
Going to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Cooking video (2018-2019) - Pizza Dough


Adam & Hailey ( Video Dec 17 2021)

你們做湯圓是紅豆吧 ? 叫做國歌: 青天白日滿地紅 ...在美國講所謂發誓誓言 ...對自己的承諾的意思...但是你們不用那些字~你們國歌歌詞不是講對自己發誓對國家呀 ! 懂嗎 ? 他們發瘋了....

 你們知道台灣是五院吧 ?




The stain of your eyes (愛), to that smell of paint, to that Contact (lens)...its white wall untouched finished, of that empty feelings of space all around ....Its a place called home to be.....around?

Its the stinging...feel...that you touch your eyes with sensitivity, of that new paint fresh house. You assume no bugs invasion....did I ever tell you, what they are made of? You cannot see them.

Circle around about, the head filled with the blood all comes around....shame and elated feel, once again, all promising of all failed. Utah !
Its middle of nowhere, of the religion fanatic people only born there, die there, to say, housing there. People with the civilization and the money ....don't ever care what that state of Utah, you just newly purchase the propety at... in fact, you never stated it clearly, you were Mormom before.
How people would just hear the words and run ....you how to step in Asia market, you still thought stream, all around, comes about, revolving heaven and Earth, that as your new life on CNN has not yet...begun !
Your brother is blind, you Hailey is shame red, and Adam is pale?
One of this saying of the winter solace, to feel the date of your head would have remember
Its March, June, Sep, and Dec
21 22 23 22
Makes of 4 Seasons of that dates....

When you are public saying you destroy the flag, like a National Flags, there is a justice crime name on that saying....
Like you ruin the public subway system, one of those attempt meant !
You don't see the insurance money piling up....that must be your Mormom's Karma, like i always telling them. For the fame and the connections to that future of yours, you at least to finding a home drive with your church telephone numbers?
In Jail to get out....you would envision you will have a life anything you ever wanted to say," Try again !"
Someone know the Pitch perfect cup cup cup cake games?
Its which of the cups makes the gambling mai? anyway? Like dice inside round about? Its someone else' head?
Laugh a min ?
You know how fun this game, you will ever feel the attention of the public, to do exactly what I mean saying it....
The audience we will laugh....and you won't even hear.

You mixing up people with the different uniforms ....Feeling red on the head, has to completely flush all the way to say nake it....and shake it...with the cold water.
Icy, and that butt of yours, for Adam to grab it and film it.
Its how easy and nice, that is a touch of the hair to feel fluffy, full of soap, and no water to rinse it....
You know what I mean?
Its just a test, how you feel the head rush, but the guys meant the organsm, you bet people with a short wire attention would find out, how moaning of Hailey to say Sexy...make the commercial debut....just how national television meant to say....
its all around the applause, that degree of softly said, it will always meant the loudly make !

The degree of the potential, always mix this legends, and feel rights to say educational, don't you agree, Payton?
That cup spinning of round about, makes the paint brush of that white, just splash of that make knock knock down red ....Its empty grounded on the filming saying.
Vacant to that CNN meant, Red and White, they are blind, without an Eye !

When someone so determined to look black and white, and then "no going back". You must hold something in your brain, so unbelievable righterous, to that accordance of Church distribute your flyers to soil the weeds on the lands of the Free?
That is not what you are all saying it?

So many comes, so many wane down road unfelt....the regrets that day. Today the Conan is still Crimson Love Letter. Did you check the Mommo Channel online saying?
Its exactly the same movie !
The festivity of others the red and white balls....you care about that Lotto to sound, everything all around you, all around you seen, that you just straight at the monitor, as if that life of yours, its the only things ....straight forward.

Your insane acts combines with the MD that is inactive behind....that makes so many of you, working together to feel ...right ! That must be unbelievable how you take on each other's shoulder, to be one day, all going to jail on the separate states !

If your parents knew...how enchanting you all felt, by just reading the English plain words, its how flush of the head space makes the red....they never imagine, how those words meant the tale of once a week round a bounce ~ the glutenious rice ball !

People like your attitudes make the cover in that CNN, you must be reading it every single day, how big and wide cover stories of your ads made to that deliver of the money count ...When someone telling you on the page 1....not page 6.
You drop your first day....not on the day Six, understand?
You unsure about their message, you asking them in plain words, like you soften your attitude, to bow down lay low....but what did you do? You insist to keep pushing, the jello now green to make a sneak not glutenious free ball !!! Pop?
In jail, they serve water?

You know the story you telling today ....你們知道他們今天講的故事是呷咪? 挑博(台語) 你們聽過那種東西? 通常我們講粽子~有人講那種湯圓? 而且是紅色的? 通常是粉紅色的吧 ?

