
I thought Nominji's father is in Hollywood? Last time I pass by, I think she lives in West Hollywood...I say that to JC.

You like her, when she was a kid? or you just never liking her, no matter what? 越南小尼姑? She speaks Monogolian? Love of Century, those disciples groups the whole places in that Mongolian somewhere on this planet Earth, dedication to you service SMCH?

They are here, they are not here?

Mongolian, last time, singing my mother a full bus, song. They can sing, and dance to entertainment you, SMCH? None of that your taste, to sit there every anniversary, thanksgiving, Christmas, you be there like 2 long hours, or 4 long hours.....for the camera. 越南小尼姑


Do you Mongolian speak Chinese, like Hong Kong people can read Chinese? 我說蒙古人看中文嗎 ? 某種中文的字,像香港人 ...

所以這蒙古小孩就長大,站在那邊? 我站在這邊看很久了 ... 這好像不是我第一天一直在說蒙古小孩跟緹娜問題,所以這越南小尼姑我 2018 說廢話,她是要還是不要她自己的東西? 

I thought Nominji regardless what, she creates the full YouTube Channel listing for you? SMCH groups? By herself doing all that? 

oh ... ...

She is technically not my stuffs right now. I put that on Tina's profile...and your organization profile.

How long we gonna keep standing where we are, and looking at them. She doesn't look like she is doing any jobs particularly, last time I saw her there 2014. 

The pet they say : !!#$#$#!@$#$#@!$#@$@#$

What? I usually leave my door open ...They live at that roof under, or around, or above it....

They just response it as I writing on it. Like they reading at it, and say something.


 After I did all that 2018-2020

Nominji just went ahead to do herself a channel on all the video, she did all for you, SMCH International association. I put your photo side by side to her... I say Mongolia is in half....

So, you just sit there saying that is Nominji did all that?



Supreme Master International Association Members, Nominji. 蒙古小孩

You liker her being there, or you never like her to be there?

Since she was a baby in your organization, that is 2 and half hours per day, and how many weekend, and retreats to make up your requirements, SMCH? Those things don't say, just stand there?

I never done a thing behind you SMCH, that is what you always say to me. You cannot see what i did on SMTV or Love of Century....

She is on the TV, even I can see it? Since you SMCH so needed these ABC social degree of interaction, you know what I am saying? Hollywood, California, those gold mine used to be generation, where they all coming from, the China, Japan, Korean ABC bracket?

Nominji she is not ABC looking? So her mother is ABC now?

Her entire which side of family I seen them on Buddha song they did for your Supreme Master Ching Hai....they were at snowing places. The guy, the girl, the old guys.

I saw it.

越南小尼姑 Supreme Master Ching Hai (SMCH)

I am so busy at my school UB UK, UT becoming my stuff...  to that entire old Bermuda Line to the new stuffs with YouTuber, Adam and Hailey, just happening their entire family are a religion of themselves Mormon, and MD board on 5 MD them, all to be grouped in one case,... that has to show up entirely on Taiwan, this small tiny, crowded placed, hotel everywhere. 

Not just the holiday are coming, here we are occupied since 2018-2020?

Not 2021?

One month ago, the expedite teams of Medical Boards, just have another excuse to send in another groups on CNN and now they are Conan Detective Crimson Love Letter, for sure...that is City of Hope and Roswell, they both send another expedite groups in. They don't live in hotel, they live on the street? 

I have no time, saying your stuffs SMCH, since I mention to you 2018-2020, that is way more than anything last your whole life time til you are dead, to watching that 700 video if they collect them for you.

The Mushroom professor was the first time, being put more on the spot. Not the first time when I mentioned him long time ago. Or my uncle Dr. Bing Shen, they for sure both be notified? Dr. Bing Shen has 2 daughters, about Nominji age, I think when I used to met them like 20 years ago. One of them is a MD too. How many MD I have to keep talking to, for them to arrive this 5 Star Grand Hotel living fashion stuffs...

Craig was not always on the spot, now he is very sure, he and his Mat and R guys, becomes the new 3 spotlights with his mentor Masterson...

 The list going on things, I never telling you ....SMCH.


If I own an island, and you SMCH to be that useful, to go out this tiny island, of your own country, to collect the entire world garbage to all landing on my island, with the birds, with the pets, with everyone new pets coming together, what I Anna will ever do to you?

Standing there? Keep watching you collecting more and more garbage? You say where you been?

You don't need to welcome my guest, I took over your job, I own the island!!!!

That is even better, someone youth, want to take over my jobs?

 You know what I am saying? You don't welcome my guests? I have no choice, I don't care if you own my island, this is MY stuffs?

You would have all that attitude?


First, i didn't invite them for Christmas, that is tomorrow.

Second, they just show up without telling me.

Third, there are other groups coming in the lines, I know.  

Maybe the President of China or Taiwan, their face is green?

You know how big is this Taipei can that ever be that big?

我說蔡英文的臉是綠的嗎 ? 跟中國主席習近平?

