
You make a joke on your life !

That is what you intend to do that...... yeah?

You like how Simon looks? You hate it.

You like Howard looks? You despite at it.

You like Eben sounds? You surely hate it faking it hell....that you go !!


I only put a few degree of human face like cutting your faces in bleed inside and outside?

Tell me Simon, you like One Direction?

There is a gap....

But I also remind you, there are other huge gapping.....you keep going down, or you just look where you ought to be looking no matter what.

You all like to fabricate stuffs, when you decide what its the most convenience to you


Okay ! 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....