
I go to sleep

 Babaji: This early?


Babaji: no ... ...


Babaji: okay !

That is not it?

Babaji: Do I say it?

They are just state students.

Babaji: I know.

You want me to move the India finance to America?

Babaji: no ...

I don't really have that power to go bossing that ...

Babaji: You do.

That is not worth it.

Babaji: You have to start somewhere. Everywhere else is about looking worse than that. 

People willing to lose half eternity, I think that is insane. 

Babaji: Well, do what I said.

I think about it....I have to go take a shower/bath.

Babaji: Go.

India. Hi ~ Your God's calling ... ...Do you speak English? क्या आप अँग्रेजी बोल सकते हो

 Is there a reason why I see your God's calling? 

क्या कोई कारण है कि मैं आपके परमेश्वर की बुलाहट को देखता हूँ?

Do you actually believe God anymore? Other than money, like China? 

क्या आप वास्तव में अब परमेश्वर पर विश्वास करते हैं? पैसे के अलावा चीन की तरह?


Does Babaji just a figure they took out from India to send to America, so in india, you believe something else, not Buddha, not Mahavatar Babaji? 

क्या बाबाजी भारत से अमेरिका भेजने के लिए केवल एक आकृति लेकर गए थे, इसलिए भारत में आप कुछ और मानते हैं, बुद्ध नहीं, महावतार बाबाजी नहीं?


How is your kids doing?

आपके बच्चे कैसे कर रहे हैं?

They come to America to study abroad yet?

वे अभी विदेश में पढ़ने के लिए अमेरिका आते हैं?

They miss their college friends like Melinda?

वे मेलिंडा की तरह अपने कॉलेज के दोस्तों को याद करते हैं?

Melinda is not on any of them facebook, I think. It is strange.

मेलिंडा उनमें से किसी भी फेसबुक पर नहीं है, मुझे लगता है। अजीब है।

The situation is you are told to come to America, and blend to their culture and become one of them, and come back to India, or they can remotely just scream at India how to grow up that entire India, other than me doing that?

स्थिति यह है कि आपको अमेरिका आने के लिए कहा जाता है
और अपनी संस्कृति से मिलाते हैं 
और उनमें से एक बनो, और भारत वापस आओ,
या वे दूर से भारत पर चिल्ला सकते हैं कि उस पूरे भारत को कैसे विकसित किया जाए, 
मेरे अलावा ऐसा कर रहे हैं?

I am up

 Babaji: You are up.

They are probably still sleeping.

Babaji: I have a favor to ask you.

What is it?

Babaji: I thought ... 

Babaji: Say you don't need a favor.

I don't need a favor.

Babaji: Right.

You mean Bill Gates and Elon Musk. 

Babaji: Right.

That is Kail says that. 

Babaji: Not me.

No. And he says the opposites, if I am with them. They can ask me a favor. That is what they say. Meaning I can go and ask Kail a favor. People like them and you, always talk in a strange language.

Babaji: Do you have a favor to ask me?

Not currently.

Babaji: Right.

You have something to ask me.

Babaji: Yeah, a lot !!!!

Not Bollywood?

Babaji: Not exactly them ....

You know ....

Babaji: Don't tell me you know.

India is a third world country, you wish they went to school, to be better noble person that is what I will be telling you.

Babaji: Right.

And you want someone to go that way, to fix their entire Bollywood Issuse?

Babaji: I never say you will be doing that job. They can sort all that problems on them own.

This is a funny thing, when I started this little monk little kids teaching stuffs, you and this Indian 500 years old acting....like the India should have someone come up and doing all that job.

Babaji: Right. You think we lie to you, meaning you go and finish every job, including 194 language country.


Babaji: That is not what we mean.

Tamang he is so not indian the way I think ....And he does not like one.

Babaji: Right, so whom gonna fix that entire India continent issue, me?

... ... when they are more settle, I talk to them about their existing country?

Babaji: No, I think you listen to what I say. You go and tell India, they should get hired somebody, to do exactly what you Anna did 8 years old, 16 years ago, started if not 20 years ago, if Tamang meants he reads the year on Smallville Opening. You went to collect a farm of animals on the fields, to make up a facebook all by yourself, without your parents, without your sibling, and encouter all this problems all by yourself, and evovle 16 years later.

I think they are doing that behind.

Babaji: I mean now.

Probably you mean the wealther family could travel to America, or hoping they sent their kid to America, they don't do drugs, or alcohol, to go party with the Tiny 4.0 in downtown drinking bar.

Babaji: Did you went?


