
I gonna go to sleep, but I will leave you something, why Adam Levine made into a photo, He replace you all?

 Sugar in Chinese = 糖

pronoucissaiton is like Tong, in Real Love, Supreme Master Ching Hai Vietanese name.

That is Senior Bush, he is dead.


Wing again...

you can tell your own faces?


Go Now


Do you remember I said, you need 4 block fitness programs, from 306 Sundown Trail to go to the Library behind?

 If you have a sudden death because your mood, because of your heart, there is a reason you cannot come near me.

Okay, you don't do that with me. You are approaching 40 years old, are you keeping up your fitness programs, or just work home work home? Today is Saturday ! 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ In case the parents are here, to wonder, there is 5 Lords, and where are the rest of 4 major religion head master ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Harry Potter only has 4 table, do you know that?

Ever seen it the Christmas? Some people don't eat food, so period disappear, you want to explore that now? Save yourself next few month, my period things? 

I am just making the article directory in Medicinal Chem, not finish yet. So you all decide your one life, this life, going to be, next 16 years yet, after figure it out how to save me?

 I don't actually want to hurry you. Its on today's CDC Taiwan Tiwtter, we have 7 people coming in detected.

7 is a number in the book. Meaning their wife fighting beauty pegeant 七妃之戰 

You hope the book is not true, cannot you be so blind, don't know what these guys are doing?.

There are some guys, are not kindness guys.

Of course I don't agree to that. But Zawanna just saying, if there is anything they can help, they always help !!! No, the book name is not Zawanna.

oh ~ don't tell me for 2000 years, people don't be dead, even started with that. There is a police station, I just gonna go and yell at them. Its impossible!!!!!!!


What will you be missing? The second starting the 16 years....


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Maybe this time, you watch some movies, you will be really thinking about ... life. The Bible means, Eternal Life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Do you see Adam and Hailey wedding?

Then I found them in Ella Enchanted, that was my ex bf, and best friend in UK, University of Kentucky.

But her brother standing on the back, at the wedding scenery, that the cart is where it started to look like Hailey.

My first bf, is Adam.

Funny tale?

Do you know what I try to say?

Me and Eben met in Eternal Life, 三生三世十里桃花 ! 

Do you believe in younger generation their marriage means eternal? After all these photo effects, movie effects, Real Love, Loving the SIlent Tear,

Do you ever dream of the second chance? Like movie: Notebook?

ITs always heart wishing, praying making....

Ella Enchanting Ending...

Life has a priority, what would be all yours?

 You see how devastated the Morman would be? Their lineage lines?

What you think?

You see East, you want to see West? What would that be means? Marriage be secured???? Like me and Eben?


Movie just keep making...the money just keep spending....what do you think this movie saying?

Does this look much better, subtle? 

So you all care about this, you all kids whom look screaming insane? 所以你們都很在乎有人登基你們小孩就發瘋發狂 !


So do you see all of it? ? 

What does all these means to you, if you cannot understand in Chinese?

You gonna live the same life, like yesterday?

巴巴基的事情你們很在乎嗎 ? You all care about Babaji? Do you even know whom that is? Mahavatar Babaji?



Do you think maybe I am also important?

你們看了對話?我跟他的? 心心念念? 尋尋覓覓?

You all read the conversation, heart heart thought contemplate, finding to seek, hussle embrace.



The Chinese one are below below below...


你們是覺得怎麼樣,很多心情要訴說? 修行一生浪費了 ... 我會告訴你們的 !! 對

You all thinking what? Many mood to spilt it all out? One life, spiritual practice, all wasted...I will tell you that !! Yeah!

美少女戰士 ! 你們是看了以後覺得如果是真的審核??? 是這樣嗎 ? 你們看了黑白色跟彩色? 然後自己做比較? 你們的師父 ~~~是這樣嗎 ?

你們是要說很混亂的意思! 你們師父很大聲??? 很多聲音呀 ! 所以是有審核,你們自己審?

我下午講的事情你們有沒有聽懂?所謂在僧團裡面大家打成一片? 在某些人的世界只有強權 ! 就是能力跟智商,不是跟大家打成一片 ! 

知道我的世界了嗎 ? 我講的都是英文,你們就花一點時間慢慢看 ! 影片我做生化也幾乎沒有講什麼話呀 ! 國家寶藏,那妳們悟道了什麼~跟小孩一起去尋寶嗎 ? 想嗎 ? 那英文學多少了?

