Babaji: Go
Hi Vartan, do you know your ....Alias, her friend, is also in Robin William's movie, Something hunter?
Good Will Hunting ... (1997)
That is very close to a movie on the wedding and a funeral. Hugh Grant movie?
oh ~
I thought Ben Afflix and Jennifer they were a couple?
oh he went to another Jennifer Lopez?
2018 ...on Garner's profile.
Do you see JC's photo on the Wiki? They have to take him a photo like that?
You know Vartan, I don't really know that many people in the Hollywood. But they have written some article or photos on Steve Jobs.
They talk about Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates like Tesla and Edison.
One of those article.
When Steve Jobs got kick out of the Apple, he was 30?
His photograph was black and white.
I used to make him a video on podcast....
I still remember that photo.
Like you watch Steve Jobs almost the last one or two years talking about, Apple finally surpass Microsoft, and he feels....
And Vartan, that Wiki, Apple says ...til 1985, on Steve Jobs profile.
There are a couple movies talks about that person, called Steve Jobs.
There are employees talk about him.
There are close people, whom know about him. He was never close to his family.
For this Harry Potter, if he is coming back, that means, he lies to his kids, and now he will take their roles to go party, you know?
That kinds of things, are very real. I believe that.
Tim Cook is important
and Eben is important too, you know !
If the movies puts a gun, on that Michael Fassbender's head like he plays Steve Jobs but looks like Tim Cook.
That means exactly how it says like it is told that story.
oh no, someone they hire the professional to set up that stages, meaning they have a professional MD or some guys or girl to ensure none of that will happen.
But yeah, he as a person he has a feeling too.
Especially he knows about the movies. The great play of that movies are always in people's hand.
He wants people to see him as a savior, yes, in which he will hinder my jobs. Apple makes me, not making him.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Vartan : on Austin Family ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
康和建設 I think my mother told me, long time ago they already bankcrupt, but the stocks of that still exists.
When we went to China Expo, that guest lists are from Fox.cnn sponsors. I thought it was Austin's family. It was from my cousin to her father surgeon connection. I have no ideas how she got it through, we went to the VIP guests lists. For the China Expo.
There is no way, you could just go to that expo by yourself without the VIP guests lists.
So This March I guess a news break out.
And yesterday or today, they go to jail.
Not Austin.
His family cousin side.
My mother says they are not Fox.cnn.
Fox.cnn are Hong Kong electronic. Those gossips, she knows the best ....
Keanu, yesterday, you would go and tell someone about that Gala, and Britney's video on Criminal, and SMCH gala in Mexico? Right?
The CNN things and your Matrix 4 things coming out, with how many days apart?
You want to die?
So if you save yourself.
Could you, would you, can you?
I was reading something know, I have to run a text publishing ....about ET | 小鬼小和尚聽著 ~~~我寫你們課本的!
Human always talk about the ET wars. Or we between each other wars, and then saying ET warring us.
So that means they have a higher standard of Military weapons, we are a civilization can just die.
Or any part of the land, just die out.
But I will tell you, isn't that our jobs to ensure not one person die, if they ET meant we just all die on one region of them, sounds very very wrong?
That is not right.
我說妳們呀 ! 人活在一種世界上是說我們一天到晚戰爭 ~ 不是跟人戰爭就是跟 ET戰爭
但是因為你們都聽說 ET 武器比較好,你們的自動就覺得一整個區域的人死光了~是正常的!
還有,不要去相信什麼叫做 ET 叫我們通通去死的武器設備,在這個世界醫學系的人
絕對沒有叫做一整群人就死了,因為現在講 ET戰爭的關係! 叫做所有事情必須的
Blue pill? Isn't that Dinasour's name is Blue?
Jurassic Park (Movie)
Carrie says?
2021 = 2012 that kind of things? Starting back where we were? Matrix was 2000??
Did you say her name was ....Carrie Moss Roy?
Bill and Kerry, they often sits with Bill on the left, Kerry on the right.
I don't think she is married. Yet?
From Project Camelot
Hi Keanu !
Do you know that Dec have your event 16th
and CNN also has a something Hero? They just air
Last Britney has this Criminal song made
It was which month of the time apart SMCH has a Hero Gala Mexico for COP 16
Do you think I remember the wrong dates?
I thought CNN says 13th.
I know what Woody is.
When Alexandro graduates ... he doesn't need his toy anymore.
He is born in 1998
That was long years ago, he was going to college.
By now, is he graduating again?
I don't know.
That's two Zero.
Two O
Your name is M M C
😋 Alec Baldwin (I know that last name, that’s ….)
That’s the Loving the Silent Tear
Joy & Conductor
That’s Tamang middle looks like.
Gun things on Alec Baldwin.
💖🎁 Simon, you know, I told them I know whom you are, as Westinghouse, but I don't know why you are over there, remember? 💕💞
I say to the Chinese, there is no way, everyone is a psycho at the border.
And also, my life often ended up there is no road in front, no road behind.
Very often, it happens to me.
That is not the first time. I read Google library on Westinghouse, Simon.
There is John Jacob, on Barbra Straisand. This one, I saw her concert. Yes. no...I heard her stuffs in the air. So I found her online, Simon.
So I actually forget how I get there....To me was not practical. But there is say to you, Simon. But okay, I try.
If you Simon let me through, I would not have struggle this far.
💕💞💝💖🎁 她們是不是真的愛上什麼東西? 哪一個? 西門、李維? 💕💞💝💖🎁
你們有沒有覺得有些事情很奇怪? 就是如果講考試跟所謂 : restrain their inner urge
亞洲人是不是都是瘋子呀 ? 真的有夠誇張,崇拜美國文化! 美國是好呀 ! 可是做事情有做到叫做你們通通去死就好嗎 ?
你們應該不會說做工作叫做做到瘋狂吧 ? 我說邊界的人?