Babaji: You should tell them how you met this parents on the road there, and now 16 years later, you have to mentor all of them.

You mean all them India doing that? I just told you the neighbor downstair was a pack of Indian students, the guy calling his family at the mid night, I cannot sleep. 

Babaji: You mean we are so useless?

Kinda of. 

Babaji: I actually don't want the India to be thought they are weak and feeble human.

Do they intend to want to become strongers? The kid they cry, they lament, they have mood, they look upon things, as if, there is a sad day with another sad song, I don't even have a ipod or whatever the device they are using now to listen to the music. 

Babaji: I don't want them to listen to the music.

I actually don't know anyone from India but Tamang to sound more like stable person, but he is a Chinese looking. The other people are just crime.

Babaji: I don't care how you fix it, FIX IT RIGHT!


I go to sleep

 Babaji: right.

CNN: Kyle Rittenhouse


This case with Kyle has been on my CNN for a while now. 

No, I don't know that guy.

I go to eat

 Babaji: I go to eat too.

There is a lot of movies, you know?

 Babaji: You know, there is a lot of movies, you know!

Hi !

Babaji: You busy?

Your things are priority.

Babaji: Yeah ...

⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am on my facebook ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I forget.

Babaji: Good morning, everybody!

I go to sleep


Babaji: Very happy! Go to sleep.


AGT 2021



I remember now. Rory and Dean, Rory and Jess



I go to sleep

 Babaji: That fast

Its 11 oclock, I have to take a bath.

Babaji: ... okay.

What is it now?

Babaji: nothing.

You have to tell me sometimes, every time I am just guessing.

Babaji: I was thinking that....

... ...


I cannot think of anything

Babaji: Me neither.



小鬼小和尚~ (還有高年級) ! 還沒有完 ~ 那個迪士尼的高中音樂劇 !


清海無上師跟 Inelia Benz 

的兩個侍衛長是一個叫做 Troy Bolton

Bolton 其實是小賈斯汀的那個位置以前阿南的孫子住的地方 ~ 前面有一堆墳墓~ 在加拿大 !

Sharpay Even

Like Sh AR= Anna Rao, 

Pay= 付錢

Even 類似 Eben  = 埃本 ! 

Sharpay Even 的侍衛長就是她弟弟呀 ! 叫做 Ryan Even

很奇怪吧  ! 

小鬼來一下 ~ 特洛伊 ~ 其實以前我看過一本木馬奇遇記? 是那樣翻譯嗎 ? 在我書臉不知道誰的東西!

 Troye 的中文翻譯是特洛伊~ 我剛剛看到的

不看中文我還沒有感覺 ~ 怎麼好像就是這有個喜馬拉雅山 ....


我不是再說他 ! 我在說小孩子看的書本 !

誰去查一下?  這世界上不會有那種我說看埃及豔后~就一個華盛頓跑出來~ 

一個特洛伊跑出來 ~ 這會是呷咪?

特洛伊木馬木馬屠城記裡,希臘軍隊在特洛伊戰爭中,用來攻破特洛伊城的那匹木馬木馬屠城記一直被現代科學人視為神話故事,直至十九世紀時,業餘考古學者海因里希· ...
缺少字詞: 奇遇 ‎| 必須包含以下字詞: 奇遇
外国卷)第1讲| 特洛伊之战:木马奇遇记. 倍速播放下载收听. 00:00. 14:00. 打开APP,完整收听. 【课程重点】. 通过本节课,你将掌握以下要点:. 1. 特洛伊之战的三位 ...

I go for a walk

 Babaji: That fast.


Babaji: no ....

Something ?

Babaji: Yeah....

What is it?

Babaji:  I thought ...

... ...

I am on the facebook

 About the Ancient Chasez sequence and Siddarthra

I gonna go to sleep early

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️ I guess we don't do anything until they have manners? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Something doesn't go right in their life, they never thought how to acting up like an adult to do things. So you all have the plans after?

I have no ideas.

Today I am unusually tired. Its not even 12 oclock yet.

I receive no messages. For sure not Ola, she was told what?

And she is still not listening? She really just intend people to die on it? 

Or to see how far the limits can be pushed?


I go to eat.

 Babaji: Go

Me and Eben says we gonna talk about it.

 I told him I did. But I gonna go to him.

You know, my head, still not very solid with this is the End of Bible.

I don't grow up with the Bible things, and when I did this 5 Lords Reviews, my head was thinking how far the journey I have to still keep going. Like the story I told you? Like you travel Eon, or Kalpha, long long long time to stay away from the Mundane world, and you practices, magic, or spiritual practice. Maybe not like the monks, but more of Martial Arts aspect.