People like lazy, short wired brain....its that, they always meant they wish their mother would do their laundry, food on the table, and never its a bowl of rice red bowl themselves to eat it...with no hope going home to have food around.
When people are stress (like renovating a house)
Like new to Utah church Sunday Weekend tomorrow
And hungry, that no foods to say taste to feel....
Short wired human brains, those people whom don't know anything else in life, with their age so young ....to say separating from their parents.....they cannot withstand any of that "hardship" you define, the life so suffering just by being right there....
 Your house is nothing like your father's house....you could never say, you never get used to it. By being in Taiwan, being with other people low house, that every interior design meant a thing to say your money to spent untouched ....
Your parents just never sure about, how everything was said, and how that was being say, and already says ....
8 years ago, you both were just only high school...and still 8 years, you were on these Justin Bieber same methods of putting the flags on the video title....
 How it is to say, what is easy to copy...and paste!
8 years ago....we don't have Crimson Love Letters. We have a Google Plus. These things I guess everyone all just by looking at it, already so used to it. How much you promise Heave and Earth, your determination to crimes are on everyone's desk....that will never be a commercial to interrupt ~! Ads!
When the ET put the cable on the schedule. Today is the Love the Letter
And Tomorrow night its the Zero?
Meaning, you all hearing about the life going up stream, is the prosperity that other people getting the Love, and not the Zero like the comet fates?

