
I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/

Website preparing in progress....

🥑🥑🥑 You know what?~ If America got slice 5 to 8 pieces under the timezone ...Yeah? 🥑🥑🥑

Meaning, I would learn the timezone 

1. That is the Same Sun, Correct.

2. That is every morning, exactly the same time, Correct, roughly the sunrise time, correct. Winter or summer might be slightly different.

I would learn 8 times?

No! You learn 365 times, exactly the same things, every morning you wake up! 

🍁🍂🍒 Correct, Eben jobs has to learn that Web 2.0 !!! You don't want to do that when he is around? 🍁🍂🍒

He didn't say much about why we get together yet? But I saw a few clips he is in it....🍁🍂🍒

The things are, when you are running about these Chinese Little kids, and little monks, they have nanny, those are middle or older monks bracket. So when you say....if those entire groups, just keep going on these new technology web 2.0, to one day even speaking English, well. You do one thing at one time.

Not that much how you shape the personality, and the flare of swing things?  

They are Chinese, I don't expect a lot of that....at all. 

🍁🍂🍒 Small tiny human, does small tiny things !  🍁🍂🍒

The entire world population is very very high compare to 100 years ago. Do you realize the education only implement when?

People living age, like morality its all different, look at Yogananda? 

You read a lot of books, what the ancient were, a lot of those are not exactly you could see and feel, okay?

A lot of those are just barbarian world. Things given you to read, its hoping you will grow heighten your intellectual part to quest something more than life. To improve your hygienic, to encourage you for stepping out, like a public stage.

You never hold a microphone then, next you go on a wedding to speech 5 mins. 

Education is very important

People don't know a lot of things, they tend to guess it. They fear, they touch, they just burn on fire, and run away ! They panic in their look and shrink in the dark corner.You really like those things?

Do you like when someone looks like somebody, and tell you, "No, I am not feeling well today"

They mean it, he really not feeling well today, Steve Jobs.

You understand?

They cannot take the pressure, things given them, they just shrink inside their eyes sight, too much things all pulling them in different direction. You imagine every world has a support, that is not necessary.

You generate an atmosphere for people so they more actively to "talk loud" "talk back" "Talk clear" to go and make money, including, how to be resourceful and face the reality how you become one of the few among that world.

America has that world exists. People skills not you imagine, everyone is those....UB people I met...them, where my rescue never arrive, those types.

For 50 years to arrive 1999. its very very impressive, how much education the entire world, has to high school?

That means a lot of educator are putting into the places in every country, that they delicate on that. 

You start with language, with English, with math, with science, with law, with economic, with public health.

Basic thing, in different norm.

Me, happened to be stepping in the spiritual world, that means cooking ! 

Zen they do those or Buddhism they doing all that. Its a basic human things you carry that to the highest degree. But you all just hate it. You better eat it.


🍁🍂🍒 So everyone of people could do education, I will tell you, its better you try ....🍁🍂🍒

Its not a big deal you don't....but its probably better you do that. 

Not reading novels....especially, for whatever reason you believe me annihilate the every world, but some day, somewhere....some unknown reasons, you will lose things you never imagine, if you just do those....I know what you plan to do to say 411....at all. 🍁🍂🍒

💖💖💖 Prince William & Prince Harry has a father, what the European man, are very very arrogent, like the few known country with a culture that century run downs. 💖💖💖

So anything like that really happen the last century....it means just like the film meant.

Stay away with it. 

Most European man, are very sad. See Purna's ex husband? The German doctor. Everyone of them are like that. 

You are all having an illusion to what you see on the TV, you automatically see me, hear me, sounding from, words from, thoughts from, to enter your own reality show, which is your own real life.

How was it?

Sounds like the same things?


So everything you try to assimilate your background knowing, its all false okay?

Its all false. No man are like any spiritual background to begin a talk, why the compassion means the patience to endure, to that time to last....at all. 

190 country on the map, are very very dense, they don't wake up, okay? You almost can just handle over everything to them, they are just too lazy to do it....they just die. To the radio of that high school, probably they are way more on the number statistics....all around the world then just you heard American are high school drop out.

People will not be happy, if their head don't thinking through....they stuck in that zone, just cage in.

IQ is the problem. 

They shrink, they fear, and they just die

Many people's reality are very much like that, okay? YouTube itself brings a lot of video on the education, true. All these are given people means be more open minded to talk, to interact, to associate with people all around them.

Like I did to these Chinese little kids, little monks, on so known the concept name "Web 2.0"

That is a classroom saying. One computer connects to many computer. You don't really give them that much saying why they do that. Modern kids they just connect and click on those technology.

