Babaji: Go
小鬼小和尚 ~
有一天叫做你們聽得懂英文,看的懂英文~我其實覺得妳們聽得懂的哪一天都可以 ...但是聽說台灣有一個新聞~你們知道現在中國好像沒有補習~我順便就不需要花錢錢 !
你們知道李維有一個電影關於一個浪漫的故事,講述等待,等待的英文叫做 : waiting ,就是電影是演說~那個女的在嘆氣,講一些特別長語氣的對話, 他們最後接吻的那種 ...在美國叫做 Make-out
因為講述一個故事關於那個男孩子要等兩年的一個浪漫情節,所以李維是找了她的過去,去那邊等她 ! 但是她不認識他李維呀 ! 那個女的在醫學系的時候,生日派對 ~ 有一個男朋友 ! 那李維去那邊搭訕 ...所以那個女的長語氣講了一個故事,跟一些情節~關於她看過的一本書 !
那李維說你為什麼喜歡這種情結的書? 不是要 offend 你~但是你為什麼會喜歡這種故事情節是你最喜歡的一本書,她就說那是很愚蠢的但是...她就是喜歡呀 !
所以這裡面的情節最重要的字 ~就是叫做 waiting =等待的意思!
電影名稱叫做 : Lake House
是不是真的? 我不想去討論這種東西 ...
電影 = Movie
電影院 = Theater or Cinema
書 = Book
劇本 = Script
演員 = Actor
製作電影者 = Movie producer
校對你們的 manuscript 其實叫做 proof reading, 像我以前中學的時候演過莎士比亞 ~ 很多東西其實都很難尤其是古的那種英文 ~
背英文 = memorize the words, the terms, the vocabulary
你們可能要加說 "English words" 英文字的意思!
You memorize the English words.
Vocabulary 通常講 "詞彙"的意思 ! 大概是類似你們的英文單字~在台灣你們講那種講法是說考試的時候你們背了一大堆英文單字~ 因為你們如果是美國人,也是要背英文字的~所以直接講 words 就可以了~對他們來說是一樣的那些字! 不太會去講說你們去 memorize the vocabulary....
你們至少知道台灣自己講 IQ 是智商 EQ 就是講情緒指數吧 ?
You should all grow your IQ, really !
Mc Donald
You want to purchase like 4 of you or 5 roughly Mc Donald fish burgers, throw out all the bread, just that one concentrate fish patty?
You put on a plate, and you just wash like handful parsley 2 3 4 5 6, just do one/two/ three good herbs, you wash, you pick small leaves out one by one in the small bowl, and you leave all on the side on the plate, with a ketch up decorating?
You cook some rice or pasta next by?
You drizzle those seasoning parsley, on the rice or the pasta, or Oregano....salt, pepper....
You mince that Chinese chives?
You love how to utilize all the herbs inside the kitchen?
My hobbit likes certain jobs myself...all your agitation, you train yourself more with these small tiny jobs?
A lot of Chinese leafy vegetables, they are all required to you all washing yourself the vegetables? Greens?
My period is 2.5 days
I wonder...if growing tall on can be done?
Smallville (TV 2001 - 2011)
These Japanese pads....They using pain killer inside right? You all can just try on him, don't try on me, yet ...
But I tell you, that Dr. Bing Shen's first daughter looks like Lana, and she makes Tamang to show up a gun in W Two Worlds? Like that? Everything looks very very bad at it. I don't know how to tell you, it looks ....very much like you won't have a next life coming here on that American behind records, with just that looking on the TV screen !
What were they saying about the birth certificate from ET?
What? oh ~! Those are Project Camelot were saying...I don't think you mean I say, that American behind, that is not what Project Camelot says. Its I say...
I don't actually remember what they keep saying about Obama birth certificates at all.
I think you make a New York Resolution
Like you will slim down some weight issues. Looking for more happy way to deal with your life. Solving your life crisis in a more sufficient ways. Talking to your parents more often.
Exploring your possibility to the new venture online.
Learn to see more groups efforts, working together, collaborating together. How to polish yourself, with the manner, with eating table gathering, seeing more professional netoworks.
Going out of your comfer zone. Finding yourself a more supportive atompshere, and growing to see what's your plan for the next 16 years, if your friends are not planning to kill all of you yet....that day ever comes !
