
The entire world population is very very high compare to 100 years ago. Do you realize the education only implement when?

People living age, like morality its all different, look at Yogananda? 

You read a lot of books, what the ancient were, a lot of those are not exactly you could see and feel, okay?

A lot of those are just barbarian world. Things given you to read, its hoping you will grow heighten your intellectual part to quest something more than life. To improve your hygienic, to encourage you for stepping out, like a public stage.

You never hold a microphone then, next you go on a wedding to speech 5 mins. 

Education is very important

People don't know a lot of things, they tend to guess it. They fear, they touch, they just burn on fire, and run away ! They panic in their look and shrink in the dark corner.You really like those things?

Do you like when someone looks like somebody, and tell you, "No, I am not feeling well today"

They mean it, he really not feeling well today, Steve Jobs.

You understand?

They cannot take the pressure, things given them, they just shrink inside their eyes sight, too much things all pulling them in different direction. You imagine every world has a support, that is not necessary.

You generate an atmosphere for people so they more actively to "talk loud" "talk back" "Talk clear" to go and make money, including, how to be resourceful and face the reality how you become one of the few among that world.

America has that world exists. People skills not you imagine, everyone is those....UB people I met...them, where my rescue never arrive, those types.

For 50 years to arrive 1999. its very very impressive, how much education the entire world, has to high school?

That means a lot of educator are putting into the places in every country, that they delicate on that. 

You start with language, with English, with math, with science, with law, with economic, with public health.

Basic thing, in different norm.

Me, happened to be stepping in the spiritual world, that means cooking ! 

Zen they do those or Buddhism they doing all that. Its a basic human things you carry that to the highest degree. But you all just hate it. You better eat it.


🍁🍂🍒 So everyone of people could do education, I will tell you, its better you try ....🍁🍂🍒

Its not a big deal you don't....but its probably better you do that. 

Not reading novels....especially, for whatever reason you believe me annihilate the every world, but some day, somewhere....some unknown reasons, you will lose things you never imagine, if you just do those....I know what you plan to do to say 411....at all. 🍁🍂🍒

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