Like the simple thing you imagine everyone knows.

YouTube Anna's Channel => Google Blogger ==> Pinterest + Facebook

You imagine everyone does that....some people just shut off that interest and left.  That's one type of interaction.

The Second type, its when these little monk little kids, sometimes going to their playlist, to see their what I select the clips for them to learn things. I will tell you, they just know I have no shame to begin why the below boxes were no comments at all.

That one comment below that video, if I just show you any video I go to, so you go and reading my comments, that is I enter the comment in the YouTube box. People shut people off, by just anything why they don't go to participate.

So when the kids are younger, they go to these multi-media center, to learn how to just talk out, by listening, by clicking, and by one day, just having a discussion fight over that small tiny room setting in that one box, below the video.....

Not right now I guess....they are small tiny monks. Just if you lower your head to see the kitchen down, they have a formal wear.



Homopathy - they teach a lot of these eternal application


But you all are so lazy...you don't really have a correct head to say, why you need the medicine, I will tell you that much. Your attention is everywhere, but the important things to do. And when you start to get smart with your head, that you can heal yourself, you mean, what you talk about the karma, will show up !

Yeah, I put a lot of patches from everywhere? 🍭🍭🍭

All around the pelvic. I gradually put to the spine area. This would be the second time, I put the patches right on the nerves spine.

I have integral doing that, you know the two cave in holes, behind your butt. So I done that part as long as many weeks last. Last week I start on the spine. Because the Left eyes behind my head.

Some people have a hobby.

It get itches too right now.

How long is this patch go on? One hour? I usually take it out....let's say 4 hours. But I think 2 hours are maximum? I heard they ice skating doing that on the left eye behind? The neck. right, I have the photo show you. But the girl like me, the guys never had a pelvic situation where the pain cannot be describe at all?  Some people willing to do anything just stop that kind of pain, I am telling you ! Its per month, every month, when the time come close, I become gloomy, again? Its EVERY Month !!!! 

I start doing this like 23 years old, you know. So many things I try, and put away. Its everything I try, just stop doing that ! 

Some people use the medicine, in America, you can buy them. 

When I am off school, like after college, its free to do anything, you would bet anything I wish to do, its to do what I wanted. I don't believe the body should be pain, or bad breath. Its all related, when I have to be with a guy. Right now, Its only my mother, my brother its a satelites, only once a year, he won't get that near, as a guy.....I used to work in CADS, I still have bad breath that time.

Right now I have to eat the normal food, so that part probably just never really goes away. If Eben shows up, I have to ask him myself....I change whatever...

I used to hear about that SMTV on people losing period, oh ~ if I would have pay attention?

Anytime the body has a transition, that is very important, you just keep doing that important things to do, at that transition, I think its the best. The body its ....delicate. The way how you all handle yourself....i don't think you really meant you know what to do to stay healthy, or lasting, or wish others to feel better or you better, or anyone around to feel better.

Not really.

Your head is broken in so many pieces, really.

Its pouring rain ....




 Babaji: go

Reason: you survey the land, the sun has the problem. I cannot see that’s the sun.

The sun is from the East …we are going west, but that’s China side, someone says wrong things for us cross over America, but we do it anyway, we are moving toward the west. 

💝💝💝 They think you going to the Europe.

Looks like 8 times to me, your north east coastline is so far away.

 Do whatever you plan. 

💝💝💝🧀 Steve Jobs, there is no Honorable Superior, okay? If they appear, I shoot them. From the sky. Any UFO ⛱⛱🔔

So in case your imagination wrong not me puke at it. You put him back at his age 30 looks to start standing there right.

He supposed to be dead, or I finish that jobs last year.

He get back to that dead Coke Top yet? I cannot understand the book. 

Both sit. That’s the exact looks, open your mouth, talk. 

The regent Honorable Superior supposed to look dense to you, or heavy to you, or Sean bean looks to you …

I am right here.

You do a real stimulation, video honor dead. Or you really educate a high school him, continue.

These where everything started like SMCH, 40 years ago.

Is anything don’t imagine me right at the round conference table you all seen luxury and chair ?

Or you prefer me be at a different world, still at the same scene inside your 4 points frames. 🔌🔉🔉🔉🔉🏷🏷🏷📒📡🔏⛱

Where are those military Afriganstan back at the Eastern coastline ? The US military.

Do you finish all retrieving and check everything

As I told you everything ?

Now, I want you to take out maps, mine is from Taiwan has Timezone on top

East to California I think it was 3 hours different.

I need you slice about 5 zone AMerica, retrieve in 1 year plan started, in case repeat second year exactly where you are Eastern coastline.

