
I was reading something ....you know, I have to run a text publishing ....about ET | 小鬼小和尚聽著 ~~~我寫你們課本的!

 Human always talk about the ET wars. Or we between each other wars, and then saying ET warring us.

So that means they have a higher standard of Military weapons, we are a civilization can just die.

Or any part of the land, just die out.

But I will tell you, isn't that our jobs to ensure not one person die, if they ET meant we just all die on one region of them, sounds very very wrong?

That is not right.

我說妳們呀 ! 人活在一種世界上是說我們一天到晚戰爭 ~ 不是跟人戰爭就是跟 ET戰爭

但是因為你們都聽說 ET 武器比較好,你們的自動就覺得一整個區域的人死光了~是正常的!



還有,不要去相信什麼叫做 ET 叫我們通通去死的武器設備,在這個世界醫學系的人


絕對沒有叫做一整群人就死了,因為現在講 ET戰爭的關係! 叫做所有事情必須的


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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....