
And, if you finish establish your own movie account, can someone please use brain, to establish the Bible account? The revelation, I speak about? Because people believe Bible, not the movie. You all are not the important. Bible is important.

 Understand? I am important if I am in the Bible. I speak of the description line yet, in the Lamb and the scroll? or the other is the little???? 

I teach you a new song, so can you go to KY getting a madrigcal class to hear them sing, right....the technique?

Can you understand my technique? Or its everything I have to boss the State Medical them, to do every job, because none of you, knowing anything they meant to say, hear a word I sing say?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....