So when I dwell in those sense, I become different.

I stay there for a long time while we were doing this 5 Lords Review.

So my sense are always in there, I have to get ready to leave. And this world becomes to remote for me.

After I rest a year, and get back to grounded in life, I start to watch TV, to live a normal life. I have to figure it out how to make money. Then 2021, I was meditating.....to the point, I start to think something strange and funny about SMCH. So I went online to fix things.

So when this Bible, or comic books, again....books or romance and all that, I will tell you, I do not have the heart of that anymore.

I don't know how to tell you that.

If your journey is very long, you have a mood for romance, kiss and hugs?


I become very cold on that nature, I do not believe anything at all. Nothing at all.

Not Zawanna, not Kail, not birds, not water in the glass, not photo.

I try to make you guys to the light side of funny tales, they are funny, but that mood of mine, what it used to be....I will tell you, it sips through me so much, I really don't care about this Zawnna, Kail, or anything particular romance of things if Bible says, the End?

I thought I gonna be in this loooong time, to keep going. No one would think like that, to go to the astral life, to go party, guys and girls those stuffs?

I would never think like that.

It was always Chinese Ancient Art of those things....so I never really get to the part how to even join a court room even.

I gonna see human?

I know there is a prophecy, for 2000 years. But I cannot get my head down here.

Here, here.

Its always something someone behind me, and I have to find it out. And get out. Like traveling ideas, keep going and going and going....

When I went outside and play Taipei place, I really got paranoid.

I think its this year, I start to breath. These are all safe.

This place I can stay for a while.

I have no idea how to tell you how that truly feelt, I can never rest to just go and go and go.

Not the fame, not the name, not the works, not the friends, not the family. If I have to drop out, and keep going, I have to go alone, and do it. 

This Flower Thousand Bones, and Honorable Superior, I regent, I really just thought I can only do for so long, and I have to get suck up to the outside world, and continue that used to be journey. 

I used to be ...different! 

And you know the conversation with Babaji. This Earth, he is like a King of the world right?

Like Yogananda, like Last century things, like India domain, his domains.

So he hires me, or he found me to come in, to do a subsitute.

No body would say anything about Shakymuni Buddha all that stuffs.

I would not do that. If Babaji or someone else does the hire. I just have to get things done, and when the time goes up, I have to go back to my same journey to do things.

That was the story, remember?

And this Silver Millesnium with Eben, in the Sailor Moon Future Queen and King?

I don't know if my head is here now. 

I will tell you, I am pretending I am doing it now.

Zawanna and Kail (Red River Manga)

I talked to them. Yeah ...

Kail's point is, do I Anna think, they doing this is intentionally to hurt me?

I don't really think of that, I ask them to leave. But I cannot really ask them to leave.I don't want to make my life complicated.

So the story they show me, was this girlfriends and wife.

And in that norm of the guys, the girlfriend wants to become the wife, or they all buddies together. They make friends to each other. There is something about girls and girls making friends are always the reason why they stay together. They can hurt each other but they stay together.

I am the suffering one, in that sense.

It has always been this story, so I am not sure how we approach this legal methods if they ever show up at the court. I gonna sue them for sexual harassement. Will they stop what they are doing ever?

The other guys crowd. Not exactly Zawanna and Kail.

But here.

That is Zawanna and Kail, at least that is what I was told. I seen the outline of a being, but I cannot really see the face to coming towards me.

I have a pillow long.

Kail says that is him. So I talk to it.

Is this like a comparison side by side?

 Once upon a dream

Once upon a December

I never do things by gambling, especially, something it will never occur to me if I got picked to be a chosen one?

I think they are gambling nature, or they know they have no quality, so they stay on the jobs? They never thought to quit, their parents never tell them to quit before hands until yesterday to force to?

Babaji: Everyone does things only for their selfish reason, like Vartan.

They don't talk to me, they don't talk to Vartan, they wish to go and talk to Dean?

Babaji: They think they are the same ones.

I thought of the best one. We are in 2 different worlds, different calendar. They did what, the duplicate did what exactly, then the duplicate are witness knowing exactly what they did, say, do, and try to do.

Babaji: You think so?

I have thought about it. 

I have to do some surgical work on my foot

 I am fine.

Are you all having any parimeter, whom are we talking to? Inside Earth, on Earth, or just underground Earth? ET means they dominating this government back end structure, right? One Eye, Shadow?

 Are you setting something how far the distant, we are going to talk to?

Solar System.