Taiwan is really just that small and tiny island, seriously, no one checking that map, its only 1/4 of Kentucky size. And they have to pick the time like Christmas, to be here. So Taipei is all full quanrantine in the hotel, and i found out the commercial in Taipei TV, regards to the quanrantine, they are using the perfect English on sounding.

我說你們的防疫措施的納的電視,講標準英文 ... 那個老人? 是嗎? 我想知道是台灣被占據嗎 ? 不就一個美國嗎 ?

我說如果我有一個徒弟在我的面前,我的島上稱王,而且是收集全天下垃圾一起出現..叫做她其實不知道到底多少垃圾是多少 ...至少我去尋找的問題? 她到底去做了什麼事情是全天下佔據我的小島上面? 


鳥說 ..它們也是垃圾之一?


My Anna Jao's Stuffs:

The birds says, they are one of the garbage too? Like they are arriving?

So.....I am so busy, I cannot watching over your stuff, SMCH, where you and this Nominji in 對峙的狀態

How do you say that in English?

Translation might be: You hold on to each other stare?


If I am so busy, with my guests here, they are some authority here from Taiwan, I used to know? We just all watching that Conan Detective, for Christmas?

Crimson is a red color?

Collecting your SMCH 越南小尼姑 stuffs:

Nominji she been here in Taiwan, to sing for you main Asharam, you inviting her, to come and join them to just stand there, not you standing there in Taiwan? She knows I am always in seating ....? X Man recently Eric is back? That looks like your German husband 大頭?

I always wonder where he is, where he been, and how he goes about in Germany?

French police is one kind, through the YouTuber, he says he is an American. Then Germany is next by France? Do you find a way, to tell him, he was whom? you are in a pair coming down?

I like that glory, but you don't give a dime now?

He used to be in charge, not you ever been in charge.  

I don't have a time right now to look at after your garbage, you SMCH will always say, that is your stuffs, including that guard I told 子歇, that guard in Thailand retreat, him and his sister looks like a pair in Ancient Chasez that book 花冠安琪兒 from England. The England pair of brother and sister.

Do you care they are police networks? You care the most its that stuffs, if they are uncover you. So can you just open your mouth and talking to them? You just ask them straight forward, are you a police under cover? You care about that knowing, you just asking them, 越南小尼姑

(What's that difference that makes anyway? To you, that makes every difference in the world. To me, I don't see what there is a difference? )


The lists of your SMCH 越南小尼姑's Stuffs

6 months ago or 8 month ago, I told that guy, as if he is here. that looking Ancient Chasez guard guy to you, to go and reading all the stuffs on the comic books, before he shows up again. There is you, 子歇 and him on this island, that time, remember?

That is 8 months ago. You say, his sister is okay, to come tag along. I say okay.

To that my cousin restaurant, she is a short hair Disney. For the people behind in the military to be train? On that story? Ancient Chasez and assasin guard Frank telling that story? So do you positioning all of them, when I mentioning you alll those names? That is 8 months ago. You heart ache, pain and separation anxiety?

Then do you talk to your father, Dr Steven, heart ache pain? Regardless to see how he is doing? These are all your stuffs, I collecting back for you? You are the type, you care you have stuffs, as if, that entire SMTV you ever working for, have none of other stuffs, you can erase this list, to re-make a new one list for me to listen, what else stuffs you got? 

Taipei Contact Person 台北聯絡人是你越南小尼姑的東西吧 ?

They are your stuffs? Do they remember I say they used to be holding you on that stage down in 2007 Taiwan retreat without the gifting peace? If all these people wishing to be on the name list I can say, your stuffs to become my stuffs???? 

我說是不是很多人都很想變成你的東西,然後變成我的東西? 還是她們其實不在乎多少名字你自己用嘴巴念出來,不是我佛站在這裡幫你碾出一張一張紙,叫做他們曾經存在過? 這些東西你在乎的‧到底你要不要把他們輾出來現在? 我一個一個叫出來? 其實你自己就可以去找到他們全部,你來告訴我到底哪些東西是你的? 

為什麼這些人要站出來呢? 叫做安那出現了全天下垃圾,他們站在那邊像你自己的東西,是你自己珍惜的一些事物? 以前到現在? 叫做該來的總是要出現?

我聽說台北有新的聯絡人,所以他不是人? 那絕對不是我的東西,我好像看過,但是我不認識 !我媽最近他們在忙? 我很少叫人,都是叫只需要出現我的情況的人 ...叫做你 情海無上師的東西應該出現的? 最基本的???

你見一個恨一個大概 ...以前跟現在有什麼不一樣呢?


我叫她越南小尼姑,把你們找出來去列陣 ... 

你們有想過我在講個什麼? 我最近很多人登台 ...叫做我收集的全天下

你們不要弄到去輾到印度也要出現在這裡 ...他們應該就做他們請不動佛的狀態 ...少給我惹麻煩 ...他們其實就在隔壁耶 ....


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