
Can I describe to you about Zawanna ( or later Kail?)


You have no ideas how many things I did or records the video. From my experience the real guy, train, as a real rulership in another world is nothing like this world.

You don’t know what you are doing.

And their age might be very different from us. Their culture different, their greeting is different, they sarcastic different, they make negotiations different. Some has magic realm …and they are forever young.

Do you really know the subject if going through water portal, that’s not the sky, going out to the space?

With a space shuttle, UFO?

You don’t confront that task, but I am.

Do you tell your parents about your maturity with all these things? You have to keep CDC update every claim I have doing like a report formats because I am someone near you, that has no face on the screen.

Do you help CDC to go to Facebook 16 years ago?

Someone like me an immigrat has so much you white people friends and you check everyone on movies or you ready to ask me one by one?

Babaji I cannot prove you, that’s just a TV, but 5 Lords? Are you sure they happy you investigate them on my part? Any consideration factor ? So what you suppose to be doing ?

You are a professional doctor. 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....