因為我只做到 那個家教學校的工作,不是教授,我跑去 美國達人秀找西門呀 !
所以假設你們,設立 20 個還是 50 個人的檔案,在某種轉動的卡片上面,他們需要的是未來有教授的推薦函? 我沒有呀 ! 但是我有地圖呀 ! 就是最後我可能砍死所有他們的這一件事情,他們有沒有去查! 或是看到西門,叫做絕對愛上,所以西門絕對會接到一通電話? 叫做詢問,但是沒有人知道我為什麼去找西門?
你們有沒有這種事情叫做我當初其實不知道,西門為什麼是 Westinghouse?
我知道他是,但是我不知道他為什麼人會在 Hollywood Music Gerne
我不知道他為什麼,在音樂界叫做表演東西,不覺得有些事情,叫做很奇怪嗎 ? 人生走到某一個點是沒有前路、沒有後路、只能往哪一個方向走?
My facebook broken....
Babaji: How does it breaken down?
Break down?
Babaji: Yea....h ...
Is that followed with tears?
Babaji: With a suicide tendency...
oh ~ you mean Melinda.
Babaji: I mean all of them, not equipped with the spiritual power to pretend like you.
oh ~~~!! You mean they care about Victoria Secrets?
Babaji: Too many evidence to show you are somebody. You were nobody, remember?
That was the reason?
Babaji: If they know you are that useful, 16 years without contacts?
oh ~~~!!!
You mean they are calculating the social effect after this? We are not in contact anymore. I need them to get their reports down and sent it up.
Babaji: They need a way to figure out the future.
You mean Bill needs to figure it out the future?
Babaji: He got a name, you know. They think someone set him up there as a military.
I don't think so.
Babaji: They think so. His face is on the monitor.
No, he is not.
Babaji: I think he is.
He is becoming, I don't think he is !!!!
Babaji: Right ....
Simon, I am not finished yet....
My brother got a new job, someone came to him, in July, he got in the Horizon Therapeutic. He post it on the facebook. Jason Pang Jao. He even puts his student loans on the facebook? My brother is out of his mind.
That Hank was in Verison, before he got to beat people and let go.
There is something wrong with the Asian !!! I am telling you.
He uses Instagram more.
Tina uses the facebook: Tina Jojo. She is at Citi Bank
Something wrong with their head, completely !
Can you tell me, there are 3 Torus girls. oh ~ That Tina can say it all loud all by herself.
What money, and fame, and nice dress means to them.
I never expecting Ola is similar Torus with them Tina and SMCH too.
Keanu, Feeling the pressure? You are settle with your career and fame, you just stay there until you expire.
But I tell you, these Asian if they come back to the real Asian world, like Tina does not have good English, and Pang's academia achievement is not Ivy Leaque.
Taiwan is small tiny on the map. So a lot of ABC coming back to the same job markets. They take Ivy Leaque, not Tina, not Pang.
No, Taiwan and China is different. They both can live in Taiwan, not in China.
You know.... Simon and Keanu.
That Hailey sees money like pine to the glory of that...if she just settle in Taiwan, and went off China, she might disappear one day in jail, no one saving her. And if her family was there with her, they can all be detained.
China is a communism, Taiwan is democracy with the lawyer.
They feel they are the same. Just looking at the money. Adam and Hailey, they are not supposed to do that. They are popular among the other YouTuber crowd. Taiwan has its own domaiin of Youtuber crowd.
They all invited Adam & Hailey to go on their channel. Because they look good as a couple, and not many Asian channel has the white people speaking very clear Chinese.
That is still a very trademark stuffs.
But I think Simon, you run a company. I run that SMCH SMTV, if if if .....
I am telling you, seeing how GPA and how far they run off the school, by how many years to do what? That becomes an evident things, how everyone should just look at that. Not dropping school to do an international crime stuffs.
Keanu, you think Ola likes about you?
Tina might be crazy about you !!!
Your last name is Reeve, not Reed.
Is there a reason you know about your fan, like I know about TV any apparent reason?
I see this NSYNC crowd fans....girls. They scream !!!!
Keanu, you think Ola love Simon to be a father or love Simon like the TV says?
I will tell you. There is something wrong there.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Good morning, Simon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Good morning Keanu. I found out what they do with that test. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
They put the real resume, like I am a tutor, that's it. No Professors. Because the reason they need their future referral, its their professors' recommendation letters and their prestigious school.
There is a difference too between guys or the girls.
The exams, for example, if my map get on the market, they all gonna die, that kind.
So people's reaction suppose to find out, what that maps is about, and why I didn't go anywhere else but you Simon, or Keanu.
The reason why, you are so and so and Keanu is the One.
You know how Eben they does this online marketing on the squeeze page, so they do that something, to see how far each of this participant will click.
Like you click til you see the photos? or you click til you see the back end information, whatever information. There is a tendency people don't click all the stuffs til the very end.
I think the answer supposed to be....
There is a map, and why she disappear from the job market, you suppose to all go and save her!
That kind....I think that's the real answer.
What happened?
I didn't get that far to see what happened. But Simon, I think they know whom you are. They are jealous driven, so you might get a call.
Like there is no reason why I should be there, but there is every reason why you Simon will get a call ! Isn't that funny?
There are different reaction between the guys and the girls too.
Because, if they pick that phone and call, that is within the test limited. So they think about it.
Simon, how is your back?
You just buy that stuffs, put as much as you want it, on your back.
Tincture or cream. That is a semi-solid Dr. Christopher box things. You scoop a big chunk and put on your back.
You in-take powder, and apply eternal.
They are just like they say on the testimony.
You take 2 capsules 3 times a day. After your meal.
If you eat less, you probably get better quicker.
Science world, the girls number already very little. The science + music + art ?
