Babaji: Go
Do you find this guy, 台鐵董事長? his car with driver always outside that....street, his downstair...珍珠奶茶的事情
在他家樓下~跟對面 !
而且講 Beef CEO Noodles ....that is his house acroos, right on that side....
Do you call them?你們至少問過他吧 ? 我不喝那種東西的珍珠奶茶,有些人沒有那樣喜好 ...
小鬼小和尚 ~ 今天禮拜六!
你們知道為什麼人是一群的嗎 ? 就是你們住在寺廟裏面是一群人 ..所以小學、中學、高中、大學,就是你們每一個階段的一群人 ..你本來就是應該去招攬一群人,這是天經地義的事情 ...
因為很多人都是跟很多人一起工作,社交團體的 ! 以後才能跟鬼宿一樣賺錢呀 !
看過夢幻遊戲嗎 ?
基本道理 ! 不是說做最自私的事情,你們是供養他人,但是至少做點對自己臉皮有點發亮的事情,就是去結群成黨 ....
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖 I always wonder how people's head works .... 💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖 💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖 💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖 💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞
You receive a TV Assignment
TV Name: Conan Detective
TV shows title: Crimson Love Letter
Date: 2021 Winter Christmas
ETR stands for Eary to Rise
Craig Ballantye are friends with Eben Pagan.
They are guys, they didn't say they are gays.
Sailor Moon story has friends, they have comets story similar, they have big eye glasses Dr. Janesz party similar, they had a past, and a future similar. They have different degree of stories becoming true.
Are you going to get your language farmiliar what I Anna told Eben, if Craig doesn't buying it?
You at least convincing Craig, why he shouldn't buy all that?
One of the things in your professional school, if you ever get to the graduate school, sometimes they talking about how important its you get into those networking like librarian networks. They talk about it. How you get to your jobs pretentious life like MD?
Networking a groups of people, your characters will show what you do best in a group activities, and you so happened to be in the Anna's UB groups, of whichever that starting the Day 1 if you could return time, you will never get here this far down to the abyss with Simon Cowell they are.
You care about why Simon shows up ....
No, I didn't get hired by him, but at least I am telling him about it ??? There are certain things if I just tell him about it? He is in the music industry, he doesn't know whom are those boys like NSYNC used to be, rumors were, westlife, songs, collections of concerts stuffs?
Not duplicates .....
You do something to Simon publicly, one day, you could just say to him, you had a crisis.
There are lords coming...its on Eben's playlists.....
"Where did you go?" At least Simon could ask that? That is not the money issues, its where I got stuck issues !!!!!
Maybe those are not the only things happened?
Simon imagines he is the Manager, of whom?
Simon imagine he is the manager of his own stuffs, one of those claiming days? When will that ever be? Like I imagine NSYNC their manager is dead....oh ~ Simon that kind, he only goes to where the money comes from ....
Not the Lords sits on Top from ....
Why is it has to be always on our agenda, that this entire worlds have nothing else to focus on? He and Keanu's painting stuffs?
And not that, there is a real sequence inside the entire Hollywood?
American Hollywood?
And this has to be on the Magazine, that is not a book.
Its a picture shown books.
I have no times reading them all through....maybe someone else has the real money, they buying them all, reading lines by lines, words by words?
You know what I mean?
You want to re-done it again? Here is the layout, you re-think, re-organize, re-comtemplate?
No one jealous you got a template?
So just re-write?
Do you figure it out yet? Save Craig from redemptions, Sweet November away from Masterson?
All of you thinking about a story...
How to manifest...sorry, how to memorizing yourself into a story...Usually, Masterson he does the original writing, maybe you should check how to let go Craig?
You know ...
There is a lot of side line talking, one corner of you calling Masterson, whom to come near, I have a secret for you.
That's Tony. Nick's son.
That is usually happened when Tamang gathers information and he sorts them into a paper format, and go memorize and practices, and at an occasion, on the dark side of that no one sees, he calls someone special to come near....
I already say that story too many times... I don't bothering telling that anymore. I used to write a longer newsletter on the website for that description. I think in 2019
Its called the Little Mermaid 2 :
ETR has 3 guys, Craig Ballantyne, Mat, and R guy
How many times I have to repeat it to you...R looks like a blank? You don't see the image, you don't think, or you cannot think?
ETR stands for Early to Rise ....they are writing article, or blogs, or newsletter, do you know what these terms means?