You might be cluster with everything you have to quiet down sometimes, to get your life in motion inside you, contemplate clearly, where are the everything !
You do that a lot inside planning, you will stablize yourself one of these days.
🍕 W Two World 🍕
🍕 Yeah, you want to draw a Love, like the Title Says?
You might need more than that Babaji's power to do it, or else, you will go into a coma, and never woke up again.
Babaji, on the weight issues might be in the screaming mode, with the Indian 500 years old, because they are watching from the overall states of all the major religions. On the Religion tops, that is....not tolerable...if you fail his expectation, how to be thin, and no more food....he meant you will not be eating at it !!! Self discipline !! You cannot get to the Top?
Many people can just hire the trainer and get through weekly schedules !
If I really get a hectic schedule, sometimes I forget I am running without food....all days, in one days, you just lose weight, I am telling you. There are things you do all days long, you won't be sitting there for the food, or thinking about the food at all !!!
You starting when you are younger, to train kids move ! Doing things going around about, not stuffy the food inside the mouth !
🍕 I am telling you, you wish this 4 points frames will never get real with this...Never get real. Not all that ....
Not just your heart cannot take it, you don't know what you are doing .....oh, not this Kail or Zawanna, I could efface all that within if I try, I will tell you that.
But not when they landmark all these transportation stops ! Either I am doom, or I should scream?
Like ...UH~~~~
🍕 Do you remember what I tell you Kail and Zawanna they do? At that world?
Not sure? ...uhm.
Just don't go and participate anything, you imagine you could do it ! You get back to Earth, to kneel at where the God is, and starting ABC, all the stuffs you suppose to do, before you go on anywhere all.
🍕 You need to remember one thing....
There are worlds, they have no God, they never heard about 3 Esteem, they never heard about there is lineage, and spirituality, or power, or successor, or any activities like that. You see those human, may not be what you think.
You have to find a planet, that has a God, that region, like Babaji has a story how he stays on Earth, this domain. There is a story about Babaji. He will be here forever....
🍕 oh no....I know where you all planning to send yourself outside, I am telling you.
You should believe everything you were being told, taught when you were young. Everything you hate about the doctrines, they are all real. They are all saying one thing. You need to remember all that, or else....You just go to town to town, not recognizing your traveling routes.
You cannot even talk with the correct words, maybe you should just die out, I never know where you all gonna end up to...really.
Open your mouth and talking like what you ought to live a life, not to stealing each other stuffs.
🍕🍕🍕 Conan, the amusement park ! The very beginning Conan, how does he shrinks, to the kid size ! 🍕🍕🍕
I already watched this.
Is this....Amusement park is like on a date? Ice cream, pop corn, or what do you eat on a date? The 棉花糖 the cotton sugar candy?
They mean the Cinema?
Hot dog those things, like the venders?
When I was in Taiwan, its every Western food I don't eat ! That is including hot dog...really. Then nick says no those white bread, that is just all by the way, don't need it anymore.
If you go on the ice, like they recommand you, you working out your fitness plan, i think ice skating is very consuming energy, to just standing on the ice !!!
When that time I really gain a lot a lot of weight....its more like not yet reaching 74 kg, but my mother only shrink my meal food. So she still using the cook food.
So I got down from 74 kg to the 62kg
But it went up to 64, so I start use juicing, no matter what I do, still 62.5
Very very strange situation. But my blood pressure is completely normal, no more like I used to be low blood pressure.
Some people I haven't seen them in ages, when I come back to the facebook, I do got shocked. And do they plan to their age working out health issues for their own kids?
They are just small age.
💞💝💖 Maybe we should try this Washington DC saying again.... ? 💞💝💖
You don't measure your thigh width, to that jeans you have? The upper arm width? The belly never mind, I gain weight too, but I have seen....probably some very unimaginable...those are not trainers to slim them down, to say....all the muscle becoming soggy?
I wonder how each year, they doing this becomes a professional skill workers with their profiles, and blind dates in the walking 5 Star Grand Hotel. Not just seating its in the dark dim light room, no one sees you, only the front camera lights on, they see Obama I think, one of those....But they have this you stand all with the heel stuffs, to walking in and no more seating....just like one of those movies live ideas....its formal dress occasion, not long those Obama States Dinner, but between the students? This is funny, they are all young looking, sometimes some very old women too, skinny, or medium, really. I cannot see it....