Like buying stuffs?
You know why they have this Composure magazine with a lot of fashion market magazine?
Because there are a lot of girls don't know how to do make-up, or fashion clothes with the shoes.
You can just go to Chemistry UB page, to see all the faulty members.
Yeah I know them too. They were my professors actually. Dr. Aga, and Dr. Chembler.
Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
I don't know what to tell them.
I read you are sociology, Simon?
oh ~ so you do statistic?
Just one photo issues, already bad enough.
Talking skills .... all these people in the common ground, let's say 1900 that crowd?
Rockefeller has this hundred turn ways of things she meant she has to win that argument. I don't even bother with this. I just leave.
But that quality like Rockefeller or Edison.
They are the same.
They have that quality. They don't go harsh types of personality. They do things so they can win all the times.
A person in life, supposed to have some quality to say, "The fittest of the survive"
No, they would not go and die, those types.
Simon, you talk, so people will find where you are. Let's say even if you lament on the newspaper I heard that. You could just say nothing, and go disappearing! You don't even ask for others people to come to you.
There are some people, when you say, they are at the edge of the groups of those people, their color is black. Like Ms Congeniality 2 that kid, her hair.
These people they carry knifes, they laugh at the strangest thing on their face. They heard something, they thought those are treasure meant, they go behind door to do their own research, and they disappear! You would not know where they are, where they will be, where they gonna do next. And one day they come back and tell you the strangest of things, as if they need approval. You try to ask them, what did you do? And their answer is you are not listening to what they tell you to do.
Whatever that is.
🎁💝💖💞🎁💝💖💞 I did went to Harvard, MIT and Duke, I think 3 Medical Center to send them a video of mine. If they follow behinds, that is added CIty of Hope and Roswell.
They have the science groups or MD groups, supposed to be more trustworthy.
You know if saying I am off the school 16 years. Right now they are just graduate from the school, to work on this Hollywood stuffs. They can come out something if they come forward.
But I am not sure how fruitful results are those.
Becasue Toby was from Duke, we were in the same lab with Dr. Bing Shen in City of Hope.
So I went to Duke.
MIT is becasue they are everywhere in Contact (1997) or Tim Qo Tu, OU language. But no, I didn't explain all that to them.
🎁🥻🎁🥻🎁🥻 Simon, Lauren looks nice !! Our groups images are different. 🎁🥻🎁🥻🎁🥻🎁🥻 Like Shawn things, they ask you? 🎁🥻
Yeah, I know that.
But there is a reality too. I went to The You Generation and American Got Talent myself.
You want to tell me, I building all that stuffs are fake?
Do you remember I say Google issue me a check 500 US dollars on one frame of the Thumbnail I make on the Organic Chemistry video?
I did went to ETR Craig and Eben's page, 10 years ago. When the Internet started to happen, I did have an Organic Chemistry Channel started 2007 figuring out the Online Landscaping.
And there are a lot of things are real. I talk to Dr. Steven. I talked to Dr. Gabriel.
That Contact (1997) Mathew's movie, its also a real thing. I went to Dr. Todd. I drove down to South California.
There are a lot of works, efforts, times, that people really go and travel, spent very little money, to get by life to trying to get through Life.
These people are just going to tell me, they do paper tricks and see how far they got with the things in life?
When I building a demo, we have to drive to get the materials, I paint every stuffs going on top, I try to see how to illustrate all these piece together, I have one person to film all the video, at midnight !!! With the candle has about 10 minutes in total minutes to do all those 10 seconds photo shoot? Those candle lights don't hold that long time in the air.
There are gazillion things I did, and they gonna tell me, paper tricks to go tempting ET!!
oh my God.
I wrote a book, and that must be fake too ! I need a copyright, they would do a copyright????
There are a lot of things on that newspaper, I just read, like Justin Bieber. Simon, I think people want to use drugs or suicide like you say, might be real. Those pressure in the entertainment is big.
They have to do these world tour, world concert, and they got support they got friends from around them, they are not fitting in, they have money and all that. But if SImon, you don't hold that Hollywood together with Keanu, you two might just go to hell together, considering what happened now.
There are a lot of things on the newspaper may not be true. Like people can do things by arrangement. But there are things I think might be very true as they are told like on Wiki.
Like One direction, you let go one person of that member, if that kid using drugs, and all that ....
I don't know if all things are true, but I will tell you I take it as if they are true. People get affected by the industry. They have support, they have no supports, no one knows.
And you have your ground in life, what you can say, you cannot say. They are younger than you too.
I know what they are looking that. I just tell you, I know. So I explain to you, all these.
Eben and Craig, they started 20 years ago. That is different, they have to get online with this things fast. That kind of circle, people are all different business nature. But its a landscaping.
They want to find another set of "all these people".
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hi Simon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I told you how that happened.
We were behind, not online, fighting with this Russian on Sailor Moon 3 body 1995 Transformation. (That video is off now) They change to another 3 body video as you can see 2021 Nov.
So On you Simon profile, states that is One Direction.
Oh ~to that Russian Space project blacken people, that means the Star Box is the Star Box, not that loving heart box. For the transformation box.
So for that square of frames, I told everyone it was
Kentucky High school, a lot of Real Roses, in Madrical (If you Simon just go to Kentucky and find out with Justin Timberlake Lyrics he sings Madrical with Lady Gaga, that driviing cars)
UK, Roller Skate to the Library. (Sailor Mercury)
UB, Dean so many womenizer. (Sailor Mars)
I got initiated. (Sailor Jupitor)
I become Tesla white gloove (Sailor Venus)
In order to tell Russian, they don't know what's so many Roses of that flipping moment of that very fast frames on that Moon frame. Too fast. They see the real rose, that frame. I decide to go to sing.
That is how you see all that in 2018-2019
But it was because of that Sailor moon, too many things we were doing behind that time.