An article,
A blog
A newsletter, every good morning ! I spy on Eben what he is doing, those kinds?
You writing it down, for others to read it paragraph to paragraph, what you want to say, clearly in the written notices, you want to all die, before you go to the war zone, like Taiwan.
Whatever those story can be said. 💖💝💞🥘🥪🧀💖💝💞🥘🥪🧀💖💝💞🥘🥪🧀
Eben is one person, ETR, are 4 guys, you saying politics.
I know those things....
I am telling you, after I telling everyone, that you shouldn't be Ola or Tamang types that loneliess soul on the planet.....Some people might just re-define what you means your facebook friends and what, you saying you were making yourself exactly the "loneliness soul" on the planet !
You entering someone's life to become their family.
Whatever they collects the whole life garbage included know that? Being in the family, you meant, that is one whole lifetime? Do you want to define that cherish to hold, or maybe you side line dating Craig for other alternative plans?
Tina does those pining things.....she has no talents to say no, type!
Business Aspect
Business association like charity, like foundation, you hating seeing people? Do you care about human living in a humane ways? Meaning how cruel you ever be you keep hearing this military X this X man that, future past, First Class?
Some people when they hear about word like the military, they automatically go and invent protocols! You know what I mean?
But then again, SMCH, Supreme Master Television, her foster those entire shows were always how she delivers check to Green Peace, Sea Shepard, whatever all those children hospital activities, everything on that television was South Africa, looking duplicate seal saving ranger types of know unlimited she says, people to people jobs...seeing more people more hate human?
Anna collects pets...she cannot see human, her master meant she collects more and more and more these pets, beast, or goblin, or simple Disney cute rabbit, of those you never seen in your life, you will die if you open your eyes they showing up.....
Decent human family Aspect
What is the decent fight, you fed them first, after that you talk? Not just they rotton hungry, no more food to sit there silent one long meal long as if? You are too angry to cook, or you are too hungry to bites? There are different definition why you don't always think ahead, why winning or losing that much of saying = that is they making money, you just be the maid?
Sometimes thinking a little better way, saying you need them in your life, so you hoping them staying?
That is not always the case I guess....its how true in the reality, you want them to kneel and reflects. Tina comes out those words. She meant you kneel and retrospect right there, like Hank to her father.
Kneeling down....
Respect their mentors Aspect
You ever be some students to someone, whom you call them, you gratify what they teaching one lesson or two, those Chinese Confucious teaching? That is not a religion, by the way. Its one of those Chinese philosopher kinds of living Truth?
The way of Tao, near by?
They are all similar bracket of the Era, that becomes very famous time in Ancient China. Long time ago. People learning that in Chinese culture at the school, but apparently I will tell you, everyone loves dropping school to say Ola, here the easy but lazy works ahead...its insist what you gangster methods to be fucked...sextually rapes, that is the only means to say....a little bit abused in words, in hitting and in drunk, that will lasting a whole life times, to say Love!
She is exactly that types....
Re-define a relationship with yourself, with their customers, with their customers' kid, with their customer's junks Aspect
Do you care about other people's youth to grow, or you just meant you only going up? So no more education to teach others, or fosters them a little bit, until they stable, to go on their own?
Really, you just so self-center, its your only one position and no one else ever need to be Bieber? He used to be 4.0. What happened after his high school.....
There are so many reasons, you want interfere other people's know what I mean? Its standing by that is karma, its inside the photo that is the karma, its the sickness that you breath the mall air you feel karma hindrance....
There are people you could be already blind and yet see things at the where you couldn't be anymore blind....and damf, and mute.
That is exactly the world situation that really be there.
How imaginative, things were say they are the Truth, if all above are true?
I thought you want to start that to beginning your journey to the West.....
That is a monkey story in China ! Everyone knows the beginning and the end results, just never said which sequences going first, so the end, was the beginning? Its 500 years on the head.....and that is 4 painting on the wall - Leonardo Da Vinci!
🍲🍲 Juicing - if you able to just generate every 2 days a bunch of juices in the bottle 🍲🍲
You provide your guys and you yourself some nutrients, in one week, you will see difference.
You then, still prepare some process food, but both of you started to get something in the nutrients.
The guys they go to work, and they just take it to go, very soon, he doesn't need to say, he eats so much, to say, he does all the works himself.
When someone able to do some juices to put on the side....I am telling you, you will help the guys on a lot of things, he takes and run?