When I used to be with the guy, that Eben knows the guy...its that he picks the furniture, display the house with everything already in it, where to fix the car, the carpool, the pond, the grass lawn moan....he is the person does all that what his age, will do forever....He was a swiping floors to start, so he knows the grass garden to lawn moan, like you Hailey's brother.
Like you know ....with the older guys, that so much older than my ages, he would be the one driving the car - the Professional driver.
He is the one buying all the food, I have no preference.
He is the one filling the gas to pay the credit card.
He is the one paying all the water and electric bill, he makes the notes of all that troubles works himself....WE never talk about all the details. I only need to show up at his house....
Even the food, he just knows and tell me to copy and paste...or sometimes he is bored, he will cook the food with me next by him, we help each other.
None of us playing the video games.
So one day, we lost the house. I am in Taiwan, he alone wonder in that Canada finding a house.
He made all the transaction himself with the bank, with the addition, with all the works he loves to do, one person, to build a place like a home, for me to get there...
You know what an older people do?
You feeling that is a place to stay for a while....he hired people do the paint, he clean up the stones and pebbles, he built a deck behind, he talks on the phone, like your father might do...to have all the dry wood coming for the winter to say, fire wood ready, in that mix up living rooms, so much upside down furniture, desk, table,.....
So that our winter Christmas, we have a stove in the kichecn, and stove for the heating sources.....
One day he got an cannon.
He is strong built as the family head house holder....
You know what your father always have to do? He is not janitor started in Germany, or Italy..those generation vacational school...your father uses his money to do the hires .....
Father's jobs its when the heater broken, Tony will always call.....so he spent the money to make them all have a heating places to go to.
He is so used to just to be the father, because his father die when he was 12, and his mother was nothing but a home made cook. She can only cook, she does not have a career, so he started 16 years old in Canada, swiping floor, buying house, losing house, making money, talking to people, forever he is being that guy, to say he is the father of his family sons or grandson's Nonno.
He be there for the succor game, he be there to buy some Italian made snack to make them feeling good.....if he has all that money, he will do so much more for those around him. He did it all things himself....he always be a father figure for people to lean on him, and he never complains, why a mature person supposes to be a mature.
In his life, he never had a father to do anything for him.
Or a mother....
His attitude was never to be lazy ....his schooling was not high, but his attitude was he needs to survive this life no matter what.
There is no such things, that life is to gamble, and so everyone's life will be ruined.
At least he knows that much, not procrastination of being a lazy people, to say, there is no warm food on the table. When he comes home, I always make sure he has food ready on the table, no matter how late that is ...
Me and he always have a bad Christmas...that Tony this Tony that....
Every son when they saying they sabatage themselves to hoping they have a family, they do things on purpose, all the time.
People usually take those paper works, and the organization works to be "thing ought to be done", not "short wired brain" with hands on devices to say Video PC Games, here I come ....and they take every multi-tasks as the pain in life, they suffered so much.
Do you believe that?
People that has their parents do everything for them, if they are new to buy the first house, the new to renovate the house, its everything new, they are made to believe that Trump's daugther her father to built it all, and just move in....
You know what I am saying?
People will tell each other, that is a scared feeling, being away home, and for the religion doctrine to say out of the states are home sick.....
me and nick hasn't grown to be that idiot, that things that matters to do, like what we could have, not having, at least courtesy enough, that is the life we bear.....
He used to work at his child age, from Italy to sent to Germany....and one day, he just run on the ship, they coming to Canada. With one mother, and 2 sisters.
He runs....
You don't know what kind of story would be that?
Its no matter what, he will survive a life, just built it.
Life needs to be optimistic, and in doing that God's grace will lead him to one day, to his Master. that is SMCH!
He read Bible, he goes to Church, he finds way, to learn all things, if he can get closer to God.
He doesn't have all that great literacy....
To say what ET is, or what that would be....to stand in all of us way...between me and him that time.
He lost his houses 10 literally times....or buy or sale in between he losing it....I sometimes wonder if I one day to become God, and he remains Anan like the Buddha's used to having Anan as the car driver, those stories in history....he will lose my cars 10 times....
And no, he didn't do that on purpose.
He just literally life suffers him, he lost the house 10 times....buy and sell !
If the Sangha hears those things...
You know what's the Sangha means? I think they will hear better next time. Maybe not my life mix in it, to ensures, that loss, were 10 literally times !!!
He comes great was, he never throwing those temper, when he is hungry, to say those small language, like yawn to say, we are tired....like sigh, like bad attitude, you do all things for me, and I sit here waitng for you?
He actually built to move around life, like 17 years old.
He does not just sitting there, to say, life here I come, to make an illegal trying to imagine the Rich Wealthy, Life built all by itself.
Trying the illegal things, he would have known, that is breaking the law, you will go to jail with it.
He only got me around.... no matter what, with his age grows old....and no matter what. I ensure his life suppose to be better just like last time we see each other.
You know what I mean? You be with someone, its only for that cherish of One life. Life was not made to break it, for the wrong reasons, to say, black and white wedding photo, to song a song promise to God as a joke.
Because you suppose to be a decent person, in front of God, behind God ....and life support to each others, its to keep each other uplifting to see the life has new light coming through....
Food included
Warm soup included
Bills organization included
Saving bills account money included
His language does not come with a curse word, or a cursing attitude, when the car stuck, or gears becomes the neutral....he loves to do what he does, mechanic....for that, he developed his atittude in years, its everywhere he goes, he does not seeing people with the bad manner, with a suit to go to the seminar, or to a dinner festivity.
Its to be happy
Its to be joyful
Its to look for life, that make richness in growing life apart, til the day he sees Gods.
Meaning, when you being around your parents, you emulate them keeping that house, for you to be lazy on the sofa.
Never til the degree, you will start your own new house, a brand new life, to a person that each other, just so lazy to make foods for each other .....because its to compete, whom gonna lower your head down first....in between you as a loving couple....that querrel, could be imagine....whom never have a food on the table....
Its to say, the common interests, to become the marriage tales of the modern language.....
If just one person helping each other once....its like hurting yourself so badly on the ego, that life with or without that partner, were never like used to...
Like your parents...like Nick's age.
Like one day me and Eben.
How to be decent to that someone you care, its the food warm on the table, its the cleaningness you keep the house, washing the clothes to fold, and never complain to each other, why works mutual, were to help the world to grow better.
Without the curses words.
People have a different degree of the reasons, why food are less, to look great on the TV. So you see the partner on diet, you could just say, you have no hunger feeling?
Your eyes are saying it all for that vegetarian Taiwan Buffets food or Pizza plates you Hailey's father paid for it, for half of that....in what price to pay, in that strange eating video. Not saying ghosty.
The idea brainstorming to the Youtuber's video materials to say....its always less people shares the common money, that, its always a hard works to find the new fresh content to keep up the works !!!
First time going to Unviersity,
First time going outside America
First time fame on Youtube
First time buying a house
First time seeing CNN makes a great comparison...
and first time meeting people speaking a strange English.....on things that lightly touchy....you.
And do you ever try to poking that same faces of your Adam's 5 MD family with Hailey's?
I am sure we are all curious, how the back end communication like you find their kids to be near by, or you went to stay in a different kichen house in Utah, so that your new house now a kitchen is all pale white?
You poking them to find out the communication behinds, were my decks of cards to that 5 MD in total to that Medical Boards licensing papers?
You don't see these things....like one step to one step?
Each person has their own life training, to become that one person's life before God.....
Most people just aiming at, no cursing words to start ....you see?
I tell you a story, of me and nick's life. In front of Eben.
We don't do black and white wedding photo to begin a promise with a doubt face, and the celebration moments, to proclaims, your relationship was the TV made .....That is you two decide your life to be look upon was a surely failture ones.
People are not so sure .... you mean your responsibility after you claiming your degree of making things huge exaggerating saying, was not your determination to carrying it through ....you understand what I say?
You always know your life and age does not come to a time, to reflects the pains in remembering God.....and that is the wonder of life, its when you are young, you suppose to carry God's decree in your best behavior like you promised.....
People live in an unstable mental belief, and discomfer housing life, any turbulance away from the parents, always spell the pain, and not used to...to aggravate more, all the stress and more works to face it all.... like you put it in your mind saying it.
You blind your decision making, to the trivial things you mistaken. And you put on a bet, like the life has no going back.
And everything in the degree bothering you was spell in front of you.
You are not ready for that missionary works, that you say God exists, to replenish your souls....its never to even hear another words of God, that be reminded, someone else, were not even Christian, just go and laying all around your church, to proclaim mine.
At least for that MD paper, it was just starting at Digestion system on Harry Potter.
Like I always say to them, my friends. You get your works right, on the first day.....not everyday on was a mistake.
That is so unbelievable to myself.....I will tell you that.
People's head are on the bet to the moment of a lifetime. So, as if I concluded....because your both parents know you two better....
When you could do that on your wedding day, with the public claim to all Church members of the Mormom, to arrive a missionary world land, seed weeds....you already decide, that show of your two individuality, its a never ending promises, you do your way, I say me Anna way, and CNN does CNN ways?
They are watching you two movies in Conan Detective, and I have to wait til tomorrow night here Taiwan Time....
Did you ever tell your parents, what they think, all your video title and CNN tales?
You are not possibly to imagine, CNN is not talking to you?
You cannot open your mouth, to talk to your parents?
You feel the isolating airs, and the fake freezing smiles when you approaches the crowd...how soon those airs to become bricky, and thorny....
You know they put a porn on Keanu's fan club page.