There is a comet, there is science, there is medical board !!!! They just calling in one day through air, like they exist.
When did I Anna, go to target you Simon on the history?
I am out of my mind? Nobody in the real world sense to do those things to copy the history, I am telling you. When you are talking about the real Science world, every scientists are very very brutal. All these scientists behinds, their debates their evidence has to be solid.
No one does this MD this MD that, putting on the maps stuffs.
The real invention of the scientific community, they need to make sure everything are in the order. Everyone is doing things by the law degree, this things can never be moved to say they are the science laws?
You never met those scientific congressional people. They know exactly what they are talking about, or else they will never exist there !!!!
You are talking about each and every country on the maps. Just because I don't ever talk about the science, that doesn't mean they don't exist to bother me from behind, especailly those militry.
People doing things are real, so they become the foundation of the next generation, or governmental structure. No one is joking these stuffs. Never this craps whatever Medical Board categories them freshman of turn real stuffs.
Its just to sing a song, and shut up, Russian, that frame is MINE stuffs.
Everyone get confused if you don't sing a song, Simon. That class Madrigal is real !!!!!!
They are in Kentucky near the border to TN. South of Summerset 45 minutes.
No, you have to sit in that class to hear them sing. A lot of this, I cannot tell you what that is. Those are real roses. Ma'am Ching Hai, those SMTV, they are fake roses.
I go to nap
Babaji: You really don't think of those things? Love and Hate with Simon?
Simon? What do you mean love and hate? You mean Lauren? Their head is broken. I say that too many times.
Babaji: Right, go !
⭐️⭐️ 我以前昨天之前~我知道誰是周文王、周武王跟周公~但是我其實沒有非常清楚是三個人 ~ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
跟周公夢遊~但是我不知道周公不是他們呀 !
我記得是說他回去之後並沒有馬上發動政變 ! 我以前有看~但是我沒有真的看懂呀 !
但是我也很沒清楚商鞅是怎麼被滅的 ~ 我沒有想過去滅了商鞅! 腦袋壞掉呀 ! 而且這件事情是巴巴基說的~你們覺得我相信,這種叫做空氣存在的東西,叫做聲音~
我碰到埃本真的人,我在問清楚這件事情~太誇張了吧 !
我後來沒有時間看~我真的相信我跟周有關係的? 世界上沒有人做那種事情叫做
這世界上沒有叫做我覺得~我每天都很忙的滅天下~ 做那種事情叫做正常~不是看故事書說~我來 試試看 copy and paste
你們小孩幻想做事情,那是你們的事情,我其實沒有那麼多閒情雅致,認為很多事情 !
我以前如果像現在知道,這麼清楚,很多事情我就不會跟著電影做呀 ! 我是跟著電影演呀 !
人太多了! 我不知道為什麼電影長那樣,我也沒有辦法解釋所有事情~我剛回來台灣!
有時候就是做好事情以後再說 !
我知道很多歷史~但是我會去把歷史貼在我的臉上的意思? 叫做過去的榮耀? 那如果是不同人呢?
我只會覺得我怎麼會碰到這種事情? 人有時候做事情做很多,到了某一種層度就只能說,這太誇張了~ 我前面不是路,後面沒有路,只能往這個方向! 然後就是變成歷史貼在牆壁上 !
(好萊屋長的像我 UB 同學很多呀 ! 很多不是路呀 ! 你們要給人一條路走 !!!)
Do you like a real watch?
You know on the Pinterests, people just collecting watches, of those wealthier people?
You should see their suitcase, someone demosntrate an entire collection of watches.
You have nothing else to do, just look at the pretty day you might have something useful !!
I hate watching movie and MV all day long, my eyes strain all these WIki profiles, its like every letter alphabets of each every lines, I am so fed up.
Yeah, you read from the left to right...
Do you know I have a natural eye sight problem?
Do you want to do something, not just you two sitting there counting you remember Ilno Divo? Two stairs to Celine Dion?
okay, how about you take one side left, you take one side right.
Run up there,
Push the first person out of the stage.
And draw the Wand,
You Mathrew vs Shawn.
Just pretending?
⭐️⭐️ So Mathrew, which side of the flag, you gonna take? ⭐️⭐️
You are the Earth, or you are the ghost?
Like an astral projection looking at the Earth.
There is only One America.
I think who ...Kristen Stawart getting married to her gf?
The Vampire's gf.
Do you want to tell your buddy to get married?
He has the same birthday like JC?
He is Alexandro's age.
How coincident, his are M M ?
Do you read Bible yet, on their initial? And? Maybe you should ask him if he believes the Bible?
Is he popular in his age groups? That guy?
I have no ideas if all your marriage is real, or fake, Mathrew.
No, I don't know if you met online, or you met behind, or Keanu's gf die, was a tragedy. Highway 101. I been there. Near the Hollywood.
Maybe you should ask Keanu, he is the One. What he thinks ...
Does Shawn like Victoria Secrets, on Romance Journey?
His company likes those sequences, or they getting married for that reason??
There is a lot of reasons, people doing a lot of things, Mathrew.
You can prepare a lot of things you telling them, before they say, they getting married.
... .... ....
Wait ...
( .... talking to Rockfeller, this Katherine says now everyone has to treat her a meal at least 200 dollar each. Her head is so broken... there are girls like this stupid bimobo)
Have you ever think why there is Dean/ Justin position to Alexandro / Justin Bieber?
You Mathrew with Shawn positions?
Do you eat chocolate? Recently I am getting a lot of this chocolate this chocolate that ...
Is M & M, with & in the middle?
oh ~~~
Do you draw paint? like how do you draw S?
Do you see Mona Lisa, on the left side see S or its my eyes sight? Problems?
I used to just stare at these painting .....because I don't have a TV.
