
10 界

 You know in 2018-2019 I did an evaluation with SMCH, with her medical report.

Its that she went to UN to do a public talk.
So that has to do with the 5 Worlds. I say, that is 13 syallbus, with 5 Worlds ideas on maps, my RNA maps.
So in this video I upload, I told her about Flower Thousand Bones, 10 Worlds.
Or you saying 10 dimension, that kind of ladder, it just the Chinese Words sounds different.
Plus, her newest saying in Hungary Retreat, she explains to you, the ultimate world are 6789, not 10, there is no number after that.
But there is an OU language and the Victoria Secrets.
I speak in Chinese.
Like 10 界
and that sounds of the words 界
sound like the word of "precepts" or "commandment".
It just happens to be the similar words sounds 戒
Same sounds, different words.
What time they upload on Saturday? 5:45 or 6:45?
我說我在 2018-2019 跟清海無上師解釋所謂,醫學報告呀 !
她不是去 聯合國做演講叫做五個世界
所以跟這個五個世界的 13 音有關呀 ! 就是我的地圖呀 ~ 我的 RNA 地圖呀 !

所以在這個影片上傳我在講花千骨的十界呀 !
你們不記得嗎 ?
所以說十界還是十個宇宙空間還是哪個字好了~因為中文界跟戒 是一樣的音呀 !
但是你們師父不是說 6789 ? 沒有十呀 ! 在 Hungary 的時候說的不是嗎 ?
但是在  Pusu 語言跟 Victoria Secrets 都有說呀 !

像說十界 就是像十戒或是十個上帝給的什麼聖經的東西
叫做 Commandement
這剛好跟這字依樣呀 !
她們是五點還六點上傳呀 ? 5:45 pr 6:45


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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....