
⭐️⭐️ And Mathrew, Apple Tree is a vascular plant. I talked about that in Chinese. ⭐️⭐️

The vascular plant meaning, they are living breathing things. Apples are not living breathing things like the vascular tubes inside the apple tree trunk inside, those transporation of the root water, up to the green leaves. The green leaves has the photosynthesis to gives the nutrition from Sunlight to turn into the energy sources, that allow the apples to grow on the apple tree.

The apple is the fruit on the trees. The tree produces the apple. At least you Mathrew knows that much? Apple is the fruit from the tree?

Your ship does not have girl in it ?

That would never has a fruit of "it" ! or imagine, or ever ever after?

It would never happen that you don't have an apple, or the girl, ...if you read the Autobiography of the Yogi? Apple means sex.

But saying that, you don't have a girl, or an apple....

Magically nothing will ever happen !  


Apple only grows on the apple tree. They don't grow on every other tree. That is impossible ! So if saying that the Apple grows on the tree. The statement supposed to be correctly said:

Apple grows on the (apple) tree.

Got it? Not any other tree.

Only on the apple trees! At least you won't get this things wrong?

The Newton Boys? Movie?

I haven't watched any movies, other than the TV airs.

No ! Newton laws....or the things that happen with Newton = any human, including you Mathrew.

Its that, the apple falls from the tree, he Newton found out the law of gravity.

That has nothing to do with the tree or the apple.

Nothing !

Gravity is on Earth, not the Tree, not the apple.

Its the Earth.

Newton is = a variable = a human. (or any type of human )

Newton boy, if specically saying that is a guy?

But the truth is: Newton is the guy. The Newton law is from that guy, called Newton. Not Newton boy.

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