I thought Simon is S, so Keanu is on the right. There is a bridge.
Like have you just forgotton all the TV for now.
And re-align all the Painting cards. Because I am the magician? If you see Sakura Clear Card?
I know they are cartoon.
But lets say, we use all these painting to re-construct of a doom shape of....whatever giant space.
They become a painting big painted statue on the clothes, for the good purpose intended...of each of this direction, to make a meaning out of it?
Like right Coordinate.
X, Y Z ?
Normally math is only X and Y.
But we are in the 3D, there is a Z !!!
Z is not S.
But the Painting says S
But Z represent 26 alphabet. Keanu has a 26.
A B C D are 1 2 3 4
But in numerology, they align, are not 26 numbers.
They only go by 1 to 9.
Like your name is Shawn Mendes
or you tear apart your name?
Sh own a mendes?
Mandala, Tibetan.
Sednem nwahs
s e d n e m n w a h s
SE like south east
d= in Chinese = is 是
e = in Chinese = I 我
ne = In Chinese = you 你
you and I min wa hours.
wa= I in Taiwanese.
Between the Time, there is a I.
In DNA langauge like my book says, there is no I in the language. There is only One
Oneness. One= you = me.
So if saying
You and I minutes Oneness hours.
Kinda like ....
You and I Timeless forever....kisses hugs kisses hugs those?
How sweet ....
Do you want to get a Time Glass? Looks like S, kisses hugs kiss, just starting at it?
Maybe one day you will see it ?
oh ~ Mathrew has a channel. I subscribe it
Do you Mathrew know your video title is an American flag?
I didn't see the words on my monitor, so I click on it.
You have a flag on the title.
Do you see Shawn from Victoria Secrets? Like Justin Timberlake to see Justin Bieber things?
Shawn has a lot of people on his stadium, he is a singer.
oh no, I don't know that guy Alexandro on my sequence.
I will tell you, some people destine, their whole life is not part of this.
Their faces are all over the television. Like Tina's best friend.
Hi Simon ~~~

小鬼小和尚~ 腦袋激盪~~~!!!! 跟外星人就說: 你們聽說 .... 你們這種惡劣的東西說地球是監獄 ....
意思就是 外星人知道神話故事~
你們念完商鞅跟妲己沒? 商鞅暴政、喜好美女,寵妲己呀 !
這個過程是誰? 西門就是弄音樂的
周公治禮做樂 !
誰把誰給滅了? 然後呢?
你們覺得這個比照片的事情是你們佛教獨家新聞? 這些外星來的東西很喜歡把我寫好的東西跳在上面踩踩踩~~~
我寫了什麼東西? 你們到底有沒有在做你們的功課? 那英文幾的單字有沒有學一點基礎單字?
每一年學一點,很多年過去就很多英文呀 !
你們跟外星人對話的時候,要記得,他們一直在腦力激盪你們,知道嗎 ?
你們就說如果地球是監獄,那神話故事就是監察長的意思? 那你們外星的東西是來探監的?
監獄通常在美國講法叫做一通電話,你們就跟外星人說我們有沒有一通電話,那外星人說你們要打去哪裡~ 你們就說找佛 !!! 來救你們,他人在哪呀 !!!
周公講攝政 ? 我今天才看到 ! 我其實沒有看過這些東西 ! 原來是有紀載的 !
我在想哪個是周武王,周文王呀 ?我怎麼記得這些名字?
周文王是周武王的爸爸 !
是周武王滅了商鞅 ~~~~ 奇怪我是在看哪一個歷史呀 !
Do you know Simon is 54 ??? 2014
No, you say this ....
Their evolution is close to us. They are humanoid.
Meaning, they stand, they walk, they breath, they talk, or telepathy as a completely full grown beings standing right in front of you, as the physical manifestation from God.
We are all the Kingdom of God's children.
That is what you will say.
They develop their brain differently, they development their motion in space might be different from us. Like can they leap, can they jump high, how tall are they, do they have a tail.
Is their physicality evolved by their certain nature of the evolution that accustomed to the weather of their home planet, or home galaxy, whichever those elements of air, is differed from the Earth?
Meaning the temperature.
Are they more harsh to their skin ? Do they have the sand storms all the time, is their eyes have this eye lid like the human to blink the eyes?
How do you define the monkey and the human?
The brain.
The brain evovle different.
The monkey cannot talk into a specific language, their learning of their math or alphabet is not like the human.
They called them the Apes.
Can you say the humanoid everywhere in the galaxy, are all based on the brain?
Correct. All based on the brain. That is how you sing, how you count, how you balance your motion, how you feel sensitivity of the environment to able to have a faster response, if someone stares at you.
People from outside does not always looks like ET right?
You called them the other race of civilization. They are human looking. Like you watch those star gate, star war.
So ET is not lizard?
No. They are humanoid. They have a brain, very high evolved brain even. High IQ.
So if they say they ET are lizard family?
That is none sense. They are the humanoid. God creates man with his own image. But what you could say is.... You saying about lizard, like do you drink milk? Do you know if a lizard like milk? They smell milk in the fridge?
Plant, Insect, and animals.
Insects are in between Plant and Animals.
Lizards are the animals. They don't have the wings.
But technically when you say things are lizards, you imagine they crawl on the floor.
In Chinese video when they talking about this Reptilian....I think I heard they were saying something close to that nature.
No define what's a humanoid feature.
Like you see face, eyes, symmatry of the body.
And they walk like the monkey.
You look at your encyclopedia, of the Darwin basic theory diagram, how you see that evolution comes into the human today.
So don't just believe everything they say in the video, and just called ET, ET.
They don' mind just get the call they are ET.
💎💎 人都是做最自私的事情💎💎
💎💎 就是人的三魂六魄怎麼沒了? 💎💎
世界上有種東西叫做絕對值得 宮、名、利、祿 !