These laws will getting stricker?

Do you know what I was told their intention was last night, that hand coff things? That is a murder on someone's head and dissecting the body? That is very very cruel.

If these outsider, or insider of this Planet, presenting you, let's say we are on the Judgement Day is this Time.

Are you preparing anything to do with the past life crimes?

That Flower Thousand Bones are 3 Esteems situation, meaning, past, present, future, will come into this Time frames.

Are you prepared anything like that? In case?

Others might have a tape recorders, records, signature, conspire things together?

They just take it for granted, everything I do on the facebook. I don't feel like doing it. So, you all get the details of their future court case?

 No, I think ET will come in things that is most people do and make a mistake to imagine things to take, to hurt other, to occupy things, to start.

Kinda like the movie tell you to murder, to hurt others, and you just go ahead and commit the crime. You suppose to know those are not right things to do.

You all have documented the whole process? 

Do you have a certain place to imprison this kind of crime? I don't think we have any law saying much with this? 

If ET taken them outside? The Universal police comes in?

I think the prison I seen its in Legolas those scene. 

I used to read some books. Talking about this solar systems have communication on them. The Solar System.

The inter-communication has a regulation might be more stricken on the law nature. Are you all prepared for that?

Their intention is not to hold the responsibility they suppose to hold, and they sit there waiting things to happen, and never take an initiative to say, they make a mistake and they suppose not to do those things. They are all small voice tone. This is horrendous on my part. 

They are going to be the first groups to be charged on the crime?

Do you all have a date, to see when we might proceed that, with the back end people? 

Reading CNN?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ How can anyone does those things? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Can you imagine people holding on a movie and don't let go?

What's wrong with it?

They are not afraid of Hell of something. I think they do things by gambling on it. They have no brain.

Babaji: Someone something put something in their head.

I think they are gambling, wait and see. No professionalism whatsoever.



I gonna go to sleep.

 Babaji: Yeah, this early?

You want to say something?

Babaji: Yeah !! 

What it is?

Babaji: You all deserved what you did to Anna. Things you intend to forget on your witness stand, its all on filmed.

Its on filmed?

Babaji: High Tech.

oh ~

Babaji: I don't care you tell your parents or not. Things in this big scale, you suppose to be talking to Police and your guardian, like your parents. You intent to lie, to tell different things, to say words, you are not supposed to say....there are thousands way I will make you all dead horribly. Remember what I tell I am with Anna. There is no prove. A lot of time, things don't need prove, don't you agree?

You want them to go back?

Babaji: When you don't have a choice in life, you will start to think about what Anna's says, not before. We all know that.

That is not exactly clear.

Babaji: They never clear intend to do things, neither !To hurt their top, to hurt you, to hurt their parents none stop talking to them ....

And they just sit there doing nothing?

Babaji: Not exactly nothing. They have a lucky charm, you know. What a special eye others place upon them. Sweet talk like a wild honey. So sweet and tender.


Babaji: Go to sleep. Tomorrow you will feel much better, when someone is dead.

You think they don't listen.

Babaji: Depends how much they try to listen. Its always they intent to imitate and then later become voluntary imagination. 

I don't want to do anything with them anymore. 

Babaji: Its all your free things to do. They got their parents to do things.

You want me to stay on it?

Babaji: Maybe.


Area 51 (Law ET)

 I think this looks...someone going to take them to jail.

The last video has a hand coff 

Moon and Venus !



Let's say we are to open galaxy.

You know our galaxy is called "Milkyway"

We are very far away from the center of Milkyway?

You seen the photo?

And Sun is our center star?

Plants are not the stars, you know that, right?

Moon is a satellites

Venus is a planet.

Every planet has their own satellites, for Earth, its one Satellites, its called the Moon.

Do you at least knowing all that?

I upload the video I can find in singing. Just few left.

 Its on Youtube.


 你們知道我一整年 2020 年看什麼? 一整年台灣的 Mommo 親子台

叫做不斷的重複 禮拜一到禮拜五

然侯禮拜六到禮拜天 ! 

How do you all investigate this Wing and Ola things in Sakura Clear Cards?

I used to be watching in 2020 all days long on that middle school, or high school, every week to every weekend on the Channel

called: Mommo 親子台

Do you like that concepts?

Do I want to know what I am looking at? 

I don't like this template, the background, this was Purna's website I design for her. (Climate Change)

 When you finish the report, I gonna change the background image. 


ET 要告你們嗎 ? 洪水氾濫?


Are you actually here, Ma'am Ching Hai? If ET decided to sue you in the court, do you have any plan in place to say things about yourself?