Like the way I make the juice, I don't use green. I cannot take any of that stuffs, but some people they uses green. Making juice takes time, and cleaningness. If someone just do those works, your guy don't need to spend time in the kitchen just for that .....and still pick up things and go.
That every day he will feel better and better.
Juicing has effects, depends on how much you drinking down.
I normally don't emphasize a lot of juicing...
I only say diet, like muculess diet. But....I myself doing a lot of that juicing, I like it, and my mother buying them cleaning them like wash them, so I just need to do the rest of the work. If I am really on losing weight...right now I give up.
There is something going on....truly.
I eat, I don't gain weight.
I try to lose weight, the weight scale broken one, and now the second weight scale? Nothing coming down.
Like your guys working on the computer?
So every hour, you put a tea, water, juice there. He will drink it. He just because that is convinence doing that, he looking at the computer, and he drinks down without thinking. I am telling you, if you doing that, he will just forget a lot of things, that he already refilled a lot of the juicing cups!!!!
He drinks 3 juices a day to start, that is a lot of juicing a day to start. Rotation to water, tea....
That is 9 cups?
We don't have money ....refilling your cups....
Right now I am doing the tea !
Only Lipton tea, I can sleep...
So when doing the juicing, I heat up the water, the boiling await, I put 3 tea bags in.
8 mins boiling, 8 mins shutting off the fire, and cool, then take those 3 tea bags out. I added the sugar already.
Right now I am mixing the half of the juice with the tea.
But if Eben comes in, I just double all the amount, you calculate right, its still the same time you are spending in the kitchen. You like to making juice, you like making liquids, you just like certain things about the bubbling....tea !
Its a lot of liquids, I am telling you.
Asia, last time Vegetarian expo here in Taipei, my mother and I went
They have someone making the juice, with the beets, and we drink there. But that is not a trend. Not in Asia. In America, I am telling you, that culture better stays.
Nick is very strong on that, he advocates that a lot. I was not really the one saying much, but some people if they insist that, you can make that a culture to last long ....Its very important you just getting a juicer, finding the food whole sale, finding a convinence ways of your lifestyle....
like my mother here she purchase all the night market food. I didn't go there, but I saw people buying a whole big bag, like Canada, those carrots. I seen it, she never saw when I moved to find Eben, I deal with all the issues, the day starts.
You don't wait for your body to become a burden to say, quit eating stuffs in your mouth
You gradually getting used to those taste of the juice, you eat more soupy food, those are for digestion. I still taking the process food, because I better eating some. But you don't over-eating.
Asia, I have no ideas when that will become a trend, I will tell you, the hospital here I am not sure they wish people to die, or they want people to get health at all...for the money reason, but in Asia, the kidney washing procedure has a lot a lot a lot appointement !
Meaning too salty, too heavy taste, ....people really got a lot of disease, and middle age, they gain weight on the belly.
When you getting old, and getting sick, you will feel horrible in life. Not just you losing the friends at the same time, your life you don't feel anything to moving on. Nutrients in the juices has a lot of things that generate the life force.
That regenerate your body.
9 cups a day
Normally I used to do its every hour.....Eben only getting 9 cups from 9 to 5...that is not a lot, you know. You have no other ways, but that ways to filter the entire blood out. That is the only way, you keep supply and replenish.
Every half hour...
No wonder I calculate it wrong...something funny I see these number wrong.
I don't usually stay on the computer, if I walking all around, his cup is empty, I just fillng, water, hot tea, juice mix warm tea....less cold for the winter, unless he has a preference the juice must be cold?
If he drinks it down, he doesn't know, he says I know?
There are different types of soup.
Rice soup, noodle soup, I think he eats millets, or pasta? Which kinds of Italian pasta, they are in 101. I actually like to stew, slowing cooking liquids....
I like herbs, liquids, certain things I just staring at that liquids.....
Tomato, i don't necessary like those italian traditional sauce, I eat it, but not that I loving it. However, with tomato, Asia cuisine, that ingredient just some what there, still makes something in a particular soup, kinda like milestone - that is the recipe name right? "Milestone"?
There is an Asian version with the potato.
When you becomes very skillful in the liquids, soup, there are only particular combination you use herbs, spice....
No, I don't really know what Eben or Craig suppose to find out !!!