⭐️⭐️⭐️提那是一種人聽到某種事情像西門跟上台表演~就是名聲利,她非常非常的渴望~會做出非常恐怖的事情 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 這就是他們那些人在那邊~不注意在重要的事情,但是家長根本不知道他們是思考什麼 ...

巴巴基: 午安!

I go to nap ...

 Babaji: Go

I go to watch CNN and lunch !

 Babaji: Go

UN is like an Educational Department of themselves....

 Most times, I do these things, money is from the educational department, that is what I will say.

Yeah....I always say from the educational department.

Like UN educational department. I don't know what's the name of it.

There are organization like UNISEF? for kids....

Medical Board Top - my money 3 (UN exams or NASA on climate change )

 I used to do that 700 video, at the beginning and at the end on Climate Change and with the math comet.

They say they want to have a records on their book. United Nations or NASA on Climate Change.

No, this is they say. I didn’t say that. 

I was saying Obama, that’s because NSYNC says it. I don’t know why, just ask him first. The US treasury, not Obama himself. How much money President makes anyway? UB football coach is making more…or similar like UB President.

They probably sent to aviation places. I say UN and NASA.

You find out the reasons why NSYNC saying that with Obama. 

No, I don’t know. He is 44th US President, Asia has zero blonde by destiny ?

Medical Board Top - My money 2

 There is a demo in Google blogger temple they show to their clients.

One is Sariputra websites I made, but they have us 4 photo on, to flip that webpage to all the explaination why they are on that photo.

Dean if not dead, he might just take some time to find his jobs.

But I can give him some money, get rid of some student loans or temporarily money to spend ?

That position in Flower Thousand Bone is a dead position 殺無赦

Dean’s position is Sailor Mars, but like I say Ma’am Ching Hai, she walks in the wrong position !

Sailor Mars shares the Earth Prince as a bf with the Moon Usagi in the Sailor moon.

That story was she and her master Indian 500 years old.

Her jobs were time return Prince of Persia (2010) to earn back her right as his disciple that takes places in 1979-1981?

Sometimes you walk Eon you don’t even knows where your master is, you glimps on the TV to travel, keep traveling and learn what’s life that you so say ..luxury and fame.

She may not got to hell…it’s just she makes mistakes not listening any words I say before she begins that traveling like Lords of Rings. It’s traveling ….her ego is high proud so she is covered it up by herself what she doesn’t want to see… the longer she does that, the longer the traveling is….it’s everyone knows that stuffs. 

She is not ready to leave the earth 



Medical Board Top - My money 1


Hank is hurting my mother, he is very bad.

That’s him with a hitting stick.

I went to Obama on the website to tell them every expense that charge to the US treasury, they might already calculated.

I added some expense

Well…those were for kids to go and calculated. I didn’t do anything extra.

I went to Pompey too, but I don’t remember exactly the money why I need him to put on the data records in the US treasury.

It’s on the websites.

No, I give Obama money to my father and mother, if you ask it for me.

This girl is call Gloria, but she and Celine Dion both has sing with NSYNC 

That’s my mother.








I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Mathrew McConaughtey (Greenlight, book)

 Do you actually know the curse light in Harry Potter is?


Your book is light? It looks like a hard binder?

Is that Right?

When you looking at the painting like whichever direction Simon or Keanu's 26 ....because to me, I didn't read, whose painting was that girl I called her the 26.

If they line up the entire collections of the Da Vinci Painting, Mathrew, you just looking at them, to see One Photo Ancietnt Chasez photo? That girl is looking at East?

So you define right and left, from the painting inside that girl persepective or your perspective.

The direction of Sun down, of Sun rise?

