
I am going to sleep...

 Babaji: Go.

Let's see....

They succeed to land. Fake death. They are the May Flower, so they have a flag?

What is the declaration of independent? A parchment paper? 

Death behold that they witness with blood?

How do you say those things?

1947 UFO crash in Roswell things at July 4th.

Simon has this....Tesla written him a death E....there is an English word says the ending....

A letter about Mars.

We are not the Earth. We are the Mars?


Maybe we try this.

UFO crashed at Roswell by lightening, on July 4th 1947

A disk, a hospital, a letter, a parchment paper, a Mars

You mean the priest?


By God's will (not Roswell), we behold our vow to that league of .....

I am too tired, can you guys just re write?

💖💝💞 UFO 小鬼小和尚 ~~~ 再來做功課~你們到底對外星人感覺怎麼樣? 💖💝💞💖💝💞

 他們好像是說被雷打到吧 ? 你們知道什麼叫做自由落體? 就是你站在 101 掉下去~就是無止盡的自由落體~~~掉! 電視上畫出來好像是斜的墜落抵達的意思? 1947 七月四號其實是美國的獨立日耶 !!! 你們覺得外星人在講個什麼? 水牛城我同學的爸就是在 Roswell上班 ! 不是地點,是醫院名稱 !

想夠後再過來討論呀 ~~~!!! 坐在那邊想呀 ! 

美國是怎麼獨立的? 是從法國呀 ~~~!! 1789 記得嗎 ? 所謂世代交替的帝國制是從法國開始民主化,這你們總知道吧 ?  美國不是法國來的,美國是因為法國獨立以後,有人幫助美國從英國來的某一艘船叫做 May flower 這種故事你們總可以大家一起上網找呀 ! ~當初是因為一個什麼宗教叫做 Postatine? 我如果看到英文我知道,美國獨立就是獨立宣言的那種,不是死亡祭文~你們要不要去祭拜一下? 去那邊燒紙錢看會不會自己不見 ...紙錢不見就不好了~~~

你們不覺得如果我家西斯叫做,從我家屋頂下來 .... 叫做自己被雷打到,被雷打到叫做什麼? 他們是天打雷劈的意思 ... 天打雷劈知道自己找個軌道,順著摔下來,然侯說穿著制服通通死掉 ..你們有成語字典嗎 ? 他們想要獨立的意思? 他們寧死 ...也 ...不受汙辱? 

羅威斯爾? 這個名字怎麼長得很眼熟? 

羅斯柴爾德.... Ruthschild?

那邊好像是荒涼一片,自取其辱的意思? 喔 ... 那你們把祭文就自己寫一篇給 ET,如果他們出現叫做順便一下宗教同情,就說尊上說,你們寫的出來什麼就寫什麼 ... 叫做給 ET 的一封信... ...

你們知道尊上的工作是呷咪? 炸彗星~~ 我覺得我每一天炸彗星炸到手酸 ... 不是東西掉落下來再我的眼前,就是頻頻不斷這種事件,叫做無止盡的炸炸炸炸炸 .... 怎麼你們不去學點打雷,我打打打打打打....通通給我炸乾淨就無一倖面~真的很煩,又是東西墜落,我常常覺得東西就是一直在墜落 ...墜落就是要去炸掉攔截的意思~你們去學打雷好了~尊上我不是唱了一首西藏的雙身修的歌嗎 ?通通渣乾了我就不需要每一天打雷了! 煩死人了....

我想一下~東西要故意去被雷打到~唉呀 ! 通通墜落,那種墜落好像是插到沙堆裡面,是滑進去墜落?  

止滑的那種? UFO 可以被雷電炸到? 我怎麼記得 UFO 是根據雷霆的那種高空‧的什麼什麼 ....

這個世界上有一個人常常被雷打到~你們知道是誰嗎 ? 在國外有一個人很會寫書,他的人生很悲哀~他可以一直被雷打到 ...



UFO 登陸地球被雷霆打中,將官統領通通陣亡,在美國獨立宣言那種?

是說當初的五月號是通通死光的意思? 就不會有美國?

這種什麼廢話 ...五十顆星星

叫做天上飛的地上爬的,沙漠一片,撞昏了就會有星星~~打雷是閃電 ...


陣亡 ...

陣亡通常是講 第二次是界大戰那種德國的 D day

特殊名詞 ...

黃沙一片的羅斯威爾 ...大雨傾頻,意思是說他們很難過?



登陸是一去不復返? 在他鄉是歉意? 




這種好像不吉利的事情只有他們那種東西會做的出來 .... 我家這種蟲昨天在水裡面游泳,被我看到,他突然就去裝死~ 

過了幾小時我再回去看,他就屍體在那邊漂浮 ...

我覺得我每一天看到這種東西都很煩 ... ...




現在再來我家每一天的 CNN,而且是我家西斯UFO 就在我家屋頂的上面 ... 我真的覺得很煩很煩很煩 ....

幹脆就寫祭文就好了~什麼死不死活不活的 ...做那種事情就是一定說

誰登陸就誓死不屈的意思 ,煩死的~我每一天都在看這種生命體,叫做孤立不敖...展翅飛翔~~~


你們應該來我家看看才對~什麼叫做我每一天都在幹什麼 !!!


A dream !


Everybody meant well. I mean well too!


10 界

 You know in 2018-2019 I did an evaluation with SMCH, with her medical report.