你們就說你們只是一個道姑 ! 

Like you are just a less educated monostary nun. You don't really have a background in science nor in ET studies. But I am getting to understand either side of New technology. I am not intended to flood the world, but that is how the ending unfolding. I didn't prepare this to be this open wide preaching when I started. To deliver 3 World sentient beings was technically a vow, whenever anyone decide to renounce the world, by from my opinion of view, its not everybody got delivered on my plate, or else, the world would have become a paradise? 

你們其實隨便寫個東西,講的像個樣子就行了 ! 

I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️Where is the legal department? ⭐️⭐️

 This working template was Purna's template on Climate Change.

Do you need to call Google? You need to document this.

Is my monitor across is ET monitor, have you check?

One template working, but the rest of navigation bar menu disappear

 I should call Google?

The ET are there. The rest disappear, you all want me to switch that one?

I put the rest on the right side column, the remaining navigation bar.

I am going to eat. I try again that blogger template, your font is staying at 12px, Tab Background

 Nothing works. The widgets title does not changing the font neither.

Babaji: Go

I need to change my template here

 The navigation bar ...it just doesn't get changed. 

Why is the tab font cannot be change?


The widget setting in widget wiht id <b> PageList2</b> is not valid.

Page title is invalid?

There is something wrong with the template. I used to be able to change the tab font.

Now they are all broken

This is the second template I try. 

Can you someone call them, and see why that default was 14, but then the Live one is 12?

At Tab background.

I used to be able to change all this template. I come back at Noon changing that.

I go to facebook.

I put the new Navigation 2 tabs on ET Planning, ET planning 2017/2018 BAZZAR Magazine Photo

 Like I write in the webpage, I said, this magazine called BAZZAR might have an Asian Edition.

It is the same magazine they sell in the US, but they might do a different edition here in the entire Asian Pacific, selling Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong Singapore. You might not find it in America.

That is all I am saying.

They have no rulership in their mind, but prince & princess to be baby at ....

 You all don't think that is a fantasy? I create 700 video to run on twitter, Google Plus and facebook now, 24 hours.

I don't know how people think.

Yeah, I saw Obama news. STEM they recruit more teachers to do education. 8000 teachers.

They are 36, I am 38 !

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am up ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I said, the military white class guys, hate Asian guys ! 

Especially if now things are turning out like Ola ! 

American white guys they rule the worlds, that is why American are military country First !


I gonna take a bath and go to sleep


What is it now?

Babaji: Me not important?

You want to be introduced?

Babaji: They never heard about me, its like I am taking them to hell?

... ... I feel different when I can do normal things without the facebook. They love those stuffs. I have a life here.

Babaji: What do you think they think of me?

Maybe they don't even hear about you, whom you are, what you do.

Babaji: So I am saying, don't you want to introduce me a little bit?

... You don't have an introduction. Those are Haidekhan Babaji.

Babaji: Well, me.

You mean, how you and I are together?

Babaji: Do they know we are together?

That kind of introduction ?

Babaji: You don't want to?

They are smallville. They can just stay wherever they are. Never learn, never grow, never become, and one day to save them.

Babaji: You are that much opinion about them? 

The real competition in the world, everyone does things extra, to get ahead. They are pick and choose what to do, and don't do. I finish I do. I don't care a bit where they all end up with this.

Babaji: So ...

Me and you are together.

Babaji: Great.

Really really together.

Babaji: Yeah ...

Someone would not say that, but we are together. I didn't know he was Babaji. I never think about who he is what he does, I would never do that.

Babaji: Imagination. 


Babaji: Do you have a wish?

They are looking for a wish?

Babaji: Everyone believes in magical?

They need to be a little more actively sort that out, I don't want any of that, saying things on the movie anymore. They got mix up, and here people do things by competition see my words like Bible, they take it to guess and lose it. Don't bother with it.

Babaji: We go to sleep?

I thought to take a bath.

Babaji: A shower.


Every single day, my jobs is to yelling at people when they are going to grow up?

 There is no hope ! 

People's tempament is all different. 

You all reading through the Chinese words I write about they are civilian?

Because Inelia Benz wrote me a MK book, to hurting me. I say, those people I go to school, they are all civilian, so when dealing with ET cases, the ET do on purpose. You all love those conspiracy theory people just random talk on wrong things for money.

You don't do those cruel things with the civilian. You should all know that ! 

So if ET is proscuting them, and sentence them as if they are taken them outside, actually the Earth you all have a legal system to do all that foster education. 

That is all I was saying about. 

