Babaji: Go
小鬼小和尚 ~ 樂透 !
... 阿南買過樂透,我在碰到他之前 ... 我應該是不知道什麼是樂透美國的~因為以前台灣沒有樂透!
我在美國有沒有買過樂透? 我好像 .. 有沒有買過樂透 ?
... .. 我其實不記得 !
我算過 Excel 小的那種沒有人知道的樂透,數學計算 ... 後來我就丟了 !
一直到 ET 出現~我拿樂透去砸人,這種事情我做過,那一年之後,我就應該不可能再去買樂透了 ... 因為 ....
我其實覺得訊息都跟我有關,這不太好吧 ? 給世人一種遊戲,讓他們去玩就好,我過了幾年才知道 2015 是我做尊上的開始,但是我也沒有覺得跟樂透有任何關係,反正我攝政佛教,你們沒有特別詛咒我去餓死 ... 我只需要去想辦法賺錢就可以了,至於樂透,我家外面就在樓下是樂透店,我回台灣我記得,我特別不會去那個地方 ...
因為我知道樂透怎麼了呀 ! 這 ....我本身覺得就給世人玩就好了,這種金錢的事情 ....我想辦法去賺錢就是了 ~我暫時還沒有到那種落魄到街頭狀態,我給我自己幾年的時間,之後趕快找工作呀 ! 先處理好所有人事情,我以後再想辦法 ...
我沒有用樂透想辦法,這樂透... 是世人喜歡的一種非常鉅額的金錢,我都已經在訊息上面,我沒有想過去做那種買樂透試試看~那種事情最好不要 ....
你們學習易經跟算數,我覺得可以呀 ! 你如果賺到,我不會去動你們的錢的,奇怪,這些錢好像也在你們手上,佛教佈施的錢。
... ...
我有時候就是覺得事情,我不想去做那種事情叫做買樂透 ....我陪阿南玩過,他相信那種東西
滿慈子有說那是零業障 ....
... ...
我個人有很多我覺得的事情 .... 我個人喜好... 我可能太忙了,我自然就不去想,我常常經過我家樂透樓下,這我常常看著他們的獎金,就走過去的人,礙到你們的眼嗎 ?
那是一種祕密,我覺得就擺在那邊 .... 我自然就不會去買!
我曾經說過我小孩的時候,曾經幻想每一步人生應該要怎麼遇見人的那種小孩做的事情 ...結果一次都沒有發生,所以在我去修行之前,我就覺得那是錯誤的! 叫做預想,因為從來都沒有跟自己想像的變成一樣的結局,一次都沒有。
在 ET出現電影之後,我就再也不可能有計畫了... .. 你們其實並不知道發生什麼事情,都在電影上面叫做在時間趕到之前,我要跑到位置,其實我很疲累 ... 但是是整個世界的事情,不管什麼情況之下先做完,我比較相信那種會下去地獄我如果是特斯拉 ....
我其實沒有想過去當特斯拉~我用那些名稱去砸 ET
對 ... 那種事情我常常做 .... 我其實不是要去弄那些名字幹嘛 的~
人聽到那種名字會比較振奮人心,我其實重來沒有相信過耶 ...真的...
我用完就丟了跑了 ....2014 冬天的時候
ET 常常在事情發生之前就已經做好了 ... 我一個打他們全部? 後面都是人~人也是很恐怖的事情 ....我常常碰到那種情況叫做什麼地方都沒有路 ...你們如果真的有一天腦袋到清晰 IQ 知道發生什麼事情,大概是你們演化到了 ...
我常常卡在那種情況耶 ...
我媽常常會念 ... 我是不會有負面情緒的那種人或是證明給她看 ... 我如果有你們那種心思,你們應該會很恨她...
但是情況就是那樣,很多東西只是情況,情況在某年某月某日就會離開 ... 知道嗎 ?
人生有時候在發生什麼已經有名聲利的狀態 ... 就已經比以前好了很多 ...
但是好吧 ~電視上有樂透買房屋~我看過那節目~我會想到他們的錢怎麼算 ... 因為她們是一整家買給小孩的房間,真的很誇張~~你們要賺很多樂透才可能每一年繳那種房屋稅,因為美國非常非常的昂貴 ....人最好是有一種職業叫做真的很多錢的那種。
我因為碰到 埃本 跟 UB 5 教主,我才在那邊開始算錢 ...他們沒有出現,我連想都沒有想過我可能有什麼 ...我還沒有想過 !
因為要養別人,只能先想,然後告訴他們可能 ... 我想起來我可能是可以賺到這些錢的,應該還沒有那麼絕望。
我有時候覺得我的腦袋糊糊的 ...."金錢",我以前有沒有出現過世界是要用錢的 ?
我其實沒有買過任何其他東西,一次都沒有 ...
漫畫有! 但是我都是跟我媽說過了~ 很多收集的郵購的東西,我跟我媽說過的,我覺得 ET 出現之後我的腦袋就更糨糊 ...因為我常常卡住,有金錢當然比較好,那種到處搬家的日子其實我覺得很難過,我 2014 搬了 4 次家 !
阿南跟我媽一直都是在付錢,我去住慣的情況 ...他們買食物 ...
我常常過這種日子別人做好事情 ~ 我連碰到錢的那張紙都沒有 !
我就變成是一種習慣 ~ 你們因為很喜歡世界上的某種物質東西,叫做買在家裡囤積那種情況,我其實從來沒有那種慾望 ...
我是因為必要才去買 ! 我媽如果囤積所有東西,我其實就用那些東西,我沒有太多喜好~但是因為剛好她比較喜歡好的東西,我就自然希望東西是好的 ! 就是她買的都不錯 !