Its that she went to UN to do a public talk.
So that has to do with the 5 Worlds. I say, that is 13 syallbus, with 5 Worlds ideas on maps, my RNA maps.
So in this video I upload, I told her about Flower Thousand Bones, 10 Worlds.
Or you saying 10 dimension, that kind of ladder, it just the Chinese Words sounds different.
Plus, her newest saying in Hungary Retreat, she explains to you, the ultimate world are 6789, not 10, there is no number after that.
But there is an OU language and the Victoria Secrets.
I speak in Chinese.
Like 10 界
and that sounds of the words 界
sound like the word of "precepts" or "commandment".
It just happens to be the similar words sounds 戒
Same sounds, different words.
What time they upload on Saturday? 5:45 or 6:45?
我說我在 2018-2019 跟清海無上師解釋所謂,醫學報告呀 !
她不是去 聯合國做演講叫做五個世界
所以跟這個五個世界的 13 音有關呀 ! 就是我的地圖呀 ~ 我的 RNA 地圖呀 !

所以在這個影片上傳我在講花千骨的十界呀 !
你們不記得嗎 ?
所以說十界還是十個宇宙空間還是哪個字好了~因為中文界跟戒 是一樣的音呀 !
但是你們師父不是說 6789 ? 沒有十呀 ! 在 Hungary 的時候說的不是嗎 ?
但是在  Pusu 語言跟 Victoria Secrets 都有說呀 !

像說十界 就是像十戒或是十個上帝給的什麼聖經的東西
叫做 Commandement
這剛好跟這字依樣呀 !
她們是五點還六點上傳呀 ? 5:45 pr 6:45


Justin Bieber and Ellen Shows

 Does this small Justin....How tall is this guy?

oh ~ Hi ~Your name is Justin Bieber, correct? Hummingbirds? That's ...your nonno's riverside house, where the beaver might live at ...

You know Ellen is a vegan, and she has a chef too? It was on the show....Bieber.

Mr. Bieber, why ...your Thumbnail are the filled of Christmas Decoration and it becomes the stomach of the Chicken inside or outside deocration?

Chicken pox?

You all doing this....very exaggerating things in front of people's eyes to believe, that your artistic nature of what a reflection of your life into this COVID 19 you are in Quarantine 15 days, not 14 days?

1915 after 1911?

宣統 only 3 years?

That is before 1911 3 years, and 4 years after 1911?

and how many you say you have on your neck tatoo? I assume you didn't do all that yourself?

For the head of your math and literacy degree, I expect that your school is A like WIki says in A?

oh ~

That is a nice necklace, Mr. Bieber.

Do that means....

Where is Simon.....?

Hi~ Does that means he is trying to join the conversation?

As anyone with my head to look at things to be this exaggerating, by his management company, and that Ellen Degenerate just look at him like that...

7 years was the story of that I Ching King Wen.

In I- Ching, there are numerous sequence as far as went back to 伏羲氏

But that Era is far before that History of China coming into known as the 4000 years history.

No one telling me whom get this sequence down for this 伏羲氏

No one....

But what you known most...Its this King Wen Sequence.

In the Academic field, you will probably see more of this King Wen everywhere, because that story does exist in history, so probably when people doing this online writing, they just writes about him more in the English world.

 ( My pets outside are screaming none stop....when I started this second paragraph of photo below writing....) The clouds....they are re-writing this board outside every so often....


I film the first video, uploading...

And the second video is waiting to be uploaded.

So saying ??

I don't actually talk to Dean or Bill how they will save me, to tell you Hollywood this I have no road front back to UB.

Do you Mr. Bieber cares about this high school of yours friends on your facebook? Did  you go to College?

oh ~

I told you again Bieber....When I have no road to go to, I come back my home.

Here they become so packs of this Russian looking prostitute of on TV, their mix language of Chinese were never heard of on my Television in Taiwan 20 years ago.

Russia is not far from Taiwan...if you just going North at it.

You pass China, that is Russia.

So we were doing everything back door, everything back door. No one ever bothering anybody, no one.... Just Apple, and this Russia Satellites, I feel they might exist, of just US they exist....

We were saying this Sailor Moon 1995 that 3 body transformation.

I know they don't hear a word I say...zero.

They always just meant they are KKK !!!

So if I got fed up to explain in the degree of things why those things are mine, and should be mine, they will be totally destroyed the degree I say, flat and down.

So that is what happened....

They are not just brutal in the science today world with American.

or with Chinese.

There are people born are known as Russian.

You have 2 video, Bieber.

I am waiting to upload 2 more.

Its your wife's uncle stuffs.

I think they pets want to ruling you all Hollywood people....

You probably officially to that Alexandro stuffs......He is growing up. 

oh~ I would never tell his Nonno what has happened....

I did tell him something. Because ....you know the airports? Here in Taiwan ...I used to make him airplane to play. 

ET makes a big things of that on the TV.

Its on the TV cooking show. Here Taiwan. 絕位極品

But Irene used to work in airport one of those store shops, not inside staffs.. They require the brain to do it. She married to someone owes a lot of money, just like Tina's best friend.

I have no ideas how can this news getting to me, just one after another.

Tina, Irene, and Disney (Gluten free)

They are some kind of girls...


You know, Bieber, how about you make yourself that Justin Timberlake things, just with Dean together, to say, you all groups of yourself, to say Justin him things?

He can just manage you all in his liking. I need to have my life.


💖💝 The birds in the morning ...They doing this too often now. 💖💝

 I have to redo this...

Where is this morning video of the birds. ...