知道有時候打中文是不方便的 ! 但是我還在台灣呀 ! 你們師父就不可能幫你們打中文的,也只會在那邊寒暄英文中文演一下所謂的 face card.


知道嗎 ? 人生只有一次 ! 不是什麼擔保不擔保要了解自己的人生再現在,只有一次,很多人只會去墮落,很多人會比較,很多人會覺得無所謂,你們聽說很多,看到很多,很多也是中文的直接講古文給你們聽的,世俗之上做人做事跟靈修的智商發展是有關連的,不要覺得上面的人都沒有智商,也不要覺得上面的人沒有靈修,現代的時間,你們會覺得人都是會有自己在後面競爭的能力,叫做不休不眠的精進,你們認為誰是在精進呢? 有人知道什麼真正的做到身口意? 只有三個字可以修行很久很久很久 !!!

臉真的可以看得出來嗎 ?


Do they figure it out how to save themselves yet?


That's JC Chasez, i don't really know why he and Justin wears like that.

But National Archive might take a too long time finding all the video, what they dress up.

So are they reading here?


About people's education in like my brother Pang Jao, he is in Michigan Universty for Russ Business school. That is a very good school, right, all they did was I heard, they all been using some kinds of drugs. Now they are all 100K business consoler, Eben's profession.

 Their goal is on vacation everyone going on tour together, to post on the facebook.

Life is made up like that.

Adam and Hailey they are not from very famous school, their friends probably are all white, if you research deep enough, you will see all that, but those are all just face cards. 

In 16 years, you think what will become of them?

Not just Youtuber, trying to survive on the ads clicking business now, on the internet, there are same age of the Child star, I say about Nominji. Because of the successor, its everyone's attention, until I show up. As for if SMCH knows or don't know, I am not sure. I assume I knock on her wall long enough. That is the only point.

There is Nancy Meyer's kid, they were 8 years ago, in the 20s bracket years age. If you search on their photo, what they have done, what will they be going...there is a lot of ironic things, that being parents like you, will know, and hear from me. Education to strive to arrive higher, its best.

Try to be the best in the school, and work load field. Because being a professional, you have a lot of up hand.

People don't think the education means a thing. It means everything.

It really does.

Your literacy, your manner, your friends, your associate, your National Standing to represent your country, your religion, your lineage....let's not talk about open galaxy, because the movie real don't real, some people like me, don't want to look, think, know about it. What is that movie turns real means? That is a lot of ghost stories, I fed upt!!

for 8 years, I really fed up !!! I play those Harry Potter, or seeing the film on the TV like gazillion times, on my home device, other people broadcast.

Its really like that.

As for your kids really know how resourceful of their education and what is their main focus right now in life, well, you have a turning point.

Look...if you understand what this is?

You want to figure it out?

Jennifer, Jolie, Celine Dion playing all my face as if....Mathrew's wife from Brazil. 1997 Contact movie guy. Science?

Eben Lalla? 

Lauren Steve Jobs? 

Senior Bush, Hitler, 1945....Nikola Tesla.

How would you ranking these?

Do you think these are important?

Having Wings or not? Victoria Secrets 2009 Romance Journey, rehersal is over.

Unforunately, that is nick and Jessica Simpson....the singer, looks like the first one.

My ex bf, is nick.

So again, I am missing? but my hand got hurt to have that ring was real, I have to go and see doctor, would be your kid doctor.

Its...always there.






⭐️⭐️ I update a Photo session, just now happening ! Continue the birds, where we go...they make a lot of noise, so I toko the photo. ⭐️⭐️

 They didn't run away. I have been talking to them for a while, so when I go out, they will accompany me around to tour the city block, where to turn, and which store to go to, and which destination to go finding some products !

You want to see?

 Its a pink....gifty ....tissue bag, box. 

Its a store special.

I am going out now

 Babaji: Go

我這幾天在講我在消失的關係 ~ 因為我在跟我同學的家長講話,關於所謂只有我認識的人的照面在電視上面 !我自己本身沒有照片 !

