
I don't like this template, the background, this was Purna's website I design for her. (Climate Change)

 When you finish the report, I gonna change the background image. 


ET 要告你們嗎 ? 洪水氾濫?


Are you actually here, Ma'am Ching Hai? If ET decided to sue you in the court, do you have any plan in place to say things about yourself?

你們就說你們只是一個道姑 ! 

Like you are just a less educated monostary nun. You don't really have a background in science nor in ET studies. But I am getting to understand either side of New technology. I am not intended to flood the world, but that is how the ending unfolding. I didn't prepare this to be this open wide preaching when I started. To deliver 3 World sentient beings was technically a vow, whenever anyone decide to renounce the world, by from my opinion of view, its not everybody got delivered on my plate, or else, the world would have become a paradise? 

你們其實隨便寫個東西,講的像個樣子就行了 ! 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....