Losing weight is a constant battle I believe everyone does that ! But when it becomes a severe health issue, right now, we have a COVID 19. I just remember this story in King & Co. That is a fat Queen on the throne story, did I say CO = small girl in vietanese language?
oh !
Are you sure this diet records do not going on to this Loving the Silent Tear, next 16 countries tour, even if you die? Like life after life, in case you don't burn to hell yet? You are at the first train?
In case some of you won the case in America, like your groups against what....for me. You all have a big party in the United States. No, don't worry me.....You want to go anywhere, where to celebrate that?
Its the eating occasion?
I grow up Asia....we don't eat those things you eat in America. They eat....something not like America, so I never really get used to the taste. No, nick at those time already vegetarian and vegan. He bought others those Italian store, he knew every kinds i think.
He can buy a dozen for me, I give it to the birds.
Are you sure the birds don't know you all have a face and weight issues, at all? They are not just psychic to every thought, I never asking them the face, or the weight, because I haven't seen the real human other than my mom?
Like they live in the FEMA camp, but we all having food and heat they know what is the food you put in your mouth?
Do they know those sweet? They like it, they hate it? They dream coffee like you all do?
Frappochino double chocolate chip, I drink that. Star Bucks. That is the only thing I drink I think beside the tea.
They are most friendly to your face? You look like a human, from the birds stands points of view? You have a lot of people going somewhere to celebrate, after all these skunt to send to jail?
West coastline, they have sweet tomato, its a salad bar, but they have ice cream machine.
Bread, pasta, they are carbohydrate ...???? Meaning ice cream, are "fat" refined sugar? Ice cream is small tiny, I ate the whole bowl of pasta tonight....that is a lot !
But there are human just on the ice ream buckets, and they gain super huge weight?
Maybe you all should get a juicer, from the amazon, that is the cheapest places you could buy them. Some people are more professional, you can try Asia, or you ask nick. They care about those things.....different filter now....
Tim Cook, I think he eats America breakfast, that video say "A day in Tim Cook's Life"
So Toast, bacon and eggs? Those are simple things to do it on the stove?
There are something about the know, if I see myself super overweight starting on the legs, and the upper arm, like last time....oh no, not the way I used to remember what I saw....
You girls in America doing exaggerating stuffs.
Pang's mother took me to this Nice Cream, Vegan shop here in Taipei, Eastern Area. You know what she used to order? Its all the assort vegan ice cream.....Different kinds putting in a display waffle cup ! Those things just hearing the words exciting you? yeah?
I personally don't like those things, not that I don't eat those things. I just don't like them.
Vegan has this sandwitch ice cream. Its similar to something here in Taiwan, its called Ice Cream Cake.
But the last time I ever had that, was in my high school. Tina's best friend came over for BBQ? Maybe middle school.
You know, when this CIA one day tells me.....something a card. Its not I don't do it unwillingly...I am not sure what that is. Its a super huge issues you putting stuffs inside your mouth, that your weight don't coming down, and how much is your period amount? Your pad things, you check each month now? After I say that? You look behind, when you fold them.
What is a photo editing things that Washington DC, might....know? You could re-size your chest, or width of your entire body? In 4:3 ratio of looking at a photo? I cannot understand how can you resize a photo, if it has to look inside of it?
Just taking photo on Twitter those times and hours, I wonder if I lose weight !!! on sight.....really.
Maybe this APO they go somewhere, you all going with them too? APO has a lot of those gathering they sit together and eat !
I think the guys gain a lot of weight too !!!
💞💝💖 台灣雪花冰 💞💝💖
Kail, they have something called Ice Cream
I think they lies to me
But you want to put 3 those small tiny bowl high glass ice cream in front of them, The President?
You ask them if they like the ice cream?
So I might know if the guys they lie?
Kail, and that gf/wife....she looks more beautiful than that !!!
The girls don't like to order the food? So I order all the food?
I think they lie to me, she like the ice cream, and Kail and Zawanna,...kinda "love" like ice cream, so I give them 3.