人有時候因為環境好一點,人的情況就自然比較好一點,我會需要一點那種支持,對 ! 她沒有非常多東西,我們小時候比較多東西,那現在我如果能賺,就幫她一點! 人生就互補一下!
Juicing video (Fitness )
The reason you will send these to Craig, its because he publicly tell you that is his life.
He told you everything about his life, you should just try to go on that routes, what's the New Age Fitness, or books, or tapes, that you listen from everyone else to like about this guy routine in the morning, or whole day long !
你們打疫苗沒?趕快打完第一跟第二劑!!do you get vaccinated ? Yeah, go and get it.
I think the 3rd and 4th vaccination is coming out !
I finish two vaccination.
In Taiwan, you need to register a time to go register 『online』 how to get the vaccination slot time.
Christmas Afternoon video
One Person Show
People social interact others to feel being with the groups, that will often lead a better fullfilled life.
Conan Detective - Crimson Love Letter 1
When you getting an assignment, how do you get this revolving sense of yourself out of this Love meant to be True Love Meeting says?
In the science world, there is a Mushroom Professor, are you sure, when you represent this Science world, to come to this TV assignment, its just you romantically involved with Craig? They have expectation why you want to go with Craig, to be his gf, first, before he meant, he will ever marry you? He can have 1000 mentoring jobs on girls? What you gonna do?
Conan Detective - Crimson Love Letter 2
Like I said before, "When you getting an assignment ..."
I thought that is every word counts important.
你們的那些書本講動物的!… …
… …
現在我們在 2021 年冬天的聖誕節!!
死掉的東西… … 你們現在有沒有活著的東西,你們去問他們到底活了多久?
不管哪種東西,我沒有記得他們可以活那麼久!白狗是 2014 收養的,不是 puppy !
Are those birds dead? Those in the book? Where are my pets says she go to 『whom 』 to talk to yesterday ? Can you go to the existing her pets to find out how old are they?
How long exactly they have lived ?
Those are Vitamin C inside the Bowl
No, not overflowing outside the bowl?
It’s at the base of the bowl!! That’s how big the base of that bowl is !! 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎
Where is last time those people with glasses team? Kodak are new last 2 weeks?
The one way before Kodak!!
You are watching it?
Your own bowl ? It is a wood made bowl.
SMCH, your comparison was the age? I started it....the Lotto says? Not Pig years in 1983? 清海無上師喜歡比年紀時間 !
ETR Craig Conan Detective blue Sapphire in Taipei Station on photo Crystal White 小鬼小和尚 ~高年級 ( 記得台北火車站的巨大白色鑽石? 不是藍色的? 你們看過柯南沒? ) 知道他們在選美? 從華盛頓選到加拿大~埃本的朋友 !
Dr.T's TA name is Amo, but not Amo Cake, like in Taipei Station, Taiwan, R.OC
Amo is an Indian
我說我以前化學教授的 TA 他是印度人,他不是賣蛋糕但是那個透明很,晶瑩剔透的鑽石長像,是在台北火車站 !
記得 ETR 有幾個人?
Craig Ballanytne, and Mat, and R guy
Their Mentor name: Masterson
他們三個外國人的名字 + 他們自己的導師叫做: Masterson
他住在美國,但是其實 ETR Craig 他是住在加拿大 !
埃本是美國人,我是跟埃本結婚的那一個 !!
待在威廉王子太太的那個戒子才是真的 Blue Sapphire
你們看柯南記得要照片貼清楚~ 不是只是玩樂透 ~~
所以因為那個不是真的 深藍色叫做 Blue Sapphire
真正的柯南深藍色有一個女孩比手指 叫做 Sky Lady
但是那個名字關於 Sky
Sky 是什麼顏色? 藍色
就又有一個 Magician in the sky
有一個叫做 the First of Blue Sapphire
有兩個叫做 Sky
懂嗎 ? 然後呢? 你們要怎麼做偵探 ? 去玩~~~
Good morning ! Its a Christmas Day ! 12/25/2021 聖誕節快樂 !
Mahavatar Babaji: Good morning, everyone. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. Ho ho ho ....
You have something speech to say?
Mahavatar Babaji: Here I behold the truth that ...self evidence.
You mean Tamang's Bills Rights?
Mahavatar Babaji: About right.
He Stephen Tamang's line: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Mahavatar Babaji: Correct, that one.
What about it?
Mahavatar Babaji: Do they know he says that?
Yeah, he says that. I told everyone around, except his parents or brother, or Annie(?)
Mahavatar Babaji: Well, you can tell them that, NOW!
Right, he either tells me to memorize, or he just saying it because he knows so.
Mahavatar Babaji: How to be a quality person, its to recite the declaration of Indepedence.....
Yeah !
Mahavatar Babaji: And the money?
I don't have any money!
Mahavatar Babaji: That is the problem!
Got you!
Mahavatar Babaji: Where are 小鬼小和尚~高年級包括
Probably at their temple home.
Mahavatar Babaji: Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday !
Do you want to speak in Chinese.
Mahavatar Babaji: 聖誕節快樂 ! 新年快樂~年年節節快樂 !!!
小鬼小和尚 ~高年級 ~都一樣! 給我過來 !!!
知道什麼叫做 拿到手上的東西放掉?
你們收刮全天下的東西,通通給我扔了~叫做你們有本事 ... 不要告訴我,你們什麼都做不出來,所以隨便給我說佛經說通通不需要 ...但是你們真的很想要 !!!
聽懂沒有? 叫做我說廢話~~每一天!!
花千骨 12
You see Nominji as your classmate?
oh! That's the bird says on Tamang?
