
My period is 2.5 days

I wonder...if growing tall on nick....it can be done?

Smallville  (TV 2001 - 2011)

These Japanese pads....They using pain killer inside right? You all can just try on him, don't try on me, yet ... 

But I tell you, that Dr. Bing Shen's first daughter looks like Lana, and she makes Tamang to show up a gun in W Two Worlds? Like that? Everything looks very very bad at it. I don't know how to tell you, it looks ....very much like you won't have a next life coming here on that American behind records, with just that looking on the TV screen !


What were they saying about the birth certificate from ET?

What? oh ~! Those are Project Camelot were saying...I don't think you mean I say, that American behind, that is not what Project Camelot says. Its I say...

I don't actually remember what they keep saying about Obama birth certificates at all.


I think you make a New York Resolution

Like you will slim down some weight issues. Looking for more happy way to deal with your life. Solving your life crisis in a more sufficient ways. Talking to your parents more often.

Exploring your possibility to the new venture online. 

Learn to see more groups efforts, working together, collaborating together. How to polish yourself, with the manner, with eating table gathering, seeing more professional netoworks.

Going out of your comfer zone. Finding yourself a more supportive atompshere, and growing to see what's your plan for the next 16 years, if your friends are not planning to kill all of you yet....that day ever comes !

You might be cluster with everything you have....you have to quiet down sometimes, to get your life in motion inside you, contemplate clearly, where are the everything !

You do that a lot inside planning, you will stablize yourself one of these days.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....