
I actually don't know if they are here ....so I don't feel like to waste my times again on these video. People taken the movie turns real its different.

 I am so tired of that. You know they only know English, so I suffer in Chinese. 

我說他們只會講英文,所以我就得受苦受難因為我知道中文的關係 ! 

What is the Medical Boards design is....I become their writing style one of these days.

But for others, all the recognition between painting and people's face?

Can see it?

Cannot see it?

And do you all reading through the bio-genetics things, and watching the movies with Elizabeth Holmes?

These are all very educational to you all? 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....