
Silas Rader, UB spectrum. New Editor, like my brother in Michigan Daily. Jason Pang Jao

Smallvile News Daily 

My brother is from University of Michigan. 

Jonas happened to be a PHD student, one time I told my brother to go there see him. I don't think he went. Jonas is the chemistry degree, I think, Silas. Do you remember seeing this kind of formating in columnist? A horizontal bar. Melinda is a sell's department, but her boss, I think its Helena? She is proof reading, right next to me, in the front desk. Does she checking this formating, like a horizontal bar? Or its your friend Silas?

Smallville those times are very popular TV, like Dr Surgeon Nic Top? Melinda used to tell me how she usually watching those. Maybe just not on Smallville.

My brother's writing materials are on the Internet. Michigan Daily or news. He is a business major, not chemistry major.

Movie: In Time, by Justin Timberlake

That movie main character is : Will Silas.

But Justin's real son's name is like Silas too.

Like Simon's son is Eric.


Sailor Moon 90s Japanese Cartoon

They re-make this comic book 3 times. 90s Sailor Moon, and Crystal Season 1, and 2, and 3.

I am telling you, I used to know that Sailor moon inside out. Dennis suppose to be that Earth Prince looking, if he is associated with them 4 girls. The first few video I air on the facebook. Like the Mummy girl, she is blind, when being revive, that kind of the states of mind, to find whom leaking that secrets to the Victoria Secrets....someone would never think, that is the murder right next door....like the Spider Man. People have those quality inside them. 

That guy is a vegetarian, name Tony, the spider man. Tobey.

Like Hungary Resurrection Sunday !

(The screenshot has this file number, when I took the photo, you shouldn't get the number wrong, if in case, the sequence are off.)

Sailor Moon: 4 Heavenly King

They are Buddhism concepts, there are 4 Heaven Kings. In Asian, there are 4 Heavenly Kings in my childhood time. They are not dead yet.

But most American don't know them. There are also 4 small Heavenly Kings. Singers too. They just put the names as that.But here, its a comic book, there is nothing looks like them.


Movie: Clueless

I think the guy name Josh, not Joshua, from the Ant Man. Like JC Joshua Chasez. The shopping girl doesn't know her best friend went to tell her, she thinks Josh is hot. After she transforms herself. This rich well blond girl has a daddy, and she doesn't know how to do her charity gifting, so gives her away the ski equipment. UB has a ski club. It just too expensive. Me and Seth both standing there looking at their offices, like we passing by all the time...through the same entrance door on the SA union, third door.

 Drew Berrymore

I don't think that is a very good name. I know what drew means. She and Michael Vartan has a movies on a kiss. And they both went on a recent interivew, they become very old now.
But Berry is my mother's friends husband.
Michael Turkin heard that movie. Its a cancer. Drew Berrymore with her best friend. That is Keanu and Michael position.That is my mother's friend Swallow and Nancy. They both has a husband, those positioning...its a funny tales, I am telling you.

Berry is Leo's father, he is a Jew.

Prince Harry

I just cannot stress that a lot, why you bothering reading their news? Certain thing will never happen in that. Most people actually knowing that.

If you don't start your speech somewhere, its almost everyone does that now. Especially the girls to that Michael Vartan saying the Voka things. Its Vartan's look, or how Vartan saying that scripts are too strong telling you, those are not the right things to do? As if he just knows that scripts? 

Well, if he doesn't know before 2 years ago, right now he is on that case, every single day, wishing you will tell him before Christmas, not Jan 6 on CNN? He can read that himself, or he has to come to Taiwan reading that for you all?

Flower Thousand Bone (China TV 2015 ) & Frozen (2013 )

 They don't really give people the sense of the authority to say why you feel the way you feel, you are psychi wise special....you should not gamble your life, if Dr. T is not here for you to talk, you suppose to very eargerly to find an older MD, or professor, just email him, you need help right now, on advice, why you should not keep doing what you are doing, to gambling your life away.

