
Tea, cup, golden spoon, pastry …

 Me and Annca

We look at him and next by him few right.

It must be vowing to death, that cup of sip tea was a sugar free vanilla ice sugar, I am sure !!

You can use powder sugar…
It’s just Trump kids do to him, Obama kids do to him …

What’s like to have a father ?

My father cannot do a thing !! I probably have to arrange a lot of things. He does his own hobbit …be happy that whatever hobbit he ever had …


Baking soda for cookies fried bread, baking powder it’s aluminum in it …..

It’s better you shift the flour !! Because they are the President. 
Shift the cocoa powder or carbo powder.

Kitchen moding are thick, your pre-heat temperature and following the recipe might be really helping !!

Orange peel or lemon zest …are different uses …to feel very taste refresh !!

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