Rice its a rice cook that you can just buy the ugliest Taiwanese rice cooker. There is a function in them....its just ugly to be on display, if you say in America, you compare those Asian houses. There is other uses for that ugly rice cooker.
大同電鍋長的很醜,可是 ...他有功能呀 ! 有些人不太在乎那種事情 ...反正在台灣不會有人在乎那種事情呀 !
Right now I eat my mother prepare food for me
I cook, I will cook white thin noodles, with those looks like Zucchini cut in thin long...kinda like melon. Green.
And Cilantro.
But my mother prepares a lot more stuffs, like chinese pancake, with vegan cheese chinese cabbage stew, and sweet potato baked.
I am on the process food. Right now.
But I have been juicing for how long? Few months now. My mother says there is an effect when I started to juicing ...
I think if you actually starting juicing, and still on the process food, like rice, noodle, instant noodle, pasta, bread....just the juicing effects, do you ever go to Dr. Gabriel he ever says on the TV?
Girls when they were young, some are very thin. I know that.
But I met....many. My host mother, and landlady...They become gigantic fat and they have the health issues.
I don't really talk to Dr. Gabriel or reading his stuffs, I am in Taiwan.
I think juicing and your skin....If you look at those people, whom eat food, their skin, or just look at their physical body, tired, to shrink there eating.
I saw that today, its like eye bags benearth them.
I am watching my own photo every day, that I put on the blogger, I will tell you... I see Asian people's face today!
That is everywhere I turn inside there.....
It cannot be that bad, can it?
Today I walk to look at food, I just passing by a table to happen looking at those two customers were there.
I was not intentionally looking at their face or eyes....
The birds on my roofs....there are not human.
Today I see human other than my mother.
... ...
Was I thinking too much? I wasn't paying attention, now I am seeing my monitor, I am ....paying attention?
Diet plan, you may not say fitness plan. Because I only working on the diets !
When I was in America, I wasn't decided what to eat, so I eat white bread, or chocolate in the vending machine. Like Hersey, I will tell you that is so concentrate sugar, although that is not sweet at all.
I use to eat that, because no one really teaching me what to eat, or health wise...I don't have anything in my head that time. Not nutrition, not health.
But when I met nick, he told me he ate only 2 meals. He started to talk about a lot about health.
To me was ...that is a greek to me. Becuase the nutritional class, that was in middle school, not anywhere in college. I never heard about raw, juicing, or his Italian bread is better than the regular process store white white white white bread....those stain in the milk and become....gone! Those white bread.
I used to make a simple sandwitch machine, to press the cheese in between two bread, and that was my life to go to work. I drive on the highway to get down to downtown Buffalo. Its every day.
That is very dangerous to be on the highway.
🥪🍲🧀 In order to live with nick, I just look at what he does....he does pasta. I actually eat everything he comes out. They are all vegetarian. One day, SMCH says to go vegan, and we did.
Nick does not use sugar.
I cook at home sugar, yeah....
At that time, he told me curezone, so I started to get interested why my periods is so painful. That psychic response in me, was...I am with a guy, I want to get rid of the bad breath.
That was 2006 started.
That is a decade pass, I will tell you, days go so far away, I don't remember anything anymore. That is how bad, everything changes or transformed.
I want to relate how you love food. I really trying. But today I just stand there. I keep standing there, not that I don't try. I don't know how ! I went to everyone this food store, to convinience store.
I just don't like any of them. That is a cool breezing air, if you meet someone like that, just seeing food are far away substance....I don't really remember how I got here, all that....but its one by one I dissolved that food wants. Because I experiment to harshly on the body, I cannot get soy sauce a drop. My kidney screams.
Those things become a side effects, because I had so much pain to start eating food, every fasting detox week after.
Although I don't detox anymore, which most people will tell you, why not....I just don't do that anymore, still, that bodily response I will tell you, I have no more feeling to see those food, wanting to put in my mouth.
SMCH does say something probably on that. I am not sure she says it because she knows, or she just says it.
People have a karma to a world, that related to food. There are those on the very Top, that doesn't have affinity with food, if I say that right, there is something about you all crave, and loving food, I can see, that is a very helpless situation.
Even if one day, you follow every protocol I did, you still seeing those food, you start to have want to eat those food.
I don't have that.
You will fall back, okay?
Because that is not supported. Your habits inside you, something about food, or taste, or seeing, of all that...
If you telling me you like to be with your friends and family, and you see those food is with that, okay....I think you have a reason to feel the festivity. But you indulge inside the sense, called the food palate.