SMCH, this morning you heard anything I say to you? Or they heard me saying anything to you, to them??? That is not "ego"
You want to know something, so you being honest to verbalize what you want your heart clarify no one does things behind you back...That is what you want the controlling power for. Right?
Everyone is human. If you just open your mouth, and say that loud, they might just take it, whatever it is, it really bothering you, every degree Anna put fires under your oil night stand.
They don't know a thing what i ever done to you ...when you open your mouth close your mouth, state words like "Karma" "sickness" or "people are junks karma"
or simply "You standing in the Master's works" so on so forth.
The best words you love to use, that is "ego"
So you repeat every single words to me, the way I tell you to read it.
Tell me, you don't have a feeling what karma truly meant that day ! Its just a word you reading out loud.....there is no spiritual power that unleash on you, in this world, what you called "Master power" ! Understand?
Those 2018-2020 reading words from English or Chinese 我以前一行一行寫出來她清海無上師的我執那本~叫做每一個字念出來的劇本在哪呀 ? 你們是浪費我在後面寫字~詞語~還是你們去做你們應該做的事情呢?
不知道怎麼說字詞語,以後最好給我小心每一個字詞語叫做你們膽敢用用 ...叫做試試看!
你們會知道什麼叫做我誠心祝福妳們的未來~叫做動用我佛教資源 ...那一天不會太遠的!
我在說一次~人要真的相信有地獄,你就發誓永遠不會動心動意動念 ....
你們很喜歡定義佛走了世界就不需要修行了 ...我根本不在乎你們下去地獄,因為通通都是你們以為跟自然不知道的選擇, 在人生中錯一次叫做洩憤那種,只需要一次次毀了他人人生那種事情~叫做嘴巴說出來你們的心中的聲音~那就是你們的業障 ....
繼續說 ..倉狂的說 ...那一天叫做拿麥克風的上台演講~我問妳們~你們就答案什麼 ...知道自己的誠心都建設在,你們絕對相信 ...知道嗎 ?
知道什麼是地獄? 內心要真的愛上、死了~~然後永永遠遠在黑暗中下沉~永永遠遠沒有一絲絲一壕溝,的任何希望~叫做永恆的愛沉澱在心底 ...浪漫動人肺腑的詞,因為所有人必須鼓掌你做人去死的偉大信念 ...相信我! 我絕對會知道,如何一絲絲穿金戴銀的讓你的心心念念,跟你的故事書一樣,永永遠遠、浪漫的天涯揮灑~~消敖一通遊 ...只是書面的盡心盡力 ....
Stephen Tamang Seasonal Tail greeting 1-8 video
I am uploading the second parts of the video.
I don't know why, they keep sequencing like this, without the order.
Are those words you cannot say loud from my words to someone called ego? YES ! The ego you keep lecturing about ! 那些你無法對他們說出來的字詞語,是『我執』嗎?是!!
That’s not an actual things you ever do to just say them loud …if I say that to Nominji, do I care what she thinks or feel why I say that for ?
I normally don’t say those things, but you SMCH did care that statement from them, so I say to her …
Do I ever feel ashame saying that to Nominji ? Will you say that “for” Nominji ? Future ?
我有沒有覺得很可恥說那些事情跟她 Nominji 說? 你會『為了她 Nominji』有天說嗎?
Joey in FRIEND, cannot speak French. 有一個這美國的他是不能講法文的,這是一個很有名的美國電視叫做 "朋友"
Do I want to know what that is?
Chasez looking England, that is his sister, or that is you? SMCH?
我說我想知道這是誰嗎 ? 那個英國像兄妹的還是這是你?
🍘🍘🍘🍘 Speaking out loud (SMCH, 越南小尼姑的草稿) : 蒙古小孩跟台北聯絡人 Mongolian kid, and Taipei Contact person 🍘🍘🍘🍘
Draft = 草稿, Just these few people, looking like something you go and cope it yourself, SMCH? Just these people? The bird says they are the things need to cope that yourself!
就這些人你越南小尼姑自己去應對? 可以嗎 ? 鳥說 ...她們也是東西的意思,她需要跟她的鳥去說話 ...
🍘🍘 To Nominji 🍘🍘
I have heard you made a Youtube channel Anna did all that she ever done in 2018-2020. You saw all her video, to the critique of this organization and me? Is that why you have that channel? Or is that your father calling you on that to do some work corresponding to that?
No, I just want to find out.
🍘🍘To Taipei Contact Person 🍘🍘 台北聯絡人
You were all different Taipei Contact person, you reading in English fine, or Anna speaking a what Chinese I don't understand a word? 你們彼此聽懂了什麼她的中文還是她的古文? 那是講了什麼勾勒你們的心懸? 有什麼特別重要的事情我需要知道的?
🍘🍘 To England Chasze looking with his sister 🍘🍘
You are arriving here yet, from England to Taipei, how many times? I cannot read the comic book apparently, you have any notes you make on that?
Its not that I don't read. Anna says, that is an illusion. I want to know what kind of the illusion from your perspective you gather information this far. As the brother or as the sister? or as the guys? I have seen the colorful photo, Anna claims, that is....One Photo theory.
🍘🍘 To 子歇, you reading in English and in Chinese 你看英文跟看中文 🍘🍘
You speak in Chinese, tell me, what you understand everything Anna ever says?
聽說你們在講小鬼小和尚的事情,她安那在講....她講了什麼? 她對他們做了什麼六個月的集訓,他們現在變成什麼樣子了? 是說你子歇需要負責那種事情,還是你們會背後去聽說什麼事情? 我也想要知道她對他們做了什麼事情 ...
當年是 40年前很久以前,你們是把時間調成以前嗎 ? 我想知道 ...
