Lawsuit 73 : On Karen Makar, stealing, murdering, and final acts of axe-ing

 Date: Dec 29, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: On Karen Makar, stealing, murdering, and final acts of axe-ing

The background: This case is, I go on file-ing first, by the dates. I submit first, because I have some connection to the court room, to prevent a future costs of anything in coming.

I have UB 5 friends they look like NSYNC, the 90s boyband, I have submit an early law paper on file, I say I don't want anything to do with them, including, not marrying to them to say, my money, or their money, to belong each other.

I am saying that paper, also referring to my friends in UB.

Seth, Dean Wieczorek, Bill, Silas, and Patrick, from the Victoria Secrets "Take me to Church"

I think the lyrics saying something about sickness, and now I need more time to define that, with them doing those investigation behind, because they live near by, or they are all in the US, to calling each others on the phone. I am currently not in the US. I have some bigger issues in Taiwan, like Adam & Hailey, 1000 Mayonaise and BB gun on the video, 3 weeks ago.

I state it again, about the NSYNC 5 guys, that looks like my life mirror image in it, with all the people around my APO, or CAC....whatever they can get, that is them and their family business with the Hollywood. I do not want to take that part, if that is their future. 

So to UB 5 guys.....or 10 guys. No, I don't want that. I clearly say that, to their one of the not dead yet manager in Hollywood. If you can combine that law case, and this case?

Their other manager was dead in the jail, and he was a very very bad person. Pearl Lou

Now, I need to tell you I am marrying to Eben Pagan.This is Christmas Dec 29, 2021, this week.

I need to submit this file first, so I will re-submitting all this later next year when I have more informations when I return to the US. I have a very very very challenging time because of this Medical Board, they do things like this....2 Medical Students or off liscensing doctors, are hurting me too much too much. I cannot concentrate on other things at all. 

If I can get the compensation, other than, writing unlimited report behinds to post online for help...I will go to court with this. I just don't even have the money to go sue them. I am too tired too tired, to even walking into a court room. I have no energy, no time, no money, to spend anymore extra stuffs, for things, they are so bad in nature hurting me. Going to court, its really hurting me just to see them garbage standing there. I hate that!! And I have to go to battle on that court room, when they just endless hurtiing me with excuse, all these times.....

Do you know what had happened? This is very very exhausting !!!


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