Maybe 2.
You try your father President, and see if they lie?
I say, I have something called snow flake icey...its chocolate topping moutain fold structure, not this tiny small ice cream. That is ...probably better than the ice cream.
I like ice cream too....but I don't think ...this entire things coming out right.
I went to research online, the US ice cream sale.
So Ice Cream is a diary dessert?!
Dessert like pastry those called dessert !
Lifes on regrets 🧀🧀🧀
People don't often controls their moments of the whimp, to make a world like they decided. And then, one day that badness got back fired. Yesterday I said that on my facebook, we had only every 20 years of brackets, and that every 20 years, its a stage we set our milestones in life.
Me and Eben decide a life. Its not just aim at that TV, when they say eternity?
You all suddenly change their tones of the faces, so one day Kail or Zawanna showing up, which sex subjects you start talking about like their ears are so itches to hear? That is how you plan on the strangers life?
The Game of Thrones? Really? Lifes on every 20 years brackets, you really don't have that much of every 20 years bracket, I am telling you.
My friends used to see me talking on the Climate Change, before 2012, that was not the first time I typing on my facebook back then.
It was you working on it now, on your facebook? You talking to them?
That time, was the be vegan message, how to cut down the methane, they don't know anything about the climate change yet, so SMCH they were advocating the climate change. I was the same line with them, that time.
Its this 2018, we are not the same lines anymore, so I have no more time, doing that facebook running, one video shut down them on all they say.....
I typing a lot of things on my facebook, the literally words, statements on the climate change with the veganism. It was the organization photo, and people gather stuffs, I will air that. I think Eben I also show people too. I show a lot of stuffs before on my facebook.
You keep your facebook at least active, in your consulting time, you figure it out the words to say. You don't get all the things in, in one day, but you working on that, gradually to make a full statement, that people don't think you are so boldly, you meant, too shamelessly doing all that.
💞💝💖 Pang, you know your twitter in 2018/2019 one of those? 💞💝💖
Tina has a friend on YouTube, does this Paganini, from Korea !!!!
How long we have to do your life planning, in jail, you open up the gates? Or that twitter was the gate? How nice ...Your favorite bed time story, would be: Sailor Moon.
My collection great arts and works, also are Sailor Moon. That is the 90s, everyone knows comic books. Mini skirts with the Earth Prince.
I want to know how you like the songs, Pang?
Does your company people come and asking you?
You report yet to your company? Or just your facebook, you gonna tell me you don't know that girl on the background?
Is that....something for Lauren, behind, whom your eye brow you did that yourself?
Like I force you, you imagine I tell Simon that? Do I want to know what is that Laser eye brow thing is? You carve on it?
"Dear all my friends on my facebook, I want to tell you something, all openly, to everyone of you, but it might be better one of you come close to me private message, I tell you first....because its if I telling you, your future will be like mine, in 16 years, I will be dead. and if you fail to do that, you will be dead too. So which one of you, private message me first.... "
Victoria Secret, Usher
You don't like that? I heard some people might be jailed for this ...
The replacement or the all. This one small cult, fighting none stop, and even shows up on the Victoria Secrets, the flood must be so extensively wide and open GRAND!
Oh !!!!!!! Does that mean, Obama, if I ask Sasha, or Malia, where is your father? Can I get my money back, if that is more in the years....when I have a transcript? Middle school!
Its must be one of those dancing monkey lies.... I am telling you.
Do you.....Prince William about time, to collects your Youth Royal family, everywhere to gang up your father, or your grandmother?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that.....
You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, your ages, prince and princess....They will be inquisite, to the situation before you.....Prince William, and you lead them out of the doubts?
That's Dr. T's wife does, the advisor boards to the President Cabin. I have no ideas what is that to do with the Snape, City of Hope, the Mushroom professors....
I am the aliens....on the ....what is that sailor moon ghosty ship? This island looks like a ship to you? About the same ! When you open Galaxy, that is exactly the same, what happened? Its a very good time, you start doing that ....
Alien's friends won't be dead...but my friends all of them can be dead....for no reasons probably !!!!