💞💖💝💞💖💝 I go to nap 💞💖💝💞💖💝


Babaji: Go

Lunch and CNN

 Babaji: Go













I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I woke up. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Babaji: You woke up?


Babaji: What does Kail say to you?

Check their friends.

Babaji: Do you know why?

No ideas.



okay I saw it. I didn't do that.

Babaji: Did I say you do that?


Babaji: Believe that now?

I always kind of believing it.

Babaji: FEMA camp is not a nice word to look at it, no matter how you look at it. Inside or outside.

They cannot see beyond the legal procedure I think. Otherwise I won't wait a second to get things right. That is not a bargain.

Babaji: Well, we'll see.

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat !

 Babaji: Go

Geography (River, Same Taiwan and Tonawanda)

 Taiwan River is upper stream at South part, they flow to the North.

Same like Tonawanda there.

我說台灣的河流的方向是南邊是上游,在水牛城的有一個地方的名字跟,赤河魅影的皇太后的尊稱是一樣的,但是我說北的那一個 North Tonawanda

你們的台北 Metro 呀 ! 木柵線那一條

迪恩(夢幻遊戲的善導寺) 在藍線過去 ...我還沒有跟他說, 他在佛州的那一張可愛的夢幻遊戲團體照! 我記得我擺在網路上~我找不到我電腦的檔案 ! 

Dean, your role or position in Florida, its on a comic book called 夢幻遊戲

The color TV, a diagram has your position. Its a monk.

Ola has a lot of worm, that Japanese animation

"Dream exchange a game."

I have that diagram, I show to people already.

Its a cute group photo, your position is at FL.

Picture = 照片、圖檔

Desktop background photo= 桌布

Chinese = 中文

Tradition Chinese= 繁體中文

Simply Chinese =簡體中文

Law = 法律

Lawyer = 律師

Court room = 法院 

President Xi = 習近平

In Chinese, real Chinese language, China does not have a president. Their leadership is called 主席

President =總統

Original Guy overthrown the China Dynastry to today democracy world, he establish the organization from Haiwaii. His name is 孫中山

The Original Commander-in- Chef of the millitary leadership, his name is 蔣中正

the WWII photo sign treaty, he is 蔣中正

The migration of that Power moves from mainland to Taiwan, its the regime of 蔣中正

He has a son name 蔣經國

They both have a memorial hall here, making like a tourist places, or School kids can go there to practice roller blades, or flag throwing. A lot of activities can take place to that


That is on the subway.

That subway are 4 leadership of Flower Thousand Bone.

And that 中正紀年堂 = Prince WIlliam that position.

This memorial hall are for the Military Leadership 蔣中正

Birds on video, today’s theme is “Couple & clouds on their head” |Adam & Hailey, Mat & Ola


這 case 算台灣也要管吧?所以我寫點中文呀!我記得亞當是 Maryland ,那 Hailey is Colorado,但是我媽說他們是摩門的在 Utah,昨天我擺了一個 FRIEND 在美國紅的電視秀,講猶他州的哪個電話不是免費的,還有麥片不是素的叫做其中的一個材料叫做 Riboflavin. 

我其實不吃 pasta 這你們知道吧?你們知道米跟義大利麵有什麼不一樣?
米是原造的,義大利麵是小麥磨成粉,那種白色粉變成加工品才叫做 pasta ,懂嗎?


做醫生真的很離譜!如果有人告訴你們事情 screen shot, 她敢不聽的意思,後面的人一定有講呀!

Good morning ! 早!

 Mahavatar Babaji: Good morning, everyone !




I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

你們面對的情況,再很多情況之下面對不同人,你們再碰到哪種情況不會緊張,叫做一瞬間的空白,知道嗎 ? 為什麼人要工作? 不是三餐一天?


叫做腦袋空白,如果你們開始面對人群呀 ! 叫做下山歷練~你們再你們師門學習數年,然後下山做歷練,你們會開始碰到情況,叫做一種基本對做人的基本規範有沒有做違法的事情,為了名聲利

懂嗎 ?

你們再你們的師門裡面都說你們知道,你們去外在世界叫做結交朋友,他人讚美你就賣了你們自己的靈魂了 ! 人很多都是那樣,叫做心境不成熟 ! 

很多事情你們也是眼界不廣 ~你們做事情做多,才會知道世界長什麼樣子 ... 要旁聽他人的經驗

懂嗎 ?

中國應該很多那種秀呀 ! 或是老和尚自己他們教導你們呀 ! 

做人做事是一種獨立的行為,你們看過青雲志嗎 ? 就是講師門裡面有一個人做了什麼恐怖的事情

人喔 ... 就是活在某種物質世界就走物質名利

才會有今天這種 Adam & Hailey 這種事情...

你們剛剛看 CNN 沒?

有人給她們選擇叫做第一個選項跟第二個選項 = 剪頭髮


他們如果拆了他們的東西就??? 不需要被關在哪裡???

那個畫的東西? 四個窗窗? 看的懂嗎 ?

你們覺得她們會拆了他們自己的所有東西嗎 ?


I am saying telepathy (UFO, Alien incident in Rosewell )

 When you say how you do this telepathy, you have to be clear in your head, what exactly you are thinking in your mind, or you sense it exactly what they say to you.

That is different.

You are thinking on your own, that thoughts, its from you.

You are void, or empty like the Zen basic training your mind process, you can start that journey to be more focus to that thought process inside you. That takes training.