3 or 9 direction?

Right or Left? 

If you are inside the painting, you turn right, that is 26 painting.

If you are inside the painting, you turn left, that is 2 painting, one is color, and one is not in color ....

Got it?

Journal is a Diary? I know what is a Diary....you writing things in there.

With....that is a pen, or a querl ?

Never with a shotgun, whatever that means ....Its just a paper, it will not go to anything, if you put a shot gun on it. 

Do you want to just use a siccsor? That is your face?

That is a circle roughly?  

How many circles can that be on there, anyway....

That looks like  777.... 

He is not greenlight to go.....

Justin Bieber (Ellen again)

 Do you speak French, Justin Bieber?


You playing Hockey? 

Bieber, life is what you make a living to strive to be better. Taking drugs, will damage your brain, and one day that becomes a permanent. 

Alcohol and drugs or whatever else you are taken ....those things are not the high of the life makes you become somebody. Its what you decide your life leads to that reckless life that every police report telling me on Wiki.

People like the librarian, they are history and English major, to write Wiki.

Most librarian are not science majored.

There are a lot of accounts on you on the wiki.

Your brain doesn't need to be damage permanently if you just trying to get better now. 

你們有沒有覺得你們就坐在那邊看東西,可以看到自己氣到爆炸 !

 不會呀 ! 就是寫中文

寫英文 ...

💖💝💞💖💝💞 I have to go to nap 💖💝💞💖💝💞💖💝💞

 Babaji: Go

I go to eat and watch CNN

 Babaji: Go

花千骨的蕭笙莫 ( 3 Esteems in Flower Thousand Bones ) Birds says: China him....

 You all just take it now, the birds knows everything they are telling you are correct on the paper?

They suppose to be correct, without asking you whom is on the left side of the video on the thrones?

Do you experiment, a big wide open TV moniter, to where the wild life will ever get close by and staring at that monitor, to tell you, they all sitting there watching the Television?

You want to explain this video, how do they come about?

你們不覺得你們實驗鳥群的時候,在大自然就擺著一個巨大螢幕放著這些影片,看他們會不會就坐在那邊盯著電視看... 叫做你們在覺得,他們知道什麼呢? 

就一起坐在那邊看電視 ? 叫做所有生態物種大家一起看?

所以才會有這種影片叫做他們知道你們在看什麼? 因為習近平就應該知道,他自己就坐在左邊的?

你們覺得像嗎 ? 所以鳥是自己認為,還是聽我安那在後面講~ 我在我的房間裡面講 ?

你們是說誰做間諜嗎 ? 我的房間的門都是打開的 ...叫做白天 ...沒有紗窗

Do you read your own story? Purna? 清海無上師? 你的從前?

 You waiting your Lords coming back, or you waiting your Master coming back....Its one of the ironic things you think in life.

你是等你的 Lord 回來,還是你等你的師父回來 ? 這種叫做諷刺的人生

Suprem Master Ching Hai 越南小尼姑,你的 Playlist Your homeworks, there are 5 MV. 五個楚喬傳的功課 ...

 人生大道理 ...百厭不聽的意思 ~~~


現在天下亂七八糟,要不要在重來的一下? 我這次動都不動 ...看著你們下沉就可以了 ...


沒有覺得是講故事聽的很好笑的意思 ...我每一天只需要盯著電視的板子看,就可以了 ...

我常常覺得你們是四個點框框的幻想 ...

尼姑就是只做尼姑會做的事情,你們的佛你們找到的那一天,你們會希望那不是一個道姑的講法,懂沒? 叫做金錢最偉大 !

你們知道 ... 因為現在在講 ETR Craig Ballantyne 他的婚約在加拿大 expire

就是電影麻辣女王的另外一部電影叫做 : Proposal

那個男主角叫做 Ryan Renold 

你們知道那是誰的丈夫? 就是叫做 一個 Blake Lively

但是那個人的 Wiki 是講 Simon Says: 講到誰? 講到名字叫做哈利波特結婚的 Jenny

就是 Ginny or Jenny

聽起來差不多的意思~我說我覺得有點像呀 ! 那個人跟演鋼鐵人的那個 Pepper

我有說是像到 Ola 但是她搶著不放的意思ˋ ....就換換換 ...是 Wiki 寫的呀 ! 我覺得像我去查呀 !

我電影看過她們一直放放放 ...

所以說 Ola 心痛誰?

莫名其妙你們不覺得? Ola 的電影就是叫做 "Lovely Bone"

但是我以前叫阿南就叫他 " Lovely"

Bone 就是骨頭呀 ? 都是金牛座的 ... 我都在說 ET 存在做這種事情糊來糊去,她一直在抓著不放的那個人,鬧袋真的壞掉了 ... 我以前的那一個資優班的人,她想搶東西呀 ! 但是沒有人理她吧 ?

昨天我們不是在台灣看美國達人秀第 14 季?