You do 5 scale interval retrieve to coast guard California side.

Some you live where?

Your unit won’t be too far from you when you land ? Home town …


Of course you put things in front of you face Europe. If you cannot do it, we repeat 5 years, same formation. 

That kinda of attitude latitude issues really, it’s you facing the exactly same sun every morning when you wake up, not just the same sun, the same “Time”, as you move along that vertical line, like Seattle to Irvine. Got it?

If you repeat 5 lines, you cannot tell me, you don’t know what that is?

Someone will explain to you what that is. Like Pompoey jobs used to be? I think he is from the military school. 

Eating Time

 Babaji: Go

Adam & Hailey, I used to have a childhood about 5 years? Actually probably 3 or 4 years, makes me remember one full life.


Then quiet 3 years middle school. 中學我們三年叫做安靜的人生,因為非常非常的 intense, no more. Its quieter life, no piano, no cello, nothing, just school. I go skating to relax off, then I switch to bike, one day, its 4 blocks. Like Japanese those nice story on street and avenue, we have small routes, to go to school, straight forward, and quiet mind, in the very early to go to study. They have a place back to park the bike. Everything is self sufficient.

Then my father got jailed? After few degree of years high school. 

My cousin Square's father got divorce one of those dates too. She never recuperate that at all.


The chilldhood memory, like you plan 3 or 4 years Chinese New Year, that is one full week, first day and second day tradition different.

Then we have occasionally going to the grandpa, mother side, because she is close to.

Then the Father's grandmom coming in, but she stays with the boys first family, that is the military doctor. Those are military village they living in, called dorm.

So I forget...what are the festivity, makes me feel like our gathering are often with the cousin, but if you really just plan ahead of the time, no one ruins no one stuffs, really. 


In the elementary school, we have weekend my father and my mother, he bikes us in the bicycle basket, or behind.

Park most time are freesbie. Some knites.

If you retain that systematic, your childhood is very full. Very packed to remember whichever side of your family.

Not that you imagine that much, because Chinese New Year, only 2 days most important. You suppose to know that. What is the first day, and the second day.

For women even, that is one year biggest meal, there is no way, or you can go outside, after certain year. 

對~ 你們重新排列






這種東西叫做我很忙 !!!

💖💞💝🍂🍁 我的螢幕壞了~~~~~~ 💖💞💝🍂🍁 那個網頁跳不出來,看我網頁的網址出不來。我一直寫的意思! 




幹嘛 ?


我的耐心無限 ...

如果有人在房間裡面打起來叫做我真的現在很忙 ....


我真的很忙嗎 ?


拿掉標點符號,too lazy at it. 






鳥, birds 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🎙🎙🎙 Shut Up !!


 A lot of things I “really” don’t care what it is it is, not really. 

Don’t you have a question for me (to birds or to me?)

I give you just 2 answer this morning, one there, one heee.

You re-write, my head will feel better seeing it, not from my website. Or you want me to re-write it. 


 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙📣 Shut up !



 Babaji: Go

失去容顏、失去心情、失去的落 …


🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🤧 say : tears us


柯南? 弄錯了~是黑色的瞳孔

 給我要的....所有人沒有的過去呀 ! 我就放了所有人


人做事情呀 ! 你們的演化在某個時間帶起來吧  ...是給選美的,又是那種我現在天天看到那種叫做碩交手術呷咪的東西, plastic surgery.....Whatever that is.

你們不覺得人應該做點有意義的事情嗎 ?

你們喜歡去失去記憶跟所謂真正的出一口氣呀 ! 多一點~叫做直到那一天,是一種怨,你們生出來就是沒有修養的東西,那些事情其實很重要的 !

有智商的人,根本想都不想你們的是哪種演化,你們不是有師傅帶嗎 ?

叫做一氣呵成 ~~~連貫的!


都職業分配在電視上了,只差不知道是哪種 Occupation says, in Supreme Master Televiison, yet ....

鳥~ 我不說你們就不做,對 ..你們其實沒有什麼內在 ! 我叫美國當傭人 ~ 他們吞了很多東西喔 ! 你們應該就做我說的,你們才會前程無量 ...任何正確的事情開始 ! 我覺得你們沒有相信清海講了什麼制度

你們算分數的那張紙呀 ! 你們只能一張一張寫,對~但是你們畢業之後 ...所謂人間啥事,找 ABC 的意思,不是每一種 ABC 都是每一種的垃圾,叫做給我坐在那邊開始一個字一個字的讀 ...他媽的Austin 的一丁點智慧叫做一個湯匙一個湯匙的餵,叫做你們曾經覺得發誓願意,你們很多事情心情不好

亞洲人很多,是瘋子 ...簡直叫做瘋到哪裡 !