 但是在 Victoria Secret 2018 Winter Song

就是在說滿慈子有背景之後有一個人有背景~你們只是不知道那個人是誰 ! 因為所有雜誌,電視,電影,全部都是我附近我認識的人~除了沒有我這個人~我開玩笑說如果我的紐約工作的 州立ID 不見的話,我在五大湖地區就會不見 ! 因為 哈利波特的那個女孩子就是在"哪一年"

哪一年的ˊ時候把照片消除魔法 ,我會從這個世界消失!


因為跟 NSYNC 同一個經紀人死掉的那一個另外一邊有另外一個樂團

也是男孩子的,就是在清海日叫做 All or Nothing 的旁邊有一個 Liquid Dream


因為那個 Yuri 的頭髮其實長的像雲

畫雲會不會畫? 知道雲怎麼畫嗎 ? 就是在"沉默的眼淚" 清海無上師的劇本裡面,那個男孩子叫做 

雲 Clouz 的跟我以前租房子的老人是長的很像!

在美國的 English, Landlord 有點像租地!  Landing rental , Land lord saying...

所以我拿凱爾跟 Yuri 的影片給他們看,叫做誰在講話講什麼,你們懂是什麼意思嗎 ?

就是救我的意思! 只需要跟著電視演的事情做就是了 ! 


也不想什麼白色圓舞曲 ! 這種封面叫做你們會愛上的什麼將領~我其實一點興趣都沒有!我只想待在有美軍存在的地方,的世界!我這樣就可以過一生 ! 但是我告訴你們~因為那個主題曲

Smallvile 的歌曲講什麼歌詞~我說如果我一生之後你們要不要也救我回來呢? 我其實不想死了去那種世界,也許有辦法把我救回來呀 !


我先出去散步~鳥兒在叫了 !



There is a lot of things happened on a movie monitor.

 Do you want to talk to Dr STeven Hairfield or Dr Gabriel Cousen ?

You know, chat life. They are spiritual MD

Who is Nominji ? From SMCH child star. Singer !

 SMCH sings too.

There are some talents involved rating, if Dean find the 4 others, their jobs one day if NSYNC, you know, share them, 5 Lords Review, keep saying it. 

Is comparison horrible ?

You mean behind?

You guys or seen ones in the public with more tapes and photo ?

You might not be used to my photo right now.

But I destroyed 194 country their monitor, whatever that means one day you find out ?




I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

SMCH, its your turn. This Taxedo Mask 就是到底是哪種徒弟在這邊? 外國的 中國的 越南的? I said which disicple are here, Chinee, Vietanese, Taiwanese. 美少女戰士 Sailor Moon


你們都很在乎的意思,還是她也是很在乎的意思? 被比較? 是嗎?

I said do you all care about, or she is caring about it? Being compared? yeah?

Sailor moon series, have some past Queen with 2 cats, Future Queen with a husband.

So both representaiton is different from the current serenity princess


兩種代表的詮釋都跟現今的 serenity 公主長的不太一樣

Its that the reason to cry for it?

那是一種原因去哭嗎 ?


You don't really want that to be compared?

其實你不想那樣被比較的? 是嗎?

I don't either, when I finish those 700 video to fix your problems, or some problems we have on you, on the TV including 5 Lords Reviews.


Do you get some Chinese to read you the Chinese I write about?



我剛剛講的很辛苦的所有中文通通都不見了,我說我有種幻想我都在台灣了就講中文就好了! 應該是有人是中國人台灣人的意思,就可以看中文呀 !!! 我有時候其實也想要寫中文 !!!

我說九零年代的美少女戰士就是黑白色的漫畫,之後電視版的彩色變成自己直接黏到漫畫上,以前有很多商店東西現在都不見了!我以前有蒐集~我出國之後就沒有再看這種東西了!又過了不知道多久了時間現在的,美少女戰士變成 crystal 的系列版 ,你們應該知道都差不多的一樣的彩色細節吧 ? 但是畫質不一樣 ! 比較美的意思 !

就是說你們在意種有畫筆~我以前講 鋼鐵神兵的時候,說看眼睛呀 ! 跟人第一眼看到的一種詮釋~你覺得那些人很帥嗎 ? 就是一些一樣細小的事情

九零年代就是優雅的 "明月神力,恢復大地"

 我家也有那一本 ~ 剛好有那一本存在! 有看過 ...

