
No, you say this ....

 Their evolution is close to us. They are humanoid.

Meaning, they stand, they walk, they breath, they talk, or telepathy as a completely full grown beings standing right in front of you, as the physical manifestation from God.

We are all the Kingdom of God's children.

That is what you will say.

They develop their brain differently, they development their motion in space might be different from us. Like can they leap, can they jump high, how tall are they, do they have a tail.

Is their physicality evolved by their certain nature of the evolution that accustomed to the weather of their home planet, or home galaxy, whichever those elements of air, is differed from the Earth? 

Meaning the temperature.

Are they more harsh to their skin ? Do they have the sand storms all the time, is their eyes have this eye lid like the human to blink the eyes?


How do you define the monkey and the human?

The brain.

The brain evovle different.

The monkey cannot talk into a specific language, their learning of their math or alphabet is not like the human.

They called them the Apes.

Can you say the humanoid everywhere in the galaxy, are all based on the brain?

Correct. All based on the brain. That is how you sing, how you count, how you balance your motion, how you feel sensitivity of the environment to able to have a faster response, if someone stares at you.

People from outside does not always looks like ET right?

You called them the other race of civilization. They are human looking. Like you watch those star gate, star war.

So ET is not lizard?

No. They are humanoid. They have a brain, very high evolved brain even. High IQ.

So if they say they ET are lizard family?

That is none sense. They are the humanoid. God creates man with his own image. But what you could say is.... You saying about lizard, like do you drink milk? Do you know if a lizard like milk? They smell milk in the fridge?

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