🍁🍂💘 鳥喜歡講話是那種喜歡跟彼此吵來吵去得東西,對~哪種東西都會吵得! 

至於什麼其他的秘密,那是他們各個群體之下的秘密,這種有形體的類似軀殼,在每一個世界的人類存在都有可能類似,對 Dharma 的認知,那一個環境是他們跟其他彼此的住在那個環境裡面的一種,基本尊重 !

但是應該也是很多那種群體規則,你們找專家叫做有興趣,但是你們對人的淚,淚水很多,你們一定是瘋子 ...

🍁🍂💘治病,我不會相信那種沒有意義的東西 ... 我每一天都在幹嘛的那種 Routine

你們如果活過我的人生,有些時候應該是自願他們不是人類的世界,叫做關懷一下世界大地 ...這化學一定是很困難的人生,叫做智商沒有的意思 ! 

其實在你們的課本一直都是存在的那所有教材,對,就是中學 ...基本的人生的一些概念 ...




 Babaji: Go

東海校友會的 Wing ( Eastern University Alumni Wing)



先做我要的事情,還是先聽你的最後遺言的事情,叫做死定了 ... ...



台灣只有砍到哪呀 ? 叫做"夭折" 還是"妖席那"

清水,所以你猜應該誰死了...有計算多久時間叫做所有人滾回去應該得世界嗎 ? 你從 2014 寫到 2021 的開場是 二月到 清水台灣事件

人生小人小義是跟方方一樣...對 ! 是別人提攜你還是你有自知之明呢?

當人們有所謂的校友會,任何學員,在每一個大學,你只有做基督徒的唯一事情,會是哪一件事情? 叫做每人每屆??? 永生永世 ...懂嗎 ?

柯南叫做英里嗎 ? 英妃理嗎 ?

我不確定所有人在同一張牌的上面,都是在後面自己趕稿子,這 CNN 也是小孩開始,你其實不小呀 ! 他們全部都因為那一個 Zawanna 事情死的死,活的活得沒有工作,你高興聽到此事嗎 ?


所以饒邦的爹的爹爹找了沒? 叫做很久以前的國民黨,因為那種妖錫的人們如果知道爹爹存在,他們是聽你的嗎 ?

他們其實都在失去記憶,對 ~ 因為沒有人督促 !




你是統領嗎 ? 英國人回去英國應該的地方,越南全世界假的也回去,剩下不知道是誰碰在加拿大 Lanh 他們那邊,然後清海跟西門綁在一起試試看 CNN 傷害我的 Zawanna 呀 ! 因為可以呀 !!! 但是他們準備好了聖經說,你知道這文化叫做 "什麼說" 哈嗎 ? 還是什麼 "說"? 這東西說?

台灣是民主的是? 國家憲法只給誰活著? 小人小義! 蔡英文會這樣告訴你的


Adam & Hailey, that Facebook? No

沒有那種事情懂沒 ? 台灣應該有什麼? 民主世界,只要做到那種曾度,美國願意什麼? 溝通!! 不是代溝....知道你講的中文是 ABC 嗎 ? 還是我看錯你不是長的類似 Wing?

台灣應該做什麼呢? 叫做應該有的事情禮貌禮儀? 叫做? 他們不需要去自殘自己的臉書 開開開~~~懂沒? 

有些東西 okay, 有些東西不 okay !!!


所以當初叫做我留言在你們的 YouTube 的開端,你是系統嗎 ? 所以你是新手地意思?

你只需要給時間排列叫做 ...什麼時候東西都回到自己的座位上面,叫做圓滿的每一個人背後應該期許,自己有的時間,叫做未來在哪個方向 ...

Syco 其實是 Sony 下方,叫做如果事情出現的慌張,他們會打電話給 Roswell Park 自己說清楚,這所有東西的瞬間, Ola 會哭

Dr. Takeuchi = Take ku ch 哭泣

Take someone whom cry....

你覺得 Ola 在哭的是哪一個以為妓女做什麼事情呢? 西門的??? 遺言吧 ~~~!!!!!

就是? 法律全部過,所以人真的死了! 懂嗎 ? ~~ 不會有那種事情的,至少那一天會有人真的跟我說到底誰死了呀 !~ 現在都是一個假設跟謎團呢~~~!!!




🤧🤧🤧🦅🦅🦅🦅⛱⛱⛱⛱🧀🧀🧀 Eben + Craig, no. They are just small tiny business people. Their worlds only that big really.

