
⭐️⭐️ There are birds people coming in? 有沒鳥的專家來呀 ? 你們台灣餵食物給鳥嗎 ? 我沒有需要吃很多東西~給他們沒關係 ! ⭐️⭐️

 Do you the experts coming to see the birds?

From the roof or from the camera?

The roof are taken over by other people?

How do you like Taipei? They are expensive to purchase the property here, but its not as expensive as America paying the property tax. 

There metro lines are fairly new in Taipei.

There are different places to shop.

Like I told you, the main center of this Taipei more safe places, are around here.

Most people cannot afford to come in, so they go to outside vincinity, like those Art school YouTubers.

They just only can afford there. The stay close to that Taipei Station.

The side on that side, toward the left, they are not all that safe as where I am in this Egypt side.

These area are being developed. Once you move out of here, you never buy it back. My grand parents have the property here with all the relative used to living here.

No, I don't venture all those places, by myself. If I have to go there....like 板橋 you will see they selling all lines up bagels, within that Global Mall?

I check those stores inside the mall, just above the Metro.

Because of the Purna issue. I went to that entire floor or around, just wipe clean everything I see there....

I hope you like the weather here, for the Winter here, its much mild all around here.

We rain here, you need the umbrella.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....