Not arrogance, not egoistic, don't tell me, you thought so.

Start with that math, I tell you to do. In english, and then one day you learn Chinese, you do that in Chinese.

Just one year by one year, you verbalize your exact language from your brain.

Don't tell me you think while you do the  math, that you count in your brain. Say it like you count in their head exactly like you do coordinate your thoughts and your math in that different part of your brain.

Life you become a maturity and clarity of your brain, you will have more resource, of not lying to yourself or others, what exactly you "sense" from the world, that you believe that is telepathy.

Don't tell me garbage, of things you thought about.

Clearly tell me the math, i tell you what I think how your brain function right !

Starting with your school basic subjects, to get everything right.

外星人的機智 ! (小鬼小和尚~來做機智問答 !) 外星人說呷咪 ? UFO (Alien, Roswell incident in Book with a military nurse)




算數學? 2^10 等於多少?

然後他說他是女的? 你們知道什麼是心電感應嗎 ?

叫做你們的一瞬間的思慮 ~那就是心電感應~你可能是思想或是真的感應,所以這外星人是在讚美她,還是在說他自己???


『被她激活的精神生命體? 』

男生~ 過來 ....

覺得我美嗎 ?


還有我在哪裡上班? 加州的 City of Hope,跟現在 Jonathon 的爸爸在哪裡上班? 就是叫做 Rosewell ! 這兩個學術機構叫做醫院的分隔體  Hospital affilation institution

可不可以給我背起來 英文 ???


這個人的名字怎麼叫做 "扶搖"? 

那你們去看一下她們的視頻,外星人到底講了什麼 ... 我還沒有去看! 我太多影片要看,你們有沒有弄清楚 外星人到底在幹嘛 ?


They are flattering you 

知道英文的意思嗎 ? 算示意好的意思~ 那妳們要知道妳們自己的每一個思緒才可能真的知道,是你們真的在想,還是他真的再說,懂嗎 ?

你們禪定叫做心思沉明 .... 再某種成熟度的發展,你們對數學也不是真的給我算出來 ... 我說彗星怎麼算? 一年一年算? 要用嘴巴說的出來,不是用思考覺得妳們算出來


懂嗎 ?

從基本科目開始,不要告訴我外星人覺得妳們都很特別,這種東西叫做諂媚的形象,他們變成某種金髮,你們就上去 UFO 走了~~~

諂媚的甜 !!


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I woke up ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Babaji; You woke up?


Babaji: How is my share today?

I didn't do any food, chips?

Babaji: Yeah


I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat.

 Babaji: Go

Good morning ! On the facebook.

 Mahavatar Babaji: Good morning, everyone !



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

How come I just feel the days passing by....with all these Lotto.

 I think I need to go to sleep early today.

This week I have been going to bed like midnight.

I don't do that ....

I feel sleepy whole days.

Powerball & Mega Millions (Dec 8, 2021)


Dec 6, 2021. Monday

280 Millions

Mega Millions

Dec 7, 2021. Tuesday

122 Millions

最後一個字押韻! 最後一行要用念的 !


Feet = 腳


Fee = 收費 






= 畫畫畫 (t)







十年寒窗苦讀是赴京趕考的學子,講說秀才至狀元,孟子當年的布是他媽媽的淚,遷徙萬千是說環境的黑,現代比爾蓋之的故事,哈佛挫學,是一種特例,中國引君入甕假設家財萬貫的和珅,是乾隆跟紀曉嵐的靠背(台灣靠ㄅㄟ),當年乾隆晚年是嘉慶盛世,記得我家仲介就是家慶,乾嘉盛世?有一詞,乾隆嘉慶,但是其實鑲藍旗的烏拉那拉氏,是慈禧的開始,咸豐的宮女,囍氣豐收、名利雙收、正氏是無可避免的,當年法國達文西的王的側室,達文西只有待在法國數年,那個人的名字就是現在 Hallie.




在眾人之前、明白了意,就是事事會錯他人意、虎假虎威是手持武器,對準的就是小孩的 feet.

I go napping! I am not a Prince. Prince in Hollywood is dead 2016 !

 Babaji: Go

I go to watch the news and eat

 Babaji: Go

Slam Dunk Ending song (Transcription )




Slam Dunk, the ending song



(Japanese: Anada, it means most beloved, dear kinda...first word by sound. You call your honey, called Anada in Japanese.)

My eyes only filled with you  Since the day I met, til now. As long as you are near me, by my side, I don't need anything else.

Dream's High Tension


For the reason to achieve/fullfill the wishes,

0:49  in the mild soft winter, I lower my head as if I am shy. Special drivin' date. 

0:59 Seeing you so happy like that, I deicide I will not put the make-up on. With me, 

1:07 I always carry the bb call, you can always call me. 

1:14 Start to understand the automobile. 

1:20 I even start to love the soccer.

1:21 Although sometimes, I am still confused, but I have decide this one life, I will always be with you keep you accompany.

1:35 My eyes fill with you. Since the day I met you til now. Only you by myself, I don't need anything else. Love High Tension.

2:01/2:02 Because you like. I don't go anywhere, but home. Even my rude language, i start to be polite becoming. Because you care of that, I stop the phone chatting.

2:24/2:25 I am not with other boys has any interaction. Hair style and fashion of the clothing, are all becoming plain. 

2:38 And start to learn right with cooking, but I really want to go to Party...

2:45 With the girl that you hate ....has no more connection.