Ever talk to whom your parents were, your own facebook or Instagram delimma? One of the few common things, you all have....were that facebook and 16 years later....Does your parents decide which person you should be calling for that 16 years later, they find out at all? You assume, its the entire one life they don't find out?
So in case you dead before the 16 years, its when you will be dead, at the time mark exactly 16 years? Really?
That is how the brilliant minds works on the tangle of those web fibers, to make things more complicated than it should?
I think I even tell your parents, from the very beginning of this facebook, there are 16 years things, the almost the most immediate, first things I am telling you, besides all the crimes, they all make this far....
Meaning, you cannot possibly never talk about it, since 2 months all.
💞💝💖 There is a bird, dead here, at the flower shop and that store, in front of my painting? 💞💝💖
A dove.
My mother saw ! On the side walk !
oh ~~ You have their blessing?
My PC has to update …
Bascuit, magazine, afternoon tea …
Magazine cover story about your future plan. That was a UFO or astronaut…and which magazine content you all telling your father per words statements sounds right?
They can use all your brain, if you let them …
Tea, cup, golden spoon, pastry …
Me and Annca
We look at him and next by him few right.
劉沛 and Meghan !
The baby face will stretch out when he grows older....that upper and width.
When nick has the grand kids, not just what his own kids did to him .....he has two kids. And just the adult itself....are when they say they becoming the parenting...that is the strangest reason to say, they have support, when they really have none.
When the baby is born, when the marriage bond is form. When the YouTuber career is taking did all that planning before your life becomes today. I came back here 2016 9/17
Right now its 2022
That's 6 long years, when you reflects my playlist 2013...all the way today.
Someone life, you heard its one way.
Some design their life, that way. see that results on the baby. You think of that reason why he looks at that angle?
Dimitri has no voice after 3 years you finding it out that !
You plan a life as 3. You just wishing that results was a responsible one. That is one life together you decide to take off that both union reason, to say matrimony. Most people might rotton that. Becoming the parents, you just have to deal that jobs.
All the things I didn't say, how my facebook ended up....most people's spirits are not cheerful. Their career is meant to be promising, or else they won't be doing all that ....yet !
Year 2000, you were the students? You aren't looking that old, yet with 滴妹 or 阿滴 those ages?
Some people growing up, because this world has books, and doctrines, between American and Taiwan people are more studious....with the books. Not killing first.
Not Black community.
Certain things with that merits accounts, quietly preserved a silent mode until today. That silent atomsphere always been there...its just never fostered at that moment, to be old enough, you say adulthood life.'
Life going down hill
Because no one cares about God, and spirituality, or that life would always be attempt only God, or spirituality...that points clear was the only reason why everything happened.
If not, you will keep going down hill. One day, so silent like the Queen.
There is no more escape routes, One day exit, no one ask, or care, or tune in....later stories, because that is ended.....
Its actually a very very very sad things, i just don't speak of my jobs, because most people are very down, they only brainy understand.
They give up that one life, at the train stop. That is very very very very bad news. You ruined it the entire train....that train might be eternity .....and if this one life end, means, have no more second life, to 3rd, or 4th, or 5th....plans, like you imagine, there is any hope.
Nothing you will hear will get better....the very True reality of that karmic consequence you choose the wrong things, were very true.
You will just have to bear it down, and finish that life. That's all. Appreciate your life compare to the others, some are worse of it.
💖💝💞 Prince William, have you Mormom yourself Christmas Carol Bell on Cheer? 💖💝💞
Surney household England, your grandmom tax property for example?
You go inch by inches square land to find out, whom are the real bloodline, and kill that guy.
You collects evidence to slaughter that entire human crowd, from Senator upper, lower, behind whatever America land, here you go to Supreme Court library, find human evidence that one hundred years ago, if someone lock up something....for centuries long or not ....for whatever the reasons in it....if your grandmom does not open up her mouth and talk like she remembers it !!!!
if I was that intelligents, with money, or people, or associate, and room to paste papers...on photos....there are every degree of hell, everyone will spell that, how i am the throne, whatever your grandmom there or not there....doing things my way .....
Some people care about, title, whatever....color on your facebook.