意思就是年紀的部分,當年西湖的開始,我的從前跟她安那的現在,你知道什麼就說什麼 ...
I thought Nominji's father is in Hollywood? Last time I pass by, I think she lives in West Hollywood...I say that to JC.
You like her, when she was a kid? or you just never liking her, no matter what? 越南小尼姑? She speaks Monogolian? Love of Century, those disciples groups the whole places in that Mongolian somewhere on this planet Earth, dedication to you service SMCH?
They are here, they are not here?
Mongolian, last time, singing my mother a full bus, song. They can sing, and dance to entertainment you, SMCH? None of that your taste, to sit there every anniversary, thanksgiving, Christmas, you be there like 2 long hours, or 4 long hours.....for the camera. 越南小尼姑
Do you Mongolian speak Chinese, like Hong Kong people can read Chinese? 我說蒙古人看中文嗎 ? 某種中文的字,像香港人 ...
所以這蒙古小孩就長大,站在那邊? 我站在這邊看很久了 ... 這好像不是我第一天一直在說蒙古小孩跟緹娜問題,所以這越南小尼姑我 2018 說廢話,她是要還是不要她自己的東西?
I thought Nominji regardless what, she creates the full YouTube Channel listing for you? SMCH groups? By herself doing all that?
oh ... ...
She is technically not my stuffs right now. I put that on Tina's profile...and your organization profile.
How long we gonna keep standing where we are, and looking at them. She doesn't look like she is doing any jobs particularly, last time I saw her there 2014.
The pet they say : !!#$#$#!@$#$#@!$#@$@#$
What? I usually leave my door open ...They live at that roof under, or around, or above it....
They just response it as I writing on it. Like they reading at it, and say something.
After I did all that 2018-2020
Nominji just went ahead to do herself a channel on all the video, she did all for you, SMCH International association. I put your photo side by side to her... I say Mongolia is in half....
So, you just sit there saying that is Nominji did all that?
Supreme Master International Association Members, Nominji. 蒙古小孩
You liker her being there, or you never like her to be there?
Since she was a baby in your organization, that is 2 and half hours per day, and how many weekend, and retreats to make up your requirements, SMCH? Those things don't say, just stand there?
I never done a thing behind you SMCH, that is what you always say to me. You cannot see what i did on SMTV or Love of Century....
She is on the TV, even I can see it? Since you SMCH so needed these ABC social degree of interaction, you know what I am saying? Hollywood, California, those gold mine used to be generation, where they all coming from, the China, Japan, Korean ABC bracket?
Nominji she is not ABC looking? So her mother is ABC now?
Her entire which side of family I seen them on Buddha song they did for your Supreme Master Ching Hai....they were at snowing places. The guy, the girl, the old guys.
I saw it.
越南小尼姑 Supreme Master Ching Hai (SMCH)
I am so busy at my school UB UK, UT becoming my stuff... to that entire old Bermuda Line to the new stuffs with YouTuber, Adam and Hailey, just happening their entire family are a religion of themselves Mormon, and MD board on 5 MD them, all to be grouped in one case,... that has to show up entirely on Taiwan, this small tiny, crowded placed, hotel everywhere.
Not just the holiday are coming, here we are occupied since 2018-2020?
Not 2021?
One month ago, the expedite teams of Medical Boards, just have another excuse to send in another groups on CNN and now they are Conan Detective Crimson Love Letter, for sure...that is City of Hope and Roswell, they both send another expedite groups in. They don't live in hotel, they live on the street?
I have no time, saying your stuffs SMCH, since I mention to you 2018-2020, that is way more than anything last your whole life time til you are dead, to watching that 700 video if they collect them for you.
The Mushroom professor was the first time, being put more on the spot. Not the first time when I mentioned him long time ago. Or my uncle Dr. Bing Shen, they for sure both be notified? Dr. Bing Shen has 2 daughters, about Nominji age, I think when I used to met them like 20 years ago. One of them is a MD too. How many MD I have to keep talking to, for them to arrive this 5 Star Grand Hotel living fashion stuffs...
Craig was not always on the spot, now he is very sure, he and his Mat and R guys, becomes the new 3 spotlights with his mentor Masterson...
The list going on things, I never telling you ....SMCH.
If I own an island, and you SMCH to be that useful, to go out this tiny island, of your own country, to collect the entire world garbage to all landing on my island, with the birds, with the pets, with everyone new pets coming together, what I Anna will ever do to you?
Standing there? Keep watching you collecting more and more garbage? You say where you been?
You don't need to welcome my guest, I took over your job, I own the island!!!!
That is even better, someone youth, want to take over my jobs?
You know what I am saying? You don't welcome my guests? I have no choice, I don't care if you own my island, this is MY stuffs?
You would have all that attitude?
First, i didn't invite them for Christmas, that is tomorrow.
Second, they just show up without telling me.
Third, there are other groups coming in the lines, I know.
Maybe the President of China or Taiwan, their face is green?
You know how big is this Taipei can that ever be that big?
我說蔡英文的臉是綠的嗎 ? 跟中國主席習近平?
Taiwan is really just that small and tiny island, seriously, no one checking that map, its only 1/4 of Kentucky size. And they have to pick the time like Christmas, to be here. So Taipei is all full quanrantine in the hotel, and i found out the commercial in Taipei TV, regards to the quanrantine, they are using the perfect English on sounding.
我說你們的防疫措施的納的電視,講標準英文 ... 那個老人? 是嗎? 我想知道是台灣被占據嗎 ? 不就一個美國嗎 ?
