
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Vartan : on Austin Family ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 康和建設 I think my mother told me, long time ago they already bankcrupt, but the stocks of that still exists.


When we went to China Expo, that guest lists are from Fox.cnn sponsors. I thought it was Austin's family. It was from my cousin to her father surgeon connection. I have no ideas how she got it through, we went to the VIP guests lists. For the China Expo.

There is no way, you could just go to that expo by yourself without the VIP guests lists.

So This March I guess a news break out.

And yesterday or today, they go to jail.

Not Austin.

His family cousin side.





My mother says they are not Fox.cnn.

Fox.cnn are Hong Kong electronic. Those gossips, she knows the best ....

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