Yogananda has a book details a lot of sense, which I say, those are Greek to me okay?
Your body is connecting to a lot of wants. He defines that as a desire.
To me...that is a useless things you are saying. What desire?
Eating food is a desire?
You desire to be famous, and you lose thin weight, will do that....that is a desire and badly want. That is helpless you want....not eating !!!
With whom you all coming these Eben or Craig, or a lot of people in every age bracket now, they can get someone's name to stand right in front of you.
You don't want to try?
Does the guy like to see the girls loving the food so much?
If you start it now, in 5 years, you are in front of those, that 5 years later freshman. Eben and Craig may not be your age brackets. And they can have unlimited people coming out, near by, adjcent by....having your prince charming methods to that Bieber or Shawn kinda like....
Think about it !
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖I always wonder how people live in humilation so publicly unsorted you all getting the assorted Chocolate box? 💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞
That is what the National Mascot is for !
Do you decide if you working on your own diet, for 5 years starting now?
Like I used to after the college, I gradually started from Stevia. I heard Chocolate bad for the period those stuffs?
You cannot get there in first day with Craig, you set yourself goal to meet his standard?
You need a niche
In my graduate school, that was when I was with nick.
He has a lot of these speakers I don't know where he collects them. So one of them, is a PhD from Mark Jouyner side. Nick bought Mark Jouyner stuffs, but there was a PhD professor I just went to ask him, if I can collects my MLS paper to send to him...
I forget what was the assignment. I email him. He replies me.
I go ahead to live one semester...what I did was in the end of that semester I generate all the things I put in one report, I sent him a copy, I send the school a copy, and I used his name saying I did a reference from him. Not recommandation letter, not actually an intern. I forget what it was....just one of those days I decide to call someone do something.
He agrees.
You want to do something, just trying outside your comfer zone? They may reject you, depends on your sincerity and you tell them what you do?
I don't receive much message back, so I keep sending what I finish stuffs? It was a paper !
I look at my own resume, I start to remember whom that is....really.
🥪🧀🍲🥘🌭🥧 So do you know now, the difference between you and Eben, or ETR Craig Ballantyne, Mat, R guys + Masterson. You don't think Masterson is important?
Do you know what you wrote in content, sometimes people hire the professional editor to write those article pieces?
There are words that certain users or the visitors, they see, they read, they click away? Have you run into those sites, you just click away, how long you stay on that pages? What were you looking for? Those are not the website you wish to see?
Do you know that is what they are doing on the Internet, they see full ads on the junks sites? Do you like to see those sites? Do you click on facebook ads? Ever?
How do you describe your usability tests how you see the internet landscape? If you run a compoany, you will have to do those userbility tests, and you hire whom to do those IT department jobs? Statistic department, no more librarian jobs?
Do you know what is the reason you hire a professional people to write Obama's speech?
There is a name for you know what is the name of that? The professional editors? You mean the personel.....I mean the content ...
Like in college, there are "creative writing", have you ever heard about?
There is "deductive logic" class, where you make your statement in logic clear.
Do you know what I am saying?
So those advertising content in the forms of marketing, they called them "The Copywriting".
You cannot hire me to become the professional editors for your military boss no matter how long you staying here to play dummy, and copy and paste. I am an immigrant, my first language is not native American.
And when now, you talking about my habits, in writing to get worsen when I get into one of those mood to yell at people, those things do not go on to the public television. Those public airs says, understand?
There is a certain formality you do things as the professional !! You hire the professional people to tell you what is the best you go to whom to talk to, or whom you should hire with, they done what jobs? Like my house one block away the efface constructional sites.... even if they are fighting about the mood with that 101 building, they still need to hire the most professional to go there and sit, to fight about in the degree there are professional language in them. Why or how to do all that?
Not imagination in your head space stuffs, you go to jail if you do things like Ola, Tamang, or Tina, those playing dates to say calendar in the years of months you sit in the jail .....
The formality in doing things, you bring the system in, you suppose to organize your life to the degree, when you graduate from your school, undergraduate or graduate, you are ready to be blend in to the society.
It might be a corperate structure, it might be just debating what you do with your life.
But not that you playing tricks to say, you breaking law, those very unlawful things, no matter what. In the real career fields of those every cross fields, multi-disciplinary, you bring the most professional people to work together, so things do not fall apart at the time of trial. You put into a correct formats or system, so there is a back up plans - like a National Emergency under the COVID 19,
There is no electricity, whom should be there?
