
Move: Notebook, was about the girl finding her first love again. There is always some girls issue on this first love they ever met before ....however the relationship that someone has throughout their lifes.

 UB college Life - Undergraduate and Graduate Schools (SUNY Buffalo)

High school, to a lot of people, they are more important than in college life. For some facebook crowd.

But people like me, or Silas himself, we both making our own professional friends in our circle. Like Silas has his own professional writing editors friends in UB spectrum. I never look at his facebook, so I don't know a thing. I tell Silas, I went to APO, and CAC. 

But my professional works are with Dean, Bill and Patrick. They were in Honor Class Chemistry. At least that is what Silas will hear me saying that. He has to go and finding out if that is true, we were in the same class. Like me and Silas, or Seth.

I don't remember clear anything with Seth, but I told everyone, the things I remember about Seth. What the things he told me. College life does exist for me. I went to join the clubs, so I meeting friends to put them on my facebook. I just never had a time to go and studying them one by one. I have to make it in some school, or my discovery. 

High school, you mean prom?

So you went to UB, only in the big classroom like Wing, so you don't have a group of classmate you meet on the UB hallway? So the high school friends become your soul mate, and ever after life bind forces? No matter what?

So the high school is important to you. They went to their college to making their other friends circles back? or you mean in the same high school, those people talking behind you, to look like you are that flower wilt jokes?

I left Adam, so he will be the only one there to sit with his wing on it.

Because that is very small town, when you broke up, everyone talks about it. I have no family there, so I just pack, and leave. The Out-state tuition was too high. I need to get in-state tuition in UB, I thought that is what I want to do for my life. I look at the website, I transfer UB immediately. I didn't tell Adam, I just left.

I want a new life with college, so I make it to that college, UB.

Was I sad? Of course I was sad. The decision I make to join all the clubs, are to make my mind to take off that broke up things with him. And no matter what, I don't want sitting that home to thinking that problems. For my life, I need to get up. I have things I need to do.

Twlight are the movies on High school. I remember that much !!!

No, I never convince Tamang to come to our girls meeting. I told everyone that. He didn't come to see you girls. We were at Adria's house.

Do I know what that movies were saying?

The vampire groups, are parents like Dr. Gabriel?

But that looks like Sam Clafin, and Lalla.

The rest of people I don't really know them in the vampires groups. You don't want to sound like, that love and hate games, becomes a blood debts. From love turning towards the hate, he never responses to you, to become what you wish him to become, on this stand points of view.

Not really.

They both have parents, right, or family, somewhere? Meaning, they won't compromise that, if they are healthy to look at the monitor, to see what their future or present to become, if they stuck it with you. 


You cannot read mind, or I just reading the mind too loooong with this....

You cannot see them? You are guessing on your phone?

Why don't you tell your parents, to see what they say about this? Not waiting on the phone, start talking to Anna about that Vartan things? No, you are waiting them to come and handling all this talk with your parents, with Vartan, with me included....

Are you out of your mind? 

When they say divorcing you, or separate, they mean, get up and face that Vartan things, and maturely come and tell them what happened? 

You run to Taiwan to do things. That kind of back wing to feel doing that again with Chris?

Be at where, to seen whom? That drives I can see its a very dangerous nature. Through that TV. I am telling you. I didn't know why you are doing all that. But now, seeing these TV, I have my own conclusion.

I don't need to tell Chris. I didn't even tell Chris, what is saying in Sailor Moon. You can ask him. 

Sailor Jupiter, that is Bill's position. He is just happening to be in the military retired personel that time in our classroom. I suppose to lean on him a tiny bit. If I found out where he is, I will ask him what he thinks you all are doing with this.

No, I didn't read sailor moon. I have no times. We were only on the comets. The rest of the stories doesn't register in me.

You want to boss the guy, your high school guys, are that easy to be bossing at? 

My college those guys, they are nothing like Chris that nice to you. UB they are a little bit different kind of people, they don't do this sweet heart high school, seventeen.

Chris and you are doing martial art. That you crossing people, by those forces, are a dangerous nature. 

Chasez saying what to me?

Ancient Chasez? He says your palm like fortelling, in your hands controls ....life imprisonment.

無情徒刑 That is a very bad word saying. 

If there is you or him. 

If only if you can open your palm.....Let me seeing you, what's that secret, if really inside, have you or me. Open your heart ....

You thinking randomly again, one night, missing one more night.

You didn't solve the problems. This love feeling you really feel it? Maybe you really didn't know. He didn't really clearly understand....is that really love that important? If you don't know how you are good? How I never forget you are that good?

Evan is the one playing the guitar, next to Calvin in APO, Tim knows. The green in Hungary Resurrection.....
Even, not Eben.
Calvin....ask Tim. Tim told me that. I don't know what happen after...
 He would say strange things to me....I heard some of that. 
But no one knows that, at that time. Maybe you should ask your mom, to ask APO, whom to find Tim to say, what happen to Calvin.
or Kevin?
I think maybe his name is Kevin.
I think I told someone Tina might be a psycho too. Not sure....its all the TV having this red hair on top ....She does her music things in the video herself.
A real psycho !


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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....