
Let's try again...the apple falls from the tree, its because of the gravity. Its not because of the humanity all falls together !!!

 The fallen, or the falling states of mind, let's say, happy, or sad, or degenerate of consciousness only to soak in self-absorption to a suicidal rate....

You want an Apple?

You eat the fruits, doesn't make you fallen.

The fallen spirit of the humanity, let's say the fallen angel. You all believing these angel this angel that, I have a tooth fairy on my roof types....

That is a consciousness, your consciously doing it, if your mind playing tricks on you, or you are not feeling well, or you are too stress, your mind going every direction.

That has nothing to do with you eating a poison apple, like a snow white !!! 




你要吃蘋果嗎 ?

你吃蘋果會讓你墮落嗎 ?

那墮落的人類靈魂,像說墮落天使,你們都相信那種有天使這有天使那個,我頭上屋頂就有一個 美國類別的小孩卡通天使叫做有應必求~有求必應的那種小天使 Tooth fairy (我還沒有搞懂美國到底在講哪種東西! )



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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....