
Geography (River, Same Taiwan and Tonawanda)

 Taiwan River is upper stream at South part, they flow to the North.

Same like Tonawanda there.

我說台灣的河流的方向是南邊是上游,在水牛城的有一個地方的名字跟,赤河魅影的皇太后的尊稱是一樣的,但是我說北的那一個 North Tonawanda

你們的台北 Metro 呀 ! 木柵線那一條

迪恩(夢幻遊戲的善導寺) 在藍線過去 ...我還沒有跟他說, 他在佛州的那一張可愛的夢幻遊戲團體照! 我記得我擺在網路上~我找不到我電腦的檔案 ! 

Dean, your role or position in Florida, its on a comic book called 夢幻遊戲

The color TV, a diagram has your position. Its a monk.

Ola has a lot of worm, that Japanese animation

"Dream exchange a game."

I have that diagram, I show to people already.

Its a cute group photo, your position is at FL.

Picture = 照片、圖檔

Desktop background photo= 桌布

Chinese = 中文

Tradition Chinese= 繁體中文

Simply Chinese =簡體中文

Law = 法律

Lawyer = 律師

Court room = 法院 

President Xi = 習近平

In Chinese, real Chinese language, China does not have a president. Their leadership is called 主席

President =總統

Original Guy overthrown the China Dynastry to today democracy world, he establish the organization from Haiwaii. His name is 孫中山

The Original Commander-in- Chef of the millitary leadership, his name is 蔣中正

the WWII photo sign treaty, he is 蔣中正

The migration of that Power moves from mainland to Taiwan, its the regime of 蔣中正

He has a son name 蔣經國

They both have a memorial hall here, making like a tourist places, or School kids can go there to practice roller blades, or flag throwing. A lot of activities can take place to that


That is on the subway.

That subway are 4 leadership of Flower Thousand Bone.

And that 中正紀年堂 = Prince WIlliam that position.

This memorial hall are for the Military Leadership 蔣中正

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