
※§※§※§ They say, you all need to figure it out, as MD, how to save yourself, including your parents. MD or not. But I thought I can still tell your parents, how I will do it, along to tell Dr. T?

 To calm everybody down, except you 7 or more people listening as MD, how to save yourself as if, it is your case?

So, do you talk to your parents about the situaiton now, have they reading the situation now?

Are they willing to let's say, right now, you don't read the post how I explain how to save you all, but only your parents to know, your medical profession top to know, CDC to know, liscensing place to know, Dr. T and his wife to know, or even some other Congress people if Washing DC knows about it?

就是你們跟你們爸媽說了沒有,安那要怎麼拯救你們~但是你們不能看! 只能你們父母親看,就是安心一下 跟很多其他人可以安心一點 !

Now I will describe the methods how to save you all on that map with other people.

Me Anna right now is on the regent situation with Buddhism. Because there is unpending issues with Purna, Full of kindness, on Victoria Secrets. No one knows what is my background is. The rumor of Shakymuni Buddha is dead enter the Nirvana.

So you don't really know any of my pending status of positions, because there is no face on the camera, to tell you exactly what I am.


Now, I will tell you, as we enter a New Age, there is something you read about me saying Digital Era.

Like Eben and Me. He is Digital products marketing guru, and I am a librarian.

Have you go to my Pinterest profile to see China Expo, their Pavilion looks like?



Right now the technology is booming very very fast.

And as you know of the Silicoin Valley is the leading experts, to provide platform with Steve Jobs and Bills Gates in the 90s started.

This Digital Era will evolve everyone get online with a photo.

Now, there is a new rise of career is called YouTuber.

These youtuber in order to make it their subscriber, they will go far beyond sillyest things to the fullest to exaggerating themselves to get the ads money, per week click on those ads, you sometimes see on Youtube.

Taiwan YouTubeㄋ,

Adam and Hailey, you just type Hailey, you will see.


They are much younger, just close to graduate from college, and no name collage, both Adam and Hailey's parent, both father are doctors, one is foot doctor, one is plastic surgeon.

Both of Adam and Hailey have friends of American white people, and they are delaying of their academia study, in order to stay in Taiwan, eat, drink, lazy, to make exaggerating film. 

Their friends...you imagine, put next to their photo, will be like all your face with a credential of MD paper, next to me Anna.

Face to face, I show you how Paviilion technology can do.

Because of the position of me, Anna, they have this collection of video, words, english, chinese articles I written about, to post on the walls, and everything to recordings as the comparison with other speakers.

Compare to other speakers

Compare to other speakers

Compare to other speakers.

including gossipe, Anna I take all the photo with the guys in Star nature. To say about movies. 

In the real world of education, you are all did above College, you enter something called Professional School, make it, make it Intern, make it to the doctor offices. Your academic achievement is very high, for that the only reason you can just tell them why you should stay alive, its that piece of MD paper. You earn it.

No, you don't need to say about movie is real or not real, we do beauty pageant.

But in support of these photo effects, which you cannot see in the Pavilioon on someone's wall, the friends face will be compared.

Anna don't just have MD friends, she has more than those facebook friend, each and everyone, including 5 Lords.

So to say, Buddhism Top, Me Anna Top if one day, friends associate, is compare to Morman, the Utah base religion like Adam and Hailey, You understand, all their friends might be on drugs, on alcohol, on porn, on smoking, and one day in 16 years, they will get very very fat?

Morman is not really some religion, but a cult of something very small, compare to Buddhism.

Buddhism is one of the 5 major religion, you define that difference of resource, talents, associates, in that degree, how much you don't know which being compare behind.

Its 5 Major Religion top leadership.

All my writing, creating of web format, its the first handed information directly hand out to them, whom review that process, so of course, the MD friends groups are good to stay. Its for the Leadership comparison ,and beauty pageant.

知道怎麼救了嗎 ?

How to move Wing away from that place,

Wing, 的爸媽在嗎?

Vanderbelt actuallly is a school CNN Anderson Cooper is at.

You just tell him Devil Wear Prada, has a girl looks like your CNN Journalist, called Jackqullin, she used to come to SMTV for climate change, if she wants to see my friends climate change video, she works for SMTV too.

Anna wants you Anderson Cooper to know that movie character in my case Wing, its big circle on the map of America, I wish to be transfer somewhere else for this movie Big Hero 6. If you can use some of your connection. Anna says, to tell you all that, is sufficient, you may or may not helping me. Anna says, her mother says about your mother, used to be in a very wealthy family, and later for you to come to this university. That is what she says to me. She heard rumors and just happened I am being place at your school, if you want to hear more why the movies turn close on us, small groups of MD, you can interviews all of us, Anna says. She says you better get your first hands information FAST.

聽懂了嗎 ? 應該不會很難 ! 

Wing 的爸媽看的懂英文嗎 ?我在講比照片的問題

你們是相信基督教的? 我是相信大地之氣源於古的那種

你們見過我的所有網頁沒有? 這是我的所有網頁的 URL: https://www.blogger.com/profile/11039819359160256733

2010 中國上海世博就是我在講的事情關於科技

我的網頁有中文在上面簡要的講過去,就是我跟 Wing 其他人是說因為所有人的臉都在電視上面,除了我安那沒有臉 ! 就是我的所有朋友的臉 


有一個滿慈子叫做清海無上師在 Victoria Secret 叫做 Winter Song 2018 or 2019

她摔倒了~後面出現的一個 ! 有背景的

通常講釋迦摩尼佛是說他進入 Nirvana 所以哪來的人呢?


 在五大宗教的比較宗教領袖者的時候 ,會把朋友的臉照片,做過什麼事情擺在旁邊比較 ! 

最近紅的網路職業叫做 Youtuber

有一個 Adam and Hailey 他們延畢所以在那邊台灣,吃、喝、拉、撒、睡,以為人生就只要靠著一張臉就可以賣人的生命做職業跟自己的學業做賭博 ! 你們可能不知道到底有多嚴重~人們只想做 Face card.

所以比較朋友之下~我旁邊全部都是 MD 還有五教主

因為當初我結識的很多都是白種人 ~是因為認識在臉書上面的

Adam and Hailey 他們是魔門的 ~ 那個其實不是宗教 ~叫做 cult or small 

世界上最重要的宗教體系叫做五大宗教!比的就是你們呀 ! 

至於要怎麼把 Wing 弄開~就去找一個 CNN 記者 ~叫做 Anderson cooper

他以前在那邊上學的所以我跟 Wing 說了一些怎麼辦的情況 ~ 叫做用我的影片跟關係想辦法詪 CNN 溝通上 

就這麼簡單 ~ 

人應該要知道朋友跟學業是很重要~他們現在是在賺錢 但是 ~你們知道未來嗎 ? 臉這種東西叫做瞬間的變法~ 人們做 youtuber 是一種玩弄的心態 ! 


他們的爸爸都是醫生 ! 

所以你們也是可以溝通的 ! 

我希望你們知道我講的很多意思! 不是小錢小意~他們應該是有賺的不錯才會繼續怎麼誇張的做事情~在台灣 ! 但是佛教跟摩門教其實根本不一樣 ! 我希望你知道中國是用哪種科技來收集


Zen Master 他們煮菜

跟我曾經說個所有事情 ~~~ 叫做我在線上辦公的關係

現在因為身分沒有~所以只有你們有照片 ,但是也許未來安那會有身分的~之後你們在想去死也應該沒有那麼多關係~不是嗎 ?

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