所以你們自己比較~我個性本來就跟她不一樣的 ,很多事情叫做美少女戰士是活潑動畫篇 ! 跟朋友呀 ! 什麼什麼呀 ~ 有些人比較暖和~有些人比較冷冰冰的 ! 所以做大家長的像我要處理事情~我當然就不顧情面的講出很多事情來,這跟這個年代講的什麼有時候也不會有什麼交集 ! 

她大概在乎吧 ? 她以前就很在乎~在乎事情,在乎別人怎麼想,在乎我會怎麼講 

一種家庭模式 ! 你生活久了某一種家庭模式你們知道會發生什麼事情嗎 ? 這是你的家 !你不會亂跑的 ! 但是~並不是真的去做大家長,只是跟大家打成一片有所一樣的共識而已 ! 你不能真的成為大家長的原因在於,你其實很在乎這所有人的所有事情~真的做過大家長要養很多東西的人,都是要為了經濟奔走的 ! 不是拿供奉就是一群人在後面哈巴狗的意思~有人出錢出錢有人出力出力,知道我在講哪種世界?

那其實不是我的世界~你們想要知道的應該是我的世界的真正模式吧 ?

工業者、科學界,醫藥界 !

你們有想過你們最需要真的知道會是什麼? 真正的,如果歷史是從來~假設不是真的以前什麼哪個佛去了 Nirvana 假設不是 ~那世界應該是長的那種樣子?你們有疑問過,那種世界是真實的世界在釋迦摩尼佛的世界? 那講假設他去了 Nirvana 那還是一樣~我的世界並不是她被供奉好的世界,叫做沾沾自喜所有人都必須為了一個團體奔走做好所有事情,包括防守人員 !是因為有一些選擇的結構,我們才會有這種情況,我講過侍衛長的情況,我講過皇宮的情況,知道我在講什麼嗎 ?

像打字 像打功夫好了

像四肢訓練 像練功好了

像口才 像一把劍 跟聖經講的一樣 !  知道我在訴說什麼嗎 ?

不是坐在哪邊演短腿的 ! 如果連身高都印到故事上面,那就是真的寫得很逼真 ! 

如果我的世界你們也不能來~那就是專業不夠呀 ! 

你們只想跟她去泡泡澡,大家一起昏睡~只有我去幹嘛 ? 開發世界

真的最後就是這樣~我自己找美軍開發世界 ! 其實事情就像小孩開玩笑地一樣!!!!


That's Dean. He called me that. Babaji: I know that. (Dean's parents)

 So Dean's parents, you want him to wait? Or did he even tell you, as you are his parents?

These are the things I need to address clearly about 5 Lords. Because there are situation.

We have met, you and Dean in the award with Ola and her parent, at award in UB. I was at the reception.

Do you believe Victoria Secret?

Me not really.

But I will tell you something you might got confused at the beginning, later you will be more clear.

Supreme Master Ching Hai teach a methods of light and sound meditation technique, and that consist of repeating 5 names as a mantra and doing the sound meditation.

5 Lords are holy names, in our groups.

Its 13 syllabus.

Lords in Ancient English means Husbands.

oh ~ I don't want that much husbands. NSYNC are boy band that in the 90s, just jump, leap bounce...kinda like me.

I will tell you, a lot of people being compared.

That Hariley, has a brother looks like Westlife, one lord, and its her blood statues, 

not getting married means. Not husband.

One lords means precepts.

Do you acting like a lie, or wrong in life, to keep 5 Lords. Supreme Master Ching Hai keeps talking a lot about precepts.

Saying words, making statement, telling others things, positivity in life.


I will tell you these 5 people's name

Seth, Dean, Silas (UB spectrum editor has a photo now on UB spectrum archive)

Bill and Patrick

in the Victoria Secret Patrick looks like "Take me to the Church"

that main singer name is Hozier.

Has an interview someone stole something, a gay.

Seth is a gay, we know each other at SA club. Right above Silas office. LGBT

"Hoizer interview Victoria Secrets"  you will find the happening.

He stole UFO.

That may or may not be him, so he is in the nature of Classified.

In NSYNC, its the position of JC Chasez position.

Dean is like Justin.

We both know another Justin.

Right, like I used to know Tom and Tim, and there is a Tim Cook.

Same thing.

ITs like a double body practice, and someone just drop the birth certificate at Buffalo.

