
๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ City of Hope, CA & Roswell Park, NY (Girls on cooking, presenting, public speaking, cleaning the house, getting up on time, not drunky & wasted life til Noon waking up life? ) ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’

 Did I always say, ETR, they are teaching people to wake up early?

Its called "Early to Rise"?

City of Hope and Roswell Park, technically, they require the science people, or medical people to get in their application process. But I think they don't really care how hard working you all get, if you presenting yourself, with the digital era ideas, to photograph yourself, stand right, posture right, smell right, and learn your textbook with the basic science, and not ADD, and able to cooking a full desk of foods for other people to eat it, to clean ...and be modest to just be there for them, no matter what ....

You want to starting talking to City of Hope, or Roswell Park?

One is on the West coastline, one is on the East coastline?

When I talking to Simon, the first time I didn't get through

The second time I didn't get through

The third time AGT in California, I didn't get through ...then that is one full year talking to Simon Cowell 2014 full year through ....online, publicly, no shame doing that ....

I talking until the full world collapse, Simon still not talking through ....that is when you say, stop !  His Era time, just collapse ! Exactly just like the history says in Ancient China.

The Flag is changed?

๐Ÿ’ž Do you want to do something in your life, not just staring at your phone, and waiting? ๐Ÿ’ž

I know City of Hope or Roswell Park, they both aim very high. They are aiming at Craig, what he finds his true loves, that scenario. When will Craig be able to pick up a phone to call you that girl, through the Internet?

You want to design his showing up on the TV? Some girls got offended, just the way the guys shows up on the TV...in a certain color of clothes on?

I didn't know what Eben was saying in 2015. For 8 +1 long years I didn't know he exists....

๐Ÿ’ How do you get in between ETR Craig and his gf?๐Ÿ’

I would not get in between his gf, if I were you. But you can start to work with him, to become his associate, like the same level understanding? 

Like what do you do in life for works? Do you have a business, do you have a plan what you present yourself through what kinds of works, you are good at and passion to be in that field? 

Like my friend in high school KY, exchange student from Taiwan, she has a host family, that selling medial equipment in Lexington Kentucky. You don't need to work in City of Hope, you just earn so much money to be selling those medical equipments? Suppler, to see how close you can get near by this City of Hope, & Roswell Park, festivity?

Craig didn't say, he goes for the science girls at the moment. Its the TV, telling the City of Hope & Roswell Park to get on that case. Like Me and Eben. Craig can look at any digital platform current public speakers in the field, He and Mat and R guy. They travel Internationally speaking ...They do business everywhere. That is what I heard. So a lot of girls in those environment are every single day, asking them for the phone numbers, you ever imagine those things? starting 10 -15 years ago? 

Let me re-phrase that story again...

Me and City of Hope and Roswell Park has been on this Pinterest photo none stopping on this Jonathon and Dean's issues before one month ago. I went to tell them. So they got the information I was online telling them things, none stop. I have no ideas when they found out that W two Worlds with Dr. Shen in it, and Mushroom professor besides.

But about a month, we are on this UB things, I am back on my facebook. We go through several films saying this digital era stuffs. Roswell heard that, they like that. Sailor Moon the Silver Millenium stories Anna telling them.

So when the Conan air on my Anna's TV, besides all their people just gradually arriving in Taiwan, for CNN, whichever batches of them, everyone saw me, watching that Crimson Love Letter, I went to tell Roswell, you are on the TV.

When that happened, City of Hope, their ear dropping is near by.

A lot of other people are ear dropping....they were thinking exactly the same thing that Roswell are thinking. At least I know that. I didn't say anything. Once I finish watching that Conan Detective that day, I say, okay, City of Hope, you are there too. 

But none of us, has anything to do with that Craig.  Its the science field, we were behind, watching that same TV, and we conclude, that is what Anna says, City of Hope & Roswell, you are on the TV.

Do you want to get your head clear, what exactly happened here? 

Let me say that story a little bit different...

We, the science group people reviewing papers those crowd, sitting in the 5 Star Grand Hotel, carpet floor, watching big monitor screen at their lobby meeting room every single day. Just staring at it ....

City of Hope & Roswell, you are on the TV now. 

So we called them. Does this sound better?

Medical Board Top

... ... I am not on that Medical Board Top, they too sit in their 5 Star Grant Hotel Lobby Meeting room with the carpet floor.

Do you want to go to their committee board, make it, know it, become them ? They use big wide screen every single day, watching that TV none stop with the air-con?

When you don't try to become the face card, you live in the 5 Star Grant hotel, to become one of them?

No, I am not MD. Jonathon, they are the MD from my school honor class, that's why we are talking about things. You got mix up. I am not at that Medical Board Top. I most time just joking with them, if they make me doing all that ever again ...

Digital Guru - Eben Pagan ( America )

Early To Rise - Craig Ballantyne ( Canada )

No, Eben and Craig are not exactly the same things. Do you at least finding out what do they write in their newsletter? Like, do you like their personal touch of the newsletter? Do you like their information products? 

Do you visit their website, do you visit their social media?

Have you seen them in the past conference meeting? What do they do exactly in business? Do you see what kind of girls going in to see them, at the conference room?

You know, Eben and Craig, they have a lot of networks people in different places. To finding guys for you all girls to go on Beauty Pageant, even Washington D.C will have people watching you all doing, whatever you all plan in your minds to do ....

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....