2:53/54 My eyes only filled with you, not like I used to smile.

Its so difficult, to spicy your mama. 

3:07 Right now its drinking tea. Not right High Tension.

3:27 My eyes only filled with you. I don't need anybody else, but plainly to live life without richness. For I to become the girl that you like. Love power.

3:49 My eyes only filled with you. Alone, only just two of us inside the room. 

3:59 Your smile is like a rose lock.

4:05 Dreams are going forward by proceeding life.... but its a girl without the dream. Oh.








I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

They are writing in the desciption too ! 10, 4, 1

 1. Handicape

2. Last the battery to the dead and end....dead end...one of those saying.

他們把東西寫在文提下方 ! 喔 ! 

就是坐著像殘葬人士的意思? 那死的中文叫做 4 

有一跟二 ~ 

那個日本的零食是?? 像監獄的 Bars?

我說世界上有某種監獄你永遠出不來呀 !

小鬼小和尚~(還有高年級) ~來一下 ! 你們不覺得你們的人生很多戲可以看嗎 ? 我們最近都在講中文

 對了~你們有沒有那種一通電話找到趙又廷哥哥的,那種 Chat Room?

就是問他簡單英文的那種單字? 安那是在講呷咪的那種?

假設沒有好了 ...

你們知道那個 YouTuber 我說 那兩個外過人做事情很誇張?

我不是說他們很多人都在做很誇張的事情嗎 ? 記得這一件事情? 然後?

他們做這種挫學的事情,是延畢 +國外違法賺錢大概 ...轉到印度那種事情,所以你們要說他們那種高中犯罪者!



因為台灣對他們來說根本不重要呀 ! 那個男孩子叫做亞當只想往中國走呀 ! 

做很誇張的事情,就是你們去找趙又廷的時候,你們問他呀 ! 因為我寫英文,他們是不是弄錯我在哪裡呀 ?


這好像跟他們沒有任何關係 ~ 這花千骨跟他們一點關係的都沒有呀!


🥵🌯⚔ 我覺得? 亞當他們怎麼會做出那種事情? 🥵🌯⚔

 我覺得他本身就很討厭台灣 ~ 他們在台灣賣笑ㄟ 

對~ 他們不是演講說是誰把他們 騙到中國,是美國的錯對吧 ? 後面的人的錯,他門逃回台灣呀 !

但是那個亞當想去的是中國呀 !


~他覺得我擋到他的財路可能,往中國的發展 ! 我覺得我聽到這些 ... 我也不太清楚

他們錯學的人~還有他是說他念那種 pre-med


他把一些東西放在他的腦袋弄錯了 ! 我不知道他看了什麼~怎麼會從一開始到最後都在講要脅的話語?

你們把他的等級降到高中,說高中措學的那種人 ...


錦繡未央 transcription ( Elon Musk ) 44th Episide (Obama is 44th President of America)


錦繡未央 地 44 集

预告 未央拓跋浚终于和好

Its a preview on: He and her finally make it up. (Conflicts resolved )



Guy: How can the case of Peace Happiness Princess's death involving with you?  How many times I said to you, everything has to be cautious cautious, why it would go bothering her Peace Happiness Princess?


Girl: Is my business anything to do with you (you), your Highness? (Is my business anything to do with your Highness?)

Guy: Soft Nature Prime Guys Ministers uses this case to make a big article, (Big deal things) cannot stop forcing the Royal Grandpa. Royal Grandpa very very angry, and this anger will release at you eventually.


Girl: So what? Its just a death. If I die, isn't that to your heart content? You don't have to see me as the obstacle in front of you. You can be with the Lee Often Happiness happy together ever after. 


Guy: What are you talking about?

Girl: What did I say wrong? In your heart, I am the murderer of your Princess Mother. I am face like a murder to you with the greatest evil scene, Lee Often Happiness Beauty across all nations all cities Soft Kind, Virtuous. You don't stay next to her, why you coming here to me?

0:56 She continue and says: Are you coming here to greet me farewell (to sentence to death)


Guy: You listening to me....

Girl: Don't say it. I don't want to hear.


Guy: 未央, you right now truly just don't believe in me?  In your thinking, I am just that skunt?


Girl: Then, do you believe me? Countless time I am telling myself, you have a reason to be forgiven. Should not complain to you, hate not to you, but how truly in my heart, you can believing in me. Just believe me. Don't need any prove, don't need any witness, just trust me, only just trust in me. Believing in me every sentence words I say. But you didn't believe in it. You ultimately never believe in it.

1:50, She continues to say: You still marry her. 


Guy: 未央, I am really not trying to hurt you. Please believe me. I am really just want to help you.


Girl: You don't believe in me, how can you help me? I don't want to put my hope onto someone that forever NEVER believe in me. Your Highess, you can leave it now. I, forever, never want to see you ever again. Pretend everything between us has never happened.

Hi Keanu, I saw the trailer, just uploaded ( Matrix 4)

 Matrix 4.

They do it on purpose !!!! 

Their head is broken !!!

Remember 2014? 

No way, they believe this ????

Birds showing off !!! 鳥也來自誇一下 ! 要看嗎 ?


Do you test people in Asia? When I say, if you public tell everyone there is no one entry the border like a vampire or any secret society to say ....MD can let one person die....? 我說亞洲到底有沒有考試? 我在講一遍 ~叫做邊境沒有吸血鬼進入,還有做醫生沒有叫做一個人可以過失殺人 ! 什麼秘密組織那種東西!!!!