用所謂觀察外在的行為~因為有那種資料,所謂IQ 很低的人,會一直做那種賭博的事情,自己弄錯每一件事情,而且朋友很少,都說自己是世界上最孤獨的靈魂,真的有夠噁心的 ....

你們把照片擺出來,你們就會知道了 ! 好萊屋的事情你們不會弄錯~因為所有人看到的東西都是一樣的,但是我講我朋友那些人沒有他們的臉書,因為不認識啊!

我認識~在我臉書上面 ....


他們其實都沒有在聽我講話 ...因為他們一直在某種事情的執念上面,像那個 Karen

她以前跟她現任丈夫在一起是因為那個人不要她,跟我家西斯長的很像的那一個! 她們很想去搶東西 ...我說去問清楚呀 ! 叫你媽打電話給 Chris 去問清楚那個人到底是不是安那的西斯,是 gays

但是 Karen 那一邊的那個長的像 西斯的那一個位置,他可能已經結婚生小孩啦 ! 我家西斯是 Gay 在飛 UFO 我都沒有在管他,她 Karen 以前就很喜歡那個高中那一組同學的那個西斯長相的那個人~他那個人的頭髮不是捲的,是短的!


我跟 Chris 說~

很多東西我沒有用英文說,因為她們其實忘記了 .. 我在後面說!



所以她們電視就被 ET 弄個更糊了~因為我以前沒有劃眼線...她們在以為 ....真的在以為 ....給自己鋪路~弄錯了弄錯了 ....她們真的覺得她們自己很好呀 ~ 我去跟她媽說!

The birds : On Hobbits, and the Queen is Free !


那柯南的一疊卡是在臉書上的 ( They were on my facebook ) 除了拿槍的那一個!!


我講的那一疊卡都在我臉書上面,應該是見過埃本跟你們的師父清海無上師呀!以前我也在看 SMTV!

寫到一半,鳥在叫我 ...

我是說 ...你們在講你們上大學的時候吧 ? 我高二去交換學生,一年回來,然後我念完中山女中高三才去念大學,你們是不是覺得大一就是要看懂整個教科書的那個人? 

我其實中山的時候偷懶生物,因為那是第三科系的,我的生物只有中學曾度呀 ! 營養課的那種,我大一跟大二念生物的,你知道很多東西不是就是,英文是本能的意思?


你們大概是語言天才 ...平常彙話因為洛克菲勒有請老師~但是那是對話英文,我可以說呀 ! 基本禮貌還有吧 ?

有些東西真的就是 Greek !

我很討厭生物,都是背的名詞,我後來清身體是去看網路上阿南介紹的網站,是有 Protocol

那你們如果去清身體不就是等於,先看懂在講的什麼? 你邏輯懂,你才會去做某種事情, 那想一下大概就可以了 ...

我是弄懂呀 ! 很多人寫文章呀 ~但是基礎都是學校教過的東西,本能是會很多東西的~消化系統只是一個基本你吃東西下去你不知道去哪裡了?

就看網路上有圖像呀? 我是沒看~但是我中學看過了! 

很多東西我見過了! 我如果想要做某種事情,那是因為我喜歡去做那種事情,有些人喜歡那種事情叫做清身體 ...拿身體做實驗的那種 ...





這滿慈子以前就希望我沒朋友,這霍建華也是,叫做皇宮的事情最偉大 ….但是我曾經有一個過往 ….每一個人的人生都可以有過往,現在先不講我有什麼呷咪過往 …

City of Hope 他們是醫院+研究機構的 affiliation complex, 就是每一個人都有一個很巨大的實驗室,然後可以去別人的實驗室開會的那種巨大地表的 hospital affiliation

羅斯威爾公園 = Rosewell Parl, 其實那是叫做醫院,不是公園

我上次說了 UFO 被雷霆打到陣亡在 New Mexico 也叫做羅斯威爾

我拿我叔叔的關係是在 2003 暑假在 City of Hope.有一個香菇教授長的像 Ancient Chasez 




我們在講 ETR 的 Craig =平次(唐紅的戀歌,柯南電影版)




你們知道 ETR Craig Ballanytne 是在加拿大多倫多的中間城市,不是真的在市中心,北邊一點

記得我是怎麼跟埃本還有 ETR 他們認識的?

在美國九零年代就有這種一個帶一個呀,那種 coaches or mentors 的事情,他們不是律師!

所以 ETR =Early to Rise,  他們當初是一個叫做 Masterson 人開創的,阿南=尼克 認識那個人



Masterson 帶三隻,ETR 本身有三隻!




所以講平次小時候的時候、那是在講求婚的埃本!就在 2015 他穿綠色的時候


現在是說你們找 ETR 他跟你們求婚的意思?

我其實當初只是說強納生他爸在當地,因為水牛城很多事情,我叫他們在當地,我不是有一個過往的資優班+APO+CAC 的朋友嗎?

