
Hi Vartan, do you know your ....Alias, her friend, is also in Robin William's movie, Something hunter?

 Good Will Hunting ... (1997)

That is very close to a movie on the wedding and a funeral. Hugh Grant movie?

oh ~ 

I thought Ben Afflix and Jennifer they were a couple? 

oh he went to another Jennifer Lopez?

2018 ...on Garner's profile.

Do you see JC's photo on the Wiki? They have to take him a photo like that?

You know Vartan, I don't really know that many people in the Hollywood. But they have written some article or photos on Steve Jobs. 

They talk about Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates like Tesla and Edison.

One of those article.

When Steve Jobs got kick out of the Apple, he was 30?

His photograph was black and white.

I used to make him a video on podcast....

I still remember that photo.

Like you watch Steve Jobs almost the last one or two years talking about, Apple finally surpass Microsoft, and he feels....


And Vartan, that Wiki, Apple says ...til 1985, on Steve Jobs profile.

There are a couple movies talks about that person, called Steve Jobs.

There are employees talk about him.

There are close people, whom know about him. He was never close to his family.

For this Harry Potter, if he is coming back, that means, he lies to his kids, and now he will take their roles to go party, you know?

That kinds of things, are very real. I believe that.

Tim Cook is important

and Eben is important too, you know ! 

If the movies puts a gun, on that Michael Fassbender's head like he plays Steve Jobs but looks like Tim Cook.

That means exactly how it says like it is told that story.

oh no, someone they hire the professional to set up that stages, meaning they have a professional MD or some guys or girl to ensure none of that will happen.

But yeah, he as a person he has a feeling too.

Especially he knows about the movies. The great play of that movies are always in people's hand.

He wants people to see him as a savior, yes, in which he will hinder my jobs. Apple makes me, not making him.

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