Comedium and public speakers?
Nurse, Doctors, Legal specialists to preserves certain legal documents?
You have certain things you reacts on that first emengency moments, when everyone is running around, and you certainly put Tamang, Ola, and Tina those kinds into a jail format, never degree they stay in the zone, that those times come, they just do things behind to hurt everyone.
The driver needs to supply the medical equipment, the water, the drinks, the food. To the school play ground, to the hospital, to the church.
You have singer or comedium to take away the public stressful situation there is no heating sources, or the Earth quake disaster...
You put into a system, that you suppose to know there are values in everything when you become that national emengency personel...not hiding behind, you damage your own eye sights...where no one can works, if there is no eye glasses?
What if there is a time, the eye glasses cannot be used?
Do you ever think that we just sit there, to pray to God, that is the governments they suppose to deal all that? Yeah?
You should be thinking a little bit what you can offer to the society, in those time that you can help others in front and the back. You need to sit down to eat, some people can get up and run things...
😝😝😝🍟 Do you want to know some Internet basic terms? Like you buy from Goddaddy is a domain expense, you park a nameserver to have a cpanel to keep the joomla, that is another real expense
That is 12 months a year....
And if you add to Sitesell, that they have winter Christmas speical for 2 sites one price, they used to do?
After one year, you expire all that, you lost everything?
So which package things you would tell Eben or ETR Craig, the basic basic terms, what your so little few money to spend on trying?
Eben & Craig Ballantyne Business model
They probably don't care about those small tiny expense anymore. But do you know yourself, your T-mobile Zeta Jones photo commercial phone package, your utility bill, your internet bill, your electric/gas bill are utility bill?
Or you getting a house, that is a morgage and insurance bill?
Right now I am living with my mother, not in the US, no credit cards anything, so no more internet? I can only use Google blogger, that is the only places I can really use, for free? So just ugly template you all meant, how to design their demo package to sale Dean's photo?
That was their Google I say, he is dead position in Flower Thousand Bone.
if Google does not agree to pay Dean, I do not need to give him that money at all.
When you start to do something, you gonna always hide behind the interface? Like behind the monitor? Even including the YouTube Channel? Your voice, your talk, your photo?
Anything connects to Flicr? Are you sure, that is how limited your small tiny business, where you take off, you will be far away from the human civilization? How many sites you pretend your parents built for you, or you yourself will build an author's page? Like Anna gives to Chinese little monk and little kids? In 20 years, they still seeing that same page profiles?
Anna's blogger Author's page
You wish you would explore what business opportunity, a physical warehouse?
So you are helping your parents, on access ? Microsoft Access, or Excel sheet? You doing e-commence? That you don't use sitesell....that is for Amazon? Shopping cart intended?
Is that virtual product, like digital format wireless products? I am sure your payment methods are wireless, to see Adam's next year tax situation?
Do you want to make a sense to your parents, your ideal lifestyle its to hide behind scam everyone money, even my mother got a phone scam when I come back? Right now the crisis?
Eben and Craig is in front of the stage, when you telling them, how you "hide" behind, you wish to be part of their life, you sure about that with Craig? and the Rest of ETR? I think Eben has so many friends, they can just magically call out some names when he shows up, when all of you ready?
I probably don't expect a lot of wedding invitation if you all doing that .....
Maybe you should be able to know why you need a budget to begin your fantasy of living a righteous life. Some people don't need a budget, they cannot make a sense themselves, that is one thing....
You suppose to be a little bit useful, don't you think?
Prince William he speaks French, if he is on the stage, I would be appaluse to him, that I cannot understand a word he says...and wait til one day I psychically learn imagine what little words he says here and there.....
Usually France, they have human just look at the stage below, what is on their faces.
I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.
URL: Website preparing in progress....
You know what I mean? Not Tamang gun on facebook trying to threaten to get a job..... UB is the biggest local school at Buffalo. So when you...
赤河魅影 昨天在還願的那個人死了 ! 三個月前 (第五集) 38 80 神官出現 ! 我其實不希望有人出現 81 麥子那是由基 ( 我家小妹) 尋找龍之眼? 這所有事情會不會太過剛巧?
Its Chinese telling me, or us wide big screen that..... You form a hippi riot groups, how many your connections to all their Royal Family, y...