
Mc Donald


You want to purchase like 4 of you or 5 roughly Mc Donald fish burgers, throw out all the bread, just that one concentrate fish patty?

You put on a plate, and you just wash like handful parsley 2 3 4 5 6, just do one/two/ three good herbs, you wash, you pick small leaves out one by one in the small bowl, and you leave all on the side on the plate, with a ketch up decorating?

You cook some rice or pasta next by?

You drizzle those seasoning parsley, on the rice or the pasta, or Oregano....salt, pepper....

You mince that Chinese chives?

You love how to utilize all the herbs inside the kitchen?


My hobbit likes certain jobs myself...all your agitation, you train yourself more with these small tiny jobs? 

A lot of Chinese leafy vegetables, they are all required to cleaning....how you all washing yourself the vegetables? Greens?


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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....