
Simon, how is your back?

 You just buy that stuffs, put as much as you want it, on your back.

Tincture or cream. That is a semi-solid Dr. Christopher box things. You scoop a big chunk and put on your back.

You in-take powder, and apply eternal.

They are just like they say on the testimony.

You take 2 capsules 3 times a day. After your meal.

If you eat less, you probably get better quicker. 

Science world, the girls number already very little. The science + music + art ?

Like buying stuffs?

You know why they have this Composure magazine with a lot of fashion market magazine?

Because there are a lot of girls don't know how to do make-up, or fashion clothes with the shoes.

You can just go to Chemistry UB page, to see all the faulty members.

Yeah I know them too. They were my professors actually. Dr. Aga, and Dr. Chembler.

Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry


I don't know what to tell them.

I read you are sociology, Simon?

oh ~ so you do statistic? 

Just one photo issues, already bad enough.

Talking skills .... all these people in the common ground, let's say 1900 that crowd?

Rockefeller has this hundred turn ways of things she meant she has to win that argument. I don't even bother with this. I just leave.

But that quality like Rockefeller or Edison.

They are the same.

They have that quality. They don't go harsh types of personality. They do things so they can win all the times. 

A person in life, supposed to have some quality to say, "The fittest of the survive" 

No, they would not go and die, those types.

Simon, you talk, so people will find where you are. Let's say even if you lament on the newspaper I heard that. You could just say nothing, and go disappearing! You don't even ask for others people to come to you.

There are some people, when you say, they are at the edge of the groups of those people, their color is black. Like Ms Congeniality 2 that kid, her hair.

These people they carry knifes, they laugh at the strangest thing on their face. They heard something, they thought those are treasure meant, they go behind door to do their own research, and they disappear! You would not know where they are, where they will be, where they gonna do next. And one day they come back and tell you the strangest of things, as if they need approval. You try to ask them, what did you do? And their answer is you are not listening to what they tell you to do.

Whatever that is.

🎁💝💖💞🎁💝💖💞 I did went to Harvard, MIT and Duke, I think 3 Medical Center to send them a video of mine. If they follow behinds, that is added CIty of Hope and Roswell.

They have the science groups or MD groups, supposed to be more trustworthy. 

You know if saying I am off the school 16 years. Right now they are just graduate from the school, to work on this Hollywood stuffs. They can come out something if they come forward.

But I am not sure how fruitful results are those. 

Becasue Toby was from Duke, we were in the same lab with Dr. Bing Shen in City of Hope.

So I went to Duke.

MIT is becasue they are everywhere in Contact (1997) or Tim Qo Tu, OU language. But no, I didn't explain all that to them.

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