我說如果我有一個徒弟在我的面前,我的島上稱王,而且是收集全天下垃圾一起出現..叫做她其實不知道到底多少垃圾是多少 ...至少我去尋找的問題? 她到底去做了什麼事情是全天下佔據我的小島上面?
鳥說 ..它們也是垃圾之一?
My Anna Jao's Stuffs:
The birds says, they are one of the garbage too? Like they are arriving?
So.....I am so busy, I cannot watching over your stuff, SMCH, where you and this Nominji in 對峙的狀態
How do you say that in English?
Translation might be: You hold on to each other stare?
If I am so busy, with my guests here, they are some authority here from Taiwan, I used to know? We just all watching that Conan Detective, for Christmas?
Crimson is a red color?
Collecting your SMCH 越南小尼姑 stuffs:
Nominji she been here in Taiwan, to sing for you main Asharam, you inviting her, to come and join them to just stand there, not you standing there in Taiwan? She knows I am always in seating ....? X Man recently Eric is back? That looks like your German husband 大頭?
I always wonder where he is, where he been, and how he goes about in Germany?
French police is one kind, through the YouTuber, he says he is an American. Then Germany is next by France? Do you find a way, to tell him, he was whom? you are in a pair coming down?
I like that glory, but you don't give a dime now?
He used to be in charge, not you ever been in charge.
I don't have a time right now to look at after your garbage, you SMCH will always say, that is your stuffs, including that guard I told 子歇, that guard in Thailand retreat, him and his sister looks like a pair in Ancient Chasez that book 花冠安琪兒 from England. The England pair of brother and sister.
Do you care they are police networks? You care the most its that stuffs, if they are uncover you. So can you just open your mouth and talking to them? You just ask them straight forward, are you a police under cover? You care about that knowing, you just asking them, 越南小尼姑
(What's that difference that makes anyway? To you, that makes every difference in the world. To me, I don't see what there is a difference? )
The lists of your SMCH 越南小尼姑's Stuffs
6 months ago or 8 month ago, I told that guy, as if he is here. that looking Ancient Chasez guard guy to you, to go and reading all the stuffs on the comic books, before he shows up again. There is you, 子歇 and him on this island, that time, remember?
That is 8 months ago. You say, his sister is okay, to come tag along. I say okay.
To that my cousin restaurant, she is a short hair Disney. For the people behind in the military to be train? On that story? Ancient Chasez and assasin guard Frank telling that story? So do you positioning all of them, when I mentioning you alll those names? That is 8 months ago. You heart ache, pain and separation anxiety?
Then do you talk to your father, Dr Steven, heart ache pain? Regardless to see how he is doing? These are all your stuffs, I collecting back for you? You are the type, you care you have stuffs, as if, that entire SMTV you ever working for, have none of other stuffs, you can erase this list, to re-make a new one list for me to listen, what else stuffs you got?
Taipei Contact Person 台北聯絡人是你越南小尼姑的東西吧 ?
They are your stuffs? Do they remember I say they used to be holding you on that stage down in 2007 Taiwan retreat without the gifting peace? If all these people wishing to be on the name list I can say, your stuffs to become my stuffs????
我說是不是很多人都很想變成你的東西,然後變成我的東西? 還是她們其實不在乎多少名字你自己用嘴巴念出來,不是我佛站在這裡幫你碾出一張一張紙,叫做他們曾經存在過? 這些東西你在乎的‧到底你要不要把他們輾出來現在? 我一個一個叫出來? 其實你自己就可以去找到他們全部,你來告訴我到底哪些東西是你的?
為什麼這些人要站出來呢? 叫做安那出現了全天下垃圾,他們站在那邊像你自己的東西,是你自己珍惜的一些事物? 以前到現在? 叫做該來的總是要出現?
我聽說台北有新的聯絡人,所以他不是人? 那絕對不是我的東西,我好像看過,但是我不認識 !我媽最近他們在忙? 我很少叫人,都是叫只需要出現我的情況的人 ...叫做你 情海無上師的東西應該出現的? 最基本的???
你見一個恨一個大概 ...以前跟現在有什麼不一樣呢?
我叫她越南小尼姑,把你們找出來去列陣 ...
你們有想過我在講個什麼? 我最近很多人登台 ...叫做我收集的全天下
你們不要弄到去輾到印度也要出現在這裡 ...他們應該就做他們請不動佛的狀態 ...少給我惹麻煩 ...他們其實就在隔壁耶 ....
中學放棄因為我執,受傷,失去 MVP 頭銜、種種因素
從 Johnson 20 世紀雜誌變成 Johnson Johnson baby oil
這你們聽的懂嗎?挫學之後就沒有了 …你們給予她金錢、祝福、牙齒的金錢修正、有才藝、有點樣貌、有點體面、有徒弟、有鉅額錢、有房子、有資產 …你們有沒有問她,她放棄是吧?
她很喜歡反抗很多東西我說的!我過吹風曬雨的日子叫做當年 2014 …. 就是她徒弟一手造成的 ….
💞💖💝 City of Hope, CA & Roswell Park, NY (Girls on cooking, presenting, public speaking, cleaning the house, getting up on time, not drunky & wasted life til Noon waking up life? ) 💞💖💝
Did I always say, ETR, they are teaching people to wake up early?
Its called "Early to Rise"?
City of Hope and Roswell Park, technically, they require the science people, or medical people to get in their application process. But I think they don't really care how hard working you all get, if you presenting yourself, with the digital era ideas, to photograph yourself, stand right, posture right, smell right, and learn your textbook with the basic science, and not ADD, and able to cooking a full desk of foods for other people to eat it, to clean ...and be modest to just be there for them, no matter what ....
You want to starting talking to City of Hope, or Roswell Park?
One is on the West coastline, one is on the East coastline?