I was explaining the class stuffs on the facebook today I explain in English to the parents. or Dr. T's class.

You keep tracks one of those things on the education if people learn things or not. 

its just happened in our Class, there is a Me, doing all this things.

If they come along, you know, its all the class doing the same things together. 

There is Eben, there is ETR they are.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am on my facebook. I am explaining some situation in I used to be in the honor class. 我在說我以前的情況跟他們所謂資優班類似的情況⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 像說~我跟 Wing 會去念書、吃飯呀 ! 見面呀 ! 

我跟 Ola 以前也是常常念有機化學的

我參與 Jonathon 像說他的社團他的教堂活動~所以很多人我其實認識 ! 

還有那個狄恩呀 ! 我並沒有真的約會但是我們會見面認識的人一直都有 !

如果我不再他們不會黏在一起的!我說 Dr. T 其實有十六年的這種資優班~ 沒有真的再一起一整個班級~那個班級其是是被選過的~腦袋有 IQ 的! 有些家長我也見過! 他們是有有點品行的人!

性情有些就很害羞呀 ! 有些就是古悶一點 ! 但是我安那就是一天到晚跟他們哈瞜的那個人!

所以我其實認識很多人~ 我說他們下面十六年可以一起黏再一起呀 ! 

他們本身其實有些認識,很多其實不認識 ! 

但是我認識嘛~ 所以我也覺得沒有什麼關係~我叫 Jonathon and Dean 去找他們回來~他們如果想要接下去的十六年有點依靠我們做這種 Web 2.0 這也沒有什麼關係! 

我這種人在乎他們跟誰好嗎 ?

但是他們其實不怎麼黏在一起! 像 Wing 是亞洲人嘛 ! 

還有什麼時候也是個性問題 ! 人們其實很在乎成績,很多人都是在競爭的人! 

我是最不在乎的那個人~我以前說過呀 ! 我想都沒有想過 ! 

但是我說了~我叫 Ola 去找 Mat 看可不可以自己弄一個自己的教室 ! 我要去佔領她的東西很簡單~但是我說了~他應該去弄一點她自己的東西如果她想要搶這電視電影呀 的什麼什麼她看到的! 

所以在那個情況之下她可以待在這個教室,或是去那個教室,那有時候被我影響,她通常還是會聽得那個人,因為以前我們認識的關係 ! 

所以我剛剛在弄這個 ! 

我說 ET 會找麻煩是因為這些人其實都只是一般公民 ! 那個 Inelia Benz 滿慈子下面那一個徒弟傷害我很深呀 ! 

就是她出書說我是 MK

ET知道我不是呀 ! 我一天到晚在這裡我還會是 MK 嗎 ?

所以 ET不是在傷害我 ~ 他們把它們掉出來,第一是有法律一點跟一般人有關

第二,你們知道我這種人長什麼樣子呀 ! 


 聽的懂嗎 ? 就是有時候 ET故意呀!因為後面的軍人軍隊他們喜歡亂聽東西!亂講話呀!我根本就不是軍人~我在外面晃蕩的一個人呀!有人為了錢就在那邊亂寫東西的關係! 

我那時候很難過 ! 因為我很累 ! 

I go to nap

Babaji: Go

I go to eat.

 Babaji: Go

This morning, I talked a little bit with my friends on the Spiritual Order, American Military, One eye and ET if we are all meeting in the same court room.

 Like each groups of us are gathered for a dialogue for open galaxy.

That will be the first time I am seeing the Religious Order.

嗨 ! 我今天早上跟他們我的朋友說,假設我們在跟

一個眼睛政府、美國軍隊、宗教代表、ET 在同一個法院見面 ! 

我說我可能會因為這些紙張有一張卡或是名稱,立法之下,如果假設有一個未來關於其他文明在地球之外,接洽這些 ET 進入我們地球的這個目前狀況,因為我是尊上啊! 

因為如果我們真的有這麼多人進入法院,ET 的出現法院會把一些事情關於,我攝政呀 ! 關於五大宗教呀 ! 關於 ET呀的事情給辦了 ~ 因為很多東西在電視上面 ...

在那個情況之下,我因為也在坐這尊上的位置在帶小鬼小和尚,因為這一次的見面,也許宗教派的這群人會告訴我情況長什麼樣子,順便給我一張卡的意思! 可是那是我在坐我做尊上的位置 ! 

我其實沒有要求那張卡片~ 電視說什麼就做什麼 ! 對我來說都是長那樣 ... 但是因為我在跟我同學解釋一些事情,那些東西是我安那真的在工作的關係 ~ 不是嘴巴張開要食物的意思! 

