
Eben Pagan, and Commander-in-Chef

You are saying the ETR Craig Ballantyne that stuffs right?

With Masterson.

I actually don't know anything about that degree of them.

Eben I know he is around. They?

The later part of the Optimistic-out-put groups, I think its Eben told them he had May 2021, whatever he creates a story with Lalla to tell me Jay, Abraham.

I told them in that 3 days something about Babaji and Me.

Someone Foul ! 

Facebook Write-up

What was it, Commander-in-Chef?
Eben Pagan....me talking niches?
oh ....that?
no...there is no such things called Music, Commander-in-Chef.
Do you even know that words what is 3 letters combines?
You just say Commander.
When you groups large enough enough enough huge groups of the mliitary experty, to almost....very Top, you say that 3 letters words.
Not really saying a niche, you getting 5...that is very important already.
There is no such things Music, Commander-in-Chef

No, when I write that up? No, not about Bible. I cannot read Bible. I told SMCH warning, but that was it. I finish the title of those saying, i forget about it the Bible.
What was I doing?
Anyway, it must be one of those days, I have mood to create the websites, so I just finding something that no one ever thinks what that is.
We were not on Eben.
We were not on Niches.
Right now, if I am telling you a story about Eben, they...his other friends...their profession are marketing solicitation.
Military within they can just train someone to look like Eben Pagan, doing their own run of operation speech on stage to looks like another Earth Prince for Sailor Moon.
But this morning, when I tell you about the niches....I am trying to tell you, when you define that Marketing department "on-line", you need to specify what you do to tell Eben Pagan, or ETR Craig Ballantyne, because they narrow down very very specifically, a lot of public are drowsy minded...they cannot organize their monthly pay bills...so if you just random your niches, like no brainer, you are one of those common people, doing procrastination....
oh ~~~ now I am reading...that is SiteSell!!!
Prince Harry.
Right....it was Sitesell. 
oh no, most Commanders....
Why even goes far to "Commander-in-Chef"
They manner themselves to go greet England Queen Majestry....yeah, those things they do.
They talk like you can hear them to discipline a groups of people, or leading people, its a basic things, you saying they are commander. Mesmorizing personality, to get things done, or get rid of people...those stuffs.
Shameless things they do in front of the groups of new freshman?
Orientation few days, I disappear....
I am busy.....
I take ADD to Taipei subway station Y Area, to investigate that entire map location, they have a label...Reonance Tool....that is Music intended....
no, no military
No, not Eben yet.
I was talking to Eben yet? I don't remember.
Eben was not anywhere, you want to say Craig again? Why don't you just tell Eben, to forward all this to Masterson, and you go there sitting in front of him Masterson, what I anna says, all this, Eben was doing what behind?
I don't really know Eben that time.
I am flooding that Y area of shopping mall, the entire floor ground...to be flood things out.....That is my real jobs to do
Not singing....what....
or hostile to military scientists...the 5 Star Hotel Grand carpets paper review committee, I go there with bags products to show off, saying I am the flower vase on the wall. I don't really catch up their Nature Magazine or the scientific works.
My works are more outside, investigating, all these structure, and I will tell them. I took everyone whom goes with it. That including ADD.
💖💝💞 Right, everything you never think you would ever do..... 💖💝💞
oh, there were so many things they put it on the wall, including Eben his groups of those......舞台少女
So I go right there, sit there, be psycho.
Sing a song.
The structure didn't fall off....They across, are selling those roaches smell things....dry....cotton ball?
You have other better ways doing this? No one cares anyway....
Of course, there are other things I do, before me and Eben get together...if I knew he get near, I probably won't do all those stuffs....
There is COVID 19 and there is Little kid little monk death wish

So COVID 19, I tell them, we switch things....7 airplane on their embassy...I am the commander? You know I seize that power 8 years ago....i never stop doing these saying things. So I have no more money.
Its very expensive, per country 7 military airplane or....those military jet? yeah....on landing their own embassy....how great could that every be like 5 Lake Region with F for Bio chem 403 professor?
Its a F all the way to UT.
Queeney Highway....
One of those things, only commanders do....

Its so ....expensive...I didn't check the price before I verbalize out. But Simon annual salary on one show was about 35 millions, so 2 years one airplane ....I make too much money, I think.
So I just tell them to deducted it out anyway.
So I have no more money....
You know, one pilot, doing one airplane...dropping, or sliding in the building....to look great behind, or front, or partial...One pilot....7 times landing, that is not a lot, you know? For real !!! Everyone knows that.
But it costs too much!

There is a lot of things, I teach those little kid little monks.....In Chinese, so gradually, that is when they know they have so many father?
Whatever they decide later, Eben would be the one.....that is how that evolving....those kid they are so small, the more photo the merry they become....
💖💝💞 You were saying the commander-in-chef, on Eben Pagan, or on ETR, Craig Ballantyne?
Eben they....suppose to be like their Orientation table guests speakers.
They still do those guest speakers. But I am sure they just find someone similar to Eben, there is only one Eben. 💖💝💞
One ETR, one Masterson ....you imagine they pay more?
Does military commander pay more than the football coaches?
 💖💝💞 If you could stop dreaming, to actually get your life together.....that is probably most normal human does, the most normal things. I say MASTERSON!!!!!
 I normally shouldn't imply you ....
  Masterson he teaches copy writing?

 Do you ever been to any seminar ground?
Church Sunday Stage to wear formal cloth to sing, on that microphone?
You have a priest, but there is a singer, next by.
That priest he is the main role on that stage?
Simon in the video on Youtube telling you, its the most difficult things its to get your stuffs put right in front of him.
He says that.

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