

 中學放棄因為我執,受傷,失去 MVP 頭銜、種種因素

從 Johnson 20 世紀雜誌變成 Johnson Johnson baby oil

這你們聽的懂嗎?挫學之後就沒有了 …你們給予她金錢、祝福、牙齒的金錢修正、有才藝、有點樣貌、有點體面、有徒弟、有鉅額錢、有房子、有資產 …你們有沒有問她,她放棄是吧?


她很喜歡反抗很多東西我說的!我過吹風曬雨的日子叫做當年 2014 …. 就是她徒弟一手造成的 ….

So the conclusion above, it’s how she transform?
Oh ~~
Is that a description without the conclusion ?

The second video was last one to upload.”we are the same?”
Oh ~~ one of those tarted cloth makes the look, you don’t remember. You don’t like ….
I actually never changed.


I say I look like I was before, elementary, middle school, high school college, if you insist talking about “friends”
I was just like I am right now.

Movie: Wrath of Man (2021)
April 29
Wrath of Man: The father and son movie
Red (Bruce William): The father daughter movie.

Da Vinci sacred text April 30 = uttermess darkness 
What do I want to make of this?
Your father has a son?

Dr Steven this life has a disciple, he is so busy looking …
Do you want to help your father to …??
Or this is another Nominji his stuffs are not your stuffs to help?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....