 If someone like any person online, proclaiming things, you suppose to know there are kids or family, or parents are reading it through. So any claim of such to do with the life, this person is responsible for all their hearing. Meaning it goes both way. This person's professional saying is on her file. She cannot just staying online, you hearing it like the teacher nagging you.

No, she is risking her professional life, telling you something. On the public!

You are taking it the teacher is screaming at you. Your parents are nagging you, because this person become indispensable in life, you just go swipe your phone on it and read it about it? 



不是! 她是用她的專業生活來 risking 告訴你們這些事情,尤其對公眾



I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

I know they are across my monitor !

 They probably all have to records, not just the military recording.

The ET jobs are to records to sent outside?

I think they do that.

⭐️⭐️Do they just gone to ET and ask those things? ⭐️⭐️

 I see Texas...

Why is ET and Mathew and Texas align together?

Contact ...

Gods direct contact . org.

Tro is the orc.

God direct contact orc

oh ! 

me ?

I go to eat and watching TV

 Babaji: Go

I am getting a vaccine, 30 mins back.

 Babaji: Go

Bird on Adam & Hailey

 Do they check my plants here?

Hi !! The Camera man? Where are you?

My mother's yard? The night before? They come here to check or they seeing through my eyes to check?

你們在後面的人看攝影機,他們有來看這些植物嗎 ?

是有一個落葉 !

其實像清海那種東西存在,是給予你們一些基本的團體叫做打禪 ! 我以前開始的時候是 23

 我會告訴你們我其實很 suffering

第一次大禪是在泰國 !  那是飯店,很多人擠在裡面!

第二次在台灣,這就開始太多了! 因為我剛好月經來! 

但是他們廁所很多人清理! 是真的,有在維持,所以我記得非常清楚,我非常不習慣

但是因為那是 23 歲開始,我以前我家比較優渥 ~ 所以我爸媽其實不吝嗇的人,一點都不,他們倆個都是最幫助旁邊的一些人的人! 只是情況暫時這樣 ! 我不會不管他們的 ! 我家是高中之後出事情,以前比較有一點行事生活,公主床呀 ! 比較好的室內 design,我去我男朋友家我從來沒有習慣過,我媽那種洛克菲勒的行事,一直有存在 ! 她是真的給予很多物質方面,我沒有修到非常清苦那種就太苦了 ! 像我那時候我自己住的地方,她會給我很多台灣做的那種抱枕,很多顏色的 !那種人生像說有點藝術呀 ! 我當然頃向於那樣 ! 我的人生剛好長那樣 ~ 但是我也活了很就那種阿南的人生,他其實也是很嬌慣他兒子他們的人群

食物,水呀 ! 

他以前很苦~ 人苦過都會知道那種行事 ! 而且他有宗教信仰,老一輩的! 我覺得我這附近的一些以前的 1900 都有那種心,比較大一點! 阿南他可以給什麼他都會給 ! 只是他暫時沒有,只能那樣! 我以後賺錢我不會把他丟在那邊不管他的! 我其實都有跟他在說事情~ 後面 ! 但是你們一定是說我的業障長這樣? 那你們自己的業障呢? 很多人都會跟我說為什麼一個人不可能跟一個人再一起一輩子 ....你們如果那種東西,叫做新世代的那種玩玩遊戲那種東西? 你們知道你們的心、神、智會破碎至極? 我看過那種人 ~ 男孩子! 我從來不會覺得有人會做那種事情

真的 ~ 真的瘋了!

一個人的人生可以做很多事情,但是人們會因為幻想活在那種人跟人咒罵,情愛~ 你們有沒有去找那種正常和尚? 至少有腦袋的那種?  我從來沒有說人要走佛教,叫做一定... 但是佛教告訴很多很重要的事情,而且是幫助你們在人的演化下,避免很多心神破碎的事情,在很多星球如果沒有佛教這種宗教,你們覺得那種人類什麼時候的文明會有人告訴他們這種事情? 佛教告訴你們一些事情跟規矩,你們可以避免很多魔的情況,瘋狂那種人生叫做心情上上下下 ....人心是定住,

那種心神狀態是很舒服的 ~ 你們說打坐呀 ! 修行呀 ! 都是真的,人活過那種 "自由" 佛教不知道叫做什麼字 ...一種自由的情況,是一種修行想要的狀態,不會去說搶別人東西,離開就是了 ! 你們現在這種世界他們也不會做那種事情~因為有警察呀 !  那如果有一天你們必須要永恆的試煉~你們覺得那種社會別人都在搶別人的東西,你們就說電視是你們的東西嗎 ? 人都是自私的! 你們應該是要知道那種情況,這一生有機會學習那種放下,是應該有點珍惜,我常常不會說那個越南小尼姑到底在說個什麼,但是你們有聽嗎 ? 她不見得做的到 ! 但是她盡量? 或是那個人根本就不重要呀 ! 你們有沒有想過佛教說每一天,思想反省,你們有沒有常常思想反省? 如果上帝在死掉之後你們去哪裡? 我常常說你們如果知道地獄長什麼樣子,你們這種自私的情況就不可能會做出這種,這麼多瘋狂的情況 ! 你們反省是說對自己一種思維的進步,全部都是真的 ! 你們如果失去佛教會很漆慘~~你們只想跟外國人比照片 ! 我說了什麼? 叫他們滾~ 你們只需要做到修行的問題 ! 你們只想跟他們比照片的意思? 喔! ... 我的照片 marketing 你們覺得如何?


