
Indian Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism 印度佛教或是中國佛教 ( Come here for a second, 來一下 )

 Hi ~ do I know there is an Indian Buddhism, are you still existing, not just Indian Hinduism I think its on the table? 


If this ET things turns out to be religious, I regent is Buddhism, I know there is a name on the 3 Esteen, but I regent technically represent is Sariputra Top, that is Buddhism.

如果這些 ET 最後走宗教路線 ~我其實是攝政佛教,我知道花千骨有三尊但事我基本上,是舍利弗之上,那個佛教~叫做印度佛教對吧 !

Do you realize ET might be religous?

你們有沒有覺得 ET 可能宗教化?

How do you look in the recent years now? Old, dead, ready to die? I become the One?

你們現在這幾年長的什麼樣子? 老了、死了、準備死了,所以我變成 The One?

 Technically you don't watch the movie? There is a religious riot, in Contact Movie 1997, that one ship got exploded. Do you know what "Contact" means?

 基本上你們不能看電影? 知道有一個宗教化的急進份子,是 1997 Contact 電影,有一個 base 被炸掉了! 你們知不知道什麼是 " Contact" 這個字的定義? 

 Do you ever think of the Honorable Superior's name?

你們有沒有想過我尊上的名字 ?

Are you going to prepare yourself in days, in months, in years in America?


Do you watch Sailor Moon, I said I said I said what is the Greek Mythology, the Age of Gold, Silver, Brozone ....?

你們有沒有看美少女戰士我講希臘的神話關於有一種希臘的故事,講世界 金、銀 ...那個??

Don't you think me and Eben looks a bit like that, do you do the comparison to fine details? and? I am in a hurry, right now...

所以你們有沒有覺得我跟埃本長的有點像,如果你們做比較沒有到仔細的點? 然後呢? 我現在有點需要動作化,叫做現在馬上 ...

I never gonna thought we will really arrive to this point ...

我從來沒有想過我現在會在這種情況之上 ...

Do you ever try to locate the other 4 people?


Just in case?


Do you want to practice your mind, the body, the speech, like how to open your mouth and talk like you have IQ?


Can you actually 精進 everyday?

你們可不可以每一天精進 ?

I mean your eloquent?

我說你們應對的口才 ?

ET lies all the way...

ET 撒謊撒的滿天家的 ...

Do you ever think I was shameless enough, to say I regent the Buddhism, ever since you met me, know me, see me on the phote?


Do you ever think of the other 4 religions, right now, we are running 3 years since 2018 on Flower Thousand Bones officially?

你們有沒有覺得其他四個宗教,現在馬上,我們已經跑了三年這個花千骨自從 2018 公證的跑花千骨?

Meaning, do you know its 3 years?


Meaming, there is only one Buddhism?

意思就是現在只有佛教嗎 ?

Do you have a ocmpassionate heart, telling you to go and help to find the rest of the 4?


You know one more month, it will be 4 full years. That is very bad hearing, from 3 to 4 years, i am on this Internet Public space typing. When you finding out the 4, they need to immediately taken over the microphone on the Internet, you think its possible?

你們知道在一個月就四年了 ! 四個整年 !這是一個非常糟糕的講法從三變成四年,我在網路上公眾平台打了四年的的東西! 如果你們找到其他四個人,他們需要馬上開始把麥克風拿起來網路 ! 你們覺得有可能嗎 ?

Do you hear me saying anything about the Digital Era?




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