When I talking to Simon, the first time I didn't get through
The second time I didn't get through
The third time AGT in California, I didn't get through ...then that is one full year talking to Simon Cowell 2014 full year through, publicly, no shame doing that ....
I talking until the full world collapse, Simon still not talking through ....that is when you say, stop ! His Era time, just collapse ! Exactly just like the history says in Ancient China.
The Flag is changed?
💞 Do you want to do something in your life, not just staring at your phone, and waiting? 💞
I know City of Hope or Roswell Park, they both aim very high. They are aiming at Craig, what he finds his true loves, that scenario. When will Craig be able to pick up a phone to call you that girl, through the Internet?
You want to design his showing up on the TV? Some girls got offended, just the way the guys shows up on the a certain color of clothes on?
I didn't know what Eben was saying in 2015. For 8 +1 long years I didn't know he exists....
💝 How do you get in between ETR Craig and his gf?💝
I would not get in between his gf, if I were you. But you can start to work with him, to become his associate, like the same level understanding?
Like what do you do in life for works? Do you have a business, do you have a plan what you present yourself through what kinds of works, you are good at and passion to be in that field?
Like my friend in high school KY, exchange student from Taiwan, she has a host family, that selling medial equipment in Lexington Kentucky. You don't need to work in City of Hope, you just earn so much money to be selling those medical equipments? Suppler, to see how close you can get near by this City of Hope, & Roswell Park, festivity?
Craig didn't say, he goes for the science girls at the moment. Its the TV, telling the City of Hope & Roswell Park to get on that case. Like Me and Eben. Craig can look at any digital platform current public speakers in the field, He and Mat and R guy. They travel Internationally speaking ...They do business everywhere. That is what I heard. So a lot of girls in those environment are every single day, asking them for the phone numbers, you ever imagine those things? starting 10 -15 years ago?
Let me re-phrase that story again...
Me and City of Hope and Roswell Park has been on this Pinterest photo none stopping on this Jonathon and Dean's issues before one month ago. I went to tell them. So they got the information I was online telling them things, none stop. I have no ideas when they found out that W two Worlds with Dr. Shen in it, and Mushroom professor besides.
But about a month, we are on this UB things, I am back on my facebook. We go through several films saying this digital era stuffs. Roswell heard that, they like that. Sailor Moon the Silver Millenium stories Anna telling them.
So when the Conan air on my Anna's TV, besides all their people just gradually arriving in Taiwan, for CNN, whichever batches of them, everyone saw me, watching that Crimson Love Letter, I went to tell Roswell, you are on the TV.
When that happened, City of Hope, their ear dropping is near by.
A lot of other people are ear dropping....they were thinking exactly the same thing that Roswell are thinking. At least I know that. I didn't say anything. Once I finish watching that Conan Detective that day, I say, okay, City of Hope, you are there too.
But none of us, has anything to do with that Craig. Its the science field, we were behind, watching that same TV, and we conclude, that is what Anna says, City of Hope & Roswell, you are on the TV.
Do you want to get your head clear, what exactly happened here?
Let me say that story a little bit different...
We, the science group people reviewing papers those crowd, sitting in the 5 Star Grand Hotel, carpet floor, watching big monitor screen at their lobby meeting room every single day. Just staring at it ....
City of Hope & Roswell, you are on the TV now.
So we called them. Does this sound better?
Medical Board Top
... ... I am not on that Medical Board Top, they too sit in their 5 Star Grant Hotel Lobby Meeting room with the carpet floor.
Do you want to go to their committee board, make it, know it, become them ? They use big wide screen every single day, watching that TV none stop with the air-con?
When you don't try to become the face card, you live in the 5 Star Grant hotel, to become one of them?
No, I am not MD. Jonathon, they are the MD from my school honor class, that's why we are talking about things. You got mix up. I am not at that Medical Board Top. I most time just joking with them, if they make me doing all that ever again ...
Digital Guru - Eben Pagan ( America )
Early To Rise - Craig Ballantyne ( Canada )
No, Eben and Craig are not exactly the same things. Do you at least finding out what do they write in their newsletter? Like, do you like their personal touch of the newsletter? Do you like their information products?
Do you visit their website, do you visit their social media?
Have you seen them in the past conference meeting? What do they do exactly in business? Do you see what kind of girls going in to see them, at the conference room?
You know, Eben and Craig, they have a lot of networks people in different places. To finding guys for you all girls to go on Beauty Pageant, even Washington D.C will have people watching you all doing, whatever you all plan in your minds to do ....
Move: Notebook, was about the girl finding her first love again. There is always some girls issue on this first love they ever met before ....however the relationship that someone has throughout their lifes.
UB college Life - Undergraduate and Graduate Schools (SUNY Buffalo)
High school, to a lot of people, they are more important than in college life. For some facebook crowd.
But people like me, or Silas himself, we both making our own professional friends in our circle. Like Silas has his own professional writing editors friends in UB spectrum. I never look at his facebook, so I don't know a thing. I tell Silas, I went to APO, and CAC.
But my professional works are with Dean, Bill and Patrick. They were in Honor Class Chemistry. At least that is what Silas will hear me saying that. He has to go and finding out if that is true, we were in the same class. Like me and Silas, or Seth.
I don't remember clear anything with Seth, but I told everyone, the things I remember about Seth. What the things he told me. College life does exist for me. I went to join the clubs, so I meeting friends to put them on my facebook. I just never had a time to go and studying them one by one. I have to make it in some school, or my discovery.
High school, you mean prom?
So you went to UB, only in the big classroom like Wing, so you don't have a group of classmate you meet on the UB hallway? So the high school friends become your soul mate, and ever after life bind forces? No matter what?