心心念念、悔不當初、事事與"我"作對、他人閒言閒語、事事斤斤計較、他人流言蜚語、諸事不順、事與願違、好不心痛、不是不知、只是-所以-以後-當來 ....
芝麻小事、是好心好意、感激 - - 謝 ~~~ 恩... ...
頂禮指教、謙卑之心、是與我每招拆招、只是不清楚 .... ... 細細小小
都是平日作客、見人就忘 !
請問 ??
隨風逐流,就是自由風派、沒有束腹、意思就是 easy going ....
做人沒有原則的意思 !
人的生命之中其實是沒有任何意義的 ~ 他人不知我知~~死掉就是眼睛閉起來
我說下沉你就不需要呼吸了 ! 何必?
💝💖💗💞💕🌮🥪🍰🎂🍮🥙🥘🍩 I am up ! 💝💖💗💞💕🌮🥪🍰🎂🍮🥙🥘🍩
Babaji: You are up ?
Babaji: How is your reading so far?
Babaji: Yeah?
I am looking for Zawanna and Kail file.
Babaji: You have it?
No, I don't have it.
Babaji: Are you looking for it?
They have a sequence telling me, maybe I wait?
Babaji: Yeah ...
... ...
I just gonna do something on the facebook. It doesn't really matter what they say on the sheet, it might be all false !
Babaji: Right.
... ...these things are invisible.
Babaji: They are on the sheet.
I think they just writing things down, I say their name.
Babaji: Really?
Possible !
Babaji: Maybe you should check deeper.
Babaji: What you gonna do with Wing and Tamang? Sent them back to India, for their mis-conducts?
How come this India pop up?
Babaji: Because they exist?
They are third world country, they may not even have a clean water for their proper head too much heart ache...
Babaji; I think their skins are exactly what they need.
.... okay.
Babaji: And?
I am thinking about it. I don't know anyone in India.
Babaji: Yeah
You mean the monostary, or you mean working in India?
Babaji: What?
... ... they are spoil kids under their parents survillence watch. They won't go shave their head.
Babaji: That's their parents believe they should be doing. Whatever the mere splint of the moment, to be honest !
You mean their parents wish they have the spiritual nature to go and rule the world, or you mean they wish their kids to grow spiritually to get inside the monk order, that is different.
Babaji: Are you functioning with your head?
They want their kids to go on a spiritual practice? You mean they don't want to be outside in this world to fight against others to rob other people stuffs?
Babaji: You don't think they take other people stuffs?
I didn't think they would even try ...
Babaji: You don't know their parents.
.... okay. I will gear them that direction. But India is a bad place, if they heard these them doing things like this, they are a gang themselves.
Babaji: That's why sent them there. All together.
Right ...
Okay, if you are a Professional MD doctors, there is no trees, doesn't matter Apple trees, golden Eden Tree, of those apple getting seed lifes or preganent women if eating it
If you are eating a poison Apple from the Snow white, or a rotton apple.
You just die, or getting a stomach ache. Nothing else will happen to you.
There is no seeding life in the apple itself, that is just a fruit of itself. There is no magic in that apple forever!!!!!!!
There is no such things.
As a professional doctor, if you ever heard those strangest trees that if you seeing it walking on the pavement road, like the Lords of Ring, those movies trees, you call the military or police station to remove them permanent on Earth !!
You evaporate the entire apple trees species from the Earth. You would not care if there is an Eden or Bible, a Snow White, or a poison, green red apple, or whatever 7 color apples !
No apple eating in the stomach will seed life, or fallen spirits, or whatever you getting this in your mind, that a magic apple would do, like the Bible says, or like Yogananda Master says?
No no no nono no!!
There is no such things, EVER EVER happens ! FOREVER!!! No!
你們現在做醫生的,絕對不可能有那種事情發生~永永遠遠不可能 !!!!!!!
你們現在是專業醫生 !!!你如果聽說魔戒那種電影哪種樹木長腳,在鋪在路上的路行走,你要去找警察或軍隊把它們給滅了整個地球上的每一種那種東西!!!
沒有蘋果吃到嘴巴會產生一種新的生命,或是墮落人的身心,或是你的大腦,或是神奇蘋果或做那種事情像聖經說的或是 Yogananda 師父說的???
沒有 沒有 沒有 沒有 沒有 沒有 沒有
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am back. oh no~ they are taking exam behind. oh ! don't tell me this garbage stuffs about Snow White Apples !!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
我回來了~他們在考試 ! 喔 ! 不要告訴我這種叫做垃圾的東西,白雪公主的蘋果 !
Babaji: 你回來了!
Babaji: 你知道今天禮拜幾?
Babaji: 就是考試時間呀 ! 呀 呀 呀 呀 呀 ~~~
Let's try again...the apple falls from the tree, its because of the gravity. Its not because of the humanity all falls together !!!
The fallen, or the falling states of mind, let's say, happy, or sad, or degenerate of consciousness only to soak in self-absorption to a suicidal rate....
You want an Apple?
You eat the fruits, doesn't make you fallen.
The fallen spirit of the humanity, let's say the fallen angel. You all believing these angel this angel that, I have a tooth fairy on my roof types....
That is a consciousness, your consciously doing it, if your mind playing tricks on you, or you are not feeling well, or you are too stress, your mind going every direction.
That has nothing to do with you eating a poison apple, like a snow white !!!
你要吃蘋果嗎 ?
你吃蘋果會讓你墮落嗎 ?
那墮落的人類靈魂,像說墮落天使,你們都相信那種有天使這有天使那個,我頭上屋頂就有一個 美國類別的小孩卡通天使叫做有應必求~有求必應的那種小天使 Tooth fairy (我還沒有搞懂美國到底在講哪種東西! )
Apple tree leaves….funny words. Your maid leaving ? Apple is a part of the trees but it falls.
