
⭐️⭐️ So Mathrew, which side of the flag, you gonna take? ⭐️⭐️

 You are the Earth, or you are the ghost?

Like an astral projection looking at the Earth.

There is only One America.

I think who ...Kristen Stawart getting married to her gf?

The Vampire's gf.

Do you want to tell your buddy to get married?

He has the same birthday like JC?

He is Alexandro's age.

How coincident, his initial....you are M M ?

Do you read Bible yet, on their initial? And? Maybe you should ask him if he believes the Bible?

Is he popular in his age groups? That guy?

I have no ideas if all your marriage is real, or fake, Mathrew.

No, I don't know if you met online, or you met behind, or Keanu's gf die, was a tragedy. Highway 101. I been there. Near the Hollywood. 

Maybe you should ask Keanu, he is the One. What he thinks ...

Does Shawn like Victoria Secrets, on Romance Journey?

His company likes those sequences, or they getting married for that reason??

There is a lot of reasons, people doing a lot of things, Mathrew.

You can prepare a lot of things you telling them, before they say, they getting married.

... .... ....

Wait ...

( .... talking to Rockfeller, this Katherine says now everyone has to treat her a meal at least 200 dollar each. Her head is so broken... there are girls like this stupid bimobo)


Have you ever think why there is Dean/ Justin position to Alexandro / Justin Bieber?

You Mathrew with Shawn positions? 


Do you eat chocolate? Recently I am getting a lot of this chocolate this chocolate that ...

Is M & M, with & in the middle?

oh ~~~ 

Do you draw paint? like how do you draw S?

Do you see Mona Lisa, on the left side back.....you see S or its my eyes sight? Problems?

I used to just stare at these painting .....because I don't have a TV.

I thought Simon is S, so Keanu is on the right. There is a bridge.

Like have you just forgotton all the TV for now.

And re-align all the Painting cards. Because I am the magician? If you see Sakura Clear Card?

I know they are cartoon.

But lets say, we use all these painting to re-construct of a doom shape of....whatever giant space.

They become a painting big painted statue on the clothes, for the good purpose intended...of each of this direction, to make a meaning out of it? 

Like right Coordinate.

X, Y  Z ?

Normally math is only X and Y.

But we are in the 3D, there is a Z !!!

Z is not S.

But the Painting says S

But Z represent 26 alphabet. Keanu has a 26.


A B C D are 1 2 3 4

But in numerology, they align, are not 26 numbers.

They only go by 1 to 9.

Like your name is Shawn Mendes

or you tear apart your name?

Sh own a mendes?

Mandala, Tibetan.

Sednem nwahs

s e d n e m n w a h s

SE like south east

d= in Chinese = is 是

e = in Chinese = I  我

ne = In Chinese = you 你

you and I min wa hours.

wa= I in Taiwanese.

Between the Time, there is a I.

In DNA langauge like my book says, there is no I in the language. There is only One

Oneness. One= you = me.

So if saying 

You and I minutes Oneness hours.

Kinda like ....

You and I Timeless forever....kisses hugs kisses hugs those?

How sweet ....

Do you want to get a Time Glass? Looks like S, kisses hugs kiss, just starting at it?

Maybe one day you will see it ?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....