It’s not big deal what they do don’t do. They are not gigantic. You imagine people care about what they do, not really. They are just like someone else’s kids.

They lives in a world that big only, okay ? That much of a big deal. 

Their moments of life is their head space. They don’t do things on purpose, not that I see of why significant all that much. They are nice people, had a situation where we are all arrive here now. Just talking and associating …others life. It’s what they sign up for. 

Everyone situation are all at different stage, like my UB friends. Some is looking for a job, some is thinking that, something is arrange this and try that …life meant you see different ways doing something.

That something that you just have to be practical. So we move the situation to where it ought to be or might be. 

But if you asking if other want them dead, I heard yes. 

My mother … I say that already, she acts, so she delivers that. She thinks it’s very funny and outweigh people what she could do or done here there behind and all that. But the truth is, I am saying to you when the bad people, short, losing memory by karmic badness, they die quick. They get to that stage, they laugh and they drop dead. 

Someone has to regulating that …she does on purpose my fathers life. I know.

One day, that stopped. And she was made into this, when she could, she can deliver a stronger sense of thar jobs. It does hurt my head, but after me, she will deliver great. She knows that’s a born great jobs. You don’t find out like that…. Asian her type has so many ways to say fashion. 

Her winning whimp it’s to stay fit for the kids and the rest people see her importance. No one wants to see their parents weaken, or on the moment like thus, making what she used to do a very disastrous outcome. I don’t say building my confidence, but that’s the way how it has to handle it, she cannot fail the age, or the current time the war going on.

She equips something, to some degree, it’s a confident that’s what she is going to delivered. 

I just lay down and rest, it hurts the head, yes. But she doesn’t care but herself only, unlimited shoes. She does 刺繡 


That’s her dream, she says everyone has a dream and no one needs to deliver that, it’s just a dream.

She does for a long time how she was all great performing arts. I just couldn’t really say much. 

You are not that important to say why your parents needs to be regulate to did that bad to hurt your head, you speaking too small language! 

They die out early if you don’t build that confidence in them, you imagine people stay. They lost their friends too much, for sure you never be MD no matter what, money issues, position where they are issues, sometimes they die in cancer, or something unknown. If I experience something, I just tell you that. Morality you are putting against the time. None of you really care them, it’s how much you take their life force away. They are getting old okay? Age to some people it’s kicks in. They need exit, not this whole world smoke up with a very clear message sent to them. Never this I number 1, they hell forever, meaning no level in against anything to prove it, they have 2 cents whimp too ! They wish to try…just…not reachable !

Your parents are not hate enough, okay? They do high science pushing methods, you know what that is?

They are getting old, you didn’t break their cell wall mad, thar kind, internal wake up those madness. They sleep. That metabolism until I get there, I won’t find out.

Sometimes karma, sometimes it’s really a life force. Okay? If you don’t force your parents to stay awake now, they don’t stay clear, in motion.

Like how to deliver by few seconds by instruction. 

That response you don’t move them conscious, they fall back to sleep. 

You probably really wish your parents dead, okay? 

I just be honest to you. If you are being secure, you get rid of them that choice present to you. You give a better parent to your sibling. To hope they grow, your sibling needed to grow out of their wound slow by time. Not everyone wants to grow up, but the parents keep there, they will always keep an option on the end, they kill it with their own hands. For some degree, you just knew that’s the best thing, not for you take, it’s for your sibling …that time is not here yet, they have to keep going til things more smooth. You have to understand not everyone like you to be one person rule. 

It’s not all me great. It’s just the way that has to be.

People have a bad tendency

It’s all true. 

There is not much to improve. But you give room, so something will come in time, that’s the best, it stays temporary like this. 

It’s my head or your head getting injuries anyway. It’s just…you put up, that’s how it is.

I don’t know where Eben is… probably with his friend.

I didn’t say anything why people cannot get a life. 

Everyone wants that money get rich quick style life, they are just UB, needs money says on front.

They are overweight. Some keep shape, everyone hate each other, no one willing to give anyone room, it’s all blame, all thorn, all self-proclaiming monents.

They already knew whom those name before … that’s the world in large, when you put the argument in it. Some never speak to each other ever again, what you gonna do? Let them falls?

It’s always my things falls, yeah !! Like my facebook? At least they stare at their each other photo next by if all these don’t work out.

It’s just things get turn and rough. It’s all whom gonna get blame. Sit, put things in your mouth. Shut up.

No, they just separate their ways, probably doing their own things, and making new other friends. When you get too many these, if you met whom all argumentative on edge everywhere you turn, one day you will realize it’s you yourself is the problem, you feel it from every friends you met. 

I go to sleep. 

I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....