Buffalo is 5 Lake defense area, so your status blood and immigration is very important there. They can just save themselves just by delcaring that, not anything else, if you prefer just don't use photo effects.

Seth is in evolutionary biology I think we met.

Silas also.

Dean Bill Patrick is in Honor class. We know each other there. Dean might remember whom they are.

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go. What about me~~~~~~~ Ann....na

Also Nancy' Meyer's daughter is name Hallie, Keanu one kiss girl

 She made a movie is for 40 years old women to kiss young boys.

Me and Tamang has one kiss, just like Keanu? Not just in Harry Potter with Hallie

Do you know what that means?

Young people do compare? being compared and what you all gonna do about it.


Nominji is another one, she is just a singer.

Do you understand their circle of academia achievement was zero?

So their assocaite was zero?

Their attitude is zero?

They are also warn

See Victoria Secret has a song name "Without me". Do you like that person, like Eben's ex Lalla?

And same song, Nomiji made to sing?

"Without me" 

They took that video down, we all watch that before, you can investigate with the medical board.



Everyone all being compared, on the target, what you gonna do about it?

Is the University and school, and honor class, really means nothing?

Is honor class students friends, really means nothing?

Is honor class students friends, really means nothing?

Kids should stay in school doing what they suppose to do.


 Reed Jobs is another one in Sakura Cards. In case his father might still alive. 

The future leadership.

※§※§※§ They say, you all need to figure it out, as MD, how to save yourself, including your parents. MD or not. But I thought I can still tell your parents, how I will do it, along to tell Dr. T?

 To calm everybody down, except you 7 or more people listening as MD, how to save yourself as if, it is your case?

So, do you talk to your parents about the situaiton now, have they reading the situation now?

Are they willing to let's say, right now, you don't read the post how I explain how to save you all, but only your parents to know, your medical profession top to know, CDC to know, liscensing place to know, Dr. T and his wife to know, or even some other Congress people if Washing DC knows about it?

就是你們跟你們爸媽說了沒有,安那要怎麼拯救你們~但是你們不能看! 只能你們父母親看,就是安心一下 跟很多其他人可以安心一點 !

Now I will describe the methods how to save you all on that map with other people.

Me Anna right now is on the regent situation with Buddhism. Because there is unpending issues with Purna, Full of kindness, on Victoria Secrets. No one knows what is my background is. The rumor of Shakymuni Buddha is dead enter the Nirvana.

So you don't really know any of my pending status of positions, because there is no face on the camera, to tell you exactly what I am.


Now, I will tell you, as we enter a New Age, there is something you read about me saying Digital Era.

Like Eben and Me. He is Digital products marketing guru, and I am a librarian.

Have you go to my Pinterest profile to see China Expo, their Pavilion looks like?



Right now the technology is booming very very fast.

And as you know of the Silicoin Valley is the leading experts, to provide platform with Steve Jobs and Bills Gates in the 90s started.

This Digital Era will evolve everyone get online with a photo.

Now, there is a new rise of career is called YouTuber.

These youtuber in order to make it their subscriber, they will go far beyond sillyest things to the fullest to exaggerating themselves to get the ads money, per week click on those ads, you sometimes see on Youtube.

Taiwan YouTubeㄋ,

Adam and Hailey, you just type Hailey, you will see.


They are much younger, just close to graduate from college, and no name collage, both Adam and Hailey's parent, both father are doctors, one is foot doctor, one is plastic surgeon.

Both of Adam and Hailey have friends of American white people, and they are delaying of their academia study, in order to stay in Taiwan, eat, drink, lazy, to make exaggerating film. 

Their friends...you imagine, put next to their photo, will be like all your face with a credential of MD paper, next to me Anna.

Face to face, I show you how Paviilion technology can do.

Because of the position of me, Anna, they have this collection of video, words, english, chinese articles I written about, to post on the walls, and everything to recordings as the comparison with other speakers.

Compare to other speakers

Compare to other speakers

Compare to other speakers.

including gossipe, Anna I take all the photo with the guys in Star nature. To say about movies. 

In the real world of education, you are all did above College, you enter something called Professional School, make it, make it Intern, make it to the doctor offices. Your academic achievement is very high, for that the only reason you can just tell them why you should stay alive, its that piece of MD paper. You earn it.

No, you don't need to say about movie is real or not real, we do beauty pageant.

