
Mathrew McConaughtey (Greenlight, book)

 Do you actually know the curse light in Harry Potter is?


Your book is light? It looks like a hard binder?

Is that Right?

When you looking at the painting like whichever direction Simon or Keanu's 26 ....because to me, I didn't read, whose painting was that girl I called her the 26.

If they line up the entire collections of the Da Vinci Painting, Mathrew, you just looking at them, to see One Photo Ancietnt Chasez photo? That girl is looking at East?

So you define right and left, from the painting inside that girl persepective or your perspective.

The direction of Sun down, of Sun rise?

3 or 9 direction?

Right or Left? 

If you are inside the painting, you turn right, that is 26 painting.

If you are inside the painting, you turn left, that is 2 painting, one is color, and one is not in color ....

Got it?

Journal is a Diary? I know what is a Diary....you writing things in there.

With....that is a pen, or a querl ?

Never with a shotgun, whatever that means ....Its just a paper, it will not go to anything, if you put a shot gun on it. 

Do you want to just use a siccsor? That is your face?

That is a circle roughly?  

How many circles can that be on there, anyway....

That looks like  777.... 

He is not greenlight to go.....

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