Trees have components of a root, trunk, leaves.
But you don’t say the fruity fruits are part of the trees….because of the structure, understand ?
You need the green leaves to photosynthesis the energy from invisible to visible.
Apple is a fruit only. They don’t do that conversion of the energy.
There are the apple seeds inside apple. The core you don’t eat.
Fall 這個英文你們知道? 人類墮落就是一種 fall state
跟 ET 說話很多雙語,對!!
蘋果樹的樹根,樹皮叫做 trunk 嗎?樹皮裡面的一整條,跟樹葉其實是轉換無形的能量變成有型的!!陽光變成營養!!但是那個果實叫做蘋果是不可能做那種事情的,蘋果是你們去找蘋果實心的地方的那種 seed
Mathrew, have you seen old potato ? They grown sprout and started to root? Okay …Apple doesn’t do that | 你們見過老的馬鈴薯嗎?就是發芽下面長根的?蘋果不會那樣
Do you want to find out if an Apple going to turn into an Apple tree by itself ?
Not Potato?
You want to collect whatever Eden meant they say they are vegetarian to start a possible life before the maid or whom has a sin in seeding life?
Seed ….
你們要不要去把所謂伊甸園說吃素的可能生活,在女佣或是誰把罪帶入 「種植生命的果實 seeding life mean ?」
Seeding an apple tree
Or seeding life
你們通常不會講種植生命,是運遇生命?不是,是一開場那種懷孕,你們不是用這個字叫做 seeding 對吧?
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 on the Facebook 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Babaji: Good morning, everyone !
我們今天在講 Mathrew McConaughey 電影叫做獵殺 U-571
就是我在看到他們要下降到 200 就是極限的那個儀器呀 !
所以我跟他說找那個蘋果上面 Steve Jobs 有一次在開玩笑的事情,形容他們的船在下面有一個洞! 所以我說他去找所有跟船有關的電影,像說我們之前講 : 哥倫比亞海盜-世界的盡頭
記得我們講過這一件事情? 所以我說南極其實是大陸,其實是一個洞漏空氣不是漏水,我又說其實那是叫做 O3 就是臭氧層當年在九零年代講的冷氣機,所以如果講所謂地球在銀河系的邊邊,那個叫做盡頭,不是叫做在地板的世界,那個電影演的是地板的世界 ...從 160 米到 200米
所以我說他的佣人 (昨天那個 Lopez 演的電影講屁股坐在雜誌誰的臉上面的意思)
我說黑暗帝國叫做 某種黑色黏質的東西在尼歐的臉上,最後打架的那個情況下雨,我說赤河魅影叫做黑水,但是在物理的世界叫做 黑色質量的東西,但是那個有名的物理學家叫做 Bryan Green
我說氯呀 !
但是我說你乾脆去把 銀河 (美國巧可力叫做銀河,跟其他的美國巧克力就幾種)
人放屁,那種東西叫做絕對不可能 !!巧克力絕對不會發生那種事情 !!要弄清楚什麼叫做某種實驗是絕對不可能!蘋果也不可能!
我叫他們去游泳 !
深跟淺 !
然侯我們說,其實在世界的盡頭不是所謂世界末日,盡頭跟末日在英文聽起來很像~或是世界的底端也不是末日呀 ! 但是聖經我們在末篇記得嗎 ? 所以一開場其實叫做蘋果 ! 那是叫做
但是在英文裡面叫做某個類似的字叫做 "屠殺"
就是電影名稱獵殺 U-571
還有所謂蘋果是樹結出來果實類! 樹木就是植物是一種 Vascular 裡面有水吸收的管線,從根部到樹葉進行光合作用把陽光變成一種能量,最後有蘋果!
但是在 Yogananda 的書上面叫做 Autobiogrpahy of Yogi
那種事情叫做絕對不會有果實的事情,叫做絕對不可能 !!!
就是如果你們去查了所有東西~聖經的一開場叫做蘋果呀 ! 蘋果樹呀 !
反正最後的結尾就是,我覺得有人一定會弄錯 ~!!!!!!!
我常常覺得你們很誇張!!!! 是真的 ~~~
The period things I have
When in 11/26/2021
12:45 I suppose to see something, very very tiny.
Then 8:10 at night, I have the blood period.
Now its 11/28/2021
6:00 I have nothing on the pad, Its on the tissue if I wipe it.
Afternoon, I still have.
I was taking a bath
⭐️⭐️ And Mathrew, Apple Tree is a vascular plant. I talked about that in Chinese. ⭐️⭐️
The vascular plant meaning, they are living breathing things. Apples are not living breathing things like the vascular tubes inside the apple tree trunk inside, those transporation of the root water, up to the green leaves. The green leaves has the photosynthesis to gives the nutrition from Sunlight to turn into the energy sources, that allow the apples to grow on the apple tree.
The apple is the fruit on the trees. The tree produces the apple. At least you Mathrew knows that much? Apple is the fruit from the tree?
Your ship does not have girl in it ?
That would never has a fruit of "it" ! or imagine, or ever ever after?
It would never happen that you don't have an apple, or the girl, ...if you read the Autobiography of the Yogi? Apple means sex.
But saying that, you don't have a girl, or an apple....
Magically nothing will ever happen !
Apple only grows on the apple tree. They don't grow on every other tree. That is impossible ! So if saying that the Apple grows on the tree. The statement supposed to be correctly said:
Apple grows on the (apple) tree.
Got it? Not any other tree.
Only on the apple trees! At least you won't get this things wrong?
The Newton Boys? Movie?
I haven't watched any movies, other than the TV airs.
No ! Newton laws....or the things that happen with Newton = any human, including you Mathrew.
Its that, the apple falls from the tree, he Newton found out the law of gravity.
That has nothing to do with the tree or the apple.