So the high school is important to you. They went to their college to making their other friends circles back? or you mean in the same high school, those people talking behind you, to look like you are that flower wilt jokes?
I left Adam, so he will be the only one there to sit with his wing on it.
Because that is very small town, when you broke up, everyone talks about it. I have no family there, so I just pack, and leave. The Out-state tuition was too high. I need to get in-state tuition in UB, I thought that is what I want to do for my life. I look at the website, I transfer UB immediately. I didn't tell Adam, I just left.
I want a new life with college, so I make it to that college, UB.
Was I sad? Of course I was sad. The decision I make to join all the clubs, are to make my mind to take off that broke up things with him. And no matter what, I don't want sitting that home to thinking that problems. For my life, I need to get up. I have things I need to do.
Twlight are the movies on High school. I remember that much !!!
No, I never convince Tamang to come to our girls meeting. I told everyone that. He didn't come to see you girls. We were at Adria's house.
Do I know what that movies were saying?
The vampire groups, are parents like Dr. Gabriel?
But that looks like Sam Clafin, and Lalla.
The rest of people I don't really know them in the vampires groups. You don't want to sound like, that love and hate games, becomes a blood debts. From love turning towards the hate, he never responses to you, to become what you wish him to become, on this stand points of view.
Not really.
They both have parents, right, or family, somewhere? Meaning, they won't compromise that, if they are healthy to look at the monitor, to see what their future or present to become, if they stuck it with you.
You cannot read mind, or I just reading the mind too loooong with this....
You cannot see them? You are guessing on your phone?
Why don't you tell your parents, to see what they say about this? Not waiting on the phone, start talking to Anna about that Vartan things? No, you are waiting them to come and handling all this talk with your parents, with Vartan, with me included....
Are you out of your mind?
When they say divorcing you, or separate, they mean, get up and face that Vartan things, and maturely come and tell them what happened?
You run to Taiwan to do things. That kind of back wing to feel doing that again with Chris?
Be at where, to seen whom? That drives I can see its a very dangerous nature. Through that TV. I am telling you. I didn't know why you are doing all that. But now, seeing these TV, I have my own conclusion.
I don't need to tell Chris. I didn't even tell Chris, what is saying in Sailor Moon. You can ask him.
Sailor Jupiter, that is Bill's position. He is just happening to be in the military retired personel that time in our classroom. I suppose to lean on him a tiny bit. If I found out where he is, I will ask him what he thinks you all are doing with this.
No, I didn't read sailor moon. I have no times. We were only on the comets. The rest of the stories doesn't register in me.
You want to boss the guy, your high school guys, are that easy to be bossing at?
My college those guys, they are nothing like Chris that nice to you. UB they are a little bit different kind of people, they don't do this sweet heart high school, seventeen.
Chris and you are doing martial art. That you crossing people, by those forces, are a dangerous nature.
Chasez saying what to me?
Ancient Chasez? He says your palm like fortelling, in your hands controls imprisonment.
無情徒刑 That is a very bad word saying.
If there is you or him.
If only if you can open your palm.....Let me seeing you, what's that secret, if really inside, have you or me. Open your heart ....
You thinking randomly again, one night, missing one more night.
You didn't solve the problems. This love feeling you really feel it? Maybe you really didn't know. He didn't really clearly that really love that important? If you don't know how you are good? How I never forget you are that good?
Silas Rader, UB spectrum. New Editor, like my brother in Michigan Daily. Jason Pang Jao
Smallvile News Daily
My brother is from University of Michigan.
Jonas happened to be a PHD student, one time I told my brother to go there see him. I don't think he went. Jonas is the chemistry degree, I think, Silas. Do you remember seeing this kind of formating in columnist? A horizontal bar. Melinda is a sell's department, but her boss, I think its Helena? She is proof reading, right next to me, in the front desk. Does she checking this formating, like a horizontal bar? Or its your friend Silas?
Smallville those times are very popular TV, like Dr Surgeon Nic Top? Melinda used to tell me how she usually watching those. Maybe just not on Smallville.
My brother's writing materials are on the Internet. Michigan Daily or news. He is a business major, not chemistry major.
Movie: In Time, by Justin Timberlake
That movie main character is : Will Silas.
But Justin's real son's name is like Silas too.
Like Simon's son is Eric.
Sailor Moon 90s Japanese Cartoon
They re-make this comic book 3 times. 90s Sailor Moon, and Crystal Season 1, and 2, and 3.
I am telling you, I used to know that Sailor moon inside out. Dennis suppose to be that Earth Prince looking, if he is associated with them 4 girls. The first few video I air on the facebook. Like the Mummy girl, she is blind, when being revive, that kind of the states of mind, to find whom leaking that secrets to the Victoria Secrets....someone would never think, that is the murder right next the Spider Man. People have those quality inside them.
That guy is a vegetarian, name Tony, the spider man. Tobey.
Like Hungary Resurrection Sunday !
(The screenshot has this file number, when I took the photo, you shouldn't get the number wrong, if in case, the sequence are off.)
Sailor Moon: 4 Heavenly King
They are Buddhism concepts, there are 4 Heaven Kings. In Asian, there are 4 Heavenly Kings in my childhood time. They are not dead yet.
But most American don't know them. There are also 4 small Heavenly Kings. Singers too. They just put the names as that.But here, its a comic book, there is nothing looks like them.
Movie: Clueless
I think the guy name Josh, not Joshua, from the Ant Man. Like JC Joshua Chasez. The shopping girl doesn't know her best friend went to tell her, she thinks Josh is hot. After she transforms herself. This rich well blond girl has a daddy, and she doesn't know how to do her charity gifting, so gives her away the ski equipment. UB has a ski club. It just too expensive. Me and Seth both standing there looking at their offices, like we passing by all the time...through the same entrance door on the SA union, third door.