But in support of these photo effects, which you cannot see in the Pavilioon on someone's wall, the friends face will be compared.

Anna don't just have MD friends, she has more than those facebook friend, each and everyone, including 5 Lords.

So to say, Buddhism Top, Me Anna Top if one day, friends associate, is compare to Morman, the Utah base religion like Adam and Hailey, You understand, all their friends might be on drugs, on alcohol, on porn, on smoking, and one day in 16 years, they will get very very fat?

Morman is not really some religion, but a cult of something very small, compare to Buddhism.

Buddhism is one of the 5 major religion, you define that difference of resource, talents, associates, in that degree, how much you don't know which being compare behind.

Its 5 Major Religion top leadership.

All my writing, creating of web format, its the first handed information directly hand out to them, whom review that process, so of course, the MD friends groups are good to stay. Its for the Leadership comparison ,and beauty pageant.

知道怎麼救了嗎 ?

How to move Wing away from that place,

Wing, 的爸媽在嗎?

Vanderbelt actuallly is a school CNN Anderson Cooper is at.

You just tell him Devil Wear Prada, has a girl looks like your CNN Journalist, called Jackqullin, she used to come to SMTV for climate change, if she wants to see my friends climate change video, she works for SMTV too.

Anna wants you Anderson Cooper to know that movie character in my case Wing, its big circle on the map of America, I wish to be transfer somewhere else for this movie Big Hero 6. If you can use some of your connection. Anna says, to tell you all that, is sufficient, you may or may not helping me. Anna says, her mother says about your mother, used to be in a very wealthy family, and later for you to come to this university. That is what she says to me. She heard rumors and just happened I am being place at your school, if you want to hear more why the movies turn close on us, small groups of MD, you can interviews all of us, Anna says. She says you better get your first hands information FAST.

聽懂了嗎 ? 應該不會很難 ! 

Wing 的爸媽看的懂英文嗎 ?我在講比照片的問題

你們是相信基督教的? 我是相信大地之氣源於古的那種

你們見過我的所有網頁沒有? 這是我的所有網頁的 URL: https://www.blogger.com/profile/11039819359160256733

2010 中國上海世博就是我在講的事情關於科技

我的網頁有中文在上面簡要的講過去,就是我跟 Wing 其他人是說因為所有人的臉都在電視上面,除了我安那沒有臉 ! 就是我的所有朋友的臉 


有一個滿慈子叫做清海無上師在 Victoria Secret 叫做 Winter Song 2018 or 2019

她摔倒了~後面出現的一個 ! 有背景的

通常講釋迦摩尼佛是說他進入 Nirvana 所以哪來的人呢?


 在五大宗教的比較宗教領袖者的時候 ,會把朋友的臉照片,做過什麼事情擺在旁邊比較 ! 

最近紅的網路職業叫做 Youtuber

有一個 Adam and Hailey 他們延畢所以在那邊台灣,吃、喝、拉、撒、睡,以為人生就只要靠著一張臉就可以賣人的生命做職業跟自己的學業做賭博 ! 你們可能不知道到底有多嚴重~人們只想做 Face card.

所以比較朋友之下~我旁邊全部都是 MD 還有五教主

因為當初我結識的很多都是白種人 ~是因為認識在臉書上面的

Adam and Hailey 他們是魔門的 ~ 那個其實不是宗教 ~叫做 cult or small 

世界上最重要的宗教體系叫做五大宗教!比的就是你們呀 ! 

至於要怎麼把 Wing 弄開~就去找一個 CNN 記者 ~叫做 Anderson cooper

他以前在那邊上學的所以我跟 Wing 說了一些怎麼辦的情況 ~ 叫做用我的影片跟關係想辦法詪 CNN 溝通上 

就這麼簡單 ~ 

人應該要知道朋友跟學業是很重要~他們現在是在賺錢 但是 ~你們知道未來嗎 ? 臉這種東西叫做瞬間的變法~ 人們做 youtuber 是一種玩弄的心態 ! 


他們的爸爸都是醫生 ! 

所以你們也是可以溝通的 ! 