人如果有責任,叫做有自己的事業,尤其女孩子,在男孩子的世界,在中國應該也是這樣吧 ?



自己有事業知道什麼叫做壓力、叫做有背景,叫做有法律問題,叫做作成熟人應該做的事情? 你們沒有見過女孩子,很瘋狂的那種舉動像提娜 ? 我弟弟其實心神愛上常常,是 gay,人的情緒是一種七情六慾~在你們成長在亞洲尤其,是很珍惜那種簡單的男校女校的保護,是一種很健康的給予你們教育的資,但是在女校裡面,很多人我也會告訴你們,他們做了什麼事情,因為人成長的時候都是有那種幻想,在身體變化~雖然人都長得一樣 ... 但是都是愛上~ 而且絕對放不下,在你們有這種打坐的力量假設他們來找我供奉包括越南小尼姑,有力量沒力量沒有人知道....在這種世界這個時間,你們知道以後,自己真的失去什麼是你們永恆找不到的東西,其實是非常可惜的,因為其實在世俗之內,很多人真的非常瘋子~

我如果長的是亞洲人那種黑頭髮~而且有人金髮願意告訴我每一步 .....如果我見到我自己~我根本就黏在那個人上面去問所有事情的那種人 ....我的人生裡面很多事情~是我自己去找的,去做情才發生的 ! 我記得每一步 ! 通常是沒有人告訴我應該怎麼做 ....有一些人存在 

像阿南找的這些人,他自己就是那種行樣 ! 他喜歡那種東西叫做自我成長 ! 他真的長那樣 ~  會有東西存在,但是要自己存在做很多事情,中國應該台灣也有這種,開公司那種做事情的人? 我會告訴他們真的有夠誇張的 ....叫做每一步只需要複製和貼上,世界上有人做那種事情,叫做佛教攝政 ! 就是複製跟貼上 copy and paste ! 你們真的太離譜了 ...

成熟人做成熟事情所以有一天有真愛是正常的 ! 沒有人說一定要一輩子的永恆世間你們沒有情愛 ...但是你們有些小孩~ 家長很好的那種,然後小孩是廢物的那種,我們的未來到底在哪裡 !?

我的附近都是長那樣耶 ~~ 真的 ! 以前的家長都有背景耶 ,1900 那種耶~~~

像如果我跟我爸說,不要再做那種事情~我來照顧你,他是會聽的那種 !他給予我們很多東西成長,我從來不會說一定是家長去做家長給錢的那種,他們倆個其實都很給予的 ! 


這個世界上有很多人,你的一輩子不可能照顧全世界的人,但是附近你自己的東西的人,現在沒有錢,但是可以做其他事情呀 ?

你們自己的東西要自己銷魂去做到 !!!

你們這種講法叫做每一件事情他人八了你們的皮做的一樣 ....

你們自己的東西是你們自己的責任 ~~我以前很會去 collect 臉書 那種東西,但是有一天我就不要啦 ! 那如果要找回來,還是要做到應該要做到的事情吧 ?

世界上,社會上,一個人的命跟人生,是一個人的轉折 ! 你們最好清晰你們的腦袋最好 ....世界上很多東西都不需要 ! 很多東西都是假的 ,真正做到以後死掉之後才知道什麼叫做真正世界 ....

我以前放棄的時候,其實我從來都沒有希望會在找回來耶 ... ...

不要說我跟你們一樣 !!! 我沒有叫你們去放棄 ! 我有事情我自己做到 !!





 我走在路上,沒爹沒娘的那種人呀  .... 我能幹嘛 ?

上課呀 ! 講話呀 ! 別人打招呼呀 ! 你們不是叫我白子畫? 我以前頭髮比較淺~真的! 你們看過照片沒有? 我現在頭髮越來越深了 ! 金髮族的人會告訴你們那樣的 ~~~我如果以前長我現在這樣,哪我的臉書不就滿了? 

而且我其實沒有真的去加臉書,我現在知道人是故意去加臉書的 ! 

他們要申請是不是? 什麼什麼... 我現在才知道,我以前根本就不知道 ....有人會做那種事情,所以我很多人我根本沒有問他們臉書,只剩下這些呀 !

我覺得根本就是你們人格問題,我一輩子的名字叫做白子畫,記得嗎 ?

你們活在那種世界叫做去交朋友....又說個子身高,還是講英文,還是什麼什麼什麼 ....叫做沒有人理你 ....

你們怎麼不說我自己去好萊屋,我一個朋友都沒有 ....結果現在他們突然必須出現??? 叫做我跟西門說,我前面的垃圾跟後面的垃圾長的樣子一模一樣? 我以前跟我現在是長的一樣? 意思就是去好萊屋幹嘛 了? 收集垃圾 ....

我如果長黑頭髮~我自己去中國弄呀 ! 但是不是那樣呀 ?


那 鴻凱跟家慶算東西嗎 ? 那就當假的用呀 !!! 我到處碰到東西就說是我的? 我是那種人嗎 ? 東西你們想要就還給妳們就是了 ...我有特別說我想要呷咪嗎 ?

有些東西那種越南小尼姑,只會說是業障 ~ 

真的是佛教的業障 ....

還有我以前有臉書的時候 ... 我其實只有看我認識的那些人~ 是真的

很多人 .... 我其實一的東西都沒有看 ! 我現在跟他們說的 ! 