所以我現在在講一次 ... 假設那一天叫做你們的 Spritiual Order

你們知道什麼是 Spiritual Order?

好像在宗教裡面有一種 Order, 我不知道怎麼翻譯,是說你們在喜馬拉雅山有一種你們做事情的團體,假設這些人是代表你們的五大宗教之上... 我們在見面的同時,因為尊上這名字很巨大 ~~~ 法院可能會依據情況把這些事情都給辦了~ 就是詢問 ET,詢問你們,就是管你們上面的那些,


這種情況之下~所有事情都必須明朗化! 你們知道什麼意思? 

假設這些人站出來 !!! 

你們準備好那一天了嗎 ? 

他們只在乎卡片 ~我說了沒有 !!! 他們要去做很多事情把 ET 逼出來,然後做跟安那一樣的事情去開星際有人跟他們溝通,然後逼了所有人去法院的意思 ! 

你們覺得我不是在逼你們嗎 ? 2018-2019?

可是那是我一個人跑去做的事情呀 ! 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am on the facebook ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Babaji: Good morning, everyone. We are at the court?

What is it?

Babaji: We are at the court.

.... I am not at the court. I am at the facebook.

Babaji: Yeah? How is your friend thinking you and me talking on the Internet, do you ever think that is weird and strange, and want to throw you at jail, threatening them on the map?

No, I didn't think of that.

Babaji: Tell me what Kail told you yesterday.

Kail says, the guys they would marry me, for the money, power, and statues.

Babaji: Were you hurt?


Babaji: Why don't you tell that to their parents?

.... you know, its so long 16 years ago already.

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think we finish the facebook ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I found out what I need to find out. 

Maybe they are all going down to the Bermuda Triangle with their family including nick's family. 

Are you going to leave Tina and Hank with 2 kids or Pang and John?

No, I don't know. Those things scares me all the time. 

I have to deal with the ET.

Can you guys finish this things, before we move on?

Its hurting me. It has always been hurting me.

Can you tell ET waits, til all of them go? Or ET wants to take them to court? 

I am tired of running all this show, and all I got was threatening things on everywhere. 

You know everyday I breathing by per day....I count each day, that I told myself each day go on, I will feel better with all of this. I can move things to get to where I want it to be. Not a month, a year in advance. Everyone all seems to have a future, except I have to live by days to say that is the only future I got.


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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 小鬼小和尚 ~ (還有高年級的 ) 算命 算年 算數學 ~ 龍怎麼算 ? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 我生日幾號呀 ?


4  1   6

1983= 豬年




我媽懷孕的時候是? 狗


兩個犬疊再一起是? 炎

炎帝 ! 

炎帝就是兩個火 ~ 在魔戒裡面有 ~ 還有他們講歷史在講黃帝之前呀 ~ 很久之前在心電感應掉落之前,其實就是炎帝!

所以說世代墮落是? 在炎帝之後的不知道多久,人類的文明就從心電感應到現在的有紙有筆的社會型態 ! 




我五歲有真的記憶 ~ 對


I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat.

 Babaji: Go

i am going for a walk

 Babaji: This early?

Its 10:05, not that early anymore.

Babaji: What do you think I am here?

okay, what do you need?

Babaji: Stay.




All right, I finish the day, I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

I am back

 我剛剛跟 Wing 說了你們的無印良品的事情! 

他頭上有個皇冠 ~ 叫他去找他爸媽的意思 ! 

我現在回來了 ! 

I need to go out, for a second

 Babaji: Go.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Busy on Facebook, again, Ola issues. (Solution)

 Busy ....

Babaji: I know ....

I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

Why do I always think, they look alike?

 Do you guys have this seeing photo, funny tale?

I know you all check the films under each wiki, profile name.

But when I started it, it frighten me to tell you what I think they look like, because I have no evidence. I didn't know the Wiki is already written them all.

Vartan Within (2016) that Thumbnail, girl. Erin.

She looks like the Lovely Bone, whom found a book in that old Man house. 

Erin and Me were together living with James. And he is the guy looks like Lovely Bone that old man house.

But he is probably dead now.

I finish eating, go to eat

 Babaji: Go

I gonna go for a walk

 Babaji: Go

Its 8:10. We are sunshine here. Hi Vartan. I gonna go for a walk, later. Few days I didn't exercise at all, to accompany the parenting groups.

 I go later.




I go to sleep ...

 You are not really gluing to Mathrew, Justin? You are 5 people ...

I am sorting this UB 5, finally. You heard about them so long now. 

