
花千骨的蕭笙莫 ( 3 Esteems in Flower Thousand Bones ) Birds says: China him....

 You all just take it now, the birds knows everything they are telling you are correct on the paper?

They suppose to be correct, without asking you whom is on the left side of the video on the thrones?

Do you experiment, a big wide open TV moniter, to where the wild life will ever get close by and staring at that monitor, to tell you, they all sitting there watching the Television?

You want to explain this video, how do they come about?

你們不覺得你們實驗鳥群的時候,在大自然就擺著一個巨大螢幕放著這些影片,看他們會不會就坐在那邊盯著電視看... 叫做你們在覺得,他們知道什麼呢? 

就一起坐在那邊看電視 ? 叫做所有生態物種大家一起看?

所以才會有這種影片叫做他們知道你們在看什麼? 因為習近平就應該知道,他自己就坐在左邊的?

你們覺得像嗎 ? 所以鳥是自己認為,還是聽我安那在後面講~ 我在我的房間裡面講 ?

你們是說誰做間諜嗎 ? 我的房間的門都是打開的 ...叫做白天 ...沒有紗窗

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....