Nothing !
Gravity is on Earth, not the Tree, not the apple.
Its the Earth.
Newton is = a variable = a human. (or any type of human )
Newton boy, if specically saying that is a guy?
But the truth is: Newton is the guy. The Newton law is from that guy, called Newton. Not Newton boy.
Wing 的爸媽 (香港的)
你 Wing 有沒有想過回來香港跟 Ola?
你可以照顧我爸媽在台灣呀 !
Home Fried?
家 什麼?
Going the distance
Everybody fine
Batman Forever Sugar
我覺得我講中文比較快~ 嗨 ! 你們看了這麼多東西,你們不覺得應該 Wing 在香港不管是什麼原因,因為安那是台灣的? 台灣香港很多訊息,如果我不再亞洲呀 ! 你們覺得呢? 就是做一種假設,他把 Ola 帶回去香港 ! 還有他到底是哪個宗教的? 叫做搶奪東西跟 Ola 其實是同一個性情 ! 如果沒有要搶就離開呀 ! 不是叫做做事情方便 ! 故意傷害 !
我其實不在乎他在幹嘛 ! 但是佛教有沒有覺得他應該快點回來亞洲 ?先不要說工作跟錢的問題,很多事情是只能做到不要講廢話 !
你們沒有想過人生可以,除了照片以為,做點為什麼,沒有臉跟照片福報的事情,叫做修行? 人的一生的修為呀 ! 修行跟修為 ! |
Don't you want to make sure Wing is which religion first?
你們要不要先確定 Wing 他是哪一個宗教體制下的東西?
Meaning there is a good thing and bad things in the movie. There is a guidance in the movies, you think?
Mathrew, do you swim? Like take a magazine of your maid to go down the buttom of the swimming pool, that is chlorine feel...not green. And Far?
Bubbling the buttom of the swimming pool?
The Real apple does not far....
But it looks like the shape of the butt ?
Right, the Milkway chocolate are sticky. There are only just all those brands of American Chocolate, you tear apart the wrapping and cut them in half and see inside.
Your Mathrew's movies ship looks like a long one.
And the water I saw, it looks like greenish.
Is that what you saw?
200 indicator on the machines, its the button of the ship you can reach right?
Meaning the pressure is too great?
How is your swimming pool feel? There is a shallow part and the deep part?
No, Apple does not far. If you put an apple to the button of the swimming pool, you will not see the bubble coming out.
That should NEVER happened, ever....ever....
You need to get that clear. That Apple, the real food Apple will never have a bubbling effects at any medium causes of the swimming pool, no matter its water, or greenish water.....neh....Apple does not far.
Human does.
And who does this Butterfly effect movies? I saw the other day data?
One of those sheets....
Butterfly does Wing...winds ...not far.
Not bubble. Winds.
Air flow.
Winds are air flow means.
Not water bubbling when there is air bubble coming up.
Maybe just think a few things, that it will NEVER happened to anything you can think of.
NEVER means the glass does not leaking water, one of those things you see on the photo.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hi Mathrew McConaughey ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am watching your film on U-571, can you ....
Can you get some facts, I only watch til the part you reach 200.
I need you to go and collect Steve Jobs Digital Worlds, his statement on the ship leaking up on the button.
South pole first its a continent, that is not water, or called leaking water.
Its leaking air, since 90s we know that the air-conditioning some substance that got to the O3 layers zone. Ozones, they called it.
And ...
I need you to go and collecting all the movies you can find on this Ship, inside water, outside water, doesn't matter.
Like we all know, Pirate of Caribean, to the World End.
Not to the buttom of the World End.
You understand?
Black Matter in the Physical worlds when they describe the Dimension, you know those terms?
Bryan Greene, he is famous with his book.
Now Red River Manga, is on Black Water.
Keanu Reeves, Matrix, Neo's faces is covered by the some sticky black matter.
Whichever terms you wish to use?
So....You say....
The south pole for sure is not the end of the world, its the bottom of the world.
But we are not going to the buttom of the world, to say we are the End of the World?
The Earth is the edge of the Milkway...
Do you want to get a chocolate to go sinking water, coke, milk, pop drinks?
How far and fast they sunk it to the bottom of the "sea" A bed of the drinks?
One of those scientific experiments you do to show off ET, you have a brain.
They called themselves Gods....
You say the Earth is always in the motion to that Sun is the central point. If saying Steve Jobs are leading the ship, that has a hole in the buttom, can you Mathrew go and making friends, is that a joke, or is that a really statement, Apple has a hole at the bottom?
Apple has an internal core, you took it out with a tool?
Apple inside, has these lines, looks like Magnetic poles, you see these Iron Man movies, where Magneto (Bill's movies) How he was fighting this Egyptian Gods' for Apocalyse days?
So again...
The end of the World, would you Mathrew re-write a few hundred times to get those terms right?
CIA says, that is the Bible terms of the matter called Apocalyse Days.
The End of the World, the End of the Bible.
But Apple is the Beginning of the Book, called Gensis.
The Chinese movies name on your U-571 its called killing U571 獵殺 U-571
Gensis, is that a English words, not before that Page of the Bible, says ever after, that sin goes down to the generation of race?
Those massive killing?
So could you Mathrew, just re-write this several hundred times with Keanu. For the ET, to say, you have a brain when you present there?
To Wing's Parents 給 Wing 的爸媽
I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.
URL: Website preparing in progress....
You know what I mean? Not Tamang gun on facebook trying to threaten to get a job..... UB is the biggest local school at Buffalo. So when you...
赤河魅影 昨天在還願的那個人死了 ! 三個月前 (第五集) 38 80 神官出現 ! 我其實不希望有人出現 81 麥子那是由基 ( 我家小妹) 尋找龍之眼? 這所有事情會不會太過剛巧?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that..... You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, y...