我希望你們知道我講的很多意思! 不是小錢小意~他們應該是有賺的不錯才會繼續怎麼誇張的做事情~在台灣 ! 但是佛教跟摩門教其實根本不一樣 ! 我希望你知道中國是用哪種科技來收集


Zen Master 他們煮菜

跟我曾經說個所有事情 ~~~ 叫做我在線上辦公的關係

現在因為身分沒有~所以只有你們有照片 ,但是也許未來安那會有身分的~之後你們在想去死也應該沒有那麼多關係~不是嗎 ?

⭐️⭐️ So your parents are going to listen, how I gonna save you, including to tell Dr. T? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You reflect about your Will to ready to die?

You gonna think how you gonna save yourself, or your parents wish you would save yourself, by knowing it how, or I give you an hour to think, how I Anna, will save you all 6, or 7 ?

You want to think about it? Your parents want to think with you? Some exercises on it, or you just gonna tell me, you are all dead?

小鬼小和尚 ~ ~ 來跟鳥玩的事情~你們覺得講中文還是講英文他們聽的懂?

 他們倆個語言都聽得懂 ! 你們聽說沒有? 國家級?

你們從小就只需要世界就是國家級~ 以後長大像國家級的機構,雖然說你們不能真的進去,但是不覺得有朋友是國家級的特權是很特殊的嗎 ?



在比較的問題你們覺得跟 YouTuber Adam and Hailey 比起來~你們有沒有真的去比較?


因為最近那個美國的國家 National Archive in America 他們有把一個娃娃拿出來?

所以國家的機構是可以溝通的,你們只要有關係以後長大做大人該做的事情,知道嗎 ?

為什麼要比較~你們沒有覺得你們在世界之中現在的地位在哪嗎 ?

所以有一個未來? 就是你們通通變成國家級 !! 

做人做事情以後再社會上,會因為你們的朋友~你們變得比較好看,知道嗎 ? 


Hi Simon, I forget to tell you....you don't think I just do it on my own stuffs? I meant the Talents?

 You still need to lay out every fact, you see yourself on TV, the description line, the actually happened event, claims, incidents.

So when you compile Harry Potter, you have a recent UB their restaurant name in vegetarian.

Are you consider to be more vegetarian?

Now, this part, I am looking for my talents part. In case were true, you are looking for too?

I meant kids. 

They sent me in this video, I didn't know what that is, nor do I read the comic books. No. I have no idea what that is.

Can I describe to you about Zawanna ( or later Kail?)


You have no ideas how many things I did or records the video. From my experience the real guy, train, as a real rulership in another world is nothing like this world.

You don’t know what you are doing.

And their age might be very different from us. Their culture different, their greeting is different, they sarcastic different, they make negotiations different. Some has magic realm …and they are forever young.

Do you really know the subject if going through water portal, that’s not the sky, going out to the space?

With a space shuttle, UFO?

You don’t confront that task, but I am.

Do you tell your parents about your maturity with all these things? You have to keep CDC update every claim I have doing like a report formats because I am someone near you, that has no face on the screen.

Do you help CDC to go to Facebook 16 years ago?

Someone like me an immigrat has so much you white people friends and you check everyone on movies or you ready to ask me one by one?

Babaji I cannot prove you, that’s just a TV, but 5 Lords? Are you sure they happy you investigate them on my part? Any consideration factor ? So what you suppose to be doing ?

You are a professional doctor. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ JC ! National Archive has a Facebook showing you some doll. Keanu wants to see It’s on Facebook ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You can describe them your concern like you ask about objects ?

Do they collect any types of objects and clean it?

Birds new video


⭐️ Red River manga, Ramses ⭐️

Do you want to self cultivate to be a real guy? In case open galaxy meant you are not a guy?

⭐️🪤 also, don’t you tell your parents you are “One call away” yet?

 Hi, this song is called one call away, by Charlie Puth.

Keanu middle name is Charlie

Again, I have no face. Just related to all your mood?

I have no mood because I am that I am, I am Tesla, I am a voice of noses, I am Yehweh, and I practice spirituality in Zen. Mature person does mature thing, how can there be mood?

How many tapes you wish to see, again ?

I didn’t remember what was America full name. United States of America


⭐️ And can anyone tell me this about one planet having a endtime prophecy for 2000 years public announcement with Roman Catholic, to other civilization

 Have to come in as the comic format?

In case you cannot tell, there is a rulership involved ? A mature person does a mature things ?

America, my mother told me change it’s name to 帝國!! can you tell CDC I heard that with my mother.

