
⭐️⭐️⭐️Talking to Tamang, Wing, Dean you guys 6 MD ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You can study some books from Yogananda

    Autobiography of a Yogi

    The Conversation with Yogananda

One is red, the other is blue.

In Britney video, Holding against me, there is a comet, and there is a red and blue fights. Until you know your next goal to reach, a True Love, an Open galaxy with your career heighten, and more stable in securing yourself finance, you can learn from spiritual lineage, that stain some energy to help you later on, if Open galaxy is your dream. Spiritual energy does exist, that will be what I advice you all doing. Sometimes learn some meditation, just cool your mind, calm your mind, so you rest sometimes away from so many things around you, focus on your work, understand the materials, whichever you feel these video are leading you. Do your own homework.

I don't think people want to be a prince, or now the girls want to be a princess.

If to be a princess ever be your goal, your skin, and your look will always on camera, by Apple by TV, or by people near by they someone has a camera to film you, and taken somewhere else, to group them, and compare. So you dress nicely, you pay attention to your attire, you check yourself in the mirror more often, you compare the photo, and get into the fitness plan. I tell you there is no princess dream, just your MD works, but if my words are really not able to convince you back to the reality, you need to do all the things said above, still its better for you doing nothing around. Fitness programs ! 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....