他們清比一下,像哈利坡特一下,交換學生,我沒有說柯南也沒有說 ETR 更沒有說 City of Hope




我剛好去看柯南禮拜六臺灣 mommo 親子台

出現了平次的問題,他們已經想要拿下 ETR Craig 他們,我只是當作我沒聽到,跑去看柯南,我看到就只好說呀!我說我知道但是我哪有說什麼?看到唐紅的戀歌的那種排場,所以大家才知道呀!因為 City of Hope 也想參一腳,我覺得太遠了,就沒理他們了!



那我說你們自己去看柯南,其實是我朋友她忘了…. 她曾經說她自己思想很黑…有些事情她忘記了,就是一直不肯放棄電影權利製作『麻辣女王』頭上爆炸的那一位醫師,我覺得她根本沒考上,因為只有 IQ 低的人才會做那種事情,那兩個犯罪的人!

但是強納生爸爸看到大概很生氣,純黑的惡夢 …

唉~~先不說那種問題 …



跟看卡通一點都不一樣的感覺!!ET 在那邊湖來湖去的沒有人知道是在演誰 …


你們看到 Tamang 的黑白照片沒?

通常人是不會去碰那種製作臉書大頭照!但是他搞錯了,他不知道我是他以前認識的那個人,他在以為  …. 他跟她都不確定包括來臺灣的那個在 Victoria 出現的名字


但是我是跟著電影演呀! Smallville


臉書的大頭照跟所謂那個專有名詞,你們製作網站記得 Frontpage 的時代,你們定義每一個照片貼上去的每種位置?

就叫做 Header Image or 背景照片


(a) 世界上沒有人真的去 crop images 叫做 resize 照片

   (b) 做網頁的那些圖片位置



⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥰😣🤣😍 Good morning ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Mahavatar Babaji: Good Morning, Everyone


I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Justin Bieber, how come you go and living on the bus?

 You don't have a house to go to?

Get the lawyer, and sent him all this photo.

You say:

"In these few years, there are few public showing with me and her, that being putting on the interviews and public display, that there are things going on with us, and with the public.

I am not that good at words, to describe my feeling, but there are things being directed here and there, my life sometimes its upside down.

I receive this from someone knows Justin Timberlake. She says just sent them to the lawyer's office and they will do the rest. She left the message on my facebook, to say now. What does that mean? She says, not snail pace to stay in the same room, that will be NOW means.

What do you think I should be doing now?"


Ma’am Ching Hai, that Korean girl all you can eat is calling you 他們在叫你們粉紅色黃色吃呀!越南小尼姑

 Just eat it, because when the world is putting weight on you, you just eat food to built up fat and pain tolerance, thar including taking pain killer.

I just don’t have it here.

I need to go get some In AMerica.

You just take it, don’t question it.



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️ There are birds people coming in? 有沒鳥的專家來呀 ? 你們台灣餵食物給鳥嗎 ? 我沒有需要吃很多東西~給他們沒關係 ! ⭐️⭐️

 Do you the experts coming to see the birds?

From the roof or from the camera?

The roof are taken over by other people?

How do you like Taipei? They are expensive to purchase the property here, but its not as expensive as America paying the property tax. 

There metro lines are fairly new in Taipei.

There are different places to shop.

Like I told you, the main center of this Taipei more safe places, are around here.

Most people cannot afford to come in, so they go to outside vincinity, like those Art school YouTubers.

They just only can afford there. The stay close to that Taipei Station.

The side on that side, toward the left, they are not all that safe as where I am in this Egypt side.

These area are being developed. Once you move out of here, you never buy it back. My grand parents have the property here with all the relative used to living here.

No, I don't venture all those places, by myself. If I have to go there....like 板橋 you will see they selling all lines up bagels, within that Global Mall?

I check those stores inside the mall, just above the Metro.

Because of the Purna issue. I went to that entire floor or around, just wipe clean everything I see there....

I hope you like the weather here, for the Winter here, its much mild all around here.

We rain here, you need the umbrella.

I go to lunch

 Babaji: Go

Birds Video

 They are flying all around.

Something at England

Something here too, on the Top.

Between Jimmy Fallon, that is a lot of them wants to fall -ing .....

These two sides story, you want to see Prince William their stories? 

They are probably running their own classroom. I don't know anything about them. 

Bill Gates they have to run their Harry Potter version stories they live all there on the West coastline. I still think the girl, you know, be more brave to talk loud, when you giving an assignment, and just practice at home, and deliver that in front of the guys. There are some shy guys, no matter how they do it dozen times, they are still feel uncomfortable. 

The birds ordering the song?

Mathew decides which 2 of the flags?


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Good morning ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Mahavatar Babaji: Good Morning, Everyone ! 










I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go


 Today I see it second days just like the TV says.


