
Good morning ! Its a Christmas Day ! 12/25/2021 聖誕節快樂 !

 Mahavatar Babaji: Good morning, everyone. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. Ho ho ho ....

You have something speech to say?

Mahavatar Babaji: Here I behold the truth that ...self evidence.

You mean Tamang's Bills Rights?

Mahavatar Babaji: About right. 

He Stephen Tamang's line: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Mahavatar Babaji: Correct, that one.

What about it?

Mahavatar Babaji: Do they know he says that?

Yeah, he says that. I told everyone around, except his parents or brother, or Annie(?)

Mahavatar Babaji: Well, you can tell them that, NOW!

Right, he either tells me to memorize, or he just saying it because he knows so.

Mahavatar Babaji: How to be a quality person, its to recite the declaration of Indepedence.....

Yeah ! 

Mahavatar Babaji: And the money?

I don't have any money!

Mahavatar Babaji: That is the problem!

Got you!

Mahavatar Babaji:  Where are 小鬼小和尚~高年級包括

Probably at their temple home.

Mahavatar Babaji:  Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday !

Do you want to speak in Chinese. 

Mahavatar Babaji: 聖誕節快樂 ! 新年快樂~年年節節快樂 !!!

 I didn't do that. 我沒有那樣做~網站自己出了問題 ...你們記得要說謝謝巴巴基,知道沒?






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