
๐Ÿคง๐Ÿคง๐Ÿคง๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…⛱⛱⛱⛱๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€ Eben + Craig, no. They are just small tiny business people. Their worlds only that big really.

It’s not big deal what they do don’t do. They are not gigantic. You imagine people care about what they do, not really. They are just like someone else’s kids.

They lives in a world that big only, okay ? That much of a big deal. 

Their moments of life is their head space. They don’t do things on purpose, not that I see of why significant all that much. They are nice people, had a situation where we are all arrive here now. Just talking and associating …others life. It’s what they sign up for. 

Everyone situation are all at different stage, like my UB friends. Some is looking for a job, some is thinking that, something is arrange this and try that …life meant you see different ways doing something.

That something that you just have to be practical. So we move the situation to where it ought to be or might be. 

But if you asking if other want them dead, I heard yes. 

My mother … I say that already, she acts, so she delivers that. She thinks it’s very funny and outweigh people what she could do or done here there behind and all that. But the truth is, I am saying to you when the bad people, short, losing memory by karmic badness, they die quick. They get to that stage, they laugh and they drop dead. 

Someone has to regulating that …she does on purpose my fathers life. I know.

One day, that stopped. And she was made into this, when she could, she can deliver a stronger sense of thar jobs. It does hurt my head, but after me, she will deliver great. She knows that’s a born great jobs. You don’t find out like that…. Asian her type has so many ways to say fashion. 

Her winning whimp it’s to stay fit for the kids and the rest people see her importance. No one wants to see their parents weaken, or on the moment like thus, making what she used to do a very disastrous outcome. I don’t say building my confidence, but that’s the way how it has to handle it, she cannot fail the age, or the current time the war going on.

She equips something, to some degree, it’s a confident that’s what she is going to delivered. 

I just lay down and rest, it hurts the head, yes. But she doesn’t care but herself only, unlimited shoes. She does ๅˆบ็นก 


That’s her dream, she says everyone has a dream and no one needs to deliver that, it’s just a dream.

She does for a long time how she was all great performing arts. I just couldn’t really say much. 

You are not that important to say why your parents needs to be regulate to did that bad to hurt your head, you speaking too small language! 

They die out early if you don’t build that confidence in them, you imagine people stay. They lost their friends too much, for sure you never be MD no matter what, money issues, position where they are issues, sometimes they die in cancer, or something unknown. If I experience something, I just tell you that. Morality you are putting against the time. None of you really care them, it’s how much you take their life force away. They are getting old okay? Age to some people it’s kicks in. They need exit, not this whole world smoke up with a very clear message sent to them. Never this I number 1, they hell forever, meaning no level in against anything to prove it, they have 2 cents whimp too ! They wish to try…just…not reachable !

Your parents are not hate enough, okay? They do high science pushing methods, you know what that is?

They are getting old, you didn’t break their cell wall mad, thar kind, internal wake up those madness. They sleep. That metabolism until I get there, I won’t find out.

Sometimes karma, sometimes it’s really a life force. Okay? If you don’t force your parents to stay awake now, they don’t stay clear, in motion.

Like how to deliver by few seconds by instruction. 

That response you don’t move them conscious, they fall back to sleep. 

You probably really wish your parents dead, okay? 

I just be honest to you. If you are being secure, you get rid of them that choice present to you. You give a better parent to your sibling. To hope they grow, your sibling needed to grow out of their wound slow by time. Not everyone wants to grow up, but the parents keep there, they will always keep an option on the end, they kill it with their own hands. For some degree, you just knew that’s the best thing, not for you take, it’s for your sibling …that time is not here yet, they have to keep going til things more smooth. You have to understand not everyone like you to be one person rule. 

It’s not all me great. It’s just the way that has to be.

People have a bad tendency

It’s all true. 

There is not much to improve. But you give room, so something will come in time, that’s the best, it stays temporary like this. 

It’s my head or your head getting injuries anyway. It’s just…you put up, that’s how it is.

I don’t know where Eben is… probably with his friend.

I didn’t say anything why people cannot get a life. 

Everyone wants that money get rich quick style life, they are just UB, needs money says on front.

They are overweight. Some keep shape, everyone hate each other, no one willing to give anyone room, it’s all blame, all thorn, all self-proclaiming monents.

They already knew whom those name before … that’s the world in large, when you put the argument in it. Some never speak to each other ever again, what you gonna do? Let them falls?

It’s always my things falls, yeah !! Like my facebook? At least they stare at their each other photo next by if all these don’t work out.

It’s just things get turn and rough. It’s all whom gonna get blame. Sit, put things in your mouth. Shut up.

No, they just separate their ways, probably doing their own things, and making new other friends. When you get too many these, if you met whom all argumentative on edge everywhere you turn, one day you will realize it’s you yourself is the problem, you feel it from every friends you met. 

I go to sleep. 

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