You know ... I am not really sure about this Hollywood things, if you heard that Michael Vartan on Voka events. 

Because when people public say that, I just step back to the situation. I don't go to ask Vartan. 

Justin, you know you are not Dean.

i know that ! 

That photo is not you. 

Dean is not Michael Vartan. 

There is something going on. The Zawanna blue band ....the Exotic Traveler.

If Dean will find Bill, and they all each hand me one of their photo 16 years ago. I might be able to show to all. They are not 5 of you? 

That is after I return to the US.

Hope you all have fun with the movie.





Hi, again, do you have a real human professional ever done this things before? On my facebook?

 I am not sure whom I am talking to at all ....

The criminal intend to be, or MD doctor to be....

Any people like French police around? I have some problems on my Facebook. Its about the film, A simple Favor 2018. By Blake Lively & Anna Kendrick.

 Can you hear the trailer towards the end....there is a song.

That is....not English?

There is a French YouTuber in Taiwan, several.

Do you care about the movie mateirals? (took away)

That fast... okay ! We done. 

Adam & Hailey pocket money to India, from Taiwan, breaking Tax Laws?

劉沛 and Meghan are ABC Taiwanese, and red hair?  

Do you know that guy?

in the A Simple Favor?

He is in Crazy Rich Asian, or Rich Crazy Asian movie too?

You all want to check it? 

The YouTubers Domain.

I am up already. I have to fix somethinig on the website.

There is formatting of the Music, Commander-in-Chef went wrong. 

Are you still planning for ET? 

There is something I heard called Looking Glass, they say Prince William, those Class people took it to play ....You believe those things they telling you in Project Camelot?


I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go

講半天我告訴你們 ~ 對了!我有用愛家的那個 調味的粉 ! 小小一罐 ! 我現在才知道你們可能有貢 ! 我知道的話我多少會買 !

 我在煮我的午餐~ 我今天早上在跟他們闖禍的家長講,所謂照片的 Effects

就是講 194 國家的螢幕壞掉了 ! 拿選美呀 ! 還有我的一堆照片呀 ! 其實小孩看到

就會自動模仿,有時候就比較活潑一點,對~我知道 ! 我上來之前就在跟小孩弄死的問題 ,你們是六個月過後~不需要做一個初步的了解,他們現在在哪裡?

 我跟他們說~ 假設以前小孩長大有沒有覺得比爾蓋茲或是 Steve Jobs 他們像大家長?


所以我說我跟埃本呀 ! 你們因為聽不懂他講英文的關係 ! 但是他講述很多課程 ~ 他是專業的那種商業顧問 ! 他做影片教學,知道有人起來懶惰呀 ! 每一天早晨排形程,給自己一種模式做生活的表率,因為很多人對計畫或半途而廢嘛 ~ 那埃本就是管束這些事情,如果你們請他的公司對小事業的,中小事業~ 但是他拓展很久了,我十年前就在網路上其實 在搶有機化學的那個版業~他可能看過,他自己的版業是商業顧問 ! 所以他曾經說過那種,你要先定義你自己選擇的那個 Niches

Niches 就是一個你選擇的那個專業領域 ! 我的以前是有機化學 ~一開始沒有什麼競爭對手呀 ! 那時候網路才剛開始臉書沒幾年呀 ! 2007 年的時候,所以現在發展是說,我必須要在網路上 24 小時,那我講一下那種情況,就是重複你們以前聽過的 ! 

I am on my facebook, did you all get that magazine year, month, days? When we receive that public UFO landed?

With Simon Cowell?

Hi ~ That stamp, you see? 

Was on indian pancake, I used to read those kids book, on the indian boys, never stop eating on pancakes....with maple syrup or butter.

Simon, I cannot get this Ola things to response to me. No one is talking to me, I will just tell you that much, but I message them repeatedly the Medical Top, every single morning my time. Not a habit yet. This morning its Adam & Hailey biggest potato, verse biggest comet landing....Heaviest, they say in Chinese. 

No, this is so bad looking....why people don't use their brain to do things to get like that. Back fired on them.

People don’t meditate wants a piece of clothing ? That’s called imagination….


Good morning, Keanu! Where is Mathrew? ( walk in )

 Hi !

I need you to ….

You remember that movie?

They say it’s discovering ET. No, it’s discovering everybody.

It’s not called everyone, it’s identity everyone.

Can you work on the exact script of that movies per sentence words?

Dr Todd next to Kryon, that’s Keanu. 

I drive to South California before, he happened not in the office. What a shame.



I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....