People have done their life, like, not the lonelinest soul on the planet, that kind of crowd....like those whom will get a job in the college campus, or some jobs like Intern in graduate school. When getting all this said pay or don't pay works, you understand you have a social relationship you meet that expectation. Everyone in the graduate school will all telling you that, the social network in the conference, to build up your professional networks. 

That professional works connection will helping you in your career, to future collaboration if you just know when you meeting a strange scenario, you are not sure, its all happening inside your head, you talk to them, to reflects everything you should say out with them. Its to respect their works ethic, and your own work ethics.

You are not supposed to gambling your life away, no matter what. 

High School Musical 1, 2, and 3 

Its Disney produce that. Disney channels are popular here also. When I was small, I seen a lot of Disney program kids singing or dancing in the channel. Later its my brother telling me, there are High School Musical. 

Zawanna?  I don't really want to talk about it right now. 

My nerves does not wire on things, that is gamble in nature. It could be all true, but that is not a life to negotiate, when certain things in life just don't meet that standard. 

When people becomes a pair, that means, you live that relationship for your life, to ensure that a lot of things are working smoothly for each other.

If you imagine that is called you could just run your marriage life like a comic books they writing you everywhere, there are 5 guys, my guys, to say, why there are 5 or 10, to becomes 20....including Simon himself becoming double....that kinds of things....

You go out to your college groups again, to find your new fresh looking guys. They were really my classmate, we were all science major meeting in the science class. I just didn't really specify, how I got to UB, from UK away from Adam. That is my personal things in life.

But if Dean ever heard me saying Adam things, I think I did tell the whole TA class...I had a bf, name Adam. Justin might heard it.

You first had a bf, then one day, you might have a relationship. You working on that relationship hoping everything will work out when you meeting a decent guy, not a junk guys to say gun on your face to hurt everybody else.

I receive this video on the right side column, first video, i keep clicking on ...

i have no ideas, why they are situate like this. High school musical to O-Town, like wanting people dead? Constantly always someone states that facts to my face, I am so used to, I am not sure the Police hearing that warning, over and over and over again ....as if they don't do a thing in your all imagination.

💞💖💝💞💖💝 I will tell you girls that, when the days you finding out, the guys they can do things, to make sure things are done in the legal way, and never lean towards your wrong doing, yeh or neh, you become hating to be with the guys, and hating to see the guys including they are becoming too threatening on all your face. You becoming hating each day more, how things become not in your favor. You thought just sissy sassy, those low IQ ways of living life can get through them. Because they suppose to supporting you.

You should not think that.

I told you everything true. They might not be the full wings guys yet. But even if this soft kinds of guys, you are already hating them much.

Not to say, if one day they become a full wing guys.

You just hating them each every day more. You don't like the guys, you should just finding some girls to lean on.


Maybe let me try this ...

You broke up, so you imagine ....the thumbnail: You imagine

The 2nd clip its, you meet again? As an enemy or an opponent? 對叱? You want the guy to hit you? By force? 


What can give? or gifts?

What does that mean?


oh ~~!! You mean, like a comic book, you make-up to like you used to be. So you are waiting for the guy to come and apologize? To ask what you need, or do, so you can tell him everything you want it done? Like you and him can plan things?

I keep seeing that all the time.

As if every girls does nothing, but sitting there to imagine that.

No! If you happen to do things wrong, and this scale of things all throw on the TV.

They will never come back again. Never.

I know what you are saying ....you mean all these months, he didn't contact you. You are waiting him on the phone or the messages. You are waiting. Like you don't talk to him the first word, so you waiting him to come and begging you to talk, or response, to him or to me. You want him to come on the first move on that phone ....i never buying that games with nick. He will receive gazillion messages, email, or telephone on the messages, I called. Like I voice out, you will be bothered no matter what !

You just staring at your cell phone every single day?

To see if he leaves you a message, or a text? His last message?

So you are not listening to anything I say to you? To do your professional jobs with Vartan?

No, I don't talk to your guys.

No, I don't message to your guys.

How about we talk on a new post,....here I am writing to Silas for them to go to watching the movies with themselves. How many relationship you ever have in your life?

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