This morning


⭐️ Can anyone call somebody to get that book Red River Manga as a priority book in for translation, there is a plaque or fever !⭐️

 His name is Kail. His brother I called him Zawanna.

Can you get to classify or military, like Bill is in the military, someone used what connection to get the correct translation in English? Wait…they have in English !

⭐️ Dean was the one telling me about Facebook. Now someone can ask him if he remembers that. 5 Lords are on my Facebook used to be ⭐️

 These are guys, I happen to know them on the road. I didn’t do anything with them, and now Facebook is gone I lost them all. 

⭐️ You guys call Tamang yet? If he is here, with Dean. There is a theme song everyone know In Smallvile. Theme song

It’s best you legally told MD boards you have no power or given talent to be a Superman other than gun just like your Facebook show. You give up that role. You don’t care if other think you get close to that role be adopted.

You all have to do things by books ! Because you are legalize MD, not just a random girl or a guy on the streets.

 So, do you getting answers like these are classified materials or what does that suppose to mean?

I long time ago already give up the idea people save me. Especially not any of you. If you don’t toss yourself in the Bermuda, what you gonna do here.

If you quit your job, you still have an unemployment insurance for 6 months?

Did you hear I say your parents come from different country?
I will tell you this, you first establish Bible truth, then you will know, none of you are main leading role but to your parents alone, understand reality ?

Do you find if which books are real, movie implies to revealing, painting from Da Vinci real ( my site)

 To define, this is the “End time”?

And do you draw in red, king ( my name) Jobs + Ttttttttttttttt

So where is Steve Jobs at the time of all you need? Not all my need apparently ?

Steve Jobs eat shred carrots in his book, I have made a raw food website too beside Cook food.

Do you think it will cheer up a lot of people if Steve Jobs DIDNT really die? And all you Medical  credential is advancing degree of your ladder top by my command every single step?

Right, Dr T?

I try to save myself, I think everyone in any situation will always try to save one’s Self?

Or this time I have to wait another 6 months time? I already wrote you all gazillion times on so many websites, so sick of it you all MD making money issues scarfing someone else’s face. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 it’s 2:50 here, morning ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Anna.


Babaji: Did you talk to Eben about this?

I just email him.

Babaji: You don't talk about this, because he doesn't know the details of what you just say?

I have too many crisis, I just want to be with him alone, the rest just put it behind like never happened.

Babaji: And me?

People don't believe things they cannot see, even including this conversation. I prefer it looks like as a conversation, I don't want to battle people's mind to prove either you right or they imagine they right.

BAbaji: I am talking about me.

There will be a you and me?

Babaji: You bet.

I go to sleep....you know how I never say, you will never know? Don't you feel they are handsome, wanting to be with them?

 I want to be where the American military at?

That is the only thing I need....I will be fine.

One last thing... becuase its so hard to establish an evidence....

 This girl called Yuri has a cloud hair.

Do you know how to draw a cloud????

A cloud, children draws???

That Real Love, the guy looks like my Landlord, James, in 63 Windermere Amherst, NY, by now should be dead, too old.

His name is Cloudz.

Do you somebody, really seriously.... to "SAVE ME"?

Once you establish that account of the Bible ....Can you tell me as a guy, there is 2 women, one is sinner, one is me Lamb....what does that mean for a ruler as the Galaxy opens?

 Will I ever be dead?

Can someone one day my old age, after I will not be young again, still save me back here?

I live on Earth !!! I don't care if all my friends are dead?

And, if you finish establish your own movie account, can someone please use brain, to establish the Bible account? The revelation, I speak about? Because people believe Bible, not the movie. You all are not the important. Bible is important.

 Understand? I am important if I am in the Bible. I speak of the description line yet, in the Lamb and the scroll? or the other is the little???? 

I teach you a new song, so can you go to KY getting a madrigcal class to hear them sing, right....the technique?

Can you understand my technique? Or its everything I have to boss the State Medical them, to do every job, because none of you, knowing anything they meant to say, hear a word I sing say?

I used to say this to a lot of people here....Even the galaxy of all the galaxy, whom have satelite TV to Watch Earth using Internet?

 They still need to listen to your own words, your own writing, your own photo, your own literacy, to find out, whom you are, if you all seeking is Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear?


I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....