If I were that lazy...I will tell your brother doing it....and pretend he is trying to be useful, and re-done everything he step he could be that useful at least, that is 2 people on the cover photo, one day, someone will know I photograph reasons, were...."you will see"
The intelligent IQ to brain a work, like he could do it, I won't be re-doing it all over again, would I ?
You suppose to sounds different, look different, pretend smiling different, work different, and will squander different the real human resource power when they say staff money A to Z....
They will be dead? 📣📣📣
… some will be dead very soon, correct.
Not everyone gonna be dead all at the same times if that’s what you mean. ⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱🍱🖲
America is a country, you kneel at God and Tesla science. No funny business jokely a word of it. Understand ? Flat, bow, kneel….whomever that guy Tesla was, is, will be !!
Your attitude, you words, your style to control it …especially love to keep doing it !!
⛱⛱⛱ you worry about Eben? I think he meant we getting married, that was what he says? Not the other thing. The other thing is what I say to others. I have no choice, he marries me or not !! As if …..⛱⛱⛱⛱📣
That’s a big decision to make, so you talk to your parents.
They are near you are cops, survillience…you going in monk, they go to. They have to go in, so the sooner you look beyond why they got noticed …
It’s just a saying.
Some people getting a call already, that was 7 years ago !
I go to eat, CNN
Babaji: Go
Today is Sat?
Babaji: You hate every lotto entry days...
It never finishing...these data entry jobs, I am telling you.
You make a joke on your life !
That is what you intend to do that...... yeah?
You like how Simon looks? You hate it.
You like Howard looks? You despite at it.
You like Eben sounds? You surely hate it faking it hell....that you go !!
I only put a few degree of human face like cutting your faces in bleed inside and outside?
Tell me Simon, you like One Direction?
There is a gap....
But I also remind you, there are other huge keep going down, or you just look where you ought to be looking no matter what.
You all like to fabricate stuffs, when you decide what its the most convenience to you
Okay !
For Howard, like Draco, those needs one turn stuffs..... ⚡⚡⚡
Every now and then, I looking at this monitor, he didn't die?
oh ~!
One day, I tell him something, I was too busy.
He didn't particular to become all your facebook, whatever you all did, to make it once of a moment in life.
Everyone encounter a life that comes meeting at that 4 points frame. I Anna says certain things. You have a choice to tell me what that life you made of before, or you making that life right now, what you take on to forward that life of yours, with all those garbage you generate ....
You face that life, like you are taught, or you read books, or you go ahead doing something that at least from a decent human points of view, you are trying to be responsible for only your one person life.
For Howard, that is entire radio on satellites life.
Everything said to you, you access your life situation in it ....not to make it more worse, I will tell you that !!! So far, that is not what they did or attempt to do, or proving it !
I say a lot of things. Looks like I tell you step A to Z...I already did.....
Life in their turns, all has their points of views looking at it. That is what the movie, you go to yell at the movie producer, by now, they will get the call, they do education how those things showing up there, and start talking like a parenting groups suppose to be.
You get help, you find ways, you do something, about that life, your life, to say why or how, you are not happy to hear or think that will be the future?
Then change it !!!
Is there such a difficult things, to re-oriented that your life on the time course?
Maybe I say that too many times, your attitude, your tempament, your characters in which, you care so much of this things in life, in the end, really, you close your eyes on, there is only one God, one Death.
The day you say goodbye on....
You just hoping the movie ET saying something.....and when they do, you only know one thing.
"Someone is talking to me!"
That's it ~~~!!! you introspect everywhere everything, every turn, every life, you see what happened to that the end where I will end up if I don't deliver 5000%.
If I am proclaim by them I am God, like Apple, and by Babaji this....psycho methods, and I just sit and lament, American will let me live on, probably they take its their lessons.
That is how I perceive I am God? I am Throne?
You believe those things yourself? Really?
I tell you when I find out every morning I wake up....
I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.
URL: Website preparing in progress....
You know what I mean? Not Tamang gun on facebook trying to threaten to get a job..... UB is the biggest local school at Buffalo. So when you...
赤河魅影 昨天在還願的那個人死了 ! 三個月前 (第五集) 38 80 神官出現 ! 我其實不希望有人出現 81 麥子那是由基 ( 我家小妹) 尋找龍之眼? 這所有事情會不會太過剛巧?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that..... You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, y...