read on 埃及艷后l Congress was in chaos since that beauty pageant they finding their targets. But technically speaking Pompey is not Congress. They are Lobbists groups and interests groups around, you talking about congressman. Not Pompey.
Social Media
APO are Alpha Phi Omega, it’s Greek letter words, we do community service. They are a little bit different from CAC. If you got punished, you go to CAC.
They are in national chapters ideas, but technically any fraternity or sorority all have every chapters going on. We don’t drink in the groups stuffs, I asked 3 times to Mike or Tom before I go in. The girl and that guy start doing funny things on sex stuffs, I left. Heather? TV on sex in the offices. Keegan’s movie with her, that girl. Deep throat.
NSC has more guys in UB, New York edge there has more guys populated than UK, that ratio was girl 6:4. I like UB better. I just feel more homey.
There are friends sometimes their parents show up near them, some parents I met them. I don’t really know them. Not even saying a talk. Just barely we meet the eyes, they know that’s Anna.
You are saying me and Ryoya Takashima or your efforts to make Middleton cook by decree?
The news?
So you glad telling her to cook, next by your palace professional chef ? How did they ever get along on food? I heard their Prince William and Prince Harry since young they walk into that kitchen ….like…you know, the story he says.
That’s not what you say?
That’s what I reply ?
Some kids in Buffalo, their family are not exactly poor condition. But their attitude is they are spoiled because of that…
Lonely soul on the planet …you mean from the guys saying that or the Queen saying that ? There is a differences.
There is a difference if they own a facebook, and that ring belt Class guys saying that. You would imagine everyone all has a facebook, except me !!
Whenever you start, it’s when I finished ? I am sure there is no reason why we talk about it, I am very super busy. I deal that movies later like I told you. This is not the best time for that, not really.
As for Ryoya Takashima, he is Japan their stuffs. Never met, never cared, whatever …
Simon ! hi ~ I need to tackle some of this UB pass life, before. I know focus suppose to be you, and NSYNC current in Hollywood.
Just give me another few months.
I don't wish them bad. But I remember what I tell you, NSYNC, or Eben.
I just need some times finish those.
講能力 ~那十個徒弟有很多這種,感覺這個感覺那個 ...
Talking about the religion Top.
Good morning !
Mahavatar Babaji: Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Anna.
Hi !
Mahavatar Babaji: Doubts to marry to Eben?
Yeah !
Mahavatar Babaji: What did I say?
Marry him.
Mahavatar Babaji: No he won't do that to you.
I handle my things the future that Craig case, its equal only one formula with millions cases. They have money, they can wait !
Mahavatar Babaji: What do you gonna do?
Anan is a disciple, what can I do? I will find out he meant meditation was a fake!
Mahavatar Babaji: yeah ...
You want me to ask you?
Mahavatar Babaji: Yeah~~~?
Do you think nick, he does on purpose.
Mahavatar Babaji: A lot of people will tell you he does on purpose.
Mahavatar Babaji: You cannot change that, they live like that, among girls. the poor boys mentality.
Mahavatar Babaji: Ask me.
Does nick do on purpose, because when we first met, he knows I have an invention?
Mahavatar Babaji: No, he didn't do on purpose. He is just like that. He like the money value, correct. There is a lot of correct part on that. Its true.
Mahavatar Babaji: You know him better.
Thinking in the head is one thing, really doing it, that is another thing. If he lacks of money, he just needs to tell me !! Not stealing it !!!
Mahavatar Babaji: Correct. Did he steal any other time?
Mahavatar Babaji: So when don't you wait to ask him in person at the court room?
I don't even think we get that far...
Mahavatar Babaji: You don't think you go to court for that?
You mean if I sue him? How can I sue him? He took the money and not responding...
Mahavatar Babaji: Well, others will ask him where that money goes, he will response to them.
UB, I say to you...your parents.

I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.
URL: Website preparing in progress....
You know what I mean? Not Tamang gun on facebook trying to threaten to get a job..... UB is the biggest local school at Buffalo. So when you...
赤河魅影 昨天在還願的那個人死了 ! 三個月前 (第五集) 38 80 神官出現 ! 我其實不希望有人出現 81 麥子那是由基 ( 我家小妹) 尋找龍之眼? 這所有事情會不會太過剛巧?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that..... You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, y...