很多是男孩子 ~ 要說我這麼愛上他們全部嗎? 我真的一個都沒有看 ...我知道迪恩在幹嘛 ~ 但是很多人沒有 update 呀 ! 但是他們 都有我的臉書,看我在幹嘛 嗎 ?

見過我搞出事情的那種東西 ...你們現在臉書就是你們的寶~那要去照顧你們自己的朋友,叫做給新聞~很多人我 說了很多次 ...活在這世界上什麼東西可以不要,不能沒有臉書 !!!!

When we say the Kingdom of God, that includes plants, and animal Kingdoms.

 If they are purely wild grown on their own, their environment is cold and suffering, they don't tend to grown better like those you house keep pets.

Tigers, zoos, or these dogs, cats....

no, there are things in that nature to become darken and darken, so these wild lifes will tend to lean to humanity world, its true. And they have their own wisdom, how they survive as a speices.

Like God intend all to take care of them, plants, animals....with the loving heart.

我說植物、動物界,很多這種環境是更困苦的,你們沒有住在過很冷的地方沒有暖氣吧 ?


但是在有人類文明的旁邊,他們總是比較好 ~ 有人會給予他們一些支持 ! 他們的心呀 ! 所謂野外動物,野生的

野生動物群組,如果人類文明給予他們支持,他們都會自動靠近人類的 ! 


只是因為我們聽不懂他們的語言,在你們看起來很討厭的東西,像巨型蜘蛛,你們覺得不同統類的各樣動植物想看到那種東西? 叫做什麼是更黑的黑嗎 ?






I go to sleep !

 Babaji: Go


Mormom !!! 建華~幹部大會呢?


我們講了幾年的彗星問題了? 叫做算術~結果真的就來了一個彗星出現再我眼前,叫做走火如魔的魔門教!
這中國幹部會議沒有說哪種宗教存在吧 ? 做中國的官員不是應該會好沒有信仰嗎 ?
摩西的那個故事水裡面有血 ....
把所有東西都給我燒了~ 燒的一乾二淨,看屍體在哪裡,東西哪裡
我說前一百的那個美國 Forbe 先革職他們,下一個禮拜他們不是還要上傳影片嗎 ?
知道美乃滋的顏色? 叫做可愛白皙的小腳呀 !
You see..... a lot of people willing to shot down the comets, for the eternal happiness of this one entire Planet happiness.
Just like 1908.
Mormon doesn't have a religion, its just a money issue and 1000 Mayonasie....
 They don't need to have a religion, at all
 中國一個月~ 魔門教
這種叫做沒有戒律的東西,就擺在我的眼前叫做一千個沒奶汁呀 ! 跟無限的彈殼~
你們擺著給我看是等著我屠殺滿城風雨的人,你們才會把戒律這件事情當作唯一的事情嗎 ?

不是嗎 ?
當我是白癡才作成這尊上的位置嗎 ?


I post a music article for Simon (Music Website)

 Hi !!!! Again ....

I used to be around this Alyssa, that was when Justin Bieber was popular.

That is like a decades ago.

Is there anything popular beside Justin Bieber?

One of those days, some of you have to keep me update, when my times just flying by, what's on the radio.

I change the Blogger Posts by Monthly (to the weekly number posts )

 In case, to sort files, easy to print.

I label them in Chinese, they are in English now.

Its by weekly, you can see how many profiles or articles you print out.

That number is not so that gigantic.

Dec 6, 2021 (Powerball Dec 4, 2021 & Mega Millions Dec 3, 2021) of that 278 millions & 112 Milions

 I Ching Meaning Interpretation 


Saturday, Dec 4, 2021

278 Millions


Mega Millions

Friday, Dec 3rd, 2021

112 Millions


Reference Links:


I Ching Hexagram


I Ching has only 64 Hexagram, you can never be outside this 64 hexagram to get my math wrong, EVER ever ever !

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Its almost 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 This is strange, I sleep in America time zone. I cannot get up. Feeling sleepy !

Babaji: Right

I go to nap ! (The birds have 2 video on them, Adam & Hailey)

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat !

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Good morning, Vartan !! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You really have another tape you and crocodile or that unknown things in the water.

Do you talk to Justin?

I seen it. 


 Babaji: Good morning, everybody!!

I go to sleep !

 The stupidest people never get it, how the tales make the tale to ever live and die !

Babaji: Go to sleep.


Mathew you are here right? You did read yourself, how to save yourself on CNN?

 Mathew is going to run a position in Texas.

Somebody saves him?

⭐️⭐️ UT and UB ⭐️⭐️


I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

I go to watch CNN and eat !

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We have three birds video, one upload, two waiting.... wait.... they are psychic !!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Video 10 on Birds.

A fake on, a Couple ( Ola + Wing )

A switch (Commander-in-Chef)


Prince William, Prince Harry, and Me.

There is a far away voice, Prince Charles.

(Why is he far away? Why is he only voice?)

Queen, President Obama, President Trump, President Biden

Me | Sariputra Maggallana | Simon Keanu | Me & Eben, UFO Seth + Seth+his guy

Karen & Chris (one of them is fake)

Me and Far away voice, Zawanna and Kail +亞斯+將臣


And you are? 



Parents and kids (two of us? Two Pairs)

Black Op, They and the Fake. No, I didn't see the other one. Its Trinity, The Father, the son, and the Holy ghost ! The Fake ! Which one is the Ring one, That's the Commander-in-Chef, on the left Ring.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Good morning ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Babaji: Good morning, everyone!

I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....