第25 集

What is this time again, Justin Bieber?

 For the birds?

You use whistle to call them. They can hear. Once. I cook millet....they live on the roof or somewhere in between the houses flower brush everywhere in this City. They put their nest on the very high tree. I have no idea where they get their foods.

There are so many of them. They may not try first. The bug flying bugs will. You see them, you see what they say. 

Like there are those night light for the bathroom? I put it outside, where there are water source sink there. It just happened there is a plug-in there. I leave bucket water there, like hand hold those bucket, but I wash them. I change the water often. I stay outdoor every chance to go outside the door, I don't have a lot of exercise here. Just walking in, walking out. Running to the kitchen, the whole house. 

One day you see the dead bug there. If you change that water often, they will start to bathring themselves, no matter what, I will dump the water when they don't use it. They swim in there.

I change 3 times water. I have 1 hand hold bucket. 2 bowls for the sky.

No they are not eating chips or the millets.

I put Babaji and me photo on this cabin next to me. So I leave the chip bag there, or juice I make there.

Later I drink it.

Just tell him to go and manifest the food for them. There are too many of them.

My mother says 王力宏要離婚?


His name is: Leehom Wang.

The Real Chinese people called him: Wang Lee Hom

王 力 宏

1. Romance Enemy Beethovan

2. If Only You Can Hear My Song

3. Missing You so Much

4. White Paper (Albino same sound)

5. How do you translate this? Revolving the sun, revolving Self?

6. Impossible missing or passing you by

7. Forever, the First Day

8. The Only

9. Almost Impossible

10. Inside the Heart, Sun and Moon

11. Extraordinary Century Hero

12. Change Yourself

13. Heart Beat

14.18 Kinds of Martials All Arts

15. Your Love

16. A.I Love


1. (Not Wang Lee Hom, real name) Its "Good Lee Hom"

2. Wang Lee Hom Music Evolutionary Theory

3. Fire Power All Open

4. Lee Hom 20

Victoria Secrets: What's your Name: Certifiy 20, towrads the end, Blonde Hair, Shell...


 Movie List: 

Smoke Fly Smoke Annihiate

Thunder X Man

Workship / Fist God ( I saw it wrong, sorry) 我看成奉神

Under the Moonlight V Verrenda 

When the Sun arrives to the Middle of the Starry Night


Big Pawn Small General (2019 7 6 3 1 0 0)

Romance Commercial / Advertising  (戀愛通告?) (2010)

Establish Party Groups (Political) Greater Works (2011)

Very Lucky (2013 )

Black Hat Hecker (2015)

Wang Lee Hom Fire Power All Open Tour Concert Movie (2017)

It can hurt, Seventeens. (2017)

Void, Ask, West, East ( Void ask stuffs? Stuff ask void ) Void like none existence (2018)

West Red City Number 1 Billionair ( the City is in China, far away north) (2018)

Ancient Sword Miracle Tale ... si ...flowing moon display brightness ( you mean transform, like Simon those WOW?)  (2018)

Ugly Doll (2019)


 TV Lists:

Husband 100 grades (1996)

We are all family (1997)

Funny show on the TV in Asia, how do say those words? Not Talk show? Or It is a talk show?

Talking Funny Show, they do games, they do colorful funny talks?

Pioneer/Senior ! Ready? (I am ready to fire! )

Hundred Changes Big Curry Shows

Everyday Looking Up (Rising Up, or Optimistic meaning)

The Strongest Brain Number 8

God Bless Voice

China Good Voice 2019

I want to sing with you, The Third Season.

Aloha, Good Life Home

Karen that girl show, the One Day Tour

Run Pa ! First Season

The Annoucement Board Character or People

Cutting / Heart torn that Verbs Meat Heart room

Number 1 card verse Number 1 card First Season

This King in China you don't know whom that is.康熙來了 SMCH says she is that King, or that King is the one Pacify Taiwan in that long long long time ago.

Host Show (MC Microphone)


East Knock West Hit Big Music Guard 


(Chicago Bulls 73:Utah Jazz 78) 

 Asian MTV Music Big Award Given Award Ceremony

 Extraordinary Century Hero

The Book:


Purely an Accident, Wang Lee Hom Private Secret Book File ...(do they arrange words, that is Secretary Book Keeping Secrets)


(Do you know how it sounds like PUSU? The Heart of Sun and Moon Music Sheet Book)

Heroes of Tokyo

Lust, Caution: The Story (Film Tie-in Ed.) 

Life Gifting Praise, he donates this caring about traveling diary and sold all the money to donate to this Taiwan World....a very spicy Province Earthquake.

Romance Commercial/ Advertising : Wang Lee Home Shadow Self Portrait Books

Romance Commercial/ Advertising: Wang Lee Home Shadow Self Portrait Books ( Special made Limited Edition )

Wang Lee Hom Producer Practice Songs



I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....