
You actually want me to support you to deliver sentient beings or something? You mean every monks or nuns only things they ever do, its to deliver impaired human or you meant you know what imapried means?

The only things you ever have to do, its to go and tell your disciple to find your cooking show and clip the photo of you, and side by side next to me, and getting a feeling of it?

I make everything easy for you, and I still need to lament you, critique you, or fixing you, or others, what was it, that you want to save the world?

I am not actually helping?

Or you means, you want to tell everyone a secret, where is your 500 years old Master, never talk about in the 90s, or 80, and show up one day you dress yellow, to talk to Taiwanese journalist?

You pick a time to tell me, it was wait 30 years?


I heard they find a way to film my real human image into the action of what I do, how I gaze, or how I look, in a motion of stimulate a real human walking, talking, seeing, because they can just film me, walking down the street?

我說我聽說你們可以把我的現場所有真人,動作呀 ! 眼神呀 ! 體能大概做成真人的影片什麼什麼~~


佛教強大 ~~~

Buddhism strong? Martial Art.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....