Berry is Leo's father, he is a Jew.
Prince Harry
I just cannot stress that a lot, why you bothering reading their news? Certain thing will never happen in that. Most people actually knowing that.
If you don't start your speech somewhere, its almost everyone does that now. Especially the girls to that Michael Vartan saying the Voka things. Its Vartan's look, or how Vartan saying that scripts are too strong telling you, those are not the right things to do? As if he just knows that scripts?
Well, if he doesn't know before 2 years ago, right now he is on that case, every single day, wishing you will tell him before Christmas, not Jan 6 on CNN? He can read that himself, or he has to come to Taiwan reading that for you all?
Flower Thousand Bone (China TV 2015 ) & Frozen (2013 )
They don't really give people the sense of the authority to say why you feel the way you feel, you are psychi wise should not gamble your life, if Dr. T is not here for you to talk, you suppose to very eargerly to find an older MD, or professor, just email him, you need help right now, on advice, why you should not keep doing what you are doing, to gambling your life away.
People have done their life, like, not the lonelinest soul on the planet, that kind of those whom will get a job in the college campus, or some jobs like Intern in graduate school. When getting all this said pay or don't pay works, you understand you have a social relationship you meet that expectation. Everyone in the graduate school will all telling you that, the social network in the conference, to build up your professional networks.
That professional works connection will helping you in your career, to future collaboration if you just know when you meeting a strange scenario, you are not sure, its all happening inside your head, you talk to them, to reflects everything you should say out with them. Its to respect their works ethic, and your own work ethics.
You are not supposed to gambling your life away, no matter what.
High School Musical 1, 2, and 3
Its Disney produce that. Disney channels are popular here also. When I was small, I seen a lot of Disney program kids singing or dancing in the channel. Later its my brother telling me, there are High School Musical.
Zawanna? I don't really want to talk about it right now.
My nerves does not wire on things, that is gamble in nature. It could be all true, but that is not a life to negotiate, when certain things in life just don't meet that standard.
When people becomes a pair, that means, you live that relationship for your life, to ensure that a lot of things are working smoothly for each other.
If you imagine that is called you could just run your marriage life like a comic books they writing you everywhere, there are 5 guys, my guys, to say, why there are 5 or 10, to becomes 20....including Simon himself becoming double....that kinds of things....
You go out to your college groups again, to find your new fresh looking guys. They were really my classmate, we were all science major meeting in the science class. I just didn't really specify, how I got to UB, from UK away from Adam. That is my personal things in life.
But if Dean ever heard me saying Adam things, I think I did tell the whole TA class...I had a bf, name Adam. Justin might heard it.
You first had a bf, then one day, you might have a relationship. You working on that relationship hoping everything will work out when you meeting a decent guy, not a junk guys to say gun on your face to hurt everybody else.
I receive this video on the right side column, first video, i keep clicking on ...
i have no ideas, why they are situate like this. High school musical to O-Town, like wanting people dead? Constantly always someone states that facts to my face, I am so used to, I am not sure the Police hearing that warning, over and over and over again if they don't do a thing in your all imagination.
💞💖💝💞💖💝 I will tell you girls that, when the days you finding out, the guys they can do things, to make sure things are done in the legal way, and never lean towards your wrong doing, yeh or neh, you become hating to be with the guys, and hating to see the guys including they are becoming too threatening on all your face. You becoming hating each day more, how things become not in your favor. You thought just sissy sassy, those low IQ ways of living life can get through them. Because they suppose to supporting you.
You should not think that.
I told you everything true. They might not be the full wings guys yet. But even if this soft kinds of guys, you are already hating them much.
Not to say, if one day they become a full wing guys.
You just hating them each every day more. You don't like the guys, you should just finding some girls to lean on.
Maybe let me try this ...
You broke up, so you imagine ....the thumbnail: You imagine
The 2nd clip its, you meet again? As an enemy or an opponent? 對叱? You want the guy to hit you? By force?
What can give? or gifts?
What does that mean?
oh ~~!! You mean, like a comic book, you make-up to like you used to be. So you are waiting for the guy to come and apologize? To ask what you need, or do, so you can tell him everything you want it done? Like you and him can plan things?
I keep seeing that all the time.
As if every girls does nothing, but sitting there to imagine that.
No! If you happen to do things wrong, and this scale of things all throw on the TV.
They will never come back again. Never.
I know what you are saying mean all these months, he didn't contact you. You are waiting him on the phone or the messages. You are waiting. Like you don't talk to him the first word, so you waiting him to come and begging you to talk, or response, to him or to me. You want him to come on the first move on that phone ....i never buying that games with nick. He will receive gazillion messages, email, or telephone on the messages, I called. Like I voice out, you will be bothered no matter what !
You just staring at your cell phone every single day?
To see if he leaves you a message, or a text? His last message?
So you are not listening to anything I say to you? To do your professional jobs with Vartan?
No, I don't talk to your guys.
No, I don't message to your guys.
How about we talk on a new post, I am writing to Silas for them to go to watching the movies with themselves. How many relationship you ever have in your life?
I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.
URL: Website preparing in progress....
You know what I mean? Not Tamang gun on facebook trying to threaten to get a job..... UB is the biggest local school at Buffalo. So when you...
赤河魅影 昨天在還願的那個人死了 ! 三個月前 (第五集) 38 80 神官出現 ! 我其實不希望有人出現 81 麥子那是由基 ( 我家小妹) 尋找龍